private void KitDeleted(object sender, EventArgs e) { KitFormItem control = (KitFormItem)sender; AbstractAccessory kit = control.Kit; GlobalObjects.CasEnvironment.Manipulator.Delete(kit); _kitParentObject.Kits.Remove((AccessoryRequired)control.Kit); _kitControls.Remove(control); flowLayoutPanelCharts.Controls.Remove(control); }
///<summary> /// Проставляет товар и стандарт для комплектующего ///</summary> ///<returns>true - если удалось определеить и проставить продукт и стандарт для комплектующего</returns> public bool SetStandartAndProduct(AbstractAccessory accessory, string standartName) { if (accessory == null) { throw new ArgumentException("must be not null", "accessory"); } if (accessory.Product != null && accessory.Product.ItemId > 0) { return(true); } return(SetStandartAndProduct(accessory, standartName, accessory.PartNumber, accessory.Description, accessory.Remarks, accessory.Manufacturer, accessory.GoodsClass, accessory.Measure, accessory.CostNew, accessory.CostOverhaul, accessory.CostServiceable, accessory.Suppliers)); }
public ProductBindForm(AbstractAccessory currentKit) : this() { _currentKit = currentKit; }
private string GetAccessoryTypeString(AbstractAccessory accessory) { return(accessory.GoodsClass.ToString()); }
///<summary> ///</summary> public KitForm(AbstractAccessory kit) : this() { _currentKit = kit; UpdateControl(); }
///<summary> /// Конструктор, принимающий KIT для отображения ///</summary> public KitFormItem(AbstractAccessory currentKit) : this() { _currentKit = currentKit; UpdateInformation(); }
///<summary> /// Проставляет товар и стандарт для комплектующего ///</summary> ///<returns>true - если удалось определеить и проставить продукт и стандарт для комплектующего</returns> public bool SetStandartAndProduct(AbstractAccessory accessory, string standartName, string partialNumber, string description, string remarks, string manufacturer, GoodsClass goodsClass, Measure measure, double costNew, double costOverhaul, double costServiceable, IEnumerable <Supplier> suppliers) { if (accessory == null) { throw new ArgumentException("must be not null", "accessory"); } if (accessory.Product != null && accessory.Product.ItemId > 0) { return(true); } string standart = standartName.Replace(" ", "").ToLower(); string partNumber = partialNumber.Replace(" ", "").ToLower(); bool needToSaveAccessory = false; bool result = true; GoodStandart goodStandart = null; List <GoodStandart> goodStandarts = _loader.GetObjectList <GoodStandart>(); List <Product> products; if (accessory is Entities.General.Accessory.Component) { products = new List <Product>(_loader.GetObjectList <ComponentModel>(loadChild: true).ToArray()); } else { products = _loader.GetObjectList <Product>(loadChild: true); } if (goodStandarts != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(standart)) { goodStandart = goodStandarts .FirstOrDefault(ad => ad.PartNumber.Replace(" ", "").ToLower() == partNumber && ad.FullName.Replace(" ", "").ToLower() == standart); if (goodStandart == null) { goodStandart = new GoodStandart { GoodsClass = goodsClass, PartNumber = partialNumber, Description = description, FullName = standartName, //CostNew = costNew, //CostServiceable = costServiceable, //CostOverhaul = costOverhaul, Remarks = remarks, //Measure = measure }; _newKeeper.Save(goodStandart); } accessory.Standart = goodStandart; needToSaveAccessory = true; } if ((manufacturer != "" || suppliers != null && suppliers.Any()) && products != null) { Product product = products .FirstOrDefault(p => p.PartNumber.Replace(" ", "").ToLower() == partNumber && p.Standart != null && p.Standart.FullName.Replace(" ", "").ToLower() == standart); if (product == null) { if (accessory is Entities.General.Accessory.Component) { ComponentModel dm = new ComponentModel { BatchNumber = "", CostNew = costNew, CostOverhaul = costOverhaul, CostServiceable = costServiceable, Description = description, GoodsClass = goodsClass, Manufacturer = manufacturer, Measure = measure, PartNumber = partNumber, Remarks = remarks, }; product = dm; } else { product = new Product { GoodsClass = goodsClass, PartNumber = partialNumber, Description = description, Manufacturer = manufacturer, Standart = goodStandart, CostNew = costNew, CostServiceable = costServiceable, CostOverhaul = costOverhaul, Remarks = remarks, Measure = measure }; } _newKeeper.Save(product); if (goodStandart != null && goodStandart.DefaultProductId <= 0) { goodStandart.DefaultProductId = product.ItemId; _newKeeper.Save(goodStandart); } product.SupplierRelations.Clear(); foreach (KitSuppliersRelation ksr in accessory.SupplierRelations) { if (ksr.SupplierId != 0) { product.SupplierRelations.Add(ksr); ksr.KitId = product.ItemId; ksr.ParentTypeId = product.SmartCoreObjectType.ItemId; _newKeeper.Save(ksr); } } } Entities.General.Accessory.Component component = accessory as Entities.General.Accessory.Component; if (component != null) { component.Model = product as ComponentModel; } else { accessory.Product = product; } needToSaveAccessory = true; } else { accessory.Product = null; result = false; } if (needToSaveAccessory) { _newKeeper.Save(accessory); } return(result); }