コード例 #1
        // callback receiving advertising frames
        private void WatcherOnReceived(BluetoothLEAdvertisementWatcher sender, BluetoothLEAdvertisementReceivedEventArgs args)
            // Only "our" beacons
            if (ActiveBeacons.Count(b => b == args.BluetoothAddress) == 0)

            Debug.WriteLine($"BLE address {args.BluetoothAddress:X}");

            // iterate data sections
            var dataSections = args.Advertisement.DataSections;

            if (dataSections != null)
                foreach (var data in dataSections)
                    byte[] payload = data.Data.ToArray();
                    Debug.WriteLine($"DataFrame Type 0x{data.DataType:X}  {Helper.ToHexString(data.Data.ToArray())}");

                    // IS our eddystone telemetry beacon
                    if (args.BluetoothAddress == IceBlueBeaconBleAddress)
                        // see eddystone spec, for detecting tlm frame
                        if (data.DataType == 0x16 && payload[0] == 0xAA && payload[1] == 0xFE && payload[2] == 0x20)
                            // decode sensor values
                            int    batteryLevel = Helper.ToUint16(payload, 4);
                            int    temp         = Helper.ToUint16(payload, 6);
                            double temperature  = temp != int.MinValue ? temp / 256d : temp;
                            Debug.WriteLine($"Received {args.Timestamp.DateTime} battery {batteryLevel} mV {temperature} ℃ Signal strength {args.RawSignalStrengthInDBm} dbm");

                    // is the blukii beacon
                    if (args.BluetoothAddress == BlukiiBeaconBleAddress)
                        // detecting environmental frame of blukii => specs in slides
                        if (data.DataType == 0xFF && payload.Length >= 22 && payload[14] == 0x10)
                            // decode sensor values
                            int    batteryPercent = (int)payload[12];
                            double temperature    = Helper.GetBluekiiTemperature(payload, 20);
                            int    humidity       = (int)payload[19];
                            double luminosity     = Helper.ToUint16(payload, 17);
                            int    pressure       = Helper.ToUint16(payload, 15);
                            Debug.WriteLine($"Blukii Received {args.Timestamp.DateTime} battery {batteryPercent} % {temperature} ℃ {Environment.NewLine}humidity {humidity} % Lux {luminosity} lx pressure {pressure} hpa signal strength {args.RawSignalStrengthInDBm} dbm");

コード例 #2
        public MainPage()
            ThreadHelper.Initialize(Environment.CurrentManagedThreadId, this.Dispatcher);


            // Fill list of active beacons

            // Create viewmodel and set the data context
            DataContext = MainPageViewModel = new MainPageViewModel();