コード例 #1
    private void LoadControl(OSAEObject obj)
        #region State Image
        if (obj.Type == "CONTROL STATE IMAGE")
            // Create instance of the UserControl SimpleControl
            ASP.ctrlStateImage ctrl = (ASP.ctrlStateImage)LoadControl("~/controls/ctrlStateImage.ascx");
            // Set the Public Properties
            ctrl.screenObject = OSAEObjectManager.GetObjectByName(obj.Name);

        #region Click Image
        else if (obj.Type == "CONTROL CLICK IMAGE")
            // Create instance of the UserControl SimpleControl
            ASP.ctrlClickImage ctrl = (ASP.ctrlClickImage)LoadControl("~/controls/ctrlClickImage.ascx");
            // Set the Public Properties
            ctrl.screenObject = OSAEObjectManager.GetObjectByName(obj.Name);

        #region Navigation Image
        else if (obj.Type == "CONTROL NAVIGATION IMAGE")
            // Create instance of the UserControl SimpleControl
            ASP.ctrlNavigationImage ctrl = (ASP.ctrlNavigationImage)LoadControl("~/controls/ctrlNavigationImage.ascx");
            // Set the Public Properties
            ctrl.screenObject = OSAEObjectManager.GetObjectByName(obj.Name);

        #region Property Label
        else if (obj.Type == "CONTROL PROPERTY LABEL")
            // Create instance of the UserControl SimpleControl
            ASP.ctrlPropertyLabel ctrl = (ASP.ctrlPropertyLabel)LoadControl("~/controls/ctrlPropertyLabel.ascx");
            // Set the Public Properties
            ctrl.screenObject = OSAEObjectManager.GetObjectByName(obj.Name);

        #region Timer Label
        else if (obj.Type == "CONTROL TIMER LABEL")
            // Create instance of the UserControl SimpleControl
            ASP.ctrlTimerLabel ctrl = (ASP.ctrlTimerLabel)LoadControl("~/controls/ctrlTimerLabel.ascx");
            // Set the Public Properties
            ctrl.screenObject = OSAEObjectManager.GetObjectByName(obj.Name);

        #region Camera Viewer
        else if (obj.Type == "CONTROL CAMERA VIEWER")
            // Create instance of the UserControl SimpleControl
            ASP.ctrlEmbedded ctrl = (ASP.ctrlEmbedded)LoadControl("~/controls/ctrlEmbedded.ascx");
            // Set the Public Properties
            ctrl.screenObject = OSAEObjectManager.GetObjectByName(obj.Name);
            ctrl.Source = OSAEObjectManager.GetObjectByName(ctrl.screenObject.Property("Object Name").Value).Property("Stream Address").Value;
            ctrl.width  = "400";
            ctrl.height = "300";

        #region User Control
        else if (obj.BaseType == "USER CONTROL")
            string sUCType = obj.Property("Control Type").Value;
            string ucName  = sUCType.Replace("USER CONTROL ", "");
            // Create instance of the UserControl SimpleControl
            dynamic ctrl = LoadControl("~/controls/usercontrols/" + ucName + "/ctrlUserControl.ascx") as System.Web.UI.UserControl;
            // Set the Public Properties
            ctrl.screenObject = obj;

        #region Browser Control
        else if (obj.Type == "CONTROL BROWSER")
            // Create instance of the UserControl SimpleControl
            ASP.ctrlBrowser ctrl = (ASP.ctrlBrowser)LoadControl("~/controls/ctrlBrowser.ascx");
            // Set the Public Properties
            ctrl.screenObject = OSAEObjectManager.GetObjectByName(obj.Name);
コード例 #2
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        List <ASP.ctrlStateImage> stateImages = new List <ASP.ctrlStateImage>();
        DataSet    ds                     = OSAESql.RunSQL("SELECT object_name, property_value, image_id FROM osae_v_object_property p INNER JOIN osae_images i ON i.image_name = p.property_value WHERE object_name = '" + Request.QueryString["id"] + "' AND property_name = 'Background Image'");
        string     screenName             = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["object_name"].ToString();
        OSAEObject screen                 = OSAEObjectManager.GetObjectByName(screenName);
        List <OSAEScreenControl> controls = OSAEScreenControlManager.GetScreenControls(screenName);

        imgBackground.ImageUrl = "imgHandler.aspx?ImageID=" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["image_id"].ToString();

        foreach (OSAEScreenControl sc in controls)
            if (sc.ControlType == "CONTROL STATE IMAGE")
                // Create instance of the UserControl SimpleControl
                ASP.ctrlStateImage ctrl = (ASP.ctrlStateImage)LoadControl("~/controls/ctrlStateImage.ascx");
                // Set the Public Properties
                ctrl.screenObject = OSAEObjectManager.GetObjectByName(sc.ControlName);
            else if (sc.ControlType == "CONTROL METHOD IMAGE")
                // Create instance of the UserControl SimpleControl
                ASP.ctrlMethodImage ctrl = (ASP.ctrlMethodImage)LoadControl("~/controls/ctrlMethodImage.ascx");
                // Set the Public Properties
                ctrl.screenObject = OSAEObjectManager.GetObjectByName(sc.ControlName);
            else if (sc.ControlType == "CONTROL NAVIGATION IMAGE")
                // Create instance of the UserControl SimpleControl
                ASP.ctrlNavigationImage ctrl = (ASP.ctrlNavigationImage)LoadControl("~/controls/ctrlNavigationImage.ascx");
                // Set the Public Properties
                ctrl.screenObject = OSAEObjectManager.GetObjectByName(sc.ControlName);
            else if (sc.ControlType == "CONTROL PROPERTY LABEL")
                // Create instance of the UserControl SimpleControl
                ASP.ctrlPropertyLabel ctrl = (ASP.ctrlPropertyLabel)LoadControl("~/controls/ctrlPropertyLabel.ascx");
                // Set the Public Properties
                ctrl.screenObject = OSAEObjectManager.GetObjectByName(sc.ControlName);
            else if (sc.ControlType == "CONTROL TIMER LABEL")
                // Create instance of the UserControl SimpleControl
                ASP.ctrlTimerLabel ctrl = (ASP.ctrlTimerLabel)LoadControl("~/controls/ctrlTimerLabel.ascx");
                // Set the Public Properties
                ctrl.screenObject = OSAEObjectManager.GetObjectByName(sc.ControlName);
            //else if (sc.ControlType == "CONTROL CAMERA VIEWER")
            //    // Create instance of the UserControl SimpleControl
            //    ASP.ctrlEmbedded ctrl = (ASP.ctrlEmbedded)LoadControl("~/controls/ctrlEmbedded.ascx");
            //    // Set the Public Properties
            //    ctrl.screenObject = OSAEObjectManager.GetObjectByName(sc.ControlName);
            //    ctrl.Source = OSAEObjectManager.GetObjectByName(ctrl.screenObject.Property("Object Name").Value).Property("Stream Address").Value;
            //    ctrl.width = "400";
            //    ctrl.height = "300";
            //    StaticPlaceholder.Controls.Add(ctrl);