// Start is called just before any of the Update methods is called the first time public void Start() { if (!m_engine) { m_engine = GetComponent <Abstract2DPlatformEngine> (); #if UNITY_EDITOR if (!m_engine) { Debug.LogError(NoMovementEngineError); } #endif } if (!m_anim) { m_anim = GetComponent <Animator> (); #if UNITY_EDITOR if (!m_anim) { Debug.LogError(NoAnimatorError); } #endif } m_health = (int)m_maxHealth; }
// Start is called just before any of the Update methods is called the first time public void Start() { if (!m_engine) { m_engine = GetComponent<Abstract2DPlatformEngine> (); #if UNITY_EDITOR if (!m_engine) Debug.LogError (NoMovementEngineError); #endif } if (!m_anim) { m_anim = GetComponent<Animator> (); #if UNITY_EDITOR if (!m_anim) Debug.LogError (NoAnimatorError); #endif } m_health = (int) m_maxHealth; }