コード例 #1
		protected internal override void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
			// When extending the BrightcovePlayer, we must assign the BrightcoveVideoView
			// before entering the superclass. This allows for some stock video player lifecycle
			// management.
			ContentView = R.layout.adobepass_activity_main;
			brightcoveVideoView = (BrightcoveVideoView) findViewById(R.id.brightcove_video_view);
			eventEmitter = brightcoveVideoView.EventEmitter;

			// configure the AdobePass AccessEnabler library

				accessEnabler = AccessEnabler.Factory.getInstance(this);
				if (accessEnabler != null)
					accessEnabler.Delegate = this;
			catch (AccessEnablerException e)
				Log.e(TAG, "Failed to initialize the AccessEnabler library: " + e.Message);

			string requestorId = Resources.getString([email protected]_id);
			string credentialStorePassword = Resources.getString([email protected]_store_password);
			System.IO.Stream credentialStore = Resources.openRawResource(R.raw.adobepass);

			// A signature must be passed along with the requestor id from a private key and a password.
			PrivateKey privateKey = extractPrivateKey(credentialStore, credentialStorePassword);

			string signedRequestorId = null;
				signedRequestorId = generateSignature(privateKey, requestorId);
			catch (AccessEnablerException e)
				Log.e(TAG, "Failed to generate signature.");

			// The production URL is the default when no URL is passed. If
			// we are using a staging requestorID, we need to pass the staging
			// URL.
			List<string> spUrls = new List<string>();

			// Set the requestor ID.
			accessEnabler.setRequestor(requestorId, signedRequestorId, spUrls);

			// TODO (once we media API changes are made):
			// Media API call will return result with nulled out URL fields if the media
			// is protected. We need to make the adobepass calls to get the token for the media,
			// then make another Media API call with the adobepass token included (in the header or
			// a cookie) which will return a result with non-nulled URL fields.

			// 1. Ignore URL fields on the first call.
			// 2. Make the AdobePass calls
			// 3. Add token to next Media API call.

			// Add a test video to the BrightcoveVideoView.
			IDictionary<string, string> options = new Dictionary<string, string>();
			IList<string> values = new List<string>(Arrays.asList(VideoFields.DEFAULT_FIELDS));
			Catalog catalog = new Catalog("ErQk9zUeDVLIp8Dc7aiHKq8hDMgkv5BFU7WGshTc-hpziB3BuYh28A..");
			catalog.findPlaylistByReferenceID("stitch", options, new PlaylistListenerAnonymousInnerClassHelper(this));
コード例 #2
        protected internal override void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
            // When extending the BrightcovePlayer, we must assign the BrightcoveVideoView
            // before entering the superclass. This allows for some stock video player lifecycle
            // management.
            ContentView         = R.layout.adobepass_activity_main;
            brightcoveVideoView = (BrightcoveVideoView)findViewById(R.id.brightcove_video_view);
            eventEmitter        = brightcoveVideoView.EventEmitter;

            // configure the AdobePass AccessEnabler library

                accessEnabler = AccessEnabler.Factory.getInstance(this);
                if (accessEnabler != null)
                    accessEnabler.Delegate = this;
            catch (AccessEnablerException e)
                Log.e(TAG, "Failed to initialize the AccessEnabler library: " + e.Message);

            string requestorId             = Resources.getString([email protected]_id);
            string credentialStorePassword = Resources.getString([email protected]_store_password);

            System.IO.Stream credentialStore = Resources.openRawResource(R.raw.adobepass);

            // A signature must be passed along with the requestor id from a private key and a password.
            PrivateKey privateKey = extractPrivateKey(credentialStore, credentialStorePassword);

            string signedRequestorId = null;

                signedRequestorId = generateSignature(privateKey, requestorId);
            catch (AccessEnablerException e)
                Log.e(TAG, "Failed to generate signature.");

            // The production URL is the default when no URL is passed. If
            // we are using a staging requestorID, we need to pass the staging
            // URL.
            List <string> spUrls = new List <string>();


            // Set the requestor ID.
            accessEnabler.setRequestor(requestorId, signedRequestorId, spUrls);

            // TODO (once we media API changes are made):
            // Media API call will return result with nulled out URL fields if the media
            // is protected. We need to make the adobepass calls to get the token for the media,
            // then make another Media API call with the adobepass token included (in the header or
            // a cookie) which will return a result with non-nulled URL fields.

            // 1. Ignore URL fields on the first call.
            // 2. Make the AdobePass calls
            // 3. Add token to next Media API call.

            // Add a test video to the BrightcoveVideoView.
            IDictionary <string, string> options = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            IList <string> values  = new List <string>(Arrays.asList(VideoFields.DEFAULT_FIELDS));
            Catalog        catalog = new Catalog("ErQk9zUeDVLIp8Dc7aiHKq8hDMgkv5BFU7WGshTc-hpziB3BuYh28A..");

            catalog.findPlaylistByReferenceID("stitch", options, new PlaylistListenerAnonymousInnerClassHelper(this));