コード例 #1
ファイル: GXBatch.cs プロジェクト: laetemn/BooldozerCore
        public void LoadBinBatch(EndianBinaryReader reader, int batchDataOffset)
            ushort faceCount      = reader.ReadUInt16();
            ushort listSize       = reader.ReadUInt16();
            uint   attributeField = reader.ReadUInt32();

            int mask = 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++)
                int attrib = (int)(attributeField & mask) >> i;

                if (attrib == 1)

                mask = mask << 1;

            bool useNormals = reader.ReadBoolean();
            byte positions  = reader.ReadByte();
            byte uvCount    = reader.ReadByte();
            byte nbt        = reader.ReadByte();

            int primDataOffset = reader.ReadInt32();

            reader.BaseStream.Seek(primDataOffset + batchDataOffset, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);

            RawVertices = ReadPrimitives(reader);

コード例 #2
ファイル: GXBatch.cs プロジェクト: laetemn/BooldozerCore
        private List <GXVertex> ReadMdlPrimitives(EndianBinaryReader reader, ShapePacket curPak)
            // OK. As far as we can tell, mdl suckerpunches our normal
            // understanding of the GC's GX, so we have to deal with a
            // hardcoded implementation.

            List <GXVertex> outList = new List <GXVertex>();

            GXPrimitiveType curPrim = (GXPrimitiveType)reader.ReadByte();

            while (curPrim != GXPrimitiveType.None)
                List <GXVertex> tempVerts = new List <GXVertex>();
                ushort          vertCount = reader.ReadUInt16();

                for (int i = 0; i < vertCount; i++)
                    List <int> tempList = new List <int>();

                    byte mtxPos1 = (byte)(reader.ReadByte() / 3);
                    byte mtxPos2 = (byte)(reader.ReadByte() / 3);
                    byte mtxPos3 = (byte)(reader.ReadByte() / 3);

                    if (mtxPos1 != mtxPos2)

                    ushort posIndex    = reader.ReadUInt16();
                    ushort normalIndex = reader.ReadUInt16();
                    ushort tex0Index   = reader.ReadUInt16();

                    if (ActiveAttributes.Contains(GXAttribute.PositionMatrixIndex))
                    if (ActiveAttributes.Contains(GXAttribute.Position))
                    if (ActiveAttributes.Contains(GXAttribute.Normal))
                    if (ActiveAttributes.Contains(GXAttribute.Tex0))

                    tempVerts.Add(new GXVertex(tempList.ToArray()));

                outList.AddRange(ConvertTopologyToTriangles(curPrim, tempVerts));
                curPrim = (GXPrimitiveType)reader.ReadByte();

コード例 #3
ファイル: GXBatch.cs プロジェクト: laetemn/BooldozerCore
        public void LoadMdlBatch(EndianBinaryReader reader, List <ShapePacket> packets, List <Matrix4> gMatTable, List <Vector3> verts)
            uint   attributeField   = reader.ReadUInt32();
            ushort packetCount      = reader.ReadUInt16();
            ushort firstPacketIndex = reader.ReadUInt16();

            long nextPos = reader.BaseStream.Position;

            int mask = 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++)
                int attrib = (int)(attributeField & mask) >> i;

                if (attrib == 1)

                mask = mask << 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < packetCount; i++)
                reader.BaseStream.Seek(packets[i + firstPacketIndex].dataOffset, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
                List <GXVertex> CurrentPrims = ReadMdlPrimitives(reader, packets[i + firstPacketIndex]);

                var       p         = packets[i + firstPacketIndex];
                Matrix4[] localMats = new Matrix4[p.numMatIndicies];
                for (int j = 0; j < p.numMatIndicies; j++)
                    if (p.matIndicies[j] == 0xFFFF)

                    localMats[j] = gMatTable[p.matIndicies[j]];

                List <int> done = new List <int>();
                foreach (var v in CurrentPrims)
                    if (done.Contains(v.Indices[ActiveAttributes.IndexOf(GXAttribute.Position)]))

                    if (ActiveAttributes.Contains(GXAttribute.PositionMatrixIndex) && v.Indices[ActiveAttributes.IndexOf(GXAttribute.PositionMatrixIndex)] != 0xFF)
                        Matrix4 mat = localMats[v.Indices[ActiveAttributes.IndexOf(GXAttribute.PositionMatrixIndex)]];

                        Matrix4 pos = new Matrix4(
                            new Vector4(verts[v.Indices[ActiveAttributes.IndexOf(GXAttribute.Position)]].X, 0, 0, 0),
                            new Vector4(verts[v.Indices[ActiveAttributes.IndexOf(GXAttribute.Position)]].Y, 0, 0, 0),
                            new Vector4(verts[v.Indices[ActiveAttributes.IndexOf(GXAttribute.Position)]].Z, 0, 0, 0),
                            new Vector4(1, 0, 0, 0)
                        Matrix4 newV = Matrix4.Mult(mat, pos);
                        verts[v.Indices[ActiveAttributes.IndexOf(GXAttribute.Position)]] = new Vector3(newV.M11, newV.M21, newV.M31);

                        //verts[v.Indices[ActiveAttributes.IndexOf(GXAttribute.Position)]] = Vector3.TransformVector(verts[v.Indices[ActiveAttributes.IndexOf(GXAttribute.Position)]], mat);



            reader.BaseStream.Seek(nextPos, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);