コード例 #1
        public void RunTest(ref ATFReturnResult results)
            string strError = string.Empty;
            // ReSharper disable once JoinDeclarationAndInitializer
            long testTime;

            TestCount = 0; //reset to start

            foreach (SparamTestCase.TestCaseAbstract tc in objFBar.TestCases)

            #region Create FmTrace file
            if (SnpFile.FileOutputEnable & TmpUnitNo <= SnpFile.FileOutputCount)
                for (int i = 0; i < objFBar.SparamRaw.Length; i++)
                    if (SnpFile.ADSFormat)
                        LibEqmtDriver.NA.SParam tsSparam = _eqNa.ConvertTourchStone(_traceSetting[i], objFBar.SparamRaw[i]);
                        _eqNa.ExportSnpFile(tsSparam, SnpFile.FileSourcePath, SnpFile.FileOutputFileName, TmpUnitNo.ToString(), i + 1);
                        _eqNa.ExportSnpFile(objFBar.SparamRaw[i], SnpFile.FileSourcePath, SnpFile.FileOutputFileName, TmpUnitNo.ToString(), i + 1);

            #region Add Result to Clotho
            for (int i = 0; i < objFBar.Result.Length; i++)
                if (objFBar.Result[i].Enable)
                    for (int iRst = 0; iRst < objFBar.Result[i].Header.Length; iRst++)
                        ATFResultBuilder.AddResult(ref results, objFBar.Result[i].Header[iRst], "", objFBar.Result[i].Result[iRst]);

            testTime = _speedo.ElapsedMilliseconds;

            ATFResultBuilder.AddResult(ref results, "SparamTestTime", "mS", testTime);
コード例 #2
    public ATFReturnResult DoATFTest(string args)

        string          err    = "";
        StringBuilder   sb     = new StringBuilder();
        ATFReturnResult result = new ATFReturnResult();

        // ----------- Example for Argument Parsing --------------- //
        Dictionary <string, string> dict = new Dictionary <string, string>();

        if (!ArgParser.parseArgString(args, ref dict))
            err = "Invalid Argument String" + args;
            MessageBox.Show(err, "Exit Test Plan Run", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
            return(new ATFReturnResult(err));

        int simHw;

            simHw = ArgParser.getIntItem(ArgParser.TagSimMode, dict);
        catch (Exception ex)
            err = ex.Message;
            MessageBox.Show(err, "Exit Test Plan Run", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
            return(new ATFReturnResult(err));
        // ----------- END of Argument Parsing Example --------------- //

        #region Custom Test Coding Section
        // ----------- ONLY provide your Custom Test Coding here --------------- //
        // Example for build TestPlan Result (Single Site)

        if (_firstTest == true)
            string[] resultFileName = ATFCrossDomainWrapper.GetClothoCurrentResultFileFullPath().Split('_');

            if (_guiEnable == true)
                if (resultFileName[0] != _initProTag)
                    _programLoadSuccess = false;
                    MessageBox.Show("Product Tag accidentally changed to: " + resultFileName[0] + "\nPlease re-load program!");
                    err = "Product Tag accidentally changed to: " + resultFileName[0];
                    return(new ATFReturnResult(err));;

        if (!_programLoadSuccess)
            MessageBox.Show("Program was not loaded successfully.\nPlease resolve errors and reload program.", "", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
            err = "Program was not loaded successfully.\nPlease resolve errors and reload program";
            return(new ATFReturnResult(err));


        #region Retrieve lot ID# (for Datalog)
        //Retrieve lot ID#
        _tPVersion      = ATFCrossDomainWrapper.GetStringFromCache(PublishTags.PUBTAG_PACKAGE_TP_VER, "");
        _productTag     = ATFCrossDomainWrapper.GetStringFromCache(PublishTags.PUBTAG_PACKAGE_TAG, "").ToUpper();
        _lotId          = ATFCrossDomainWrapper.GetStringFromCache(PublishTags.PUBTAG_LOT_ID, "").ToUpper();
        _sublotId       = ATFCrossDomainWrapper.GetStringFromCache(PublishTags.PUBTAG_SUB_LOT_ID, "").ToUpper();
        _waferId        = ATFCrossDomainWrapper.GetStringFromCache(PublishTags.PUBTAG_WAFER_ID, "");
        _opId           = ATFCrossDomainWrapper.GetStringFromCache(PublishTags.PUBTAG_OP_ID, "");
        _handlerSn      = ATFCrossDomainWrapper.GetStringFromCache(PublishTags.PUBTAG_HANDLER_SN, "");
        _testerHostName = System.Net.Dns.GetHostName();
        _ipEntry        = System.Net.Dns.GetHostEntry(_testerHostName);
        _testerIp       = NetworkHelper.GetStaticIPAddress().Replace(".", ""); //Use Clotho method , original code has issue with IPv6 - 12/03/2015 Shaz

        if (_myDut.TmpUnitNo == 0)                                             //do this for the 1st unit only
            _dt = DateTime.Now;

            if (_productTag != "")
                _newPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(_activeDir, _productTag + "_" + _lotId + "_" + _sublotId + "_" + _testerIp + "\\");
                string tempname = "DebugMode_" + _dt.ToString("yyyyMMdd" + "_" + "HHmmss");
                _newPath    = System.IO.Path.Combine(_activeDir, tempname + "\\");
                _productTag = "Debug";
                _lotId      = "1";

            //Parse information to LibFbar
            _myDut.SnpFile.FileSourcePath     = _newPath;
            _myDut.SnpFile.FileOutputFileName = _productTag;
            _myDut.SnpFile.LotID = _lotId;
            // Added variable to solve issue with datalog when Inari operator using
            //Tally Generator to close lot instead of unload test plan
            //WaferId,OpId and HandlerSN are null when 2nd Lot started - make assumption that this 3 param are similar 1st Lot
            _tempWaferId         = _waferId;
            _tempOpId            = _opId;
            _tempHandlerSn       = _handlerSn;
            _previousLotSubLotId = _currentLotSubLotId;

        DateTime      DT           = DateTime.Now;
        List <string> FileContains = new List <string>();
        FileContains.Add("DATE_START=" + DT.ToString("yyyyMMdd"));
        FileContains.Add("TIME_START=" + DT.ToString("HHmmss"));
        FileContains.Add("PRODUCT_TAG=" + _productTag);
        FileContains.Add("LOT_NUMBER=" + _lotId + "_" + _sublotId);
        FileContains.Add("WAFER_ID=" + _waferId);
        FileContains.Add("OPERATOR_NAME=" + _opId);
        FileContains.Add("TESTER_HOST_NAME=" + _testerHostName);
        FileContains.Add("HANLDER_NAME=" + _handlerSn);
        FileContains.Add("TEST_PLAN_VERSION=" + _tPVersion);

        _myDut.FileFileContain = FileContains;

#if (!DEBUG)
        _myDut.TmpUnitNo = Convert.ToInt32(ATFCrossDomainWrapper.GetClothoCurrentSN());
        _myDut.TmpUnitNo++;      // Need to enable this during debug mode

        for (GU.runLoop = 1; GU.runLoop <= GU.numRunLoops; GU.runLoop++)
            _firstTest = false;
            _myDut.RunTest(ref result);

            GU.DoTest_afterCustomCode(ref result);

        // ----------- END of Custom Test Coding --------------- //
        #endregion Custom Test Coding Section

        //ATFReturnResult result = new ATFReturnResult();
        //ATFResultBuilder.AddResult(ref result, "PARAM", "X", 0.01);
コード例 #3
 public void BuildResults(ref ATFReturnResult results, string paraName, string unit, double value)
     ATFResultBuilder.AddResult(ref results, paraName, unit, value);