コード例 #1
 public SparkViewDescriptor AddAccessor(string property, string getValue)
     Accessors.Add(new Accessor {
         Property = property, GetValue = getValue
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Some reflection and lambda wizardry to make this type safe...
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TProperty"></typeparam>
        /// <param name="property"></param>
        /// <param name="rule"></param>
        /// <param name="message"></param>
        protected void AddPropertyRule <TProperty>(Expression <Func <T, TProperty> > property, Func <T, TProperty, bool> rule, string message)
            MemberExpression memberExp = property.Body as MemberExpression;
            var info = memberExp.Member;
            var pd   = TypeDescriptor.CreateProperty(typeof(T), info.Name, typeof(TProperty));

            Func <T, object, bool> func = (entity, o) => rule(entity, (TProperty)pd.GetValue(entity));

            Accessors.Add(info.Name, e => pd.GetValue(e));
            PropertyRules.Add(info.Name, new PropertyRule <T>(func, message));
コード例 #3
        // Put initializtion code here.
        public TestObjectAccessors()
            myobject = new MyObject();

            PropertyInfo[] oProps;
            Type           oType = typeof(MyObject);

            oProps = oType.GetProperties();

            for (int i = 0; i < oProps.Length; i++)
                Accessors.Add(new PropertyAccessor(oType, oProps[i].Name));
コード例 #4
        private PropertyDeclarationSyntax AddAttribute(PropertyDeclarationSyntax property)
            var dictionaryType = property.Type;

            if (dictionaryType is QualifiedNameSyntax qualifiedName)
                dictionaryType = qualifiedName.Right;

            if (dictionaryType is not GenericNameSyntax genericName)
                // Don't mutate

            var nullableObject = NullableType(PredefinedType(Token(SyntaxKind.ObjectKeyword)));

            // System.Text.Json requires dictionary values be JsonElement or object, so replace the types with object.
            // We don't want to use JsonElement because it's very difficult to build those dynamically.
            // We could use JsonObject instead of a dictionary, but there is currently an issue in System.Text.Json which prevents this
            // https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/60560
            var newDictionaryType = WellKnownTypes.System.Collections.Generic.DictionaryT.Name(

            var interfaceType = WellKnownTypes.System.Collections.Generic.IDictionaryT.Name(

                   // We must have a setter for JsonExtensionData to work with System.Text.Json
                   .WithAccessorList(AccessorList(property.AccessorList !.Accessors.Add(AccessorDeclaration(SyntaxKind.SetAccessorDeclaration))))
                   // Add the JsonExtensionData attribute
コード例 #5
         * public byte[] GetBuffer(int bufferIndex)
         * {
         *  return FileChunks[bufferIndex + 1].Data;
         * }

        public void ParseJSON(string JSONstring)
            var json = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <dynamic>(JSONstring);

            foreach (var bufferViewJSON in json.bufferViews)
                GLBBufferView bufferView = new GLBBufferView();

                bufferView.Buffer     = FileChunks[(int)bufferViewJSON.buffer + 1].Data;
                bufferView.ByteOffset = bufferViewJSON.byteOffset;
                bufferView.ByteLength = bufferViewJSON.byteLength;
                bufferView.Target     = bufferViewJSON.target;


            foreach (var accessorJSON in json.accessors)
                GLBAccessor accessor = new GLBAccessor();

                accessor.BufferView    = BufferViews[(int)accessorJSON.bufferView];
                accessor.ComponentType = accessorJSON.componentType;
                accessor.Count         = accessorJSON.count;
                accessor.Type          = accessorJSON.type;


            foreach (var imageJSON in json.images)
                GLBImage image = new GLBImage();

                image.BufferView = BufferViews[(int)imageJSON.bufferView];
                image.MimeType   = imageJSON.mimeType;


            foreach (var samplerJSON in json.samplers)
                GLBSampler sampler = new GLBSampler();

                sampler.MinFilter = samplerJSON.minFilter;
                sampler.MagFilter = samplerJSON.magFilter;
                sampler.WrapS     = samplerJSON.wrapS;
                sampler.WrapT     = samplerJSON.wrapT;


            foreach (var textureJSON in json.textures)
                GLBTexture texture = new GLBTexture();

                texture.Source  = Images[(int)textureJSON.source];
                texture.Sampler = Samplers[(int)textureJSON.sampler];


            foreach (var materialJSON in json.materials)
                GLBMaterial material = new GLBMaterial();

                material.Name = materialJSON.name;


            foreach (var meshJSON in json.meshes)
                GLBMesh mesh = new GLBMesh();

                mesh.Name = meshJSON.name;

                foreach (var primitiveJSON in meshJSON.primitives)
                    GLBPrimitive primitive = new GLBPrimitive();

                    GLBAttributes attributes = new GLBAttributes();

                    attributes.Position = Accessors[(int)primitiveJSON.attributes.POSITION];
                    attributes.Normal   = Accessors[(int)primitiveJSON.attributes.NORMAL];

                    primitive.Attributes = attributes;
                    primitive.Indices    = Accessors[(int)primitiveJSON.indices];
                    primitive.Material   = Materials[(int)primitiveJSON.material];


コード例 #6
        private void RegisterMember(Type type, System.Reflection.MemberInfo m, Type mType, Func <object, object> get, Action <object, object> set)
            // struct that holds access method for property/field
            MemberInfo accessor = new MemberInfo();

            accessor.Type = mType;
            accessor.Get  = get;
            accessor.Set  = set;

            if (set != null) // writeable ?
                accessor.SerializeMethod = YamlSerializeMethod.Assign;
                accessor.SerializeMethod = YamlSerializeMethod.Never;
                if (mType.IsClass)
                    accessor.SerializeMethod = YamlSerializeMethod.Content;
            var attr1 = m.GetAttribute <YamlSerializeAttribute>();

            if (attr1 != null)     // specified
                if (set == null)   // read only member
                    if (attr1.SerializeMethod == YamlSerializeMethod.Assign ||
                        (mType.IsValueType && accessor.SerializeMethod == YamlSerializeMethod.Content))
                        throw new ArgumentException("{0} {1} is not writeable by {2}."
                                                    .DoFormat(mType.FullName, m.Name, attr1.SerializeMethod.ToString()));
                accessor.SerializeMethod = attr1.SerializeMethod;
            if (accessor.SerializeMethod == YamlSerializeMethod.Never)
                return; // no need to register
            if (accessor.SerializeMethod == YamlSerializeMethod.Binary)
                if (!mType.IsArray)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("{0} {1} of {2} is not an array. Can not be serialized as binary."
                                                        .DoFormat(mType.FullName, m.Name, type.FullName));
                if (!TypeUtils.IsPureValueType(mType.GetElementType()))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(
                              "{0} is not a pure ValueType. {1} {2} of {3} can not serialize as binary."
                              .DoFormat(mType.GetElementType(), mType.FullName, m.Name, type.FullName));

            // ShouldSerialize
            //      YamlSerializeAttribute(Never) => false
            //      ShouldSerializeSomeProperty => call it
            //      DefaultValueAttribute(default) => compare to it
            //      otherwise => true
            var shouldSerialize = type.GetMethod("ShouldSerialize" + m.Name,
                                                 BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic,
                                                 null, Type.EmptyTypes, new ParameterModifier[0]);

            if (shouldSerialize != null && shouldSerialize.ReturnType == typeof(bool) && accessor.ShouldSeriealize == null)
                accessor.ShouldSeriealize = obj => (bool)shouldSerialize.Invoke(obj, EmptyObjectArray);
            var attr2 = m.GetAttribute <DefaultValueAttribute>();

            if (attr2 != null && accessor.ShouldSeriealize == null)
                var defaultValue = attr2.Value;
                if (TypeUtils.IsNumeric(defaultValue) && defaultValue.GetType() != mType)
                    defaultValue = TypeUtils.CastToNumericType(defaultValue, mType);
                accessor.ShouldSeriealize = obj => !TypeUtils.AreEqual(defaultValue, accessor.Get(obj));
            if (accessor.ShouldSeriealize == null)
                accessor.ShouldSeriealize = obj => true;

            Accessors.Add(m.Name, accessor);
コード例 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Takes the intermediate geometry data and performs the calculations
        /// to convert that into glTF buffers, views, and accessors.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="geomData"></param>
        /// <param name="name">Unique name for the .bin file that will be produced.</param>
        /// <param name="elementId">Revit element's Element ID that will be used as the batchId value.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public glTFBinaryData AddGeometryMeta(GeometryData geomData, string name, int elementId)
            // add a buffer
            glTFBuffer buffer = new glTFBuffer();

            buffer.uri = name + ".bin";
            int bufferIdx = Buffers.Count - 1;

             * Buffer Data
            glTFBinaryData bufferData = new glTFBinaryData();

            bufferData.name = buffer.uri;
            foreach (var coord in geomData.vertices)
                float vFloat = Convert.ToSingle(coord);
            //foreach (var normal in geomData.normals)
            //    bufferData.normalBuffer.Add((float)normal);
            foreach (var index in geomData.faces)
            foreach (var coord in geomData.vertices)

            // Get max and min for vertex data
            float[] vertexMinMax = Util.GetVec3MinMax(bufferData.vertexBuffer);
            // Get max and min for normal data
            //float[] normalMinMax = Util.GetVec3MinMax(bufferData.normalBuffer);
            // Get max and min for index data
            int[] faceMinMax = Util.GetScalarMinMax(bufferData.indexBuffer);
            // Get max and min for batchId data
            float[] batchIdMinMax = Util.GetVec3MinMax(bufferData.batchIdBuffer);

             * BufferViews
            // Add a vec3 buffer view
            int            elementsPerVertex = 3;
            int            bytesPerElement   = 4;
            int            bytesPerVertex    = elementsPerVertex * bytesPerElement;
            int            numVec3           = (geomData.vertices.Count) / elementsPerVertex;
            int            sizeOfVec3View    = numVec3 * bytesPerVertex;
            glTFBufferView vec3View          = new glTFBufferView();

            vec3View.buffer     = bufferIdx;
            vec3View.byteOffset = 0;
            vec3View.byteLength = sizeOfVec3View;
            vec3View.target     = Targets.ARRAY_BUFFER;
            int vec3ViewIdx = BufferViews.Count - 1;

            // Add a normals (vec3) buffer view
            //int elementsPerNormal = 3;
            //int bytesPerNormalElement = 4;
            //int bytesPerNormal = elementsPerNormal * bytesPerNormalElement;
            //int numVec3Normals = (geomData.normals.Count) / elementsPerNormal;
            //int sizeOfVec3ViewNormals = numVec3Normals * bytesPerNormal;
            //glTFBufferView vec3ViewNormals = new glTFBufferView();
            //vec3ViewNormals.buffer = bufferIdx;
            //vec3ViewNormals.byteOffset = vec3View.byteLength;
            //vec3ViewNormals.byteLength = sizeOfVec3ViewNormals;
            //vec3ViewNormals.target = Targets.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER;
            //int vec3ViewNormalsIdx = BufferViews.Count - 1;

            // Add a faces / indexes buffer view
            int            elementsPerIndex     = 1;
            int            bytesPerIndexElement = 4;
            int            bytesPerIndex        = elementsPerIndex * bytesPerIndexElement;
            int            numIndexes           = geomData.faces.Count;
            int            sizeOfIndexView      = numIndexes * bytesPerIndex;
            glTFBufferView facesView            = new glTFBufferView();

            facesView.buffer     = bufferIdx;
            facesView.byteOffset = vec3View.byteLength;
            //facesView.byteOffset = vec3ViewNormals.byteOffset + vec3ViewNormals.byteLength;
            facesView.byteLength = sizeOfIndexView;
            facesView.target     = Targets.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER;
            int facesViewIdx = BufferViews.Count - 1;

            // Add a batchId buffer view
            glTFBufferView batchIdsView = new glTFBufferView();

            batchIdsView.buffer     = bufferIdx;
            batchIdsView.byteOffset = facesView.byteOffset + facesView.byteLength;
            batchIdsView.byteLength = sizeOfVec3View;
            batchIdsView.target     = Targets.ARRAY_BUFFER;
            int batchIdsViewIdx = BufferViews.Count - 1;

            //Buffers[bufferIdx].byteLength = vec3View.byteLength + vec3ViewNormals.byteLength + facesView.byteLength + batchIdsView.byteLength;
            Buffers[bufferIdx].byteLength = vec3View.byteLength + facesView.byteLength + batchIdsView.byteLength;

             * Accessors
            // add a position accessor
            glTFAccessor positionAccessor = new glTFAccessor();

            positionAccessor.bufferView    = vec3ViewIdx;
            positionAccessor.byteOffset    = 0;
            positionAccessor.componentType = ComponentType.FLOAT;
            positionAccessor.count         = geomData.vertices.Count / elementsPerVertex;
            positionAccessor.type          = "VEC3";
            positionAccessor.max           = new List <float>()
                vertexMinMax[1], vertexMinMax[3], vertexMinMax[5]
            positionAccessor.min = new List <float>()
                vertexMinMax[0], vertexMinMax[2], vertexMinMax[4]
            positionAccessor.name = "POSITION";
            bufferData.vertexAccessorIndex = Accessors.Count - 1;

            //add a normals accessor
            //glTFAccessor normalsAccessor = new glTFAccessor();
            //normalsAccessor.bufferView = vec3ViewNormalsIdx;
            //normalsAccessor.byteOffset = 0;
            //normalsAccessor.componentType = ComponentType.FLOAT;
            //normalsAccessor.count = geomData.normals.Count / elementsPerNormal;
            //normalsAccessor.type = "VEC3";
            //normalsAccessor.max = new List<float>() { normalMinMax[1], normalMinMax[3], normalMinMax[5] };
            //normalsAccessor.min = new List<float>() { normalMinMax[0], normalMinMax[2], normalMinMax[4] };
            //normalsAccessor.name = "NORMALS";
            //bufferData.normalsAccessorIndex = Accessors.Count - 1;

            // add a face accessor
            glTFAccessor faceAccessor = new glTFAccessor();

            faceAccessor.bufferView    = facesViewIdx;
            faceAccessor.byteOffset    = 0;
            faceAccessor.componentType = ComponentType.UNSIGNED_INT;
            //faceAccessor.count = numIndexes;
            faceAccessor.count = geomData.faces.Count / elementsPerIndex;
            faceAccessor.type  = "SCALAR";
            faceAccessor.max   = new List <float>()
            faceAccessor.min = new List <float>()
            faceAccessor.name = "FACE";
            bufferData.indexAccessorIndex = Accessors.Count - 1;

            // add a batchId accessor
            glTFAccessor batchIdAccessor = new glTFAccessor();

            batchIdAccessor.bufferView    = batchIdsViewIdx;
            batchIdAccessor.byteOffset    = 0;
            batchIdAccessor.componentType = ComponentType.FLOAT;
            //batchIdAccessor.count = numIndexes;
            batchIdAccessor.count = geomData.vertices.Count / elementsPerVertex;
            batchIdAccessor.type  = "VEC3";
            //batchIdAccessor.max = new List<float>() { batchIdMinMax[1] };
            //batchIdAccessor.min = new List<float>() { batchIdMinMax[0] };
            batchIdAccessor.max = new List <float>()
                batchIdMinMax[1], batchIdMinMax[3], batchIdMinMax[5]
            batchIdAccessor.min = new List <float>()
                batchIdMinMax[0], batchIdMinMax[2], batchIdMinMax[4]
            batchIdAccessor.name = "BATCH_ID";
            bufferData.batchIdAccessorIndex = Accessors.Count - 1;
