コード例 #1
        private void Checkpoint()
            if (mEyes == null)
                mAct.Error  = "Applitools Eyes is not opened";
                mAct.ExInfo = "You require to add Eyes.Open Action on step before.";

            AppImage response = mEyes.CheckImage(mDriver.GetScreenShot());

            mAct.AddOrUpdateReturnParamActual("ExactMatches", response.IsMatch.ToString());

            bool FailActionOnMistmach = Boolean.Parse(mAct.GetInputParamValue(ApplitoolsAnalyzer.FailActionOnMistmach));

            if (response.IsMatch == true || !FailActionOnMistmach)
                mAct.Status = Amdocs.Ginger.CoreNET.Execution.eRunStatus.Passed;
                if (!FailActionOnMistmach)
                    mAct.ExInfo = "Created new baseline in Applitools or Mismatch between saved baseline and target checkpoint image";
            else if (response.IsMatch == false)
                mAct.Error = "Created new baseline in Applitools or Mismatch between saved baseline and target checkpoint image";
コード例 #2
        void IVisualAnalyzer.Compare()
            MagickImage magickBaseImg   = new MagickImage(mAct.baseImage);
            MagickImage magickTargetImg = new MagickImage(mAct.targetImage);

            var diffImg = new MagickImage();

            double percentageDifference;

            // TODO: add combo with list of options for user to choose the Error Matic and Cahnnels
            ActInputValue AIV = mAct.GetOrCreateInputParam(ActVisualTesting.Fields.ErrorMetric);

            //TODO: fix me - removed hard code
            //caused build problem on build machine so temp fix for now
            ErrorMetric EM = ErrorMetric.Fuzz;

            percentageDifference = magickBaseImg.Compare(magickTargetImg, EM, diffImg, Channels.Red);
            percentageDifference = percentageDifference * 100;
            percentageDifference = Math.Round(percentageDifference, 2);

            Bitmap ImgToSave = diffImg.ToBitmap();

            mAct.CompareResult = ImgToSave;

            mAct.AddOrUpdateReturnParamActual("Percentage Difference", percentageDifference + "");

            mAct.AddScreenShot(ImgToSave, "Compare Result");
コード例 #3
        void IVisualAnalyzer.Compare()
            //TODO: use interface on the driver to get elements
            if (mDriver is IVisualTestingDriver)
                IVisualTestingDriver d = (IVisualTestingDriver)mDriver;

                string             filename = mAct.GetFullFilePath(mAct.BaselineInfoFile);
                VisualElementsInfo VE1      = VisualElementsInfo.Load(filename);
                VE1.Bitmap = mAct.baseImage;

                VisualElementsInfo VE2 = d.GetVisualElementsInfo();
                IEnumerable <VisualElement> listwithnomatch = from x in VE1.Elements where x.Text != "" && x.MatchingElement == null select x;

                // Create compare bitmap for VE1
                Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(VE1.Bitmap);
                // mark element with no match
                foreach (VisualElement VE in listwithnomatch)
                    using (Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(bmp))
                        gr.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;

                        //TODO: check the -3 or + 6 will not go out of bitmap
                        Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(VE.X - 3, VE.Y - 3, VE.Width + 6, VE.Height + 6);

                        gr.FillRectangle(Brushes.Transparent, rect);
                        using (Pen thick_pen = new Pen(Color.HotPink, 2))
                            gr.DrawRectangle(thick_pen, rect);

                mAct.CompareResult = bmp;

                // Add output of mismatch
                mAct.AddOrUpdateReturnParamActual("Mismatch elements in target", listwithnomatch.Count() + "");

                //TODO: if output each mismatch then do output

                mAct.AddScreenShot(bmp, "Compare Result");

                //TODO: add small bitmap of mismatch elem
コード例 #4
        private void CloseEyes()
                TestResults TR = mEyes.Close(false);
                // Update results info into outputs

                mAct.ExInfo = "URL to view results: " + TR.Url;
                mAct.AddOrUpdateReturnParamActual("ResultsURL", TR.Url + "");
                mAct.AddOrUpdateReturnParamActual("Steps", TR.Steps + "");
                mAct.AddOrUpdateReturnParamActual("Mismatches", TR.Mismatches + "");
                mAct.AddOrUpdateReturnParamActual("ExactMatches", TR.ExactMatches + "");
                mAct.AddOrUpdateReturnParamActual("StrictMatches", TR.StrictMatches + "");
                mAct.AddOrUpdateReturnParamActual("ContentMatches", TR.ContentMatches + "");
                mAct.AddOrUpdateReturnParamActual("LayoutMatches", TR.LayoutMatches + "");
                mAct.AddOrUpdateReturnParamActual("ExactMatches", TR.ExactMatches + "");
                mAct.AddOrUpdateReturnParamActual("IsNew", TR.IsNew + "");

                if (!TR.IsNew)
                    foreach (StepInfo step in TR.StepsInfo)
                        if (!step.HasCurrentImage)
                            mAct.AddOrUpdateReturnParamActual(step.Name, "Failed with Missing Image" + "");
                            mAct.AddOrUpdateReturnParamActual(step.Name, step.IsDifferent ? "Failed" : "Passed" + "");
                mAct.AddOrUpdateReturnParamActual("IsNew", TR.IsNew + "");
                if ((TR.Mismatches == 0 || TR.IsNew) && TR.Missing == 0)
                    mAct.Status = Amdocs.Ginger.CoreNET.Execution.eRunStatus.Passed;
                    if (TR.IsNew)
                        mAct.ExInfo = "Created new baseline in Applitools.";
                        mAct.ExInfo = TR.Matches + " steps Matched with saved baseline in Applitools.";
                    mAct.Status = Amdocs.Ginger.CoreNET.Execution.eRunStatus.Failed;
                    if (TR.Mismatches != 0)
                        mAct.Error = TR.Mismatches + " steps Mismatched with saved baseline image in Applitools. ";
                    if (TR.Missing != 0)
                        mAct.Error += TR.Missing + " steps missing current images.";
            catch (Exception ex)
                mAct.Error += "Eyes Close operation failed, Error: " + ex.Message;