コード例 #1
  * placeNodeInQueue method will look at a node to see if its polygon is free and if so it will add the polygon being held
  *      to a AIPolygonQueue
  * Parameter:	(AIBinaryTreeNode)nodeToPlace is the node that needs its polygon check to see if its free
  * Return:	none
 void placeNodeInQueue(AIBinaryTreeNode nodeToPlace, AIPolygonQueue tempQueue)
     if (nodeToPlace.isFree() == true)
コード例 #2
ファイル: AIBinaryTreeNode.cs プロジェクト: johnPBaggs/Vulcan
    public AIBinaryTreeNode rightNode; //reference to the rightNode child

     * AIBinaryTreeNode method is the constructor for this class. It will set up all the variables to their initial
     *      state
     * Parameter:	(AIPolygon)polygonToAdd is the polygon that this node will hold
     * Return:	none
    public AIBinaryTreeNode(AIPolygon polygonToAdd)
        polygonBeingHeld = polygonToAdd;
        free             = false;
        leftNode         = null;
        rightNode        = null;
コード例 #3
     * makeNewPolygons method will take an array of vertices and a position that the second polygon starts and make two new binarySpaceNodes from those verices
     * Parameters:	(AIBinaryTreeNode)polygonNode is the node that holds the polygon that was logically split. will be used to place the leftNode child and RightNode child
     *              (int)secondPolygonStartingIndex is the position inside the polygonToSplit array that the second polygon starts
     *              (Vector3[])polygonToSplit is the array that olds the vertices for both the new polygons that are about to be created
     *              (ref int)idCounter is the counter of the polygons created so far and is also used to give a polygon an ID at creation
     * Return:	none
    bool makeNewPolygons(AIBinaryTreeNode polygonNode, int secondPolygonstartingIndex, Vector3[] polygonToSplit, ref int idCounter)
        Vector3[] firstPolygonVertices  = new Vector3[secondPolygonstartingIndex + 1];
        Vector3[] secondPolygonVertices = new Vector3[verticesTomakePolygonFromCount - secondPolygonstartingIndex];
        int       count      = 0;
        int       firstCount = 0;

        for (; firstCount < secondPolygonstartingIndex; firstCount++)           //adds the first polygon's vertices until the start of the second polygon
            firstPolygonVertices [firstCount] = new Vector3(verticeToMakePolygonFrom [count].x, verticeToMakePolygonFrom [count].y, verticeToMakePolygonFrom [count].z);
        for (int secondCount = 0; secondCount < secondPolygonVertices.Length; secondCount++)           //adds the second polygon's vertices until the end of the list
            secondPolygonVertices [secondCount] = new Vector3(verticeToMakePolygonFrom [count].x, verticeToMakePolygonFrom [count].y, verticeToMakePolygonFrom [count].z);
        firstPolygonVertices [firstCount] = new Vector3(verticeToMakePolygonFrom [count - 1].x, verticeToMakePolygonFrom [count - 1].y, verticeToMakePolygonFrom [count - 1].z);    //add the final intersecting point in the array
        if (isAllVerticesDifferent(firstPolygonVertices) == false || isAllVerticesDifferent(secondPolygonVertices) == false)
        polygonNode.leftNode = new AIBinaryTreeNode(new AIPolygon(firstPolygonVertices, idCounter));         //make a new BinarySpaceNode with the new vertices and sets it to polygonNode's leftNode reference
        polygonNode.rightNode = new AIBinaryTreeNode(new AIPolygon(secondPolygonVertices, idCounter));       //make a new BinarySpaceNode with the new vertices and sets it to polygonNode's rightNode reference
コード例 #4
    //public void trySubdivide(

    public AIBinaryTreeNode subDivide2(AIBinaryTreeNode polygonNode, ref int idCounter)
        if (polygonNode == null)
        if (polygonNode.checkIfTerminated(arrayOfEdges) == true)
        if (polygonNode.checkIfFree(edgeVertices) == true)
        bool polygonSplitSuccessful = tryGetTwoPolygons(polygonNode, ref idCounter);

        if (polygonSplitSuccessful == true)
            if (subDivide2(polygonNode.leftNode, ref idCounter) != null)                //recusively calls on the leftNode child
            if (subDivide2(polygonNode.rightNode, ref idCounter) != null)                //recusively calls on the RightNode child

コード例 #5
  * postOrderTraversal method will recursivly traverse the Binary Space Partition tree and enqueue any Free polygons
  *      it finds into the AIPolygonQueue in a postOrder order
  * Parameter:	(AIBinaryTreeNode)nodeToCheck is the current node that needs to be checked and then added into the Queue
  * Reurn:	none
 void postOrderTraversal(AIBinaryTreeNode nodeToCheck, AIPolygonQueue tempQueue)
     if (nodeToCheck != null)
         postOrderTraversal(nodeToCheck.leftNode, tempQueue);  //recursive call on the LeftNode child
         postOrderTraversal(nodeToCheck.rightNode, tempQueue); //recursivecall on the RightNode child
         placeNodeInQueue(nodeToCheck, tempQueue);             //check to see if the polygon is free and if so add it to the Queue
コード例 #6
  * AIBinarySpaceTree method is the constructor for this class. It will set up all the variables to their initial state.
  * Parameters:	(GameObject)objectToAdd will be the object that the polygons are going to be split with
  *              (Vector3[,])arrayOfEdgesToAdd  will be the array of edges with no Y coordinate change for objectToAdd
  *              (AIPolygon)polygonToAdd is the starting polygon that will be the in the rootNode of the tree
  *              (AIPolygonQueue)polygonQueueToAdd is the reference to the Queue that the free polygons will be added to
  * Return:	none
 public AIBinarySpaceTree(GameObject objectToAdd, Vector3[,] arrayOfEdgesToAdd, Vector3[] arrayOfEdgeVerticesAdd, AIPolygon polygonToAdd, AIPolygonQueue polygonQueueToAdd)
     rootNode           = new AIBinaryTreeNode(polygonToAdd);
     arrayOfEdges       = arrayOfEdgesToAdd;
     edgeVertices       = getArrayOfEdgeVertices();
     indexForEdges      = 0;
     indexCount         = 0;
     usedEdgesForObject = new bool[arrayOfEdges.Length / 2];
     for (int count = 0; count < usedEdgesForObject.Length; count++)
         usedEdgesForObject [count] = false;
コード例 #7
    /* The method of tryGetTwoPolygons attempts to merge two polygons
     * Parameter: AIBinaryTreeNode polygonNode, ref int idCounter
     * Return: bool
     *							true if merge was successful, false otherwise
    bool tryGetTwoPolygons(AIBinaryTreeNode polygonNode, ref int idCounter)
        int[]  indexArrayToUse   = getAllFalseIndices();
        bool[] indexArrayOfBools = getABoolArrayOfFalses(indexArrayToUse.Length);
        int    indexToUse        = -1;

        indexArrayToUse   = getAllFalseIndices();
        indexArrayOfBools = getABoolArrayOfFalses(indexArrayToUse.Length);
        indexToUse        = -1;
        while (allIndicesAreTrue(indexArrayOfBools) == false)
            indexToUse = -1;
            indexToUse = getIndexToUseForEdges(indexArrayOfBools);
            if (indexToUse == -1)
            for (int count = 0; count < polygonNode.getPolygon().getVerticesCount(); count++)
                int secondPolygonStartingIndex = getTwoPolygons(polygonNode.getPolygon(), indexArrayToUse [indexToUse], count);                   // seperates the one polygon into two and returns the stating index of the second polygon
                if (secondPolygonStartingIndex == -1)
                    indexArrayOfBools [indexToUse] = true;
                    if (makeNewPolygons(polygonNode, secondPolygonStartingIndex, polygonNode.getPolygon().getVertices(), ref idCounter) == true)                      // makes two new polygons from the seperated one
                        usedEdgesForObject [indexArrayToUse [indexToUse]] = true;
            indexArrayOfBools [indexToUse] = true;