コード例 #1
        private static void CanWriteCheck(Object obj)
            Attribute checking = new AccountsAttribute(Accounts.Checking);

            Attribute validAccounts = obj.GetType().GetCustomAttribute <AccountsAttribute>(false);

            if ((validAccounts != null) && checking.Match(validAccounts))
                Console.WriteLine("{0} types can write checks.", obj.GetType());
                Console.WriteLine("{0} types can not write checks,", obj.GetType());
コード例 #2
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: solar555/CLR_via_CSharp
            private static void CanWriteCheck(object obj)
                Attribute checking      = new AccountsAttribute(Accounts.Checking);
                Attribute validAccounts = Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(
                    obj.GetType(), typeof(AccountsAttribute), false);

                if ((validAccounts != null) && checking.Match(validAccounts))
                    Console.WriteLine("{0} types can write checks.", obj.GetType());
                    Console.WriteLine("{0} types can NOT write checks.", obj.GetType());
コード例 #3
            public override bool Equals(object obj)
                if (obj == null)
                if (this.GetType() != obj.GetType())

                AccountsAttribute other = (AccountsAttribute)obj;

                if (other.m_accounts != m_accounts)

コード例 #4
    private static void CanWriteCheck(Object obj)
        // Construct an instance of the attribute type and initialize it
        // to what we are explicitly looking for.
        Attribute checking = new AccountsAttribute(Accounts.Checking);

        // Construct the attribute instance that was applied to the type
        Attribute validAccounts = obj.GetType().GetCustomAttribute <AccountsAttribute>(false);

        // If the attribute was applied to the type AND the
        // attribute specifies the "Checking" account, then the
        // type can write a check
        if ((validAccounts != null) && checking.Match(validAccounts))
            Console.WriteLine("{0} types can write checks.", obj.GetType());
            Console.WriteLine("{0} types can NOT write checks.", obj.GetType());
コード例 #5
        public override Boolean Equals(Object obj)
            // If the base class implements Equals and the base class
            // is not Object, then uncomment the line below.
            // if (!base.Equals(obj)) return false;

            // Since ‘this’ isn’t null, if obj is null,
            // then the objects can’t be equal
            // NOTE: This line may be deleted if you trust
            // the base type implemented Equals correctly.
            if (obj == null)

            // If the objects are of different types, they can’t be equal
            // NOTE: This line may be deleted if you trust
            // the base type implemented Equals correctly.
            if (this.GetType() != obj.GetType())

            // Cast obj to our type to access fields. NOTE: This cast
            // can't fail since we know objects are of the same type
            AccountsAttribute other = (AccountsAttribute)obj;

            // Compare the fields to see if they have the same value
            // This example checks if 'this' accounts is the same
            // as other's accounts
            if (other.m_accounts != m_accounts)

            return(true); // Objects are equal
コード例 #6
        public override Boolean Match(Object obj)
            // If the base class implements Match and the base class
            // is not Attribute, then uncomment the line below.
            // if (!base.Match(obj)) return false;

            // Since ‘this’ isn’t null, if obj is null,
            // then the objects can’t match
            // NOTE: This line may be deleted if you trust
            // the base type implemented Match correctly.
            if (obj == null)

            // If the objects are of different types, they can’t match
            // NOTE: This line may be deleted if you trust
            // the base type implemented Match correctly.
            if (this.GetType() != obj.GetType())

            // Cast obj to our type to access fields. NOTE: This cast
            // can't fail since we know objects are of the same type
            AccountsAttribute other = (AccountsAttribute)obj;

            // Compare the fields as you see fit
            // This example checks if 'this' accounts is a subset
            // of other's accounts
            if ((other.m_accounts & m_accounts) != m_accounts)

            return(true); // Objects match
コード例 #7
   private static void CanWriteCheck(Object obj) {
      // Construct an instance of the attribute type and initialize it
      // to what we are explicitly looking for.
      Attribute checking = new AccountsAttribute(Accounts.Checking);

      // Construct the attribute instance that was applied to the type
      Attribute validAccounts = obj.GetType().GetCustomAttribute<AccountsAttribute>(false);

      // If the attribute was applied to the type AND the 
      // attribute specifies the "Checking" account, then the
      // type can write a check
      if ((validAccounts != null) && checking.Match(validAccounts)) {
         Console.WriteLine("{0} types can write checks.", obj.GetType());
      } else {
         Console.WriteLine("{0} types can NOT write checks.", obj.GetType());