コード例 #1
ファイル: Arduino.cs プロジェクト: asparkman/APS.Fountain
        /// <summary>
        /// Holds the rules for determining if the Tx.Identify matches the
        /// Rx.Identify response.  The identifyResponse needs to be a
        /// <c>RxType.IDENTIFY</c>.  The Arduino is expected to increment both
        /// the Random0, and Random1 properties before sending it back.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="identifyRequest">The request for identification sent
        /// to the candidate Arduino.</param>
        /// <param name="identifyResponse">The response for identification sent
        /// to the candidate Arduino.</param>
        /// <returns>Whether or not the rules for determining a match are correct.</returns>
        private static bool IsExpected(
            APS.Data.Messages.Tx.Identify identifyRequest,
            APS.Data.RxMessage identifyResponse
            bool result = false;

            if (identifyResponse.Type.Equals(RxType.IDENTIFY))
                var conv         = (APS.Data.Messages.Rx.Identify)identifyResponse;
                var random0Match = identifyRequest.Random0.Equals((byte)((conv.Random0 - 1) % 256));
                var random1Match = identifyRequest.Random1.Equals((byte)((conv.Random1 - 1) % 256));

                result = random0Match && random1Match;

コード例 #2
ファイル: Arduino.cs プロジェクト: asparkman/APS.Fountain
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to identify the arduino.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="candidate">The candidate to determine if it is an
        /// Arduino.</param>
        /// <returns>Whether or not the candidate was identified as an Arduino.
        /// </returns>
        private static bool TryIdentify(Arduino candidate)
            // Setup the random numbers we will be sending.
            var identifyRequest = new APS.Data.Messages.Tx.Identify();

            identifyRequest.Random0 = (byte)candidate.Rand.Next();
            identifyRequest.Random1 = (byte)candidate.Rand.Next();
            // Sets the sequence, so it matches LastSentSeqNr.  The
            // LastSentSeqNr should already be set, so it is correct after a
            // Write().
            identifyRequest.Sequence = (byte)(candidate.LastSentSeqNr ? 1 : 0);

            // Position the identify request for sending.
            candidate.NextMessageToSend = identifyRequest;

            // Set the number of attempts we will allow to write.
            var numIdAttemptsLeft = NUM_ID_ATTEMPTS;
            var sent     = false;
            var received = false;

            // Do this until we run out of attempts, or until both are sent
            // and received.
            while (numIdAttemptsLeft > 0 && !(sent && received))
                    if (numIdAttemptsLeft == NUM_ID_ATTEMPTS)
                        candidate.ReWrite(); // Write it.
                    sent = true;             // Mark that we wrote it.
                catch (TimeoutException)
                    // If we time out, then the sent variable isn't going
                    // to be set, and it will be resent.

                // Set the number of attempts we will allow to read for this
                // write.
                var numIdReadAttemptsLeft = NUM_ID_READS_PER_SEND;
                // Read X times or until we have identified.
                while (numIdReadAttemptsLeft > 0 && !received)
                        RxMessage receivedMessage = null;
                        while (receivedMessage == null) // Read it, until it finds a complete message.
                            receivedMessage = candidate.Read();
                        // Check to make sure we got the correct sequence number back.
                        var seqNrMatch = receivedMessage.Sequence == 0 && !candidate.LastSentSeqNr ||
                                         receivedMessage.Sequence == 1 && candidate.LastSentSeqNr;
                        // Make sure the sequence numbers match, and the received
                        // is message matches what is expected.
                        if (seqNrMatch && IsExpected(identifyRequest, receivedMessage))
                            received = true; // Mark that we successfully identified.
                            // Changes the last sequence number, so that it
                            // will represent what was last sent after the next Write().
                            candidate.LastSentSeqNr = !candidate.LastSentSeqNr;
                    catch (TimeoutException)
                        // If we time out, then the sent variable isn't going
                        // to be set, and it will be resent.



            return(sent && received);