コード例 #1
        //public String ReturnUrl
        //    set
        //    {
        //        btnCancel.Visible = true;
        //        hidRetUrl.Value = value;
        //    }

        protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Page.IsValid)
                var cat = new Academic.DbEntities.Subjects.SubjectCategory()
                    Id = CategoryId
                    SchoolId = SchoolId
                    CreatedDate = DateTime.Now.Date
                    Description = txtDescription.Text
                    IsActive = chkIsActive.Checked
                    Name = txtName.Text
                if (!(cmbCategory.SelectedValue == "" || cmbCategory.SelectedValue == "0" || cmbCategory.SelectedValue == "-1"))
                    cat.ParentId = Convert.ToInt32(cmbCategory.SelectedValue);

                using (var helper = new DbHelper.Subject())
                    var save = helper.AddOrUpdateSubjectCategory(cat);
                    if (save != null)
                        Response.Redirect("~/Views/Course/?catId=" + save.Id);
                        lblError.Visible = true;
コード例 #2
        public void Seed()
            var school = _context.School.First(x => x.Code == SchoolSeeder.NEC_CODE);
            var admin  = _context.Users.First(x => x.UserRoles.Any(y => y.Role.RoleName == RoleSeeder.ADMIN_ROLE_NAME));

            // Links Resource
            #region Links Resources Save

            var usefulLinkUrlRes = new DbEntities.ActivityAndResource.UrlResource {
                Name = "Useful Links", Url = "https://www.google.com/search?source=hp&ei=4ugeXr22MKTdz7sPjveQoAI&q=C+programming&oq=C+programming&gs_l=psy-ab.3...75.1052..1770...0.0..0.0.0.......0....1..gws-wiz.dKDQyd3RRaE&ved=0ahUKEwi9r7qosoXnAhWk7nMBHY47BCQQ4dUDCAY&uact=5", DisplayDescriptionOnPage = false, Display = 0, Description = "",
            var wikipediaUrlRes = new DbEntities.ActivityAndResource.UrlResource {
                Name = "Wekipedia", Url = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C_(programming_language)", DisplayDescriptionOnPage = false, Display = 0, Description = "",
            var mitUrlRes = new DbEntities.ActivityAndResource.UrlResource {
                Name = "MIT Course", Url = "https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/electrical-engineering-and-computer-science/6-087-practical-programming-in-c-january-iap-2010/", DisplayDescriptionOnPage = false, Display = 0, Description = "",
            var projectsUrlRes = new DbEntities.ActivityAndResource.UrlResource {
                Name = "Projects", Url = "https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/electrical-engineering-and-computer-science/6-087-practical-programming-in-c-january-iap-2010/lecture-notes/", DisplayDescriptionOnPage = false, Display = 0, Description = "",
            var examplesUrlRes = new DbEntities.ActivityAndResource.UrlResource {
                Name = "100+ C programming examples", Url = "https://www.studytonight.com/c/programs/", DisplayDescriptionOnPage = true, Display = 0, Description = "100+ C programs with explanation and detailed solution and output for practising and improving your coding skills",

                p => p.Name,


            #region Page Resource Save

            var cFunctionsPage = new DbEntities.ActivityAndResource.PageResource {
                Name = "Function in C", PageContent = "Control flow. Functions and modular programming. Variable scope. Static and global variables.", DisplayPageName = true, DisplayPageDescription = false, DisplayDescriptionOnPage = true, Description = "A function is a block of statements that performs a specific task... ",
            var loopsPage = new DbEntities.ActivityAndResource.PageResource {
                Name = "Pointers", PageContent = "Pointers and memory addressing. Arrays and pointer arithmetic. Strings. Searching and sorting algorithms.", DisplayPageName = true, DisplayPageDescription = false, DisplayDescriptionOnPage = true, Description = "For and While loops in C",
            var recursionPage = new DbEntities.ActivityAndResource.PageResource {
                Name = "Recursions", PageContent = "", DisplayPageName = true, DisplayPageDescription = false, DisplayDescriptionOnPage = true, Description = "Recursion in C : Fibonacci series",

                p => p.Name,


            #region Book Resource Save

            var beginnersBook = new DbEntities.ActivityAndResource.BookResource
                Name = "Beginners Book",
                ChapterFormatting             = 1,
                CustomTitles                  = false,
                Description                   = "The expert at anything was once a beginner – Helen Hayes",
                StyleOfNavigation             = 0,
                DisplayDescriptionOnCourePage = false,
                Chapters = new List <DbEntities.ActivityAndResource.BookItems.BookChapter>
                    new DbEntities.ActivityAndResource.BookItems.BookChapter {
                        Position = 1, Title = "Turbo C++ Installation", Content = "<strong>Install Turbo C++: Step by Step Guide</strong>",
                    new DbEntities.ActivityAndResource.BookItems.BookChapter {
                        Position = 2, Title = "First C program", Content = "<strong>C Program Structure – First C Program</strong>",
            _context.BookResource.AddOrUpdate(p => p.Name, beginnersBook);

            // save all before

            // Course Categories with all the required course and course resources in one go
            var courseCategories = new Academic.DbEntities.Subjects.SubjectCategory[]
                new DbEntities.Subjects.SubjectCategory {
                    Name        = "Computer",
                    Code        = "COMP",
                    CreatedDate = DateTime.Now,
                    Description = "",
                    IsActive    = true,
                    IsVoid      = false,
                    ParentId    = null,
                    SchoolId    = school.Id,
                    Subjects    = new List <DbEntities.Subjects.Subject>
                        new DbEntities.Subjects.Subject {
                            Code            = PROGRAMMING_IN_C_CODE, FullName = "Programming in C", ShortName = "C", Credit = 3, CreatedById = admin.Id, CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, Summary = "", Void = false,
                            SubjectSections = new List <DbEntities.Subjects.SubjectSection>
                                new DbEntities.Subjects.SubjectSection {
                                    Name = "Introduction", Position = 1, ShowSummary = true, Summary = GetProgrammingInCSummary(), Void = false
                                new DbEntities.Subjects.SubjectSection {
                                    Name = "Background information", Position = 2, ShowSummary = false, Summary = "", Void = false,
                                    ActivityResources = new List <DbEntities.ActivityAndResource.ActivityResource>
                                        new DbEntities.ActivityAndResource.ActivityResource {
                                            Name = "Useful Links", ActivityResourceId = usefulLinkUrlRes.Id, ActivityOrResource = false, ActivityResourceType = ((int)Enums.Resources.Url) + 1, Position = 1, Void = false,
                                        new DbEntities.ActivityAndResource.ActivityResource {
                                            Name = "Wikipedia", ActivityResourceId = wikipediaUrlRes.Id, ActivityOrResource = false, ActivityResourceType = ((int)Enums.Resources.Url) + 1, Position = 1, Void = false,
                                        new DbEntities.ActivityAndResource.ActivityResource {
                                            Name = "MIT Courses", ActivityResourceId = mitUrlRes.Id, ActivityOrResource = false, ActivityResourceType = ((int)Enums.Resources.Url) + 1, Position = 1, Void = false,
                                new DbEntities.Subjects.SubjectSection {
                                    Name = "Understanding Basics", Position = 3, ShowSummary = false, Summary = "", Void = false,
                                    ActivityResources = new List <DbEntities.ActivityAndResource.ActivityResource>
                                        new DbEntities.ActivityAndResource.ActivityResource {
                                            Name = "Beginners Book", ActivityResourceId = beginnersBook.Id, ActivityOrResource = false, ActivityResourceType = ((int)Enums.Resources.Book) + 1, Position = 1, Void = false,
                                        new DbEntities.ActivityAndResource.ActivityResource {
                                            Name = "Functions", ActivityResourceId = cFunctionsPage.Id, ActivityOrResource = false, ActivityResourceType = ((int)Enums.Resources.Page) + 1, Position = 2, Void = false,
                                        new DbEntities.ActivityAndResource.ActivityResource {
                                            Name = "Pointers", ActivityResourceId = loopsPage.Id, ActivityOrResource = false, ActivityResourceType = ((int)Enums.Resources.Page) + 1, Position = 3, Void = false,
                                        new DbEntities.ActivityAndResource.ActivityResource {
                                            Name = "Recursion", ActivityResourceId = recursionPage.Id, ActivityOrResource = false, ActivityResourceType = ((int)Enums.Resources.Page) + 1, Position = 4, Void = false,
                                new DbEntities.Subjects.SubjectSection {
                                    Name = "Project examples", Position = 3, ShowSummary = false, Summary = "", Void = false,
                                    ActivityResources = new List <DbEntities.ActivityAndResource.ActivityResource>
                                        new DbEntities.ActivityAndResource.ActivityResource {
                                            Name = "C Programming Examples", ActivityResourceId = examplesUrlRes.Id, ActivityOrResource = false, ActivityResourceType = ((int)Enums.Resources.Url) + 1, Position = 1, Void = false,
                                        new DbEntities.ActivityAndResource.ActivityResource {
                                            Name = "Projects", ActivityResourceId = projectsUrlRes.Id, ActivityOrResource = false, ActivityResourceType = ((int)Enums.Resources.Url) + 1, Position = 2, Void = false,
                        //new DbEntities.Subjects.Subject{Code = "CMP-302", FullName = "Object Oriented Programming in C++", ShortName = "C++", Credit = 3, CreatedById = admin.Id, CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, Summary = "", Void = false},
                        //new DbEntities.Subjects.Subject{Code = "CMP-303", FullName = "Data Structure and Algorithms", ShortName = "DSA", Credit = 3, CreatedById = admin.Id, CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, Summary = "", Void = false},
                        //new DbEntities.Subjects.Subject{Code = "CMP-306", FullName = "Compiler Design", ShortName = "Compiler", Credit = 2, CreatedById = admin.Id, CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, Summary = "", Void = false},
                        //new DbEntities.Subjects.Subject{Code = "CMP-307", FullName = "Image Processing and Pattern Recognition", ShortName = "IPPR", Credit = 3, CreatedById = admin.Id, CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, Summary = "", Void = false},
                        //new DbEntities.Subjects.Subject{Code = "CMP-309", FullName = "Data Mining", ShortName = "DMine", Credit = 1, CreatedById = admin.Id, CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, Summary = "", Void = false},
                        //new DbEntities.Subjects.Subject{Code = "CMP-310", FullName = "Simulation", ShortName = "SIM", Credit = 3, CreatedById = admin.Id, CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, Summary = "", Void = false},
                new DbEntities.Subjects.SubjectCategory {
                    Name        = "Electronics",
                    Code        = "ELX",
                    CreatedDate = DateTime.Now,
                    Description = "",
                    IsActive    = true,
                    IsVoid      = false,
                    ParentId    = null,
                    SchoolId    = school.Id,
                    Subjects    = new List <DbEntities.Subjects.Subject>
                        new DbEntities.Subjects.Subject {
                            Code = "ELX-201", FullName = "Logic Circuits", ShortName = "LC", Credit = 3, CreatedById = admin.Id, CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, Summary = "", Void = false
                        //new DbEntities.Subjects.Subject{Code = "ELX-202", FullName = "Microprocessors ", ShortName = "Microprocessors", Credit = 3, CreatedById = admin.Id, CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, Summary = "", Void = false},
                        //new DbEntities.Subjects.Subject{Code = "ELX-203", FullName = "Microcontrollers and Embeded Systems", ShortName = "Microcontrollers", Credit = 3, CreatedById = admin.Id, CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, Summary = "", Void = false},
                p => p.Name,