public IQueueBrowser CreateBrowser(IQueue queue, string selector) { if (queue == null) { throw new InvalidDestinationException("Cannot create a Consumer with a Null destination"); } ActiveMQDestination dest = ActiveMQDestination.Transform(queue); QueueBrowser browser = null; try { browser = new QueueBrowser(this, GetNextConsumerId(), dest, selector, this.DispatchAsync); } catch (Exception) { if (browser != null) { browser.Close(); } throw; } return(browser); }
public IMessageProducer CreateProducer(IDestination destination) { MessageProducer producer = null; try { ActiveMQDestination dest = null; if (destination != null) { dest = ActiveMQDestination.Transform(destination); } producer = DoCreateMessageProducer(GetNextProducerId(), dest); producer.ProducerTransformer = this.ProducerTransformer; this.AddProducer(producer); this.Connection.Oneway(producer.ProducerInfo); } catch (Exception) { if (producer != null) { this.RemoveProducer(producer.ProducerId); producer.Close(); } throw; } return(producer); }
public async Task <IMessageProducer> CreateProducerAsync(IDestination destination) { MessageProducer producer = null; try { ActiveMQDestination dest = null; if (destination != null) { dest = ActiveMQDestination.Transform(destination); } producer = DoCreateMessageProducer(GetNextProducerId(), dest); producer.ProducerTransformer = this.ProducerTransformer; this.AddProducer(producer); await this.Connection.SyncRequestAsync(producer.ProducerInfo).Await(); } catch (Exception) { if (producer != null) { this.RemoveProducer(producer.ProducerId); } throw; } return(producer); }
protected virtual ProducerInfo CreateProducerInfo(IDestination destination) { ProducerInfo answer = new ProducerInfo(); ProducerId id = new ProducerId(); id.ConnectionId = info.SessionId.ConnectionId; id.SessionId = info.SessionId.Value; lock (this) { id.Value = ++producerCounter; } answer.ProducerId = id; answer.Destination = ActiveMQDestination.Transform(destination); answer.Destination = ActiveMQDestination.Transform(destination); // If the destination contained a URI query, then use it to set public // properties on the ProducerInfo ActiveMQDestination amqDestination = destination as ActiveMQDestination; if (amqDestination != null && amqDestination.Options != null) { Util.URISupport.SetProperties(answer, amqDestination.Options, "producer."); } return(answer); }
protected virtual ConsumerInfo CreateConsumerInfo(IDestination destination, string selector) { ConsumerInfo answer = new ConsumerInfo(); ConsumerId id = new ConsumerId(); id.ConnectionId = info.SessionId.ConnectionId; id.SessionId = info.SessionId.Value; lock (this) { id.Value = ++consumerCounter; } answer.ConsumerId = id; answer.Destination = ActiveMQDestination.Transform(destination); answer.Selector = selector; answer.PrefetchSize = prefetchSize; answer.Priority = priority; answer.Exclusive = exclusive; answer.DispatchAsync = dispatchAsync; answer.Retroactive = retroactive; // If the destination contained a URI query, then use it to set public properties // on the ConsumerInfo ActiveMQDestination amqDestination = destination as ActiveMQDestination; if (amqDestination != null && amqDestination.Options != null) { Util.URISupport.SetProperties(answer, amqDestination.Options, "consumer."); } return(answer); }
public IMessageConsumer CreateConsumer(IDestination destination, string selector, bool noLocal) { if (destination == null) { throw new InvalidDestinationException("Cannot create a Consumer with a Null destination"); } ActiveMQDestination dest = ActiveMQDestination.Transform(destination); int prefetchSize = this.Connection.PrefetchPolicy.DurableTopicPrefetch; if (dest.IsTopic) { prefetchSize = this.connection.PrefetchPolicy.TopicPrefetch; } else if (dest.IsQueue) { prefetchSize = this.connection.PrefetchPolicy.QueuePrefetch; } MessageConsumer consumer = null; try { consumer = DoCreateMessageConsumer(GetNextConsumerId(), dest, null, selector, prefetchSize, this.connection.PrefetchPolicy.MaximumPendingMessageLimit, noLocal); consumer.ConsumerTransformer = this.ConsumerTransformer; this.AddConsumer(consumer); this.Connection.SyncRequest(consumer.ConsumerInfo); if (this.Connection.IsStarted) { consumer.Start(); } } catch (Exception) { if (consumer != null) { this.RemoveConsumer(consumer); consumer.Close(); } throw; } return(consumer); }
public IMessageConsumer CreateDurableConsumer(ITopic destination, string name, string selector, bool noLocal) { if (destination == null) { throw new InvalidDestinationException("Cannot create a Consumer with a Null destination"); } if (IsIndividualAcknowledge) { throw new NMSException("Cannot create a durable consumer for a session that is using " + "Individual Acknowledgement mode."); } ActiveMQDestination dest = ActiveMQDestination.Transform(destination); MessageConsumer consumer = null; try { consumer = DoCreateMessageConsumer(GetNextConsumerId(), dest, name, selector, this.connection.PrefetchPolicy.DurableTopicPrefetch, this.connection.PrefetchPolicy.MaximumPendingMessageLimit, noLocal); consumer.ConsumerTransformer = this.ConsumerTransformer; this.AddConsumer(consumer); this.Connection.SyncRequest(consumer.ConsumerInfo); if (this.Connection.IsStarted) { consumer.Start(); } } catch (Exception) { if (consumer != null) { this.RemoveConsumer(consumer); consumer.Close(); } throw; } return(consumer); }
public void Send(IDestination destination, IMessage message, bool persistent, byte priority, TimeSpan timeToLive, bool specifiedTimeToLive) { ActiveMQMessage activeMessage = (ActiveMQMessage)message; if (!disableMessageID) { MessageId id = new MessageId(); id.ProducerId = info.ProducerId; lock (this) { id.ProducerSequenceId = ++messageCounter; } activeMessage.MessageId = id; } if (!disableMessageTimestamp && specifiedTimeToLive) { Console.WriteLine(">>> sending message with Timestamp: " + activeMessage.Timestamp + " and timeToLive: " + timeToLive); activeMessage.Timestamp = ActiveMQ.Util.DateUtils.ToJavaTime(DateTime.UtcNow); } if (specifiedTimeToLive) { activeMessage.Expiration = ActiveMQ.Util.DateUtils.ToJavaTime(timeToLive); } activeMessage.ProducerId = info.ProducerId; activeMessage.Destination = ActiveMQDestination.Transform(destination); if (session.Transacted) { session.DoStartTransaction(); activeMessage.TransactionId = session.TransactionContext.TransactionId; } activeMessage.Persistent = persistent; activeMessage.Priority = priority; activeMessage.Destination = ActiveMQDestination.Transform(destination); session.DoSend(activeMessage); }
public IMessageConsumer CreateDurableConsumer(ITopic destination, string name, string selector, bool noLocal) { if (destination == null) { throw new InvalidDestinationException("Cannot create a Consumer with a Null destination"); } ActiveMQDestination dest = ActiveMQDestination.Transform(destination); MessageConsumer consumer = null; try { consumer = new MessageConsumer(this, GetNextConsumerId(), dest, name, selector, this.connection.PrefetchPolicy.DurableTopicPrefetch, this.connection.PrefetchPolicy.MaximumPendingMessageLimit, noLocal, false, this.connection.DispatchAsync); consumer.ConsumerTransformer = this.ConsumerTransformer; this.AddConsumer(consumer); this.Connection.SyncRequest(consumer.ConsumerInfo); if (this.Connection.IsStarted) { consumer.Start(); } } catch (Exception) { if (consumer != null) { this.RemoveConsumer(consumer.ConsumerId); consumer.Close(); } throw; } return(consumer); }
protected virtual ConsumerInfo CreateConsumerInfo(IDestination destination, string selector) { ConsumerInfo answer = new ConsumerInfo(); ConsumerId id = new ConsumerId(); id.ConnectionId = info.SessionId.ConnectionId; id.SessionId = info.SessionId.Value; id.Value = Interlocked.Increment(ref consumerCounter); answer.ConsumerId = id; answer.Destination = ActiveMQDestination.Transform(destination); answer.Selector = selector; answer.Priority = this.Priority; answer.Exclusive = this.Exclusive; answer.DispatchAsync = this.DispatchAsync; answer.Retroactive = this.Retroactive; answer.MaximumPendingMessageLimit = this.connection.PrefetchPolicy.MaximumPendingMessageLimit; if (destination is ITopic || destination is ITemporaryTopic) { answer.PrefetchSize = this.connection.PrefetchPolicy.TopicPrefetch; } else if (destination is IQueue || destination is ITemporaryQueue) { answer.PrefetchSize = this.connection.PrefetchPolicy.QueuePrefetch; } // If the destination contained a URI query, then use it to set public properties // on the ConsumerInfo ActiveMQDestination amqDestination = destination as ActiveMQDestination; if (amqDestination != null && amqDestination.Options != null) { URISupport.SetProperties(answer, amqDestination.Options, "consumer."); } return(answer); }
public static bool IsMessageDiscardedAdvisoryTopic(IDestination destination) { return(IsMessageDiscardedAdvisoryTopic(ActiveMQDestination.Transform(destination))); }
public static ActiveMQTopic GetMessageConsumedAdvisoryTopic(IDestination destination) { return(GetMessageConsumedAdvisoryTopic(ActiveMQDestination.Transform(destination))); }
public static ActiveMQTopic GetNoQueueConsumersAdvisoryTopic(IDestination destination) { return(GetNoQueueConsumersAdvisoryTopic(ActiveMQDestination.Transform(destination))); }
public static ActiveMQTopic GetExpiredQueueMessageAdvisoryTopic(IDestination destination) { return(GetExpiredQueueMessageAdvisoryTopic(ActiveMQDestination.Transform(destination))); }
protected void Send(IDestination destination, IMessage message, MsgDeliveryMode deliveryMode, MsgPriority priority, TimeSpan timeToLive, bool specifiedTimeToLive) { if (null == destination) { // See if this producer was created without a destination. if (null == info.Destination) { throw new NotSupportedException(); } // The producer was created with a destination, but an invalid destination // was specified. throw new Apache.NMS.InvalidDestinationException(); } ActiveMQDestination dest = null; if (destination == { dest = destination as ActiveMQDestination; } else if (info.Destination == null) { dest = ActiveMQDestination.Transform(destination); } else { throw new NotSupportedException("This producer can only send messages to: " +; } if (this.ProducerTransformer != null) { IMessage transformed = this.ProducerTransformer(this.session, this, message); if (transformed != null) { message = transformed; } } ActiveMQMessage activeMessage = this.messageTransformation.TransformMessage <ActiveMQMessage>(message); activeMessage.ProducerId = info.ProducerId; activeMessage.Destination = dest; activeMessage.NMSDeliveryMode = deliveryMode; activeMessage.NMSPriority = priority; // Always set the message Id regardless of the disable flag. MessageId id = new MessageId(); id.ProducerId = info.ProducerId; id.ProducerSequenceId = Interlocked.Increment(ref this.producerSequenceId); activeMessage.MessageId = id; // Ensure that the source message contains the NMSMessageId of the transformed // message for correlation purposes. if (!ReferenceEquals(message, activeMessage)) { message.NMSMessageId = activeMessage.NMSMessageId; } if (!disableMessageTimestamp) { activeMessage.NMSTimestamp = DateTime.UtcNow; } if (specifiedTimeToLive) { activeMessage.NMSTimeToLive = timeToLive; } // Ensure there's room left to send this message if (this.usage != null) { usage.WaitForSpace(); } lock (closedLock) { if (closed) { throw new ConnectionClosedException(); } session.DoSend(dest, activeMessage, this, this.usage, this.RequestTimeout); } }
public static bool IsFullAdvisoryTopic(IDestination destination) { return(IsFullAdvisoryTopic(ActiveMQDestination.Transform(destination))); }
public static ActiveMQTopic GetProducerAdvisoryTopic(IDestination destination) { return(GetProducerAdvisoryTopic(ActiveMQDestination.Transform(destination))); }
protected override IDestination DoTransformDestination(IDestination destination) { return(ActiveMQDestination.Transform(destination)); }