コード例 #1
        public async Task <ActionResult <LoginResultDTOout> > Login(UserLoginDataDTOin data)
            AcUser user = um.Users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.UserName == data.UserNameOrEmail || x.Email == data.UserNameOrEmail);

            if (user == null)
                return(StatusCode(401, new { error = "username or password mismatch!" }));

            await sm.SignInAsync(user, false, data.Password);

            if (sm.IsSignedIn(User))
                return(StatusCode(401, new { error = "username or password mismatch!" }));

            await sm.SignOutAsync();

            string token = await jwtService.CreateJWT(user);

            var result = new LoginResultDTOout {
                authToken = token

コード例 #2
        public async Task <string> CreateJWT(AcUser u)
            //Preferences here
            var blockedUserNames = userBlockingsRepository.All().Where(x => !x.IsDeleted && x.DefenderId == u.Id).Select(x => x.Irritator.UserName).ToArray();
            var roles            = await um.GetRolesAsync(u);

            List <Claim> claims = new List <Claim>()
                new Claim(ClaimTypes.Name, u.UserName),
                new Claim("roles", string.Join("|", roles)),
                new Claim("fullName", $"{u.FirstName} {u.LastName}"),
                new Claim("cookRank", ((int)u.CookRank).ToString()),
                new Claim("_id", u.Id),
                new Claim("avPic", u.AvatarPicture),
                new Claim("blocked", string.Join("|", blockedUserNames))

            var tokenDescriptor = new SecurityTokenDescriptor
                Subject            = new ClaimsIdentity(claims),
                Expires            = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(GlobalConstants.TokenExpirationDays),
                SigningCredentials = new SigningCredentials(new SymmetricSecurityKey(this.jwtSettings.Secret.ToByteArray()),
                Issuer = this.jwtSettings.Issuer

            var tokenHandler = new JwtSecurityTokenHandler();
            var token        = tokenHandler.CreateToken(tokenDescriptor);

コード例 #3
        public AcUser Authenticate(string email, string password)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(email) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(password))
            var userWithRole = (
                from usr in _context.AcUser
                join rol in _context.AcRole on usr.UsrRolId equals rol.RolId
                where usr.UsrEmail == email
                select new
                User = usr,
                RolName = rol
            AcUser user = userWithRole.User;

            user.UsrRol = userWithRole.RolName;

            // check if username exists
            if (user == null)

            // check if password is correct
            if (!VerifyPasswordHash(password, user.UsrCryptedPassword, user.UsrPasswordSalt))

            // authentication successful
コード例 #4
 private async Task SeedUsers()
     foreach (var kvp in SeederConstants.RolesUsersCount)
         for (int i = 1; i <= kvp.Value; i++)
             string userName = kvp.Key + i;
             Gender gender = (Gender)(i % 3);
             CookRank cookRank = (CookRank)(1 + i % 7);
             var user = new AcUser()
                 FirstName = SeederConstants.PersonNames[gender][0],
                 LastName = SeederConstants.PersonNames[gender][1],
                 UserName = userName,
                 Gender = gender,
                 Email = userName + "@gmail.com",
                 AvatarPicture = SeederConstants.AvatarPictures[gender],
                 Description = SeederConstants.UserDescription,
                 CookRank = cookRank,
                 SecurityStamp = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()
             var res = await um.CreateAsync(user, SeederConstants.UserPassword);
             if (res.Succeeded) await um.AddToRoleAsync(user, kvp.Key);
コード例 #5
        public IActionResult Register([FromBody] UserDto userDto)
            // map dto to entity
            var    userReq = _mapper.Map <AcUser>(userDto);
            string newPassword;

            if (userDto.GenPassword)
                newPassword = Functions.RandString(8);
                newPassword = userDto.LoginPassword;
                // check if admin
                AcUser user = new AcUser();
                if (userDto.UsrEmail != null)
                    user = _userService.Create(userReq, newPassword);
                    if (userDto.GenPassword)
                        _mailService.Send(user.UsrEmail, "Your password is: " + newPassword, "Mobilisis User Account");
                    List <AcTrigger> trgs = _triggerService.GetByValue(userDto.PhoneNumber);
                    if (trgs.Count > 0)
                        throw new AppException("Phone number already exists.");
                    userReq.UsrEmail    = "guest-" + userDto.PhoneNumber;
                    userReq.UsrName     = "guest-" + userDto.PhoneNumber;
                    userReq.UsrActivity = 1;
                    user = _userService.Create(userReq, newPassword);
                    _triggerService.Create(user.UsrId, "Sms", userDto.PhoneNumber, 1);
                    _triggerService.Create(user.UsrId, "Phone", userDto.PhoneNumber, 1);
                    AcAccess acs = _accessService.Create(new AccessDto
                        ObjId     = userDto.guestObjId,
                        UsrId     = user.UsrId,
                        ValidFrom = userDto.guestValidFrom,
                        ValidTo   = userDto.guestValidTo
                    _mailService.SendSMS(userDto.PhoneNumber, "You were added access to following object: " + acs.AcsObj.ObjName);
                    // send sms
            catch (AppException ex)
                // return error message if there was an exception
                return(BadRequest(new { message = ex.Message }));
コード例 #6
        // Get user's mobile phone number if available, otherwise an empty string.
        // Demonstrates how to retrieve user properties beyond the regular default set.
        private static string mobile(string prncpl)
            string phone = null;
            AcUser user  = _users.getUser(prncpl);

            if (user != null)
                phone = user.Other.ContainsKey("Mobile") ? (string)user.Other["Mobile"] : null;

            return((String.IsNullOrEmpty(phone)) ? String.Empty : phone + "(m)");
コード例 #7
        // Get user's business phone number if available, otherwise an empty string.
        private static string business(string prncpl)
            string phone = null;
            AcUser user  = _users.getUser(prncpl);

            if (user != null)
                phone = user.Business;

            return((String.IsNullOrEmpty(phone)) ? String.Empty : phone + "(b)");
        public async Task UpdateUserUnreadCount(string userName)
            if (!EnlistedMembersConections.ContainsKey(userName))
                return;                                                   //Noone monitors update of count...
            AcUser userFound = await userManager.Users.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.UserName == userName);

            int unreadCount = await messageService.UnreadMessagesCountAsync(userFound.Id);

            List <string> userConIds = EnlistedMembersConections[userName].ToList();
            await Clients.Clients(userConIds).SendAsync("updateUnrCount", unreadCount);
        public List <ObjectsWithLogData> getObjectsLastOpened()
            List <FilterEventLogDto> lastOpened = (from evl in _context.AcEventLog
                                                   join evs in _context.AcEventStatus on evl.EvlEvsId equals evs.EvsId
                                                   join obj1 in _context.AcObject on evl.EvlObjId equals obj1.ObjId into AcObject
                                                   from obj in AcObject.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                                   join usr1 in _context.AcUser on evl.EvlUsrId equals usr1.UsrId into AcUser
                                                   from usr in AcUser.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                                   join trt in _context.AcTriggerType on evl.EvlTrtId equals trt.TrtId
                                                   where evl.EvlObjId != null && (from log2 in _context.AcEventLog
                                                                                  where log2.EvlObjId == evl.EvlObjId && log2.EvlEvsId == 10
                                                                                  orderby log2.EvlDate descending
                                                                                  select log2.EvlId
                                                   select new FilterEventLogDto
                EventLogId = evl.EvlId,
                Date = evl.EvlDate,
                TriggerValue = evl.EvlTrgValue,
                UserName = usr.UsrName,
                UserSurname = usr.UsrSurname,
                TriggerName = trt.TrtName,
                ObjectName = obj.ObjName,
                EventStatusName = evs.EvsName,
                ObjectId = evl.EvlObjId

            List <ObjectsWithLogData> lstt = (from obj in _context.AcObject
                                              join lst in lastOpened on obj.ObjId equals lst.ObjectId into lstl
                                              from v in lstl.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                              select new ObjectsWithLogData
                ObjId = obj.ObjId,
                ObjName = obj.ObjName,
                ObjOpen = obj.ObjOpen,
                ObjAuto = obj.ObjAuto,
                ObjActivity = obj.ObjActivity,
                ObjGps = obj.ObjGps,
                ObjAction = obj.ObjAction,
                ObjObtTypeId = obj.ObjObtTypeId,
                Date = v.Date,
                TriggerValue = v.TriggerValue,
                UserName = v.UserName,
                UserSurname = v.UserSurname,
                TriggerName = v.TriggerName,
                EventStatusName = v.EventStatusName

コード例 #10
        public UserTrigger getUserByTriggerType(string value, string type)
            UserTrigger userTrigger = (
                from trgt in _context.AcTriggerType
                join trg in _context.AcTrigger on new { Key1 = trgt.TrtId, Key2 = value } equals new { Key1 = trg.TrgTrtId, Key2 = trg.TrgValue } into AcTrigger
                from q in AcTrigger.DefaultIfEmpty() join us in _context.AcUser on q.TrgUsrId equals us.UsrId into AcUser
                from l in AcUser.DefaultIfEmpty()
                where trgt.TrtName == type
                select new UserTrigger
                TrgtId = trgt.TrtId,
                UsrId = q.TrgUsrId,
                TrgActivity = q.TrgActivity,
                UsrActivity = l.UsrActivity

コード例 #11
        public void Update(AcUser userParam, string password = null)
            var user = _context.AcUser.Find(userParam.UsrId);

            if (user == null)
                throw new AppException("User not found");

            if (userParam.UsrEmail != user.UsrEmail)
                // username has changed so check if the new username is already taken
                //if (_context.AcUser.Any(x => x.UsrEmail == userParam.UsrEmail))
                if ((from usr in _context.AcUser where usr.UsrEmail == userParam.UsrEmail select usr).SingleOrDefault() != null)
                    throw new AppException("Username " + userParam.UsrEmail + " is already taken");

            // update user properties
            user.UsrName    = userParam.UsrName;
            user.UsrSurname = userParam.UsrSurname;
            user.UsrEmail   = userParam.UsrEmail;

            // update password if it was entered
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(password))
                byte[] passwordHash, passwordSalt;
                CreatePasswordHash(password, out passwordHash, out passwordSalt);

                user.UsrCryptedPassword = passwordHash;
                user.UsrPasswordSalt    = passwordSalt;

コード例 #12
        public AcUser Create(AcUser user, string password)
            // validation
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(password) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(user.UsrEmail))
                throw new AppException("Password and Email are required");


            var order = _context.AcUser.FirstOrDefault(x => x.UsrEmail == user.UsrEmail);

            if (order != null)
                throw new AppException("Email already taken");

            if (user.UsrRolId == 0)
                user.UsrRolId = (from rol in _context.AcRole where rol.RolName == "Gost" select rol.RolId).SingleOrDefault();

            byte[] passwordHash, passwordSalt;
            CreatePasswordHash(password, out passwordHash, out passwordSalt);

            user.UsrCryptedPassword = passwordHash;
            user.UsrPasswordSalt    = passwordSalt;

            user.UsrActivity = 1;


コード例 #13
        // Run the AccuRev hist command for all streams in PromoCount.exe.config, generate the results and send it
        // to the daily log file PromoCountResults-YYYY-MM-DD.log created (or updated) in the same folder where
        // PromoCount.exe resides. Returns true if the operation succeeded, false otherwise. AcUtilsException
        // caught and logged in %LOCALAPPDATA%\AcTools\Logs\PromoCount-YYYY-MM-DD.log on hist command failure.
        // Exception caught and logged in same for a range of exceptions.
        private static async Task <bool> promoCountAsync()
            bool ret = false; // assume failure

                Dictionary <AcStream, Task <AcResult> > map = new Dictionary <AcStream, Task <AcResult> >(_selStreams.Count);
                Func <AcStream, Task <AcResult> >       run = (stream) =>
                    // start-end times reversed as workaround for AccuRev issue 15780
                    Task <AcResult> result = AcCommand.runAsync(
                        $@"hist -fx -k promote -s ""{stream}"" -t ""{_endTime} - {_startTime}""");
                    lock (_locker) { map.Add(stream, result); }

                var tasks = from s in _depots.SelectMany(d => d.Streams)
                            where _selStreams.OfType <StreamElement>().Any(se => se.Stream == s.Name)
                            select run(s);

                AcResult[] arr = await Task.WhenAll(tasks); // finish running hist commands in parallel

                if (arr == null || arr.Any(r => r.RetVal != 0))

                log($"Promotions to select streams from {_startTime} to {_endTime}.{Environment.NewLine}");
                int tgrandtot = 0; int vgrandtot = 0;
                foreach (var ii in map.OrderBy(n => n.Key))
                    log($"{ii.Key} {{{$"promotions\\versions"}}}:"); // key is stream
                    AcResult r   = ii.Value.Result;
                    XElement xml = XElement.Parse(r.CmdResult);
                    ILookup <string, XElement> look = xml.Elements("transaction")
                                                      .ToLookup(n => (string)n.Attribute("user"), n => n);
                    int tsubtot = 0; int vsubtot = 0;
                    foreach (var jj in look.OrderBy(n => _users.getUser(n.Key)))
                        AcUser user = _users.getUser(jj.Key);
                        int    tnum = jj.Count();
                        int    vnum = jj.Elements("version").Count();
                        string val  = $"{{{tnum}\\{vnum}}}";
                        log($"\t{user.ToString().PadRight(40, '.')}{val.PadLeft(13, '.')}");
                        tsubtot += tnum; tgrandtot += tnum;
                        vsubtot += vnum; vgrandtot += vnum;

                    log($"\tTotal {tsubtot} promotions and {vsubtot} versions.{Environment.NewLine}");

                log($"Grand total of {tgrandtot} promotions and {vgrandtot} versions.");
                ret = true;

            catch (AcUtilsException ecx)
                AcDebug.Log($"AcUtilsException caught and logged in Program.promoCountAsync{Environment.NewLine}{ecx.Message}");
            catch (Exception ecx)
                AcDebug.Log($"Exception caught and logged in Program.promoCountAsync{Environment.NewLine}{ecx.Message}");

コード例 #14
        public static void EnsureCreated(TodoDBContext context)
            if (context.Database.EnsureCreated())
                var user = new AcUser
                    Email      = "*****@*****.**",
                    FirstName  = "Burak",
                    LastName   = "Portakal",
                    Password   = "******",//testtest
                    UserName   = "******",
                    Salt       = "tOoByYVHjUQ4Ue+SWZPmEQ==",
                    CreateDate = DateTime.Now

                context.AcTaskStatuses.Add(new AcTaskStatus {
                    Status = "Todo"
                context.AcTaskStatuses.Add(new AcTaskStatus {
                    Status = "InProgress"
                context.AcTaskStatuses.Add(new AcTaskStatus {
                    Status = "Completed"

                context.AcTaskPriorities.Add(new AcTaskPriority {
                    Priority = "P1"
                context.AcTaskPriorities.Add(new AcTaskPriority {
                    Priority = "P2"
                context.AcTaskPriorities.Add(new AcTaskPriority {
                    Priority = "P3"

                context.AcCategories.Add(new AcCategory {
                    CategoryName = "Project", User = user

                context.AcTasks.Add(new AcTask
                    Name           = "Test task",
                    CategoryId     = 1,
                    Status         = 1,
                    TaskPriorityId = 1,
                    User           = user,
                    IsDeleted      = false,
                    CreateDate     = DateTime.Now

                context.AcTasks.Add(new AcTask
                    Name           = "Test task 2",
                    CategoryId     = 1,
                    Status         = 1,
                    TaskPriorityId = 1,
                    User           = user,
                    IsDeleted      = false,
                    CreateDate     = DateTime.Now
        //public List<ObjectsWithLogData> getObjects()

        //List<ObjectsWithLogData> Allobjects = (
        //    from evl in _context.AcEventLog
        //    join evs in _context.AcEventStatus on evl.EvlEvsId equals evs.EvsId
        //    join obj1 in _context.AcObject on evl.EvlObjId equals obj1.ObjId into AcObject
        //    from obj in AcObject.DefaultIfEmpty()
        //    join usr1 in _context.AcUser on evl.EvlUsrId equals usr1.UsrId into AcUser
        //    from usr in AcUser.DefaultIfEmpty()
        //    join trt in _context.AcTriggerType on evl.EvlTrtId equals trt.TrtId
        //    where req.ObjId == evl.evlObjId
        //    select new ObjectsWithLogData
        //    {
        //        EventLogId = evl.EvlId,
        //        Date = evl.EvlDate,
        //        TriggerValue = evl.EvlTrgValue,
        //        UserName = usr.UsrName,
        //        UserSurname = usr.UsrSurname,
        //        TriggerName = trt.TrtName,
        //        ObjectName = obj.ObjName,
        //        EventStatusName = evs.EvsName
        //    }
        //).OrderByDescending(x => x.Date).ToList();

        //return Allobjects;

        public List <FilterEventLogDto> getEventLogs(int?id)
            List <FilterEventLogDto> eventLogs = (
                from evl in _context.AcEventLog
                join evs in _context.AcEventStatus on evl.EvlEvsId equals evs.EvsId
                join obj1 in _context.AcObject on evl.EvlObjId equals obj1.ObjId into AcObject from obj in AcObject.DefaultIfEmpty()
                join usr1 in _context.AcUser on evl.EvlUsrId equals usr1.UsrId into AcUser from usr in AcUser.DefaultIfEmpty()
                join trt in _context.AcTriggerType on evl.EvlTrtId equals trt.TrtId
                where id == null || evl.EvlUsrId == id
                select new FilterEventLogDto
                EventLogId = evl.EvlId,
                Date = evl.EvlDate,
                TriggerValue = evl.EvlTrgValue,
                UserName = usr.UsrName,
                UserSurname = usr.UsrSurname,
                TriggerName = trt.TrtName,
                ObjectName = obj.ObjName,
                EventStatusName = evs.EvsName
                ).OrderByDescending(x => x.Date).ToList();
