protected override void Start() { switch (DeviceStrategy) { case DeviceChooseStrategy.SystemVIOFirst: var arcoreFail = CheckARCore(); if (!MotionTrackerCameraDevice.isAvailable() && !ARKitCameraDevice.isAvailable() && !ARCoreCameraDevice.isAvailable()) { throw new UIPopupException("VIOCameraDevice not available"); } if (arcoreFail) { GUIPopup.EnqueueMessage(typeof(MotionTrackerCameraDevice) + " selected", 3); } break; case DeviceChooseStrategy.EasyARMotionTrackerFirst: if (!MotionTrackerCameraDevice.isAvailable()) { CheckARCore(); } if (!MotionTrackerCameraDevice.isAvailable() && !ARKitCameraDevice.isAvailable() && !ARCoreCameraDevice.isAvailable()) { throw new UIPopupException("VIOCameraDevice not available"); } break; case DeviceChooseStrategy.SystemVIOOnly: CheckARCore(); if (!ARKitCameraDevice.isAvailable() && Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer) { throw new UIPopupException(typeof(ARKitCameraDevice) + " not available"); } else if (!ARCoreCameraDevice.isAvailable() && Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android) { throw new UIPopupException(typeof(ARCoreCameraDevice) + " not available"); } else if (!ARKitCameraDevice.isAvailable() && !ARCoreCameraDevice.isAvailable()) { throw new UIPopupException("System VIO not available"); } break; case DeviceChooseStrategy.EasyARMotionTrackerOnly: if (!MotionTrackerCameraDevice.isAvailable()) { throw new UIPopupException(typeof(MotionTrackerCameraDevice) + " not available"); } break; default: break; } base.Start(); }
/// <summary> /// MonoBehaviour Start /// </summary> protected override void Start() { #if UNITY_ANDROID && !UNITY_EDITOR if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android) { try { using (var systemClass = new AndroidJavaClass("java.lang.System")) { systemClass.CallStatic("loadLibrary", "arcore_sdk_c"); } arcoreLoaded = true; } catch (AndroidJavaException) { } } #endif if (UpdateCalibrationOnStart && Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android) { // NOTE: // This downloader instance will return asynchronously. Latest calibration may not be used in the first time. // You can setup the download procedure in your own code if latest calibration usage is desired before tracking start. var downloader = new CalibrationDownloader();, (status, error) => { switch (status) { case CalibrationDownloadStatus.Successful: Debug.Log("Calibration file has been updated."); break; case CalibrationDownloadStatus.NotModified: Debug.Log("Calibration file is up to date."); break; default: Debug.LogError("Error download calibration file, " + status + ": " + error); break; } downloader.Dispose(); }); } switch (DeviceStrategy) { case DeviceChooseStrategy.SystemVIOFirst: var arcoreFail = CheckARCore(); if (!MotionTrackerCameraDevice.isAvailable() && !ARKitCameraDevice.isAvailable() && !ARCoreCameraDevice.isAvailable()) { throw new UIPopupException("VIOCameraDevice not available"); } if (!ARKitCameraDevice.isAvailable() && !ARCoreCameraDevice.isAvailable() && MotionTrackerCameraDevice.isAvailable() && MotionTrackerCameraDevice.getQualityLevel() < DesiredMotionTrackerParameters.MinQualityLevel) { throw new UIPopupException("VIOCameraDevice available but disabled with quality level (" + MotionTrackerCameraDevice.getQualityLevel() + "), min level is set to " + DesiredMotionTrackerParameters.MinQualityLevel); } if (arcoreFail) { GUIPopup.EnqueueMessage(typeof(MotionTrackerCameraDevice) + " selected", 3); } break; case DeviceChooseStrategy.EasyARMotionTrackerFirst: if (!MotionTrackerCameraDevice.isAvailable()) { CheckARCore(); } if (!MotionTrackerCameraDevice.isAvailable() && !ARKitCameraDevice.isAvailable() && !ARCoreCameraDevice.isAvailable()) { throw new UIPopupException("VIOCameraDevice not available"); } if (MotionTrackerCameraDevice.isAvailable() && MotionTrackerCameraDevice.getQualityLevel() < DesiredMotionTrackerParameters.MinQualityLevel) { throw new UIPopupException("VIOCameraDevice available but disabled with quality level (" + MotionTrackerCameraDevice.getQualityLevel() + "), min level is set to " + DesiredMotionTrackerParameters.MinQualityLevel); } break; case DeviceChooseStrategy.SystemVIOOnly: CheckARCore(); if (!ARKitCameraDevice.isAvailable() && Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer) { throw new UIPopupException(typeof(ARKitCameraDevice) + " not available"); } else if (!ARCoreCameraDevice.isAvailable() && Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android) { throw new UIPopupException(typeof(ARCoreCameraDevice) + " not available"); } else if (!ARKitCameraDevice.isAvailable() && !ARCoreCameraDevice.isAvailable()) { throw new UIPopupException("System VIO not available"); } break; case DeviceChooseStrategy.EasyARMotionTrackerOnly: if (!MotionTrackerCameraDevice.isAvailable()) { throw new UIPopupException(typeof(MotionTrackerCameraDevice) + " not available"); } if (MotionTrackerCameraDevice.getQualityLevel() < DesiredMotionTrackerParameters.MinQualityLevel) { throw new UIPopupException(typeof(MotionTrackerCameraDevice) + " available but disabled with quality level (" + MotionTrackerCameraDevice.getQualityLevel() + "), min level is set to " + DesiredMotionTrackerParameters.MinQualityLevel); } break; default: break; } base.Start(); }
public override void Open() { willOpen = true; CameraDevice.requestPermissions(EasyARController.Scheduler, (Action <PermissionStatus, string>)((status, msg) => { if (!willOpen) { return; } if (status != PermissionStatus.Granted) { Debug.LogError("Camera permission not granted"); return; } Close(); switch (DeviceStrategy) { case DeviceChooseStrategy.SystemVIOFirst: if (ARKitCameraDevice.isAvailable()) { CreateARKitCameraDevice(); } else if (ARCoreCameraDevice.isAvailable()) { CreateARCoreCameraDevice(); } else if (MotionTrackerCameraDevice.isAvailable()) { CreateMotionTrackerCameraDevice(); } break; case DeviceChooseStrategy.EasyARMotionTrackerFirst: if (MotionTrackerCameraDevice.isAvailable()) { CreateMotionTrackerCameraDevice(); } else if (ARKitCameraDevice.isAvailable()) { CreateARKitCameraDevice(); } else if (ARCoreCameraDevice.isAvailable()) { CreateARCoreCameraDevice(); } break; case DeviceChooseStrategy.SystemVIOOnly: if (ARKitCameraDevice.isAvailable()) { CreateARKitCameraDevice(); } else if (ARCoreCameraDevice.isAvailable()) { CreateARCoreCameraDevice(); } break; case DeviceChooseStrategy.EasyARMotionTrackerOnly: if (MotionTrackerCameraDevice.isAvailable()) { CreateMotionTrackerCameraDevice(); } break; default: break; } if (DeviceCreated != null) { DeviceCreated(); } if (bufferCapacity != 0) { deviceSetBufferCapacity(bufferCapacity); } if (sink != null) { deviceConnect(sink); } if (enabled) { OnEnable(); } if (DeviceOpened != null) { DeviceOpened(); } })); }
/// <summary> /// MonoBehaviour Start /// </summary> protected override void Start() { if (UpdateCalibrationOnStart && Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android) { // NOTE: // This downloader instance will return asynchronously. Latest calibration may not be used in the first time. // You can setup the download procedure in your own code if latest calibration usage is desired before tracking start. var downloader = new CalibrationDownloader();, (status, error) => { switch (status) { case CalibrationDownloadStatus.Successful: Debug.Log("Calibration file has been updated."); break; case CalibrationDownloadStatus.NotModified: Debug.Log("Calibration file is up to date."); break; default: Debug.LogError("Error download calibration file, " + status + ": " + error); break; } downloader.Dispose(); }); } switch (DeviceStrategy) { case DeviceChooseStrategy.SystemVIOFirst: var arcoreFail = CheckARCore(); if (!MotionTrackerCameraDevice.isAvailable() && !ARKitCameraDevice.isAvailable() && !ARCoreCameraDevice.isAvailable()) { throw new UIPopupException("VIOCameraDevice not available"); } if (arcoreFail) { GUIPopup.EnqueueMessage(typeof(MotionTrackerCameraDevice) + " selected", 3); } break; case DeviceChooseStrategy.EasyARMotionTrackerFirst: if (!MotionTrackerCameraDevice.isAvailable()) { CheckARCore(); } if (!MotionTrackerCameraDevice.isAvailable() && !ARKitCameraDevice.isAvailable() && !ARCoreCameraDevice.isAvailable()) { throw new UIPopupException("VIOCameraDevice not available"); } break; case DeviceChooseStrategy.SystemVIOOnly: CheckARCore(); if (!ARKitCameraDevice.isAvailable() && Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer) { throw new UIPopupException(typeof(ARKitCameraDevice) + " not available"); } else if (!ARCoreCameraDevice.isAvailable() && Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android) { throw new UIPopupException(typeof(ARCoreCameraDevice) + " not available"); } else if (!ARKitCameraDevice.isAvailable() && !ARCoreCameraDevice.isAvailable()) { throw new UIPopupException("System VIO not available"); } break; case DeviceChooseStrategy.EasyARMotionTrackerOnly: if (!MotionTrackerCameraDevice.isAvailable()) { throw new UIPopupException(typeof(MotionTrackerCameraDevice) + " not available"); } break; default: break; } base.Start(); }