public async Task CreateVat(Guid subscriptionId, string country, decimal rate, string description) { if (subscriptionId == Guid.Empty) { throw new ArgumentException("value cannot be empty", nameof(subscriptionId)); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(country)) { throw new ArgumentException("value cannot be empty", nameof(country)); } if (rate < 0) { throw new ArgumentException("value cannot be less than zero", nameof(rate)); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(description)) { throw new ArgumentException("value cannot be empty", nameof(description)); } var vat = new Vat { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), SubscriptionId = subscriptionId, Country = country, Description = description, Rate = rate, Unlisted = false }; _context.Add(vat); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); }
private void CreateSettingsDefaults(Guid subscriptionId, bool minimumTaxPayerRegime, bool electronicInvoiceEnabled, bool splitPaymentApplied, Vat vat, ProvidenceFund providenceFund, WithholdingTax withholdingTax) { var defaults = new SettingsDefaults { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), SubscriptionId = subscriptionId, ElectronicInvoiceEnabled = electronicInvoiceEnabled, MinimumTaxPayerRegime = minimumTaxPayerRegime, SplitPaymentApplied = splitPaymentApplied, ProvidenceFund = providenceFund, Vat = vat, WithholdingTax = withholdingTax }; _context.Add(defaults); }