コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Override that randomly assigns activation functions to neuron's from an activation function library
        /// based on each library item's selection probability.
        /// </summary>
        public override NeuronGene CreateNeuronGene(uint innovationId, NodeType neuronType)
            switch (neuronType)
            case NodeType.Bias:
            case NodeType.Input:
            {       // Use the ID of the first function. By convention this will be the a sigmoid function in nEAT and RBF-NEAT
                    // but in actual fact bias and input neurons don't use their activation function.
                int activationFnId = _activationFnLibrary.GetFunctionList()[0].Id;
                return(new NeuronGene(innovationId, neuronType, activationFnId));

                ActivationFunctionInfo fnInfo = _activationFnLibrary.GetRandomFunction(_rng);
                IActivationFunction    actFn  = fnInfo.ActivationFunction;
                double[] auxArgs = null;
                if (actFn.AcceptsAuxArgs)
                    auxArgs = actFn.GetRandomAuxArgs(_rng, _neatGenomeParamsCurrent.ConnectionWeightRange);

                return(new NeuronGene(innovationId, neuronType, fnInfo.Id, auxArgs));
コード例 #2
ファイル: CppnGraphPainter.cs プロジェクト: 5w3rv0/SharpNEAT
        private void PaintLegend(PaintState state)
            const int LineHeight = 16;
            const int Margin     = 10;

            IList <ActivationFunctionInfo> fnList = _activationFnLibrary.GetFunctionList();
            int count = fnList.Count;

            // Determine y position of first line.
            int yCurr = Math.Max(Margin, state._viewportArea.Height - ((count * LineHeight) + Margin));

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++, yCurr += LineHeight)
                ActivationFunctionInfo fnInfo = fnList[i];
                const int X = Margin;

                // Paint an example node as part of the legend item.
                Point     p = new Point(X, yCurr);
                Size      s = new Size(state._nodeDiameter, state._nodeDiameter);
                Rectangle r = new Rectangle(p, s);

                // Paint the node. Fill first and then border, this gives a clean border.
                Graphics g         = state._g;
                Brush    fillBrush = _brushNodeFillArr[fnInfo.Id % _brushNodeFillArr.Length];
                g.FillRectangle(fillBrush, r);
                g.DrawRectangle(__penBlack, r);

                // Write the activation function string ID.
                g.DrawString(fnList[i].ActivationFunction.FunctionId, __fontNodeTag, __brushBlack, X + 12, yCurr - 1);
コード例 #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Construct with a single IActivationFunction.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="activationFn"></param>
 public NeatActivationFunctionLibrary(IActivationFunction activationFn)
     _activationFn         = activationFn;
     _activationFnInfo     = new ActivationFunctionInfo(0, 1.0, activationFn);
     _activationFnInfoList = new List <ActivationFunctionInfo>(1);