コード例 #1
        private static void CreateMemo(ARInvoiceEntry graph, ARRegister doc, RUTROT rutrot, string docType, bool OnRelease = false)
            DuplicateFilter filter = PXCache <DuplicateFilter> .CreateCopy(graph.duplicatefilter.Current);

            foreach (PXResult <ARInvoice, CurrencyInfo, Terms, Customer> res in ARInvoice_CurrencyInfo_Terms_Customer.Select(graph, (object)doc.DocType, doc.RefNbr, doc.CustomerID))
                CurrencyInfo info = PXCache <CurrencyInfo> .CreateCopy((CurrencyInfo)res);

                info.CuryInfoID = null;
                info.IsReadOnly = false;
                info            = PXCache <CurrencyInfo> .CreateCopy(graph.currencyinfo.Insert(info));

                ARInvoice invoice = (ARInvoice)graph.Document.Cache.CreateInstance();

                if (docType == ARDocType.CreditMemo)
                    invoice.DueDate     = null;
                    invoice.DiscDate    = null;
                    invoice.CustomerID  = doc.CustomerID;
                    invoice.ARAccountID = doc.ARAccountID;
                    invoice.ARSubID     = doc.ARSubID;

                if (docType == ARInvoiceType.DebitMemo)
                    invoice.DueDate  = ((ARInvoice)res).DueDate;
                    invoice.DiscDate = ((ARInvoice)res).DiscDate;

                    BranchRUTROT branchRUTROT = GetBranchRUTROT(graph);

                    invoice.CustomerID  = branchRUTROT.TaxAgencyAccountID;
                    invoice.ARAccountID = null;
                    invoice.ARSubID     = null;

                ARInvoiceRUTROT invoiceRUTROT = RUTROTHelper.GetExtensionNullable <ARInvoice, ARInvoiceRUTROT>(invoice);
                invoiceRUTROT.IsRUTROTDeductible = false;

                invoice.CuryInfoID = info.CuryInfoID;
                invoice.DocType    = docType;
                invoice.OrigModule = GL.BatchModule.AR;
                invoice.RefNbr     = null;
                invoice.OrigModule = GL.BatchModule.AR;
                invoice.DocDesc    = PXLocalizer.LocalizeFormat(RUTROTMessages.MemoDescription, doc.RefNbr);

                invoice.OpenDoc    = true;
                invoice.Released   = false;
                invoice.Hold       = false;
                invoice.Printed    = false;
                invoice.Emailed    = false;
                invoice.BatchNbr   = null;
                invoice.ScheduleID = null;
                invoice.Scheduled  = false;
                invoice.NoteID     = null;
                invoice.RefNoteID  = null;

                invoice.TermsID             = null;
                invoice.InstallmentCntr     = null;
                invoice.InstallmentNbr      = null;
                invoice.CuryOrigDiscAmt     = 0m;
                invoice.FinPeriodID         = doc.FinPeriodID;
                invoice.OrigDocDate         = invoice.DocDate;
                invoice.CuryLineTotal       = 0m;
                invoice.IsTaxPosted         = false;
                invoice.IsTaxValid          = false;
                invoice.CuryVatTaxableTotal = 0m;
                invoice.CuryVatExemptTotal  = 0m;
                invoice.StatementDate       = null;
                invoice.PendingPPD          = false;
                invoice.CustomerLocationID  = null;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(invoice.PaymentMethodID))
                    CA.PaymentMethod pm = null;

                    if (invoice.CashAccountID.HasValue)
                        CA.PaymentMethodAccount pmAccount = null;
                        PXResult <CA.PaymentMethod, CA.PaymentMethodAccount> pmResult = (PXResult <CA.PaymentMethod, CA.PaymentMethodAccount>)
                                                                                        PXSelectJoin <CA.PaymentMethod,
                                                                                                      LeftJoin <
                                                                                                          CA.PaymentMethodAccount, On <CA.PaymentMethod.paymentMethodID, Equal <CA.PaymentMethodAccount.paymentMethodID> > >,
                                                                                                      Where <
                                                                                                          CA.PaymentMethod.paymentMethodID, Equal <Required <CA.PaymentMethod.paymentMethodID> >,
                                                                                                          And <CA.PaymentMethodAccount.cashAccountID, Equal <Required <CA.PaymentMethodAccount.cashAccountID> > > > > .
                                                                                        Select(graph, invoice.PaymentMethodID, invoice.CashAccountID);

                        pm        = pmResult;
                        pmAccount = pmResult;

                        if (pm == null || pm.UseForAR == false || pm.IsActive == false)
                            invoice.PaymentMethodID = null;
                            invoice.CashAccountID   = null;
                        else if (pmAccount == null || pmAccount.CashAccountID == null || pmAccount.UseForAR != true)
                            invoice.CashAccountID = null;
                        pm = PXSelect <CA.PaymentMethod,
                                       Where <CA.PaymentMethod.paymentMethodID, Equal <Required <CA.PaymentMethod.paymentMethodID> > > >
                             .Select(graph, invoice.PaymentMethodID);

                        if (pm == null || pm.UseForAR == false || pm.IsActive == false)
                            invoice.PaymentMethodID = null;
                            invoice.CashAccountID   = null;
                            invoice.PMInstanceID    = null;

                    if (invoice.PMInstanceID.HasValue)
                        CustomerPaymentMethod cpm = PXSelect <CustomerPaymentMethod,
                                                              Where <CustomerPaymentMethod.pMInstanceID, Equal <Required <CustomerPaymentMethod.pMInstanceID> > > > .
                                                    Select(graph, invoice.PMInstanceID);

                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(invoice.PaymentMethodID) || cpm == null || cpm.IsActive == false || cpm.PaymentMethodID != invoice.PaymentMethodID)
                            invoice.PMInstanceID = null;
                    invoice.CashAccountID = null;
                    invoice.PMInstanceID  = null;

                SalesPerson sp = (SalesPerson)PXSelectorAttribute.Select <ARInvoice.salesPersonID>(graph.Document.Cache, invoice);

                if (sp == null || sp.IsActive == false)
                    invoice.SalesPersonID = null;

                invoice = graph.Document.Insert(invoice);

            TX.TaxAttribute.SetTaxCalc <ARTran.taxCategoryID>(graph.Transactions.Cache, null, TX.TaxCalc.ManualCalc);

            graph.FieldDefaulting.AddHandler <ARTran.salesPersonID>((sender, e) =>
                e.NewValue = null;
                e.Cancel   = true;

            decimal roundedTotalDistributedLinesAmt = 0m;

            foreach (ARTran srcTran in PXSelect <ARTran, Where <ARTran.tranType, Equal <Required <ARTran.tranType> >,
                                                                And <ARTran.refNbr, Equal <Required <ARTran.refNbr> > > > > .Select(graph, doc.DocType, doc.RefNbr))
                ARTran tran = PXCache <ARTran> .CreateCopy(srcTran);

                ARTranRUTROT tranRR = RUTROTHelper.GetExtensionNullable <ARTran, ARTranRUTROT>(tran);

                if (tranRR.IsRUTROTDeductible != true)

                tran.TranType = graph.Document.Current.DocType;
                tran.RefNbr   = graph.Document.Current.RefNbr;
                string origDrCr = tran.DrCr;
                tran.DrCr                        = null;
                tran.Released                    = null;
                tran.CuryInfoID                  = null;
                tran.SOOrderNbr                  = null;
                tran.SOShipmentNbr               = null;
                tran.OrigInvoiceDate             = tran.TranDate;
                tran.NoteID                      = null;
                tran.ManualPrice                 = true;
                tran.CuryTranAmt                 = Math.Floor(tranRR.CuryRUTROTAvailableAmt ?? 0m);
                roundedTotalDistributedLinesAmt += tran.CuryTranAmt ?? 0m;
                tranRR.IsRUTROTDeductible        = false;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tran.DeferredCode))
                    DRSchedule schedule = PXSelect <DRSchedule,
                                                    Where <DRSchedule.module, Equal <BQLConstants.moduleAR>,
                                                           And <DRSchedule.docType, Equal <Required <DRSchedule.docType> >,
                                                                And <DRSchedule.refNbr, Equal <Required <DRSchedule.refNbr> >,
                                                                     And <DRSchedule.lineNbr, Equal <Required <DRSchedule.lineNbr> > > > > > > .
                                          Select(graph, doc.DocType, doc.RefNbr, tran.LineNbr);

                    if (schedule != null)
                        tran.DefScheduleID = schedule.ScheduleID;

                SalesPerson sp = (SalesPerson)PXSelectorAttribute.Select <ARTran.salesPersonID>(graph.Transactions.Cache, tran);

                if (sp == null || sp.IsActive == false)
                    tran.SalesPersonID = null;

                ARTran insertedTran = graph.Transactions.Insert(tran);
                PXNoteAttribute.CopyNoteAndFiles(graph.Transactions.Cache, srcTran, graph.Transactions.Cache, insertedTran);

                insertedTran.ManualDisc = true;

                insertedTran.TaxCategoryID = null;

            decimal distributedFee = (rutrot.CuryDistributedAmt ?? 0m) - roundedTotalDistributedLinesAmt;

            if (distributedFee != 0m)
                foreach (ARTran artran in graph.Transactions.Cache.Inserted)
                    if (Math.Round(distributedFee) == 0m)
                    if (artran.CuryTranAmt != 0m)
                        artran.CuryTranAmt += Math.Sign(distributedFee);
                        distributedFee     -= Math.Sign(distributedFee);


            graph.Document.Current.CuryOrigDocAmt = graph.Document.Current.CuryDocBal;

            graph.RowInserting.AddHandler <ARSalesPerTran>((sender, e) => { e.Cancel = true; });

            foreach (ARSalesPerTran salespertran in PXSelect <ARSalesPerTran, Where <ARSalesPerTran.docType, Equal <Required <ARSalesPerTran.docType> >,
                                                                                     And <ARSalesPerTran.refNbr, Equal <Required <ARSalesPerTran.refNbr> > > > > .Select(graph, doc.DocType, doc.RefNbr))
                ARSalesPerTran newtran = PXCache <ARSalesPerTran> .CreateCopy(salespertran);

                newtran.DocType         = graph.Document.Current.DocType;
                newtran.RefNbr          = graph.Document.Current.RefNbr;
                newtran.Released        = false;
                newtran.CuryInfoID      = null;
                newtran.CuryCommnblAmt *= -1m;
                newtran.CuryCommnAmt   *= -1m;

                SalesPerson sp = (SalesPerson)PXSelectorAttribute.Select <ARSalesPerTran.salespersonID>(graph.salesPerTrans.Cache, newtran);

                if (!(sp == null || sp.IsActive == false))

            var discountDetailsSet = PXSelect <ARInvoiceDiscountDetail,
                                               Where <ARInvoiceDiscountDetail.docType, Equal <Required <ARInvoice.docType> >,
                                                      And <ARInvoiceDiscountDetail.refNbr, Equal <Required <ARInvoice.refNbr> > > >,
                                               OrderBy <Asc <ARInvoiceDiscountDetail.docType,
                                                             Asc <ARInvoiceDiscountDetail.refNbr> > > >
                                     .Select(graph, doc.DocType, doc.RefNbr);

            foreach (ARInvoiceDiscountDetail discountDetail in discountDetailsSet)
                ARInvoiceDiscountDetail newDiscountDetail = PXCache <ARInvoiceDiscountDetail> .CreateCopy(discountDetail);

                newDiscountDetail.DocType  = graph.Document.Current.DocType;
                newDiscountDetail.RefNbr   = graph.Document.Current.RefNbr;
                newDiscountDetail.IsManual = true;
                DiscountEngineProvider.GetEngineFor <ARTran, ARInvoiceDiscountDetail>().UpdateDiscountDetail(graph.ARDiscountDetails.Cache, graph.ARDiscountDetails, newDiscountDetail);


            if (docType == ARDocType.CreditMemo && !OnRelease)
                CreateAdjustment(graph, doc, graph.Document.Current);
コード例 #2
        public virtual ARInvoice ReleaseRetainageProc(ARInvoice doc, RetainageOptions retainageOpts, bool isAutoRelease = false)

            if (retainageOpts.CuryRetainageAmt <= 0 || retainageOpts.CuryRetainageAmt > doc.CuryRetainageUnreleasedAmt)
                throw new PXException(AP.Messages.IncorrectRetainageAmount);

            // Magic. We need to prevent rewriting of CurrencyInfo.IsReadOnly
            // by true in CurrencyInfoView
            Base.CurrentDocument.Cache.AllowUpdate = true;

            PXResult <ARInvoice, CurrencyInfo, Terms, Customer> resultDoc =
                .SelectSingleBound(Base, null, doc.DocType, doc.RefNbr, doc.CustomerID)
                .Cast <PXResult <ARInvoice, CurrencyInfo, Terms, Customer> >()

            CurrencyInfo info        = resultDoc;
            ARInvoice    origInvoice = resultDoc;
            Customer     customer    = resultDoc;

            CurrencyInfo new_info = PXCache <CurrencyInfo> .CreateCopy(info);

            new_info.CuryInfoID = null;
            new_info.IsReadOnly = false;
            new_info            = PXCache <CurrencyInfo> .CreateCopy(Base.currencyinfo.Insert(new_info));

            ARInvoice invoice = PXCache <ARInvoice> .CreateCopy(origInvoice);

            invoice.CuryInfoID = new_info.CuryInfoID;
            invoice.DocType    = ARDocType.Invoice;
            invoice.RefNbr     = null;
            invoice.LineCntr   = null;
            invoice.InvoiceNbr = origInvoice.InvoiceNbr;

            // Must be set for _RowSelected event handler
            invoice.OpenDoc  = true;
            invoice.Released = false;

            Base.Document.Cache.SetDefaultExt <ARInvoice.isMigratedRecord>(invoice);
            Base.Document.Cache.SetDefaultExt <ARInvoice.hold>(invoice);
            invoice.BatchNbr   = null;
            invoice.ScheduleID = null;
            invoice.Scheduled  = false;
            invoice.NoteID     = null;

            invoice.DueDate         = null;
            invoice.DiscDate        = null;
            invoice.CuryOrigDiscAmt = 0m;
            invoice.OrigDocType     = origInvoice.DocType;
            invoice.OrigRefNbr      = origInvoice.RefNbr;
            invoice.OrigDocDate     = origInvoice.DocDate;

            invoice.CuryLineTotal       = 0m;
            invoice.IsTaxPosted         = false;
            invoice.IsTaxValid          = false;
            invoice.CuryVatTaxableTotal = 0m;
            invoice.CuryVatExemptTotal  = 0m;

            invoice.CuryDocBal     = 0m;
            invoice.CuryOrigDocAmt = retainageOpts.CuryRetainageAmt;
            invoice.Hold           = !isAutoRelease && Base.ARSetup.Current.HoldEntry == true;

            invoice.DocDate     = retainageOpts.DocDate;
            invoice.FinPeriodID = retainageOpts.FinPeriodID;

            invoice.RetainageApply      = false;
            invoice.IsRetainageDocument = true;

            invoice = Base.Document.Insert(invoice);

            if (new_info != null)
                CurrencyInfo b_info = (CurrencyInfo)PXSelect <CurrencyInfo,
                                                              Where <CurrencyInfo.curyInfoID, Equal <Current <ARInvoice.curyInfoID> > > > .Select(Base);

                b_info.CuryID         = new_info.CuryID;
                b_info.CuryEffDate    = new_info.CuryEffDate;
                b_info.CuryRateTypeID = new_info.CuryRateTypeID;
                b_info.CuryRate       = new_info.CuryRate;
                b_info.RecipRate      = new_info.RecipRate;
                b_info.CuryMultDiv    = new_info.CuryMultDiv;

            decimal retainagePercent = (decimal)(retainageOpts.CuryRetainageAmt / doc.CuryRetainageTotal);

            PXResultset <ARTran> details = PXSelectGroupBy <ARTran,
                                                            Where <ARTran.tranType, Equal <Required <ARTran.tranType> >,
                                                                   And <ARTran.refNbr, Equal <Required <ARTran.refNbr> >,
                                                                        And <ARTran.curyRetainageAmt, NotEqual <decimal0> > > >,
                                                            Aggregate <
                                                                GroupBy <ARTran.taxCategoryID,
                                                                         Sum <ARTran.curyRetainageAmt> > > >
                                           .Select(Base, doc.DocType, doc.RefNbr);

            ARTran  tranNew       = null;
            decimal prevCuryTotal = 0m;

            TaxCalc oldTaxCalc = TaxBaseAttribute.GetTaxCalc <ARTran.taxCategoryID>(Base.Transactions.Cache, null);

            TaxBaseAttribute.SetTaxCalc <ARTran.taxCategoryID>(Base.Transactions.Cache, null, TaxCalc.ManualCalc);

            foreach (ARTran detail in details)
                // Create ARTran record for chosen retainage amount,
                // clear all required fields to prevent tax calculation,
                // discount calculation and retainage calculation.
                // CuryUnitPrice = 0m and CuryExtPrice = 0m here to prevent their
                // FieldDefaulting events, because in our case default value
                // should be equal to zero.
                tranNew = Base.Transactions.Insert(new ARTran
                    CuryUnitPrice = 0m,
                    CuryExtPrice  = 0m

                tranNew.BranchID      = origInvoice.BranchID;
                tranNew.TaxCategoryID = detail.TaxCategoryID;
                tranNew.AccountID     = origInvoice.RetainageAcctID;
                tranNew.SubID         = origInvoice.RetainageSubID;
                tranNew.ProjectID     = ProjectDefaultAttribute.NonProject();

                tranNew.Qty                  = 0m;
                tranNew.ManualDisc           = true;
                tranNew.DiscPct              = 0m;
                tranNew.CuryDiscAmt          = 0m;
                tranNew.RetainagePct         = 0m;
                tranNew.CuryRetainageAmt     = 0m;
                tranNew.CuryTaxableAmt       = 0m;
                tranNew.CuryTaxAmt           = 0;
                tranNew.GroupDiscountRate    = 1m;
                tranNew.DocumentDiscountRate = 1m;

                using (new PXLocaleScope(customer.LocaleName))
                    tranNew.TranDesc = PXMessages.LocalizeFormatNoPrefix(

                prevCuryTotal        = (retainageOpts.CuryRetainageAmt ?? 0m) - (invoice.CuryDocBal ?? 0m);
                tranNew.CuryExtPrice = PXCurrencyAttribute.RoundCury(Base.Transactions.Cache, tranNew, (detail.CuryRetainageAmt ?? 0m) * retainagePercent);
                tranNew = Base.Transactions.Update(tranNew);


            // We should copy all taxes from the original document
            // because it is possible to add or delete them.
            foreach (ARTaxTran artaxtran in PXSelect <ARTaxTran,
                                                      Where <ARTaxTran.module, Equal <BatchModule.moduleAR>,
                                                             And <ARTaxTran.tranType, Equal <Required <ARTaxTran.tranType> >,
                                                                  And <ARTaxTran.refNbr, Equal <Required <ARTaxTran.refNbr> > > > > >
                     .Select(Base, origInvoice.DocType, origInvoice.RefNbr)
                     .RowCast <ARTaxTran>()
                     .Where(row => row.CuryRetainedTaxAmt != 0m))
                ARTaxTran new_artaxtran = Base.Taxes.Insert(new ARTaxTran
                    TaxID = artaxtran.TaxID

                if (new_artaxtran != null)
                    new_artaxtran = PXCache <ARTaxTran> .CreateCopy(new_artaxtran);

                    new_artaxtran.TaxRate = artaxtran.TaxRate;
                    new_artaxtran         = Base.Taxes.Update(new_artaxtran);

            TaxBaseAttribute.SetTaxCalc <ARTran.taxCategoryID>(Base.Transactions.Cache, null, oldTaxCalc);
            decimal diff = (retainageOpts.CuryRetainageAmt ?? 0m) - (invoice.CuryDocBal ?? 0m);

            if (tranNew != null && diff != 0m)
                HashSet <string> taxList = PXSelectJoin <ARTax,
                                                         InnerJoin <Tax, On <Tax.taxID, Equal <ARTax.taxID> > >,
                                                         Where <ARTax.tranType, Equal <Required <ARTax.tranType> >,
                                                                And <ARTax.refNbr, Equal <Required <ARTax.refNbr> >,
                                                                     And <ARTax.lineNbr, Equal <Required <ARTax.lineNbr> >,
                                                                          And <Tax.taxType, NotEqual <CSTaxType.use> > > > > >
                                           .Select(Base, tranNew.TranType, tranNew.RefNbr, tranNew.LineNbr)
                                           .RowCast <ARTax>()
                                           .Select(row => row.TaxID)

                // To guarantee correct document total amount
                // we should calculate last line total,
                // including its taxes.
                TaxAttribute.CalcTaxable calcClass = new TaxAttribute.CalcTaxable(false, TaxAttribute.TaxCalcLevelEnforcing.None);
                decimal curyExtPrice = calcClass.CalcTaxableFromTotalAmount(

                tranNew.CuryExtPrice = curyExtPrice;
                tranNew = Base.Transactions.Update(tranNew);
