コード例 #1
    private void SpawnNewBlock()
        // Everytime one block is dead the ground ten new block will be created
        if (block.isBlockDead == true)
            end_pos_y = newBlock.transform.position.y;
            // If Block's start_pos_y is equal to its end pos_y then we know that player has lost the game
            if (start_pos_y == end_pos_y)

            newBlock                         = listOfPrefabs.GetOnePrefab();
            newBlock                         = Instantiate(newBlock, transform.position, newBlock.transform.rotation);
            block                            = newBlock.GetComponent <Block>();
            block.fallingRate                = block_falling_rate;
            block.deathRate                  = block_death_rate;
            blockInput.buttonsBlocked        = false;
            blockInput.buttonLeftBlocked     = false;
            blockInput.buttonRightBlocked    = false;
            blockInput.buttonRotateBlocked   = false;
            blockInput.buttonFastDropBlocked = false;
            setBlockMaterial();       // Setting color of the new block
            rowManager.RefreshRows(); // Refreshing every hot spot on the map