コード例 #1
 public SymbologiesDataSource(IDataSourceListener dataSourceListener)
     this.DataSourceListener = dataSourceListener;
     this.Sections           = new[]
         new Section(new[]
                 "Enable All",
                 tuple =>
                 "Disable All",
                 tuple =>
         new Section(SymbologyExtensions.AllValues.Select(symbology =>
                        () => SettingsManager.Instance.GetSymbologySettings(symbology),
                        _ => SettingsManager.Instance.SymbologySettingsChanged(),
コード例 #2
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (!Page.IsPostBack)
         String    News_ID      = Request.QueryString["News_ID"];
         ActionRow objActionRow = NewslistHelper.getLastestAction(Convert.ToInt64(News_ID));
         txtComment_Title.Text   = objActionRow.Comment_Title;
         txtComment_Content.Text = objActionRow.Content;
コード例 #3
        public static int getLastestStatus(long _news_id)
            ActionRow ac = getLastestAction(_news_id);

            if (ac != null && !ac.IsActionTypeNull)

コード例 #4
        public static int getLastestStatus(long newsID)
            ActionRow ac = getLastestAction(newsID);

            if (!ac.IsActionTypeNull)

コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Ham lay Action hien thoi cua tin
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_news_id">ID cua tin</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static NewsRow GetNewsByPrimaryKey(long _news_id)
            string  strcpmode = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["cpmode"].ToString();
            NewsRow _newsrow;

            using (MainDB objDb = new MainDB()) {
                _newsrow = objDb.NewsCollection.GetByPrimaryKey(_news_id);

                #region Cập nhập vào bảng Action
                if (strcpmode.ToLower().IndexOf("editwaitlist") >= 0 || strcpmode.ToLower().IndexOf("approvalwaitlis") >= 0)
                    ActionRow objArow       = new ActionRow();
                    ActionRow objcurrAction = getLastestAction(_news_id);
                    objArow.CreateDate = DateTime.Now;
                    objArow.News_ID    = _newsrow.News_ID;
                    //sender chinh la nguoi cu - tot nhat k nen cho null - lay last action de tim sender
                    objArow.Sender_ID = objcurrAction.Sender_ID;
                    //dat lai receiver chinh la nguoi hien tai thuc hien thao tac voi tin
                    objArow.Reciver_ID = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
                    //Co nghia news_status =0,1 hoac 2
                    if (_newsrow.News_Status == 0)
                        objArow.ActionType    = 0;
                        objArow.Comment_Title = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name + " Khôi phục từ tin bị xoá";
                    if (_newsrow.News_Status == 1)
                        objArow.ActionType    = 1;
                        objArow.Comment_Title = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name + " Nhận biên tập";
                    if (_newsrow.News_Status == 2)
                        objArow.ActionType    = 2;
                        objArow.Comment_Title = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name + " Nhận duyệt";

                    // co the con trang thai tiep theo

コード例 #6
            public ActionRow AddActionRow(string ID, string CloseNode, string AllyAction, string AxisAction, string Radius, string Goal, string Group, string Class, string Links, string Prone, string Active, string Entity)
                ActionRow rowActionRow = ((ActionRow)(this.NewRow()));

                rowActionRow.ItemArray = new object[] {
コード例 #7
        private void AddRow(ActionBase action)
            ActionBase a   = action;
            ActionRow  row = new ActionRow(action);

            row.ShowCancel    = false;
            action.Completed += delegate
                Program.Invoke(this, delegate
                    row.Visible    = !a.IsCompleted;
                    row.ShowCancel = false;
                    bool canEnd    = true;
                    foreach (ActionRow r in customHistoryContainer1.CustomHistoryPanel.Rows)
                        if (!r.Action.IsCompleted || r.Action.Exception != null)
                            canEnd = false;
                    if (canEnd)
                        DialogResult = DialogResult.Ignore;
            action.Changed += (obj => Program.Invoke(this, delegate
                row.Visible = !a.IsCompleted;
                row.ShowCancel = false;
コード例 #8
 public ActionRowChangeEvent(ActionRow row, System.Data.DataRowAction action)
     this.eventRow    = row;
     this.eventAction = action;
コード例 #9
 public void RemoveActionRow(ActionRow row)
コード例 #10
        private static void UpdateStatus(long newsID, int newsStatus)
            NewsRow objRow;
            int     old_news_status = -1;
            int     _cat_id         = -1;

            MainDB objDb = new MainDB();


            try {
                objRow          = objDb.NewsCollection.GetByPrimaryKey(newsID);
                old_news_status = objRow.News_Status;
                _cat_id         = objRow.Cat_ID;

                if (objRow != null)
                    //thuc hien doi trang thai cua tin - luu thong tin modified thanh ngay gio hien tai.
                    objRow.News_Status       = newsStatus;
                    objRow.News_ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now;
                    //thuc hien luu thong tin vao action.
                    ActionRow objArow = new ActionRow();
                    //Gui len. Neu la xoa tam thi khong luu action
                    if (newsStatus == 1)
                        objArow.Comment_Title = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name + " gửi bài chờ biên tập";
                        objArow.ActionType    = 1;
                    if (newsStatus == 2)
                        objArow.Comment_Title = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name + " gửi bài chờ duyệt";
                        objArow.ActionType    = 2;

                    NewsPublishedRow objpublishRow = new NewsPublishedRow();
                    if (newsStatus == 3)
                        objRow.News_Approver = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
                        if (objRow.IsNews_PublishDateNull == false && objRow.News_PublishDate.Year != 9999 && objRow.News_PublishDate.Year != 2000)
                            objRow.News_PublishDate = DateTime.Now;

                        objArow.Comment_Title = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name + " xuất bản bài";
                        objArow.ActionType    = 3;

                        //thuc hien chuyen du lieu qua bang newspublished

                        objpublishRow.News_ID          = objRow.News_ID;
                        objpublishRow.Cat_ID           = objRow.Cat_ID;
                        objpublishRow.News_Subtitle    = objRow.News_Subtitle;
                        objpublishRow.News_Title       = objRow.News_Title;
                        objpublishRow.News_Image       = objRow.News_Image;
                        objpublishRow.News_Source      = objRow.News_Source;
                        objpublishRow.News_InitContent = objRow.News_InitialContent;
                        objpublishRow.News_Content     = objRow.News_Content;
                        objpublishRow.News_Athor       = objRow.News_Author;
                        objpublishRow.News_Approver    = objRow.News_Approver;
                        objpublishRow.News_Status      = 3;

                        if (objRow.IsNews_PublishDateNull == true || objRow.News_PublishDate.Year == 9999 || objRow.News_PublishDate.Year == 2000)
                            objRow.News_PublishDate = DateTime.Now;
                        objpublishRow.News_PublishDate = objRow.News_PublishDate;

                        objpublishRow.News_isFocus  = objRow.News_isFocus;
                        objpublishRow.News_Mode     = objRow.News_Mode;
                        objpublishRow.isComment     = objRow.isComment;
                        objpublishRow.isUserRate    = objRow.isUserRate;
                        objpublishRow.Template      = objRow.Template;
                        objpublishRow.Icon          = objRow.Icon;
                        objpublishRow.News_Relation = objRow.News_Relation;
                    if (newsStatus == 5)
                        ActionRow objLastestArow = getLastestAction(Convert.ToInt64(newsID));
                        objArow.Reciver_ID    = objLastestArow.Sender_ID;
                        objArow.Comment_Title = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name + " trả lại bài";

                        objArow.ActionType = getLastestStatus(newsID);
                    //xoa tam
                    if (newsStatus == 6)
                        objArow.Reciver_ID    = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
                        objArow.Comment_Title = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name + " xoá tạm bài";
                        objArow.ActionType    = getLastestStatus(newsID);
                    //gui bai tu backlist len
                    if (newsStatus == -1)
                        int intLastStaus = getLastestStatus(newsID);
                        objArow.Reciver_ID    = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
                        objArow.Comment_Title = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name + " gửi bài";
                        objRow.News_Status    = intLastStaus;
                        objArow.ActionType    = intLastStaus;
                    if (newsStatus == 7)
                        int intLastStaus = getLastestStatus(newsID);
                        objArow.ActionType    = intLastStaus;
                        objArow.Comment_Title = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name + " gỡ bỏ bài";

                        // Neu la go bo thi go luon o bang NewsPublished
                        //using (MainDB objDb = new MainDB())
                        objpublishRow = objDb.NewsPublishedCollection.GetByPrimaryKey(newsID);
                        if (objpublishRow != null)

                    objArow.News_ID   = newsID;
                    objArow.Sender_ID = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;

                    objArow.CreateDate = DateTime.Now;

                    //if (_news_status != 6)
                    if (newsStatus == 3)

                    // Commit Transaction

                    //#region Insert vao bang LogInfo để thống kê
                    //Log objLog = new Log();

                    //if (old_news_status != -1 && old_news_status != newsStatus && _cat_id != -1)
                    //    string strUser_Id = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
                    //    if (newsStatus == 1)
                    //    {
                    //        // Đối với bài chờ biên tập
                    //        objLog.UpdateLogInfo((int)CountKey.Category_Wait_Edit_Content, _cat_id.ToString());
                    //        objLog.UpdateLogInfo((int)CountKey.User_Wait_Edit_Content, strUser_Id);
                    //    }
                    //    else if (newsStatus == 2)
                    //    {
                    //        // Đối với bài chờ duyet
                    //        objLog.UpdateLogInfo((int)CountKey.Category_Wait_Approve_Content, _cat_id.ToString());
                    //        objLog.UpdateLogInfo((int)CountKey.User_Wait_Approve_Content, strUser_Id);
                    //    }
                    //    else if (newsStatus == 3)
                    //    {
                    //        // Đối với bài đã xuất bản
                    //        objLog.UpdateLogInfo((int)CountKey.Category_Approved_Content, _cat_id.ToString());
                    //        objLog.UpdateLogInfo((int)CountKey.User_Approved_Content, strUser_Id);
                    //    }
            catch (Exception ex) {
            finally {
コード例 #11
 public void AddActionRow(ActionRow row) {
コード例 #12
        public static NewsRow GetNewsInfo_News(long _news_id, bool isUpdateAction)
            NewsRow _newsrow = null;

            using (MainDB objDb = new MainDB()) {
                //_newsrow = objDb.NewsCollection.GetByPrimaryKey(_news_id);
                #region Get thong tin chi tiet cua bang News
                DataTable table = objDb.StoredProcedures.vc_Execute_Sql("SELECT * FROM News WHERE News_ID = " + _news_id);
                if (table.Rows.Count != 0)
                    _newsrow              = new NewsRow();
                    _newsrow.Cat_ID       = table.Rows[0]["Cat_ID"] == System.DBNull.Value ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(table.Rows[0]["Cat_ID"].ToString());
                    _newsrow.IsCat_IDNull = table.Rows[0]["Cat_ID"] == System.DBNull.Value ? true : false;

                    _newsrow.isComment       = table.Rows[0]["isComment"] == System.DBNull.Value ? false : Convert.ToBoolean(table.Rows[0]["isComment"]);
                    _newsrow.IsisCommentNull = table.Rows[0]["isComment"] == System.DBNull.Value ? true : false;

                    _newsrow.isUserRate       = table.Rows[0]["isUserRate"] == System.DBNull.Value ? true : Convert.ToBoolean(table.Rows[0]["isUserRate"]);
                    _newsrow.IsisUserRateNull = table.Rows[0]["isUserRate"] == System.DBNull.Value ? true : false;

                    _newsrow.News_Approver = table.Rows[0]["News_Approver"] == System.DBNull.Value ? "" : table.Rows[0]["News_Approver"].ToString();
                    _newsrow.News_Author   = table.Rows[0]["News_Author"] == System.DBNull.Value ? "" : table.Rows[0]["News_Author"].ToString();
                    _newsrow.News_Content  = table.Rows[0]["News_Content"] == System.DBNull.Value ? "" : table.Rows[0]["News_Content"].ToString();

                    _newsrow.News_CreateDate       = table.Rows[0]["News_CreateDate"] == System.DBNull.Value ? DateTime.MinValue : Convert.ToDateTime(table.Rows[0]["News_CreateDate"]);
                    _newsrow.IsNews_CreateDateNull = table.Rows[0]["News_CreateDate"] == System.DBNull.Value ? true : false;

                    _newsrow.News_CurrEditor = table.Rows[0]["News_CurrEditor"] == System.DBNull.Value ? "" : table.Rows[0]["News_CurrEditor"].ToString();

                    _newsrow.News_ID             = table.Rows[0]["News_ID"] == System.DBNull.Value ? -1 : Convert.ToInt64(table.Rows[0]["News_ID"]);
                    _newsrow.News_Image          = table.Rows[0]["News_Image"] == System.DBNull.Value ? "" : table.Rows[0]["News_Image"].ToString();
                    _newsrow.News_ImageNote      = table.Rows[0]["News_ImageNote"] == System.DBNull.Value ? "" : table.Rows[0]["News_ImageNote"].ToString();
                    _newsrow.News_InitialContent = table.Rows[0]["News_InitialContent"] == System.DBNull.Value ? "" : table.Rows[0]["News_InitialContent"].ToString();

                    _newsrow.News_isFocus       = table.Rows[0]["News_isFocus"] == System.DBNull.Value ? true : (bool)table.Rows[0]["News_isFocus"];
                    _newsrow.IsNews_isFocusNull = table.Rows[0]["News_isFocus"] == System.DBNull.Value ? true : false;

                    _newsrow.News_Mode       = table.Rows[0]["News_Mode"] == System.DBNull.Value ? -1 : Convert.ToInt32(table.Rows[0]["News_Mode"]);
                    _newsrow.IsNews_ModeNull = table.Rows[0]["News_Mode"] == System.DBNull.Value ? true : false;

                    _newsrow.News_ModifiedDate       = table.Rows[0]["News_ModifiedDate"] == System.DBNull.Value ? DateTime.MinValue : Convert.ToDateTime(table.Rows[0]["News_ModifiedDate"]);
                    _newsrow.IsNews_ModifiedDateNull = table.Rows[0]["News_ModifiedDate"] == System.DBNull.Value ? true : false;

                    _newsrow.News_OtherCat = table.Rows[0]["News_OtherCat"] == System.DBNull.Value ? "" : table.Rows[0]["News_OtherCat"].ToString();

                    _newsrow.News_PublishDate       = table.Rows[0]["News_PublishDate"] == System.DBNull.Value ? DateTime.MinValue : Convert.ToDateTime(table.Rows[0]["News_PublishDate"]);
                    _newsrow.IsNews_PublishDateNull = table.Rows[0]["News_PublishDate"] == System.DBNull.Value ? true : false;

                    _newsrow.News_Rate       = table.Rows[0]["News_Rate"] == System.DBNull.Value ? -1 : Convert.ToDecimal(table.Rows[0]["News_Rate"]);
                    _newsrow.IsNews_RateNull = table.Rows[0]["News_Rate"] == System.DBNull.Value ? true : false;

                    _newsrow.News_Relation = table.Rows[0]["News_Relation"] == System.DBNull.Value ? "" : table.Rows[0]["News_Relation"].ToString();
                    _newsrow.News_Source   = table.Rows[0]["News_Source"] == System.DBNull.Value ? "" : table.Rows[0]["News_Source"].ToString();

                    _newsrow.News_Status       = table.Rows[0]["News_Status"] == System.DBNull.Value ? -1 : Convert.ToInt32(table.Rows[0]["News_Status"]);
                    _newsrow.IsNews_StatusNull = table.Rows[0]["News_Status"] == System.DBNull.Value ? true : false;

                    _newsrow.News_Subtitle = table.Rows[0]["News_Subtitle"] == System.DBNull.Value ? "" : table.Rows[0]["News_Subtitle"].ToString();

                    _newsrow.News_SwitchTime       = table.Rows[0]["News_SwitchTime"] == System.DBNull.Value ? DateTime.MinValue : Convert.ToDateTime(table.Rows[0]["News_SwitchTime"]);
                    _newsrow.IsNews_SwitchTimeNull = table.Rows[0]["News_SwitchTime"] == System.DBNull.Value ? true : false;

                    _newsrow.News_Title = table.Rows[0]["News_Title"] == System.DBNull.Value ? "" : table.Rows[0]["News_Title"].ToString();

                    _newsrow.News_ViewNum       = table.Rows[0]["News_ViewNum"] == System.DBNull.Value ? -1 : Convert.ToInt32(table.Rows[0]["News_ViewNum"]);
                    _newsrow.IsNews_ViewNumNull = table.Rows[0]["News_ViewNum"] == System.DBNull.Value ? true : false;

                    _newsrow.Icon = table.Rows[0]["Icon"] == System.DBNull.Value ? "" : table.Rows[0]["Icon"].ToString();

                    _newsrow.Extension1 = table.Rows[0]["Extension1"] == System.DBNull.Value ? "" : table.Rows[0]["Extension1"].ToString();
                    _newsrow.Extension2 = table.Rows[0]["Extension2"] == System.DBNull.Value ? "" : table.Rows[0]["Extension2"].ToString();
                    _newsrow.Extension3 = table.Rows[0]["Extension3"] == System.DBNull.Value ? "" : table.Rows[0]["Extension3"].ToString();
                    _newsrow.Extension4 = table.Rows[0]["Extension4"] == System.DBNull.Value ? -1 : Convert.ToInt32(table.Rows[0]["Extension4"]);

            #region Cập nhập vào bảng Action
            if (isUpdateAction == true)
                string strcpmode = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["cpmode"].ToString();
                if (strcpmode.ToLower().IndexOf("editwaitlist") >= 0 || strcpmode.ToLower().IndexOf("approvalwaitlis") >= 0)
                    ActionRow objArow       = new ActionRow();
                    ActionRow objcurrAction = getLastestAction(_news_id);
                    objArow.CreateDate = DateTime.Now;
                    objArow.News_ID    = _newsrow.News_ID;
                    //sender chinh la nguoi cu - tot nhat k nen cho null - lay last action de tim sender
                    objArow.Sender_ID = objcurrAction.Sender_ID;
                    //dat lai receiver chinh la nguoi hien tai thuc hien thao tac voi tin
                    objArow.Reciver_ID = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
                    //Co nghia news_status =0,1 hoac 2
                    if (_newsrow.News_Status == 0)
                        objArow.ActionType    = 0;
                        objArow.Comment_Title = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name + " Khôi phục từ tin bị xoá";
                    if (_newsrow.News_Status == 1)
                        objArow.ActionType    = 1;
                        objArow.Comment_Title = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name + " Nhận biên tập";
                    if (_newsrow.News_Status == 2)
                        objArow.ActionType    = 2;
                        objArow.Comment_Title = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name + " Nhận duyệt";

                    using (MainDB objDb = new MainDB()) {
                        // co the con trang thai tiep theo


コード例 #13
        public static bool UpdateNews(long _news_id, int _cat_id, string _news_subtitle, string _news_title, string _news_image, string _news_source, string _news_init, string _news_content, bool _news_isfocus, int _news_status, int _news_type, string _related_news, string _other_cat, DateTime _switchtime, bool _isSend, bool _isShowComment, bool _isShowRate, int _template, string _obj_media, string _news_title_image, string _news_icon, string _thread_id)
            bool   toReturn        = false;
            int    old_news_status = -1;
            MainDB objDb           = new MainDB();

            NewsRow objrow;

            if (_news_init != null)
                _news_init = _news_init.Replace(System.Environment.NewLine, "<br/>");

            try {
                #region Gan Thread vao bai
                // Gan Thread vao bai

                Threaddetails objThread = new Threaddetails();
                objDb.SelectScalar("Delete ThreadDetail Where News_ID = '" + _news_id + "'");

                if (_thread_id != null)
                    string[] strArThread = _thread_id.Split(',');
                    foreach (string str in strArThread)
                        objThread.AddnewsThread(_news_id.ToString(), int.Parse(str), objDb);

                objrow          = objDb.NewsCollection.GetByPrimaryKey(_news_id);
                old_news_status = objrow.News_Status;

                if (objrow != null)
                    #region Gan cac gia tri cho bang News
                    objrow.Cat_ID              = _cat_id;
                    objrow.News_Subtitle       = _news_subtitle;
                    objrow.News_Title          = _news_title;
                    objrow.News_Image          = _news_image;
                    objrow.News_Source         = _news_source;
                    objrow.News_InitialContent = _news_init;
                    objrow.News_Content        = _news_content;
                    objrow.WordCount           = NewsHelper.WordCount(objrow.News_Content);
                    //objrow.User_ID = _poster;
                    //objrow.News_Author = _news_author;
                    objrow.News_isFocus = _news_isfocus;
                    //Trang thai cua tin tuy thuoc vao nguoi bien tap.
                    if (_news_status != -1)
                        objrow.News_Status = _news_status;
                    objrow.News_Mode = _news_type;
                    //tin lien quan
                    objrow.News_Relation = _related_news;
                    //if (_news_imgfocus != "" && _news_imgfocus!=null)
                    //objrow.News_FocusImage = _news_imgfocus;
                    if (_other_cat != "")
                        objrow.News_OtherCat = _other_cat;

                    DateTime dtPublish = _switchtime;
                    if (objrow.News_Status == 3)
                        if (dtPublish.Year != 9999)
                            // Neu khong phai la news da published ma khong chon ngay Xuat ban thi update lai ngay gio
                            if (dtPublish.Year != 2000)
                                objrow.News_PublishDate = dtPublish;
                                objrow.News_PublishDate = DateTime.Now;

                    objrow.Template       = _template;
                    objrow.News_ImageNote = _news_title_image;

                    objrow.isComment  = _isShowComment;
                    objrow.isUserRate = _isShowRate;
                    objrow.Icon       = _news_icon;

                    objrow.News_ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now;

                    #region Gan cac gia tri cho bang Action
                    //thuc hien luu thong tin vao action.
                    ActionRow objArow = new ActionRow();
                    objArow.Sender_ID = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
                    //Gui len. Neu la xoa tam thi khong luu action - Cho nay can phai xem la gui len hay luu lai?
                    string cpMode = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["cpmode"].Replace("add,", string.Empty);
                    switch (objrow.News_Status)
                    case 1:
                        if (old_news_status != 1)
                            objArow.Comment_Title = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name + " gửi bài chờ biên tập";
                            objArow.Comment_Title = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name + " nhận biên tập";
                            objArow.Reciver_ID    = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
                            ActionRow tem = new ActionRow();
                            tem = getLastestAction(_news_id);
                            objArow.Sender_ID = tem.Sender_ID;

                    case 2:
                        if (old_news_status != 2)
                            objArow.Comment_Title = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name + " gửi bài chờ duyệt";
                            objArow.Comment_Title = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name + " nhận duyệt";
                            objArow.Reciver_ID    = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
                            ActionRow tem = new ActionRow();
                            tem = getLastestAction(_news_id);
                            objArow.Sender_ID = tem.Sender_ID;

                    case 3: objArow.Comment_Title = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name + " xuất bản bài"; break;
                    objArow.ActionType = objrow.News_Status;
                    objArow.News_ID    = _news_id;

                    objArow.CreateDate = DateTime.Now;
                    // chỉ khi tin đổi trạng thái
                    // hoặc
                    // không phải tin ở trong danh sách nhận duyệt, nhận biên tập
                    // thì mới lưu action
                    // [bacth, 11:00 AM 5/31/2008]
                    if (old_news_status != objrow.News_Status || (cpMode.ToLower().Equals("approvalwaitlist") || cpMode.ToLower().Equals("editwaitlist")))
                        if (objrow.News_Status == 1 || objrow.News_Status == 2 || objrow.News_Status == 3)


                    #region Gan cac gia tri cho bang NewsPublished
                    NewsPublishedRow objpublishRow;

                    // Get lai nhung gia tri cua cua News Published
                    objpublishRow = objDb.NewsPublishedCollection.GetByPrimaryKey(_news_id);

                    // Neu khong ton tai news_id trong NewsPUblished thi khoi tao lai
                    if (objpublishRow == null)
                        objpublishRow = new NewsPublishedRow();

                    // Gan cac gia tri cho News Published
                    if (_news_status == 3)
                        objrow.News_Approver = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;

                        objArow.Comment_Title = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name + " xuất bản bài";
                        objArow.ActionType    = 3;

                        //thuc hien chuyen du lieu qua bang newspublished
                        objpublishRow.Icon          = _news_icon;
                        objpublishRow.News_ID       = _news_id;
                        objpublishRow.Cat_ID        = _cat_id;
                        objpublishRow.News_Subtitle = _news_subtitle;
                        objpublishRow.News_Title    = _news_title;
                        if (_news_image != "" && _news_image != null)
                            objpublishRow.News_Image = _news_image;
                            objpublishRow.News_Image = objrow.News_Image;
                        objpublishRow.News_Source      = _news_source;
                        objpublishRow.News_InitContent = objrow.News_InitialContent;
                        objpublishRow.News_Content     = _news_content;
                        objpublishRow.News_Athor       = objrow.News_Author;
                        objpublishRow.News_Approver    = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
                        objpublishRow.News_Status      = 3;

                        if (dtPublish.Year != 9999)
                            // Neu khong phai la news da published ma khong chon ngay Xuat ban thi update lai ngay gio
                            if (dtPublish.Year != 2000)
                                objpublishRow.News_PublishDate = dtPublish;
                                objpublishRow.News_PublishDate = DateTime.Now;

                        objpublishRow.News_isFocus = _news_isfocus;
                        objpublishRow.News_Mode    = _news_type;
                        if (_related_news != "" && _related_news != null)
                            objpublishRow.News_Relation = objrow.News_Relation;
                            objpublishRow.News_Relation = _related_news;
                        if (_other_cat != "" && _other_cat != null)
                            objpublishRow.News_OtherCat = objrow.News_OtherCat;
                            objpublishRow.News_OtherCat = _other_cat;

                        objpublishRow.Template       = _template;
                        objpublishRow.isComment      = _isShowComment;
                        objpublishRow.isUserRate     = _isShowRate;
                        objpublishRow.News_ImageNote = _news_title_image;


                    if (!objDb.NewsCollection.Update(objrow))
                        throw new Exception("Không cập nhật được bản tin");

                    #region Cap nhap vao bang News, Action va  NewsPublished
                    NewsPublishedRow objCurrRow;
                    //neu la send thi moi cap nhat Action

                    if (objrow.News_Status == 3)
                        //thuc hien xoa neu ton tai tin do va chen moi vao bang xuat ban
                        objCurrRow = objDb.NewsPublishedCollection.GetByPrimaryKey(_news_id);
                        if (objCurrRow != null)

                    #region Cap nhap vao bang MediaObject
                    // Xoa tat ca News_Media cu theo NewsID
                    string strObjectId = NewsMediaHelper.Get_ObjectId_By_NewsId(_news_id);
                    if (strObjectId != null && strObjectId != "")
                        string[] mediaIds = strObjectId.Split(",".ToCharArray());
                        foreach (string strMediaId in mediaIds)
                            NewsMediaHelper.Delete_News_Media_ByNewsIdAndObjectId(_news_id, strMediaId, objDb);

                    //truong hop co media object
                    if (_obj_media != null && _obj_media != "")
                        News_MediaRow objMrow  = null;
                        string[]      mediaIds = _obj_media.Split(",".ToCharArray());
                        foreach (string strMediaId in mediaIds)
                            objMrow           = new News_MediaRow();
                            objMrow.News_ID   = _news_id;
                            objMrow.Object_ID = int.Parse(strMediaId);


                    toReturn = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
            finally {
                if (HttpContext.Current.Session["newsid"] != null)

コード例 #14
        public static bool CreateNews(long _news_id, int _cat_id, string _news_subtitle, string _news_title, string _news_image, string _news_source, string _news_init, string _news_content, string _poster, bool _news_isfocus, int _news_status, int _news_type, string _related_news, string _obj_media, string _other_cat, DateTime _switchtime, bool _isShowComment, bool _isShowRate, int _template, string _news_title_image, string _news_icon, string _thread_id)
            bool toReturn = false;

            MainDB objDb = new MainDB();


            try {
                #region Gán giá trị cho bảng News
                NewsRow objrow = new NewsRow();
                //strResult = _news_id;
                objrow.News_ID             = _news_id;
                objrow.Cat_ID              = _cat_id;
                objrow.News_Subtitle       = _news_subtitle;
                objrow.News_Title          = _news_title;
                objrow.News_Image          = _news_image;
                objrow.News_Source         = _news_source;
                objrow.News_InitialContent = _news_init;
                objrow.News_Content        = _news_content;
                objrow.News_Author         = _poster;
                //objrow.News_Author = _news_author;
                objrow.News_isFocus = _news_isfocus;
                objrow.News_Status  = _news_status;
                objrow.News_Mode    = _news_type;
                //Danh sach nhung tin lien quan den tin nay
                objrow.News_Relation = _related_news;
                //objrow.News_FocusImage = _news_imgfocus;
                objrow.News_CreateDate   = DateTime.Now;
                objrow.News_ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now;
                objrow.isComment         = _isShowComment;
                objrow.isUserRate        = _isShowRate;
                objrow.Template          = _template;
                objrow.News_ImageNote    = _news_title_image;
                objrow.Icon      = _news_icon;
                objrow.WordCount = NewsHelper.WordCount(objrow.News_Content);
                if (_news_status == 3)
                    if (_switchtime.Year != 2000)
                        objrow.News_PublishDate = _switchtime;
                        objrow.News_PublishDate = DateTime.Now;

                    objrow.News_Approver = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;

                //lay other cat neu co
                if (_other_cat != null && _other_cat != "" && _other_cat != "0")
                    objrow.News_OtherCat = _other_cat;


                #region Gán và Insert giá trị cho bảng Action và NewsPublished
                //Thuc hien cap nhat thong tin vao Action
                ActionRow objArow = new ActionRow();
                objArow.News_ID    = objrow.News_ID;
                objArow.Sender_ID  = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
                objArow.ActionType = _news_status;
                objArow.CreateDate = DateTime.Now;
                if (_news_status == 0)
                    objArow.Comment_Title = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name + " Tạo bài viết";
                    objArow.Reciver_ID    = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
                if (_news_status == 1)
                    objArow.Comment_Title  = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name + " Tạo bài viết và gửi lên chờ biên tập";
                    objrow.News_SwitchTime = DateTime.Now;
                if (_news_status == 2)
                    objArow.Comment_Title  = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name + " Tạo bài viết và gửi lên chờ duyệt";
                    objrow.News_SwitchTime = DateTime.Now;

                NewsPublishedRow objpublishRow = new NewsPublishedRow();
                if (_news_status == 3)
                    // Chỉ có những tin nào xuất bản thì mới Insert vào bảng News Published
                    objArow.Comment_Title = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name + " Tạo bài viết và xuất bản";

                    //thuc hien xuat ban bai viet

                    objpublishRow.News_ID          = _news_id;
                    objpublishRow.Cat_ID           = _cat_id;
                    objpublishRow.News_Subtitle    = _news_subtitle;
                    objpublishRow.News_Title       = _news_title;
                    objpublishRow.News_Image       = _news_image;
                    objpublishRow.News_Source      = _news_source;
                    objpublishRow.News_InitContent = objrow.News_InitialContent;
                    objpublishRow.News_Content     = _news_content;
                    objpublishRow.News_Athor       = _poster;
                    objpublishRow.News_Approver    = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
                    objpublishRow.News_Status      = 3;
                    if (_switchtime.Year != 2000)
                        objpublishRow.News_PublishDate = _switchtime;
                        objpublishRow.News_PublishDate = DateTime.Now;
                    objpublishRow.News_isFocus   = _news_isfocus;
                    objpublishRow.News_Mode      = _news_type;
                    objpublishRow.News_Relation  = _related_news;
                    objpublishRow.News_OtherCat  = _other_cat;
                    objpublishRow.Template       = _template;
                    objpublishRow.isComment      = _isShowComment;
                    objpublishRow.isUserRate     = _isShowRate;
                    objpublishRow.News_ImageNote = _news_title_image;
                    objpublishRow.Icon           = _news_icon;

                    objpublishRow.WordCount = objrow.WordCount;

                // thu insert 2 lan
                if (!objDb.NewsCollection.Insert(objrow))
                    objrow.News_ID        = long.Parse(NewsHelper.GenNewsID());
                    objpublishRow.News_ID = objrow.News_ID;
                    objArow.News_ID       = objrow.News_ID;
                    if (!objDb.NewsCollection.Insert(objrow))
                        throw new Exception("Insert khong thanh cong");

                if (objrow.News_Status == 3)


                #region Gan Thread vao bai
                // Gan Thread vao bai

                if (_thread_id != null && _thread_id != "")
                    Threaddetails objThread   = new Threaddetails();
                    string[]      strArThread = _thread_id.Split(',');
                    foreach (string str in strArThread)
                        objThread.AddnewsThread(objrow.News_ID.ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(str), objDb);

                #region Insert vào bảng MediaObject
                //truong hop co media object
                if (_obj_media != null && _obj_media != "")
                    News_MediaRow objMrow  = null;
                    string[]      mediaIds = _obj_media.Split(",".ToCharArray());
                    foreach (string strMediaId in mediaIds)
                        objMrow           = new News_MediaRow();
                        objMrow.News_ID   = objrow.News_ID;
                        objMrow.Object_ID = Convert.ToInt32(strMediaId);


                toReturn = true;
            catch (Exception ex) {
                toReturn = false;
                // log to system
                try {
                    string mes = "";
                    mes += "NewsId = " + _news_id + Environment.NewLine;
                    mes += "User_Id = " + HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name + Environment.NewLine;
                    mes += "_related_news = " + _related_news + Environment.NewLine;
                    mes += "_other_cat = " + _other_cat + Environment.NewLine;
                    mes += "_thread_id = " + _thread_id + Environment.NewLine;
                    mes += ex.ToString();
                    System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry("CreateNews_CMS_LOG", mes);
                catch (Exception e) { }
            finally {
                if (HttpContext.Current.Session["newsid"] != null)

コード例 #15
        private static void newsupdate(long _news_id, int _news_status)
            NewsRow objRow;
            int     old_news_status = -1;
            int     _cat_id         = -1;

            MainDB objDb = new MainDB();

            string strAction = "";

            try {
                objRow = objDb.NewsCollection.GetByPrimaryKey(_news_id);
                string _news_title = objRow.News_Title.Trim();
                old_news_status = objRow.News_Status;

                _cat_id = objRow.Cat_ID;
                int type_log_action = LogAction.LogType_BaiViet;

                if (objRow != null)
                    //thuc hien doi trang thai cua tin - luu thong tin modified thanh ngay gio hien tai.
                    objRow.News_Status       = _news_status;
                    objRow.News_ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now;
                    objRow.News_Approver     = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
                    //thuc hien luu thong tin vao action.
                    ActionRow objArow = new ActionRow();
                    //Gui len. Neu la xoa tam thi khong luu action
                    if (_news_status == 1)
                        objArow.Comment_Title = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name + " gửi bài chờ biên tập";
                        objArow.ActionType    = 1;
                        strAction             = "<b>" + _news_title.Replace("'", "") + "</b> " + LogAction.LogAction_GuiChoBT + " bởi " + HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
                    if (_news_status == 2)
                        objArow.Comment_Title = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name + " gửi bài chờ duyệt";
                        objArow.ActionType    = 2;
                        strAction             = "<b>" + _news_title.Replace("'", "") + "</b> " + LogAction.LogAction_GuiChoBT + " bởi " + HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;

                    NewsPublishedRow objpublishRow = new NewsPublishedRow();
                    if (_news_status == 3)
                        objRow.News_Approver = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
                        if (objRow.IsNews_PublishDateNull == false && objRow.News_PublishDate.Year != 9999 && objRow.News_PublishDate.Year != 2000)
                            objRow.News_PublishDate = DateTime.Now;

                        objArow.Comment_Title = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name + " xuất bản bài";
                        objArow.ActionType    = 3;
                        strAction             = "<b>" + _news_title.Replace("'", "") + "</b> " + LogAction.LogAction_XB + " bởi " + HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
                        type_log_action       = LogAction.LogType_BaiViet_XB;

                        //thuc hien chuyen du lieu qua bang newspublished

                        objpublishRow.News_ID          = objRow.News_ID;
                        objpublishRow.Cat_ID           = objRow.Cat_ID;
                        objpublishRow.News_Subtitle    = objRow.News_Subtitle;
                        objpublishRow.News_Title       = objRow.News_Title;
                        objpublishRow.News_Image       = objRow.News_Image;
                        objpublishRow.News_Source      = objRow.News_Source;
                        objpublishRow.News_InitContent = objRow.News_InitialContent;
                        objpublishRow.News_Content     = objRow.News_Content;
                        objpublishRow.News_Athor       = objRow.News_Author;
                        objpublishRow.News_Approver    = objRow.News_Approver;
                        objpublishRow.News_Status      = 3;

                        if (objRow.IsNews_PublishDateNull == true || objRow.News_PublishDate.Year == 9999 || objRow.News_PublishDate.Year == 2000)
                            objRow.News_PublishDate = DateTime.Now;
                        objpublishRow.News_PublishDate = objRow.News_PublishDate;

                        objpublishRow.News_isFocus = objRow.News_isFocus;
                        objpublishRow.News_Mode    = objRow.News_Mode;
                        objpublishRow.isComment    = objRow.isComment;
                        objpublishRow.isUserRate   = objRow.isUserRate;
                        objpublishRow.Template     = objRow.Template;
                        objpublishRow.Icon         = objRow.Icon;
                        //objpublishRow.News_Relation = objRow.News_Relation;
                    if (_news_status == 5)
                        ActionRow objLastestArow = NewslistHelper.getLastestAction(Convert.ToInt64(_news_id));
                        objArow.Reciver_ID    = objLastestArow.Sender_ID;
                        objArow.Comment_Title = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name + " trả lại bài";
                        strAction             = "<b>" + _news_title.Replace("'", "") + "</b> " + LogAction.LogAction_TraLai + " bởi " + HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
                        objArow.ActionType    = getLastestStatus(_news_id);

                        if (old_news_status == 3)
                            type_log_action = LogAction.LogType_BaiViet_XB;
                    //xoa tam
                    if (_news_status == 6)
                        objArow.Reciver_ID    = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
                        objArow.Comment_Title = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name + " xoá tạm bài";
                        strAction             = "<b>" + _news_title.Replace("'", "") + "</b> " + LogAction.LogAction_XoaTam + " bởi " + HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
                        objArow.ActionType    = getLastestStatus(_news_id);
                    //gui bai tu backlist len
                    if (_news_status == -1)
                        int intLastStaus = getLastestStatus(_news_id);
                        objArow.Reciver_ID    = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
                        objArow.Comment_Title = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name + " gửi bài";
                        strAction             = "<b>" + _news_title.Replace("'", "") + "</b> " + LogAction.LogAction_GuiBai + " bởi " + HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
                        objRow.News_Status    = intLastStaus;
                        objArow.ActionType    = intLastStaus;
                    if (_news_status == 7)
                        int intLastStaus = getLastestStatus(_news_id);
                        objArow.ActionType    = intLastStaus;
                        objArow.Comment_Title = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name + " gỡ bỏ bài";
                        strAction             = "<b>" + _news_title.Replace("'", "") + "</b> " + LogAction.LogAction_GoBai + " bởi " + HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
                        type_log_action       = LogAction.LogType_BaiViet_XB;

                        objpublishRow = objDb.NewsPublishedCollection.GetByPrimaryKey(_news_id);
                        if (objpublishRow != null)

                    objArow.News_ID   = _news_id;
                    objArow.Sender_ID = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;

                    objArow.CreateDate = DateTime.Now;

                    if (_news_status == 3)

                    // Commit Transaction
            catch (Exception ex) {
            finally {
コード例 #16
ファイル: ActionRowWrapper.cs プロジェクト: chrhodes/Office
 public ActionRowWrapper(ActionRow model) : base(model)
コード例 #17
        public static string getSender(long _news_id)
            ActionRow _arows = getLastestAction(_news_id);

            return(_arows != null ? _arows.Sender_ID : "");
コード例 #18
 public ActionRowChangeEvent(ActionRow row, global::System.Data.DataRowAction action) {
     this.eventRow = row;
     this.eventAction = action;
コード例 #19
 public void AddActionRow(ActionRow row)
コード例 #20
 public void RemoveActionRow(ActionRow row) {
コード例 #21
ファイル: Actions.cs プロジェクト: fishxz/omni-bot
 public ActionRowChangeEvent(ActionRow row, DataRowAction action)
     this.eventRow = row;
     this.eventAction = action;