private void deleteBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (projectList.SelectedItem == null) { MessageBox.Show("Select a project in Project List."); return; } AccessSqlite sql = new AccessSqlite(); int result = sql.deleteTable(projectList.SelectedItem.ToString()); if (result == 0) { if (projectName != null && projectList.SelectedItem.ToString() == projectName) { projectName = null; curProjText.Text = null; ManageFile mf = new ManageFile(); mf.setCurrentProject("check.txt", null); } resetList(); MessageBox.Show("Succeed in deleting the project."); } else { MessageBox.Show("Deleting the table failed."); } }
private void resetList() { projectList.Items.Clear(); AccessSqlite sql = new AccessSqlite(); string[] rows = sql.getRows("sqlite_master", "name", "type = 'table'"); if (rows == null) { return; } int i = 0; while (rows.Length > i) { projectList.Items.Add(rows[i]); i++; } }
private void renewTreeView() { treeView.Nodes.Clear(); AccessSqlite sql = new AccessSqlite(); int point; string[] rows = sql.getRows(project, "class", "name = '" + path + "'"); int i = 0; try { if (rows == null || rows[0] == "") { return; } while (rows.Length > i) { treeView.Nodes.Add(rows[i]); treeView.Nodes[i].BackColor = Color.DarkViolet; treeView.Nodes[i].ForeColor = Color.White; string[] row = sql.getRows(project, "field", "name = '" + path + "' and class = '" + rows[i] + "'"); if (row != null && row[0] != "" && row[0] != null) { point = row[0].IndexOf(","); while (point != -1) { string temp = row[0].Substring(0, point); int point2 = temp.IndexOf("-"); temp = temp.Substring(0, point2) + "(" + temp.Substring(point2 + 1) + ")"; treeView.Nodes[i].Nodes.Add(temp); row[0] = row[0].Substring(point + 1); point = row[0].IndexOf(","); } } i++; } } catch (Exception e) { } }
private void setDirectory() { AccessSqlite sql = new AccessSqlite(); ManageFile mf = new ManageFile(); string[] rows = sql.getRows(projectName, "name", null); int i = 0; try { while (rows.Length > i) { string row = rows[i].Replace(".", @"\"); mf.createDirectory(projectName + @"\" + row); i++; } } catch (Exception e) { } }
private void renewTreeView() { treeView.Nodes.Clear(); AccessSqlite sql = new AccessSqlite(); string[] rows = sql.getRows(project, "name", null); int i = 0; if (rows == null) { return; } while (rows.Length > i) { if (nodeList == null) { nodeList = new Node(rows[i]); } else { addNode(rows[i]); } int point = rows[i].LastIndexOf("."); while (point != -1) { rows[i] = rows[i].Substring(0, point); addNode(rows[i]); point = rows[i].LastIndexOf("."); } i++; } tempNode = nodeList; while (tempNode != null) { string pPath = tempNode.getPath(); int point = pPath.LastIndexOf("."); if (point != -1) { pPath = pPath.Substring(0, point); } else { pPath = ""; } Node tempNode2 = nodeList; while (tempNode2 != null) { if (string.Compare(tempNode2.getPath(), pPath) == 0) { tempNode2.getNode().Nodes.Add(tempNode.getNode()); break; } tempNode2 = tempNode2.getNext(); } tempNode = tempNode.getNext(); } tempNode = nodeList; while (tempNode != null) { if (string.Compare(tempNode.getNode().Text, tempNode.getPath()) == 0) { treeView.Nodes.Add(tempNode.getNode()); } tempNode = tempNode.getNext(); } }
private void setClassFile() { AccessSqlite sql = new AccessSqlite(); ManageFile mf = new ManageFile(); string path; int point; string[] rows = sql.getRowsDistinct(projectName, "name", null); int i = 0; int j = 0; try { while (rows.Length > i) { path = rows[i].Replace(".", @"\"); string[] crows = sql.getRows(projectName, "class", "name = '" + rows[i] + "'"); j = 0; try { while (crows.Length > j) { if (crows[j] == "") { j++; continue; } if (mf.checkFile(path, crows[j])) { // field check j++; continue; } string curDir; point = rows[i].LastIndexOf("."); if (point != -1) { curDir = rows[i].Substring(point + 1); } else { curDir = rows[i]; } int result = mf.createFile(projectName + @"\" + path, curDir, crows[j]); if (result == 0) { try { string[] frow = sql.getRows(projectName, "field", "name = '" + rows[i] + "' and class = '" + crows[j] + "'"); if (frow[0] == "") { j++; continue; } mf.createField(projectName + @"\" + path, curDir, crows[j], frow[0]); } catch (Exception e) { } } j++; } } catch (Exception e) { } i++; } } catch (Exception e) { } }
private void doBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { AccessSqlite sql = new AccessSqlite(); ManageFile mf = new ManageFile(); int result = -2; string path; if (categoryCombo.SelectedItem == null) { MessageBox.Show("Select a Category for this work."); return; } else if (workAtText.Text == "") { string msg = ""; if (categoryCombo.SelectedItem.ToString() == "Class") { msg = "Click a Namespace in View for this work."; } else if (categoryCombo.SelectedItem.ToString() == "Field") { msg = "Click a Class in View for this work."; } MessageBox.Show(msg); return; } else if (nameText.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Input a name in Name Textbox for this work."); return; } else if (CheckCharacter.checkNamespace(nameText.Text) != 0) { return; } else if (workCombo.SelectedItem == null) { MessageBox.Show("Select a work in Work Combo box for this work."); return; } else if (categoryCombo.SelectedItem.ToString() == "Namespace" && workCombo.SelectedItem.ToString() == "Create") { result = sql.insertNamespace(projectName, nameText.Text); if (result == 0) { namespaceTree = new SetNamespaceTreeView(namespaceTreeView, fileName, projectName); namespaceTree.expandNode(nameText.Text); path = nameText.Text.Replace(".", @"\"); mf.createDirectory(projectName + @"\" + path); } else if (result == -1) { MessageBox.Show("The Namespace is duplicated."); return; } else { MessageBox.Show("Creating new Namespace failed."); return; } } else if (categoryCombo.SelectedItem.ToString() == "Class" && workCombo.SelectedItem.ToString() == "Create") { result = sql.insertClass(projectName, namespaceTree.getPath(), nameText.Text); if (result == 0) { path = namespaceTree.getPath().Replace(".", @"\"); int point = namespaceTree.getPath().LastIndexOf("."); string curDir; if (point != -1) { curDir = namespaceTree.getPath().Substring(point + 1); } else { curDir = namespaceTree.getPath(); } mf.createFile(projectName + @"\" + path, curDir, nameText.Text); classTree = new SetClassTreeView(classTreeView, fileName, projectName, namespaceTree.getPath()); } else if (result == -1) { MessageBox.Show("The Class is duplicated."); return; } else { MessageBox.Show("Creating new Class failed."); return; } } else if (categoryCombo.SelectedItem.ToString() == "Field" && workCombo.SelectedItem.ToString() == "Create") { if (classTree.getClassName() != null) { lastClassName = classTree.getClassName(); } string type = null; if (typeCombo.SelectedItem == null) { MessageBox.Show("Select a field type for this work."); return; } else { type = typeCombo.SelectedItem.ToString(); } result = sql.insertField(projectName, namespaceTree.getPath(), lastClassName, nameText.Text, type); if (result == 0) { path = namespaceTree.getPath().Replace(".", @"\"); int point = namespaceTree.getPath().LastIndexOf("."); string curDir; if (point != -1) { curDir = namespaceTree.getPath().Substring(point + 1); } else { curDir = namespaceTree.getPath(); } mf.addField(projectName + @"\" + path, lastClassName, nameText.Text, type); classTree = new SetClassTreeView(classTreeView, fileName, projectName, namespaceTree.getPath()); classTree.expandNode(lastClassName); } else if (result == -1) { MessageBox.Show("The Field is duplicated."); return; } else { MessageBox.Show("Creating new Field failed."); return; } } else if (categoryCombo.SelectedItem.ToString() == "Namespace" && workCombo.SelectedItem.ToString() == "Delete") { WarningForm warningForm = new WarningForm(); warningForm.ShowDialog(); if (!warningForm.getCheckOK()) { return; } result = sql.deleteNamespace(projectName, nameText.Text); if (result == 0) { namespaceTree = new SetNamespaceTreeView(namespaceTreeView, fileName, projectName); namespaceTree.expandNode(nameText.Text); path = nameText.Text; path = path.Replace(".", @"\"); mf.deleteDirectory(projectName + @"\" + path); } else if (result == -1) { MessageBox.Show("The Namespace dose not exist."); return; } else { MessageBox.Show("Deleting the Namespace failed."); return; } } else if (categoryCombo.SelectedItem.ToString() == "Class" && workCombo.SelectedItem.ToString() == "Delete") { result = sql.deleteClass(projectName, workAtText.Text, nameText.Text); if (result == 0) { classTree = new SetClassTreeView(classTreeView, fileName, projectName, namespaceTree.getPath()); path = namespaceTree.getPath().Replace(".", @"\"); mf.deleteFile(projectName + @"\" + path, nameText.Text); } else if (result == -1) { MessageBox.Show("The Class dose not exist."); return; } else { MessageBox.Show("Deleting the Class failed."); return; } } else if (categoryCombo.SelectedItem.ToString() == "Field" && workCombo.SelectedItem.ToString() == "Delete") { if (classTree.getClassName() != null) { lastClassName = classTree.getClassName(); } result = sql.deleteField(projectName, namespaceTree.getPath(), lastClassName, nameText.Text); if (result == 0) { path = namespaceTree.getPath().Replace(".", @"\"); int point = namespaceTree.getPath().LastIndexOf("."); string curDir; if (point != -1) { curDir = namespaceTree.getPath().Substring(point + 1); } else { curDir = namespaceTree.getPath(); } mf.deleteField(projectName + @"\" + path, lastClassName, nameText.Text); classTree = new SetClassTreeView(classTreeView, fileName, projectName, namespaceTree.getPath()); classTree.expandNode(lastClassName); } else if (result == -1) { MessageBox.Show("The Field dose not exist."); return; } else { MessageBox.Show("Deleting the Field failed."); return; } } else if (categoryCombo.SelectedItem.ToString() == "Namespace" && workCombo.SelectedItem.ToString() == "Modify") { if (namespaceTree.getPath() == null) { MessageBox.Show("Click a namespace in View for this work."); return; } else if (namespaceTree.getPath() == nameText.Text) { MessageBox.Show("Input changed name in Name Textbox for this work."); return; } else if (nameText.Text.LastIndexOf(".") != -1) { int point = nameText.Text.LastIndexOf("."); string temp = nameText.Text.Substring(0, point); if (namespaceTree.getParentPath() == null || namespaceTree.getParentPath() != temp) { MessageBox.Show("Invalid namespace. Try again appropriately."); return; } } else if (namespaceTree.getPath().LastIndexOf(".") != -1) { MessageBox.Show("Invalid namespace. Try again appropriately."); return; } result = sql.changeNamespace(projectName, namespaceTree.getPath(), nameText.Text); if (result == 0) { string oldPath = namespaceTree.getPath().Replace(".", @"\"); string newPath = nameText.Text.Replace(".", @"\"); mf.modifyDirectory(projectName + @"\" + oldPath, projectName + @"\" + newPath); namespaceTree = new SetNamespaceTreeView(namespaceTreeView, fileName, projectName); namespaceTree.expandNode(nameText.Text); nameText.Text = null; } else if (result == -1) { MessageBox.Show("The Namespace is duplicated."); return; } else { MessageBox.Show("Changing the Namespace failed."); return; } } else if (categoryCombo.SelectedItem.ToString() == "Class" && workCombo.SelectedItem.ToString() == "Modify") { if (classTree.getClassName() == null) { MessageBox.Show("Click a class in View for this work."); return; } else if (classTree.getClassName() == nameText.Text) { MessageBox.Show("Input changed name in Name Textbox for this work."); return; } result = sql.changeClass(projectName, workAtText.Text, classTree.getClassName(), nameText.Text); if (result == 0) { path = workAtText.Text.Replace(".", @"\"); mf.modifyFile(projectName + @"\" + path, classTree.getClassName(), nameText.Text); classTree = new SetClassTreeView(classTreeView, fileName, projectName, namespaceTree.getPath()); nameText.Text = null; } else if (result == -1) { MessageBox.Show("The Class is duplicated."); return; } else { MessageBox.Show("Changing the Class failed."); return; } } else if (categoryCombo.SelectedItem.ToString() == "Field" && workCombo.SelectedItem.ToString() == "Modify") { if (classTree.getClassName() != null) { lastClassName = classTree.getClassName(); } if (classTree.getFieldName() == null) { MessageBox.Show("Click a Field in View for this work."); return; } else if (typeCombo.SelectedItem == null) { MessageBox.Show("Select a field type in Type for this work."); return; } result = sql.changeField(projectName, namespaceTree.getPath(), classTree.getClassName(), classTree.getFieldName(), nameText.Text, typeCombo.SelectedItem.ToString()); if (result == 0) { path = namespaceTree.getPath().Replace(".", @"\"); int point = namespaceTree.getPath().LastIndexOf("."); string curDir; if (point != -1) { curDir = namespaceTree.getPath().Substring(point + 1); } else { curDir = namespaceTree.getPath(); } mf.modifyField(projectName + @"\" + path, classTree.getClassName(), classTree.getFieldName(), nameText.Text, typeCombo.SelectedItem.ToString()); classTree = new SetClassTreeView(classTreeView, fileName, projectName, namespaceTree.getPath()); classTree.expandNode(lastClassName); nameText.Text = null; } else if (result == -1) { MessageBox.Show("The Field is duplicated."); return; } else if (result == -3) { MessageBox.Show("Input changed value."); return; } else { MessageBox.Show("Changing the Field failed."); return; } } nameText.Focus(); }
private void OKBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { AccessSqlite sql = new AccessSqlite(); if (work == 0) { if (inputText.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Input a name in Name Textbox for this work."); return; } else if (CheckCharacter.checkString(inputText.Text) != 0) { return; } else { int result = sql.createTable(inputText.Text, null); if (result == 0) { this.Close(); } else if (result == -1) { MessageBox.Show("The project name is duplicated."); return; } else { MessageBox.Show("Creating the table failed."); return; } } } else { if (inputText.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Input a name in Name Textbox for this work."); return; } else if (CheckCharacter.checkString(inputText.Text) != 0) { return; } else { int result = sql.changeTable(beforeName, inputText.Text); if (result == 0) { afterName = inputText.Text; this.Close(); } else if (result == -1) { MessageBox.Show("The project name is duplicated."); return; } else { MessageBox.Show("Changing the table failed."); return; } } } }