public override bool UseItem(Player player) { if (SGAPocketDim.WhereAmI == typeof(Limborinth)) { GraphFinder(Limborinth.MazeGraphPoints[0], (player.Center / 16).ToPoint16()); return(true); } Point16 pos = new Point16((int)player.Center.X >> 4, (int)player.Center.Y >> 4); if (finder.startingPosition.X == 0 || Main.keyState.IsKeyDown(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Keys.LeftShift)) { finder.startingPosition = pos; Main.NewText("Tile Position Set! " + finder.startingPosition.X + " | " + finder.startingPosition.Y); return(true); } finder.wallsWeight = 250; finder.AStarTiles(pos, 1); return(true); }
public override void AI() { if (astar == null) { astar = new AStarPathFinder(); astar.recursionLimit = 200; astar.wallsWeight = 100; astar.seed = npc.whoAmI; } npc.localAI[0] += 1; npc.spriteDirection = npc.velocity.X > 0 ? -1 : 1; //Main.NewText((int)astar.state + " " +[1] + " " +[0]+" "+ Path.Count); Player P = Main.player[]; if ( < 0 || == 255 || Main.player[].dead || !Main.player[].active) { npc.TargetClosest(); } else { if (buffed == 0) { bool bigtool = Main.player.Where(testby => && !testby.dead && testby.inventory.Where(testby2 => !testby2.IsAir && testby2.pick > 230).Count() > 0).Count() > 0; buffed = bigtool || Dimensions.SpaceDim.postMoonLord ? 2 : 1; if (buffed == 2) { *= 5; npc.lifeMax *= 5; npc.knockBackResist = 0f; npc.value *= 4; } } if (npc.localAI[0] % 60 == 0) { if (Collision.CanHitLine(P.MountedCenter, 1, 1, npc.Center, 1, 1)) { Vector2 dist = P.Center - npc.Center; if (dist.Length() < 200 + (buffed * 200)) { Projectile.NewProjectile(npc.Center, dist, ModContent.ProjectileType <Items.Armors.Vibranium.VibraniumZapEffect>(), 0, 0); SoundEffectInstance snd = Main.PlaySound(SoundID.Item, (int)npc.Center.X, (int)npc.Center.Y, 91); P.AddBuff(BuffID.WitheredArmor, 60 * 5); P.AddBuff(BuffID.WitheredWeapon, 60 * 5); P.SGAPly().StackDebuff(ModLoader.GetMod("IDGLibrary").GetBuff("Radiation" + (buffed == 2 ? "Two" : "One")).Type, 60 * 6); } } } //Lets just assume netAlways can handle locations please? if (Main.netMode != NetmodeID.MultiplayerClient) { //Time for the fancy AStar Nonsense! if (astar.state != (int)PathState.Calculating) {[1] = 0; if (astar.state == (int)PathState.Finished || astar.state == (int)PathState.Failed) { //Gotta reverse it, so we don't start with the destination Path = new List <PathNode>(astar.Path); Path.Reverse(); astar.state = (int)PathState.Ready; }[0] += (Path.Count < 2 &&[0] < 190) ? 3 : 1; if ([0] > 200) { astar.startingPosition = new Point16((int)npc.Center.X / 16, (int)npc.Center.Y / 16); if (astar.AStarTiles(new Point16((int)P.Center.X / 16, (int)P.Center.Y / 16), 1)) {[0] = Main.rand.Next(-50, 50); npc.netUpdate = true; } } } else {[1] += 1; if ([1] == 250) { //make portal thing for (int i = 160; i < 320; i += 8) { Vector2 checkhere = P.MountedCenter + (Vector2.UnitX.RotatedBy(Main.rand.NextFloat(0f, MathHelper.TwoPi)) * i); if (Collision.CanHitLine(P.MountedCenter, 1, 1, checkhere, 1, 1)) { npc.Center = checkhere; npc.netUpdate = true; } } } if ([1] > 300 && Path.Count < 5) { astar.state = (int)PathState.Ready; } } } } //if (astar.state != (int)PathState.Calculating) //{ if (Path.Count > 0) { if (npc.localAI[0] % 1 == 0) { Vector2 gothere = Path[0].location.ToVector2() * 16; if (npc.Distance(gothere) > 16) { npc.velocity = Vector2.Normalize(gothere - npc.Center) * (buffed == 2 ? 16 : 4); } else { Path.RemoveAt(0); } } } else { } //} npc.velocity *= (buffed == 2 ? 0.72f : 0.92f); }