コード例 #1
        public override Matrix4x4 getLocalConsumerMatrixPerInputSocket(AXParametricObject caller)
            // use shift too
            // use caller address
            if (caller == null)

            Matrix4x4 optionalLocalM = Matrix4x4.identity;

            if (caller.selectedConsumer == null || caller.selectedConsumer != this.parametricObject || String.IsNullOrEmpty(caller.selectedConsumerAddress))
                caller.selectedConsumerAddress = "node_0";
                optionalLocalM = caller.getLocalMatrix() * caller.getAxisRotationMatrix().inverse;

            string[] address = caller.selectedConsumerAddress.Split('_');

            if (address.Length < 2)

            string meshInput = address[0];             // e.g., "node", "cell", "spanU", "spanV"

            int indexU = int.Parse(address[1]);
            int indexV = 0;

            if (address.Length > 2)
                indexV = int.Parse(address[2]);

            //Debug.Log("indexU="+indexU+", indexV="+indexV);

            if (indexU == 1)
            // Find out which input this caller is fed into Node Mesh, Bay Span or Cell Mesh?

            if (meshInput == "node" && nodeSrc_p != null && caller == nodeSrc_p.Parent)
                return(localNodeMatrixFromAddress(indexU, indexV) * optionalLocalM);

コード例 #2
         *      public override Matrix4x4 getLocalConsumerMatrixPerInputSocket(AXParametricObject input, AXParameter input_p=null)
         *      {
         *              Debug.Log("planSrc_po="+planSrc_po);
         *              if (planSrc_po != null)
         *              {
         *                      //Debug.Log(input.Name + " -- " + planSrc_po.Name);
         *                      if (planSrc_po!= null && input == planSrc_po)
         *                              return Matrix4x4.TRS(Vector3.zero, Quaternion.Euler(90, 0, 0), Vector3.one);
         *                      //return Matrix4x4.TRS(Vector3.zero, Quaternion.Euler(-90, 0, 0), Vector3.one);
         *              }
         *              return Matrix4x4.identity;
         *      }
         *      public override Matrix4x4 getLocalConsumerMatrixPerInputSocket(AXParametricObject input_po)
         *      {
         *              //Debug.Log ("input_po.Name=" + input_po.Name);// + " -- " + endCapHandleTransform);
         *              // PLAN
         *              if (input_po == planSrc_po)
         *                      return  Matrix4x4.TRS(Vector3.zero, Quaternion.Euler(90, 0, 0), Vector3.one);
         *              // SECTION
         *              if (input_po == sectionSrc_po)
         *                      return sectionHandleTransform * Matrix4x4.TRS(Vector3.zero, Quaternion.Euler(90, 0, 0), Vector3.one);
         *              // ENDCAP
         *              if (P_EndCapMesh != null && P_EndCapMesh.DependsOn != null && input_po == P_EndCapMesh.DependsOn.Parent)
         *                      return endCapHandleTransform;
         *              return Matrix4x4.identity ;
         *      }

        public override Matrix4x4 getLocalConsumerMatrixPerInputSocket(AXParametricObject input_po, AXParameter input_P)
            // use shift too
            // use caller address
            if (input_po == null)

            bool addressIsNull = (input_po.selectedConsumer == null || input_po.selectedConsumer != this.parametricObject || String.IsNullOrEmpty(input_po.selectedConsumerAddress));

            if (input_P != null)
                if (input_P.Name == "Plan")
                    return(Matrix4x4.TRS(Vector3.zero, Quaternion.Euler(90, 0, 0), Vector3.one));

                if (input_P.Name == "Section")
                    //Debug.Log("the section      ****");
                    return(sectionHandleTransform * Matrix4x4.TRS(Vector3.zero, Quaternion.Euler(90, 0, 0), Vector3.one));

            // PLAN
            if (input_po == planSrc_po)
                return(Matrix4x4.TRS(Vector3.zero, Quaternion.Euler(90, 0, 0), Vector3.one));

            // SECTION
            if (input_po == sectionSrc_po)
                return(sectionHandleTransform * Matrix4x4.TRS(Vector3.zero, Quaternion.Euler(90, 0, 0), Vector3.one));

            // PARSE ADDRESS
            Matrix4x4 optionalLocalM = Matrix4x4.identity;

            if (addressIsNull)
                // set default address
                if (nodeSrc_po != null && input_po == nodeSrc_po)
                    input_po.selectedConsumerAddress = "node_0_0_0";
                else if (cellSrc_po != null && input_po == cellSrc_po)
                    input_po.selectedConsumerAddress = "cell_0_0_0";
                else if (cornerSrc_po != null && input_po == cornerSrc_po)
                    input_po.selectedConsumerAddress = "corner_0_0";

                optionalLocalM = input_po.getLocalMatrix() * input_po.getAxisRotationMatrix().inverse;

            addressIsNull = (input_po.selectedConsumer == null || input_po.selectedConsumer != this.parametricObject || String.IsNullOrEmpty(input_po.selectedConsumerAddress));

            if (!addressIsNull)
                string[] address = input_po.selectedConsumerAddress.Split('_');

                if (address.Length < 3)

                string meshInput = address[0];                 // e.g., "node", "cell", "spanU", "spanV", "corner"

                // Find out which input this caller is fed into Node Mesh, Bay Span or Cell Mesh?

                // CORNER
                if (meshInput == "corner" && cornerSrc_po != null && input_po == cornerSrc_po)
                    int path_i = int.Parse(address[1]);
                    int vert_i = int.Parse(address[2]);
                    return(localMatrixFromAddress(RepeaterItem.Corner, path_i, vert_i) * optionalLocalM);

                if (meshInput == "node" && nodeSrc_po != null && input_po == nodeSrc_po && address.Length == 4)
                    int path_i      = int.Parse(address[1]);
                    int subspline_i = int.Parse(address[2]);
                    int node_i      = int.Parse(address[3]);

                    return(localMatrixFromAddress(RepeaterItem.Node, path_i, subspline_i, node_i) * optionalLocalM);

                if (meshInput == "cell" && cellSrc_po != null && input_po == cellSrc_po && address.Length == 4)
                    int path_i      = int.Parse(address[1]);
                    int subspline_i = int.Parse(address[2]);
                    int node_i      = int.Parse(address[3]);

                    return(localMatrixFromAddress(RepeaterItem.Cell, path_i, subspline_i, node_i) * optionalLocalM);

コード例 #3
        public override GameObject generate(bool makeGameObjects, AXParametricObject initiator_po, bool renderToOutputParameter)
            //Debug.Log ("===> " + parametricObject.Name + " generate");

            if (parametricObject == null || !parametricObject.hasInputMeshReady("Input Mesh"))

            if (!parametricObject.isActive)


            AXParameter input_p = parametricObject.getParameter("Input Mesh");

            if (parametricObject == null || input_p == null || input_p.DependsOn == null)

            AXParametricObject src_po = input_p.DependsOn.Parent;

            if (src_po == null)

            Matrix4x4 srcLocalM = src_po.getLocalMatrix().inverse;

            // 1. cache source object
            List <AXParameter> geometryControlParameterList = parametricObject.getAllParametersOfPType(AXParameter.ParameterType.GeometryControl);


            if (!makeGameObjects)
                // 2. re_generate source PO with temporary values set by this Replicant
                src_po.generateOutputNow(false, parametricObject, false);

                // 3. Now that the input_sourcePO has been regenerated,
                //    grab the temporaryOutputMeshes meshes
                //    from the input sources and add them here
                List <AXMesh> ax_meshes = new List <AXMesh>();
                if (src_po.temporaryOutputMeshes != null)
                    for (int mi = 0; mi < src_po.temporaryOutputMeshes.Count; mi++)
                        AXMesh amesh = src_po.temporaryOutputMeshes [mi];
                        ax_meshes.Add(amesh.Clone(srcLocalM * amesh.transMatrix));

            // 4. Make GAME OBJECTS
            GameObject go = null;

            if (makeGameObjects)
                go      = src_po.generator.generate(true, initiator_po, false);
                go.name = src_po.Name + " Replicant";
                AXGameObject axgo = go.GetComponent <AXGameObject>();
                if (axgo != null)
                    axgo.makerPO_GUID = parametricObject.Guid;

            //  5. restore source object; as though we were never here!

            // Turn ax_meshes into GameObjects
            if (makeGameObjects)
                Matrix4x4 tmx = parametricObject.getLocalMatrix();

                go.transform.rotation   = AXUtilities.QuaternionFromMatrix(tmx);
                go.transform.position   = AXUtilities.GetPosition(tmx);
                go.transform.localScale = parametricObject.getLocalScaleAxisRotated();

