コード例 #1
        private void Items()
            AccessQueries accquer = new AccessQueries();
            DataTable dt1 = new DataTable();
            DateTime itemdate = DateTime.Now.AddYears(-3);
            string vendorid = "", invoiceid = "", invoiceitemid = "", itemid = "", quantityid = "", departmentid = "";
            int units = 0;
            string invoicenum = "";
            string vendornumber = "";
            decimal cost = 0;
            decimal retail = 0;

            if (dpItemDate.Text != null || dpItemDate.Text != "")
                itemdate = conv.ConvertToDate(dpItemDate.Text, -1095);
            } // TODO: Validate if it is an actual date.  Change to DatePicker.

            // 1 = Paragould, 2 = Jackson, 4 = Jonesboro
            if (tbDeptNum.Text == "1" || tbDeptNum.Text == "2" || tbDeptNum.Text == "4")
                dt1 = accquer.GetItems(tbDeptNum.Text, itemdate);
            else { dt1 = accquer.GetItems("1", itemdate); } // Query Access with parameter of a store number and cutoff date.

            if (dt1.Rows.Count > 0)
                foreach (DataRow row in dt1.Rows)
                    vendornumber = row[15].ToString();
                    if (row[9] == null) { cost = 0; } else {
                        cost = conv.ConvertToDecimal(row[9].ToString());

                    if (row[10] == null) { retail = 0; } // row 10 to Retail
                    else {
                        retail = conv.ConvertToDecimal(row[10].ToString());

                    if (row[11] == null) { units = 1; } else {
                        units = conv.ConvertToInt(row[11].ToString());

                    try { vendorid = ss.GetVendorID(vendornumber); }
                    catch (Exception) { logging.writeToLog("Warning: Unable to retrieve VendorID = " + vendornumber + " from ImportItems. "); }
                    if (vendorid == "" || vendorid == null) { vendorid = "1"; }

                    try { invoiceid = ss.GetInvoiceIDforImports(vendorid); }
                    catch (Exception) { logging.writeToLog("Warning: Unable to retrieve InvoiceID = " + vendorid.ToString() + " from ImportItems."); }

                    if (invoiceid == "" || invoiceid == null) {
                        invoicenum = "X" + vendornumber + "X";
                        invoiceid = si.InsertInvoices(invoicenum, row[13].ToString(), row[14].ToString(), vendorid, "22331111-0111-1000-1000-000011112222", "Created by System", "none"); // Invoices

                    itemid = si.InsertItems(row[0].ToString(), "44441111-0111-1000-1000-000011112222", row[8].ToString(), row[2].ToString(), cost, retail, 0, 0, 0, "", "Active", row[0].ToString(), row[1].ToString(), row[4].ToString(), row[16].ToString(), row[3].ToString(), "", "", row[5].ToString(), row[6].ToString(), row[7].ToString()); // Items

                    DataTable dt2 = ss.GetDepartmentByDeptNum(tbDeptNum.Text);
                        departmentid = dt2.Rows[0].Field<string>("id");
                    catch (Exception)
                        departmentid = "11111111-0111-1000-1000-000011112222";
                     // TODO: Add this to a list and search the list for quicker results.
                    // Find the date of the item and retrieve the invoiceid
                    // Insert invoice with datetime
                    invoiceitemid = si.InsertInvoiceItems(invoiceid, itemid, "Created by System", "", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, departmentid, 0); // Invoice Items
                    quantityid = si.InsertItemQuantities(itemid, departmentid, units, "Inserted by System"); // Insert into ItemQuantities

                try { dt1.Clear(); }
                catch (Exception) { logging.writeToLog("Error: Clearing Results in Items DataTable"); }
            PopUp pop = new PopUp("Items Imported.", "Items have finished importing.");
コード例 #2
        private void btnDeltaSync_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            AccessQueries accquer = new AccessQueries();
            //txtDBSyncStatus.Text = "";
            DateTime end = DateTime.Now; DateTime start = new DateTime();
            string gac = "", writedate = end.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"), storenum = "";
            string query = "SELECT TOP 1 * FROM app_config WHERE ukey = 'previous_sync'";

            if (ss.IfExists(query))
            { // if previuos_sync exists in database
                gac = ss.GetAppConfig("previous_sync");
            else {
                si.InsertAppConfig("previous_sync", writedate);
                gac = "02/01/2016";

            // converts string gac to DateTime start
            start = conv.ConvertToDate(gac, -7);

            if (cbStores.IsChecked.Value == true)

            if (cbEmployees.IsChecked.Value == true)

            if (cbCustomers.IsChecked.Value == true)
                DataTable customers = new DataTable();
                DataTable chargecustomers = new DataTable();
                // TODO: Get Acct Balances to show up
                // Access Query => Field<decimal>("ACCTBAL")
                // Iterate throught he list and do the following:
                for (var dte = start; dte <= end; dte = dte.AddDays(1))
                    // Check to see if customer exists in the table
                    // Import Customers and ChargeCustomers by joindate from previous_import -> now.
                    customers = accquer.ImportCustomers(dte.ToString());
                    foreach (DataRow row in customers.Rows)

            if (cbVendors.IsChecked.Value == true)

            if (cbCategories.IsChecked.Value == true)

            if (cbItems.IsChecked.Value == true)
                DataTable items = new DataTable();
                // Import items
                for (var dt = start; dt <= end; dt = dt.AddDays(1))
                    items = accquer.GetItems(storenum, dt);
                    foreach (DataRow row in items.Rows)
                        // look for new items where date received is today
                        // input the information into the database

            if (cbTickets.IsChecked.Value == true) // Import tickets from date
                DataTable tickets = new DataTable();
                for (var dt = start; dt <= end; dt = dt.AddDays(1))
                    tickets = accquer.GetTicketsByDate(dt.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"));
                    SyncTickets(tickets, dt.Date);

            su.UpdateAppConfig("previous_sync", writedate);
コード例 #3
        private void btnFullSync_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            AccessQueries accquer = new AccessQueries();
            //txtDBSyncStatus.Text = "";

            if (cbStores.IsChecked.Value == true)
                DataTable dt = new DataTable();
                //txtDBSyncStatus.Text += "Stores Imported...\n";
                string addressid = "", departmentid = "";

                foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                    // Insert into Address get ID
                    addressid = si.InsertAddress("", "", "", "", "", "", "USA", "Imported from Access");
                    // Insert into Person get ID
                    departmentid = si.InsertDepartment(row[0].ToString(), row[1].ToString(), addressid, "Imported from Access", "Active");

                try { dt.Clear(); }
                catch (Exception) {
                    logging.writeToLog("Error: Clearing the results in Department of dataTable. ");

            if (cbEmployees.IsChecked.Value == true)
                accquer.ImportEmployees();  // Import Employees
                //txtDBSyncStatus.Text += "Employees Imported...\n";

            if (cbCustomers.IsChecked.Value == true)
                DataTable dt = new DataTable();
                dt = accquer.ImportCustomers();
                //txtDBSyncStatus.Text += "Customers Imported...\n";
            if (cbVendors.IsChecked.Value == true)
                DataTable dt = new DataTable();
                eargs = eargs + "vendors ";
                //txtDBSyncStatus.Text += "Vendors Imported...\n"; // Import Vendors
                dt = accquer.ImportVendors();

            if (cbCategories.IsChecked.Value == true)
                //txtDBSyncStatus.Text += "Seasons Imported...\n";
                //txtDBSyncStatus.Text += "Sizes Imported...\n";
                //txtDBSyncStatus.Text += "Divisions Imported...\n"; // Import Divisions
                //txtDBSyncStatus.Text += "Classes Imported...\n"; // Import Classes
                // TODO: import categories
            if (cbItems.IsChecked.Value == true) // Import Items
                eargs = eargs + "items ";
            if (cbTickets.IsChecked.Value == true)
                DataTable tickets = new DataTable(); // Tickets =>   Date | TicketNumber | Total | Payment | Customer | Employee
                string date = dpTickets.SelectedDate.ToString();
                DateTime start = DateTime.Now; DateTime end = DateTime.Now;
                start = conv.ConvertToDate(date);
                if (start.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") == DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"))
                    start = start.AddMonths(-4);
                for (var dte = start; dte <= end; dte = dte.AddDays(1))
                    // Insert into tickets, ticket_items and ticket_payments
                    tickets = accquer.GetTicketsByDate(dte.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"));
                PopUp pop = new PopUp("Tickets Imported.", "Tickets have finished importing.");

            //txtDBSyncStatus.Text += "Approvals Imported...\n";
            //// Import Approvals
            //txtDBSyncStatus.Text += "Charge Customers Imported...\n";
            //// Import Charge Customers.
            //txtDBSyncStatus.Text += "Cost Codes Imported...\n";
            //// Import CostCode
            //txtDBSyncStatus.Text += "Credits Imported...\n";
            //// Import Credits
            //txtDBSyncStatus.Text += "Orders Imported...\n";
            //// Import Orders
            //txtDBSyncStatus.Text += "Sales Imported...\n";
            //// Import Sales
            //txtDBSyncStatus.Text += "Tickets Imported...\n";
            //// Import Tickets