コード例 #1
ファイル: Core.cs プロジェクト: devansien/Alexa.CyberJeff
        private string GetUserId(APLSkillRequest request)
            Session    session      = request.Session;
            APLContext skillContext = request.Context;

            return(session != null ? session.User.UserId : skillContext.System.User.UserId);
コード例 #2
		private string GetAttributeWithNamespace(APLContext Context, XElement Node, XNamespace Namespace, string AttributeName, bool bExpand = true, bool bRequired = true, string Fallback = null)
			XAttribute Attribute = Node.Attribute(Namespace + AttributeName);
			if (Attribute == null)
				if (bRequired)
					Log.TraceWarning("\nMissing attribute '{0}' in '{1}' (skipping instruction)", AttributeName, TraceNodeString(Node));
				return Fallback;
			string Result = Attribute.Value;
			return bExpand ? ExpandVariables(Context, Result) : Result;
コード例 #3
		private string ExpandVariables(APLContext Context, string InputString)
			string Result = InputString;
			for (int Idx = Result.IndexOf("$B("); Idx != -1; Idx = Result.IndexOf("$B(", Idx))
				// Find the end of the variable name
				int EndIdx = Result.IndexOf(')', Idx + 3);
				if (EndIdx == -1)

				// Extract the variable name from the string
				string Name = Result.Substring(Idx + 3, EndIdx - (Idx + 3));

				// Find the value for it, either from the dictionary or the environment block
				bool Value;
				if (!Context.BoolVariables.TryGetValue(Name, out Value))
					if (!GlobalContext.BoolVariables.TryGetValue(Name, out Value))
						Idx = EndIdx + 1;

				// Replace the variable, or skip past it
				Result = Result.Substring(0, Idx) + Value.ToString().ToLower() + Result.Substring(EndIdx + 1);
			for (int Idx = Result.IndexOf("$I("); Idx != -1; Idx = Result.IndexOf("$I(", Idx))
				// Find the end of the variable name
				int EndIdx = Result.IndexOf(')', Idx + 3);
				if (EndIdx == -1)

				// Extract the variable name from the string
				string Name = Result.Substring(Idx + 3, EndIdx - (Idx + 3));

				// Find the value for it, either from the dictionary or the environment block
				int Value;
				if (!Context.IntVariables.TryGetValue(Name, out Value))
					if (!GlobalContext.IntVariables.TryGetValue(Name, out Value))
						Idx = EndIdx + 1;

				// Replace the variable, or skip past it
				Result = Result.Substring(0, Idx) + Value.ToString() + Result.Substring(EndIdx + 1);
			for (int Idx = Result.IndexOf("$S("); Idx != -1; Idx = Result.IndexOf("$S(", Idx))
				// Find the end of the variable name
				int EndIdx = Result.IndexOf(')', Idx + 3);
				if (EndIdx == -1)

				// Extract the variable name from the string
				string Name = Result.Substring(Idx + 3, EndIdx - (Idx + 3));

				// Find the value for it, either from the dictionary or the environment block
				string Value;
				if (!Context.StringVariables.TryGetValue(Name, out Value))
					if (!GlobalContext.StringVariables.TryGetValue(Name, out Value))
						Idx = EndIdx + 1;

				// Replace the variable, or skip past it
				Result = Result.Substring(0, Idx) + Value + Result.Substring(EndIdx + 1);
			for (int Idx = Result.IndexOf("$E("); Idx != -1; Idx = Result.IndexOf("$E(", Idx))
				// Find the end of the variable name
				int EndIdx = Result.IndexOf(')', Idx + 3);
				if (EndIdx == -1)

				// Extract the variable name from the string
				string Name = Result.Substring(Idx + 3, EndIdx - (Idx + 3));

				// Find the value for it, either from the dictionary or the environment block
				XElement Value;
				if (!Context.ElementVariables.TryGetValue(Name, out Value))
					if (!GlobalContext.ElementVariables.TryGetValue(Name, out Value))
						Idx = EndIdx + 1;

				// Replace the variable, or skip past it
				Result = Result.Substring(0, Idx) + Value + Result.Substring(EndIdx + 1);
			return Result;
コード例 #4
		private bool GetCondition(APLContext Context, XElement Node, string Condition, out bool Result)
			Result = false;
			if (!Context.BoolVariables.TryGetValue(Condition, out Result))
				if (!GlobalContext.BoolVariables.TryGetValue(Condition, out Result))
					Log.TraceWarning("\nMissing condition '{0}' in '{1}' (skipping instruction)", Condition, TraceNodeString(Node));
					return false;
			return true;
コード例 #5
		private string DumpContext(APLContext Context)
			StringBuilder Text = new StringBuilder();
			foreach (var Variable in Context.BoolVariables)
				Text.AppendLine(string.Format("\tbool {0} = {1}", Variable.Key, Variable.Value.ToString().ToLower()));
			foreach (var Variable in Context.IntVariables)
				Text.AppendLine(string.Format("\tint {0} = {1}", Variable.Key, Variable.Value));
			foreach (var Variable in Context.StringVariables)
				Text.AppendLine(string.Format("\tstring {0} = {1}", Variable.Key, Variable.Value));
			foreach (var Variable in Context.ElementVariables)
				Text.AppendLine(string.Format("\telement {0} = {1}", Variable.Key, Variable.Value));
			return Text.ToString();
コード例 #6
		public bool MergeXML(XDocument MergeDoc, string PluginDir, List<string> Architectures)
			if (MergeDoc == null)
				return false;
			// create a context for each architecture
			foreach (string Architecture in Architectures)
				APLContext Context = new APLContext(Architecture, PluginDir);
				Contexts[Architecture + "_" + ContextIndex] = Context;

			// merge in the nodes
			foreach (var Element in MergeDoc.Root.Elements())
				var Parent = XDoc.Root.Element(Element.Name);
				if (Parent != null)
					var Entry = new XElement("Context", new XAttribute("index", ContextIndex.ToString()));
					var Entry = new XElement("Context", new XAttribute("index", ContextIndex.ToString()));
					var Base = new XElement(Element.Name);

			return true;
コード例 #7
		public AndroidPluginLanguage(List<string> XMLFiles, List<string> Architectures)
			Contexts = new Dictionary<string, APLContext>();
			GlobalContext = new APLContext("", "");
			ContextIndex = 0;

			AndroidNameSpace = "http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android";

			string PathPrefix = Path.GetFileName(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()).Equals("Source") ? ".." : "Engine";

			XDoc = XDocument.Parse("<root xmlns:android=\"http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android\"></root>");
			foreach (string Basename in XMLFiles)
				string Filename = Path.Combine(PathPrefix, Basename.Replace("\\", "/"));
				Log.TraceInformation("\nAPL: {0}", Filename);
				if (File.Exists(Filename))
					string PluginDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(Filename);
						XDocument MergeDoc = XDocument.Load(Filename);
						MergeXML(MergeDoc, PluginDir, Architectures);
					catch (Exception e)
						Log.TraceError("\nAndroid Plugin file {0} parsing failed! {1}", Filename, e);
					Log.TraceError("\nAndroid Plugin file {0} missing!", Filename);
					Log.TraceInformation("\nCWD: {0}", Directory.GetCurrentDirectory());