コード例 #1
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("\n\n\tHello and welcome to TheAcademy version 1.00 :)\n");
            Console.Write("Enter number of courses to create:");
            int     numberToEnter = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            Academy TheAcademy    = new Academy();

            int    firstInt, secondInt;
            string name;
            Course CourseOnFocus = null;

            string[] parsedInput     = null;
            bool     successfulParse = true;

            for (; numberToEnter > 0; numberToEnter--)
                Console.WriteLine("Enter course data following the format: courseName//duration//capacity: ");
                parsedInput = Console.ReadLine().Split(new string[] { "//" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                if (parsedInput.Length < 3)
                    Console.WriteLine("\n\tEROR! Too little values entered for course!\nTry again ;)\n");
                name = parsedInput[0];
                if (!int.TryParse(parsedInput[2], out firstInt))
                    successfulParse = false;
                    Console.WriteLine($"Couldn't parse value {parsedInput[2]} as course capacity");
                if (!int.TryParse(parsedInput[1], out secondInt))
                    successfulParse = false;
                    Console.WriteLine($"Couldn't parse value {parsedInput[1]} as houhrse per day for the course");

                if (!successfulParse)
                    Console.WriteLine("\n\n\tCouldn't parse all data entered for course\n\t - Check messages above and reenter values again ;)");

                CourseOnFocus = new Course(name, firstInt, secondInt);
                Console.WriteLine($"Successfully created Course {CourseOnFocus.UniqueIdetifier} with data");
                Console.WriteLine($"\tname: {CourseOnFocus.CourseName}\n\tcapacity {CourseOnFocus.CourseCapacity}\n\t hours spent per day {CourseOnFocus.DurationInHoursePerDay}");

            Console.Write("Enter number of students to create:");
            numberToEnter = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            //int capacity, hoursPerDay;
            //string name;
            CourseAttandee StudentOnFocus = null;

            for (; numberToEnter > 0; numberToEnter--)
                Console.WriteLine("Enter Student data following the format: name//age: ");
                parsedInput = Console.ReadLine().Split(new string[] { "//" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                if (parsedInput.Length < 2)
                    Console.WriteLine("\n\tEROR! Too little values entered for student!\nTry again ;)\n");
                name = parsedInput[0];
                if (!int.TryParse(parsedInput[1], out firstInt))
                    successfulParse = false;
                    Console.WriteLine($"Couldn't parse value {parsedInput[1]} as course capacity");

                if (!successfulParse)
                    Console.WriteLine("\n\n\tCouldn't parse all data entered for course\n\t - Check messages above and reenter values again ;)");

                    StudentOnFocus = new CourseAttandee(name, firstInt);
                catch (PersonAgeException e)
                    Console.WriteLine($"\n\tThrown PersonAgeException Error: {e.Message}\n{e.StackTrace}");
                    Console.WriteLine("\n\n\tCouldn't parse all data entered for course\n\t - Check messages above and reenter values again ;)");

                Console.WriteLine($"Successfully created Student {StudentOnFocus.UniqueIdetifier} with data");
                Console.WriteLine($"\tname: {StudentOnFocus.Name}\n\thaving age {StudentOnFocus.age}");

            string userInput, quitCommand = "quit";

                Console.WriteLine("\nSign up student for course using format: studentID courseID" +
                                  "\n\t_hint: Type StudentID CourseID remove to UnSignUp student from defined course.");
                Console.Write("\n\t\t/Type quit to exit/:");
                userInput = Console.ReadLine();
                if (!userInput.Equals(quitCommand))
                    parsedInput = userInput.Split(new string[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                    if (!int.TryParse(parsedInput[0], out firstInt))
                        successfulParse = false;
                        Console.WriteLine($"Couldn't parse value {parsedInput[1]} as studentID");
                    if (!int.TryParse(parsedInput[1], out secondInt))
                        successfulParse = false;
                        Console.WriteLine($"Couldn't parse value {parsedInput[1]} as courseID");

                    if (!successfulParse)
                        Console.WriteLine("\n\n\tCouldn't parse all data entered for course\n\t - Check messages above and reenter values again ;)");

                    CourseOnFocus  = TheAcademy.FindCourseByID(secondInt);
                    StudentOnFocus = TheAcademy.FindStudentByID(firstInt);
                    //if (firstInt < 0)
                    //    //Then user wants to remove student from course attendance
                    //    firstInt = secondInt;
                    //    StudentOnFocus = TheAcademy.FindStudentByID(-firstInt);
                    //    StudentOnFocus = TheAcademy.FindStudentByID(firstInt);
                        if (parsedInput.Length > 2 && parsedInput[2].Equals("remove"))
                            TheAcademy.UnSignUp(StudentOnFocus, CourseOnFocus);
                            TheAcademy.SignUp(StudentOnFocus, CourseOnFocus);
                    catch (StudentIsBusy e)
                        Console.WriteLine($"\n\tThrown {e.GetType()} Error: {e.Message}\n{e.StackTrace}");
                    catch (StudentNotFound e)
                        Console.WriteLine($"\n\tThrown {e.GetType()} Error: {e.Message}\n{e.StackTrace}");
                    catch (CourseNotFound e)
                        Console.WriteLine($"\n\tThrown {e.GetType()} Error: {e.Message}\n{e.StackTrace}");
                    catch (Exception e)
                        Console.WriteLine($"\n\tThrown an unknown Error: {e.Message}\n{e.StackTrace}");
                }//if to create new Person
            } while (!userInput.Equals(quitCommand));

            Console.WriteLine("\n\n\t\tThanks for working with TheAcademy!\nCome again, please! ;)");
        } //Main method