private void HandleStartStructureConstruction(TryStartStructureConstructionMessage msg, EntitySessionEventArgs args) { var placingEnt = args.SenderSession.AttachedEntity; var result = TryStartStructureConstruction(placingEnt, msg.Location, msg.PrototypeName, msg.Angle); if (!result) { return; } var responseMsg = new AckStructureConstructionMessage(msg.Ack); var channel = ((IPlayerSession)args.SenderSession).ConnectedClient; RaiseNetworkEvent(responseMsg, channel); }
private void HandleAckStructure(AckStructureConstructionMessage msg) { ClearGhost(msg.GhostId); }
void TryStartStructureConstruction(GridCoordinates loc, string prototypeName, Angle angle, int ack) { var prototype = _prototypeManager.Index <ConstructionPrototype>(prototypeName); if (!InteractionChecks.InRangeUnobstructed(Owner, loc.ToMap(_mapManager), ignoredEnt: Owner, insideBlockerValid: prototype.CanBuildInImpassable)) { return; } if (prototype.Stages.Count < 2) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"Prototype '{prototypeName}' does not have enough stages."); } var stage0 = prototype.Stages[0]; if (!(stage0.Forward is ConstructionStepMaterial matStep)) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } // Try to find the stack with the material in the user's hand. var hands = Owner.GetComponent <HandsComponent>(); var activeHand = hands.GetActiveHand?.Owner; if (activeHand == null) { return; } if (!activeHand.TryGetComponent(out StackComponent stack) || !ConstructionComponent.MaterialStackValidFor(matStep, stack)) { return; } if (!stack.Use(matStep.Amount)) { return; } // OK WE'RE GOOD CONSTRUCTION STARTED. _entitySystemManager.GetEntitySystem <AudioSystem>().Play("/Audio/items/deconstruct.ogg", loc); if (prototype.Stages.Count == 2) { // Exactly 2 stages, so don't make an intermediate frame. var ent = _serverEntityManager.SpawnEntity(prototype.Result, loc); ent.Transform.LocalRotation = angle; } else { var frame = _serverEntityManager.SpawnEntity("structureconstructionframe", loc); var construction = frame.GetComponent <ConstructionComponent>(); construction.Init(prototype); frame.Transform.LocalRotation = angle; } var msg = new AckStructureConstructionMessage(ack); SendNetworkMessage(msg); }
void TryStartStructureConstruction(GridCoordinates loc, string prototypeName, Angle angle, int ack) { var protoMan = IoCManager.Resolve <IPrototypeManager>(); var prototype = protoMan.Index <ConstructionPrototype>(prototypeName); var transform = Owner.GetComponent <ITransformComponent>(); if (!loc.InRange(transform.GridPosition, InteractionSystem.INTERACTION_RANGE)) { return; } if (prototype.Stages.Count < 2) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"Prototype '{prototypeName}' does not have enough stages."); } var stage0 = prototype.Stages[0]; if (!(stage0.Forward is ConstructionStepMaterial matStep)) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } // Try to find the stack with the material in the user's hand. var hands = Owner.GetComponent <HandsComponent>(); var activeHand = hands.GetActiveHand?.Owner; if (activeHand == null) { return; } if (!activeHand.TryGetComponent(out StackComponent stack) || !ConstructionComponent.MaterialStackValidFor(matStep, stack)) { return; } if (!stack.Use(matStep.Amount)) { return; } // OK WE'RE GOOD CONSTRUCTION STARTED. var entMgr = IoCManager.Resolve <IServerEntityManager>(); var AudioSystem = IoCManager.Resolve <IEntitySystemManager>().GetEntitySystem <AudioSystem>(); AudioSystem.Play("/Audio/items/deconstruct.ogg", loc); if (prototype.Stages.Count == 2) { // Exactly 2 stages, so don't make an intermediate frame. var ent = entMgr.ForceSpawnEntityAt(prototype.Result, loc); ent.GetComponent <ITransformComponent>().LocalRotation = angle; } else { var frame = entMgr.ForceSpawnEntityAt("structureconstructionframe", loc); var construction = frame.GetComponent <ConstructionComponent>(); construction.Init(prototype); frame.GetComponent <ITransformComponent>().LocalRotation = angle; } var msg = new AckStructureConstructionMessage(ack); SendNetworkMessage(msg); }