コード例 #1
        // Import to AF
        /// <summary>
        ///  Gets value from Matlab and writes it to AF.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks> Will not write, if the Attribute is read-only. A Matlab Variable Name must be input.</remarks>
        /// <param name="path"> The path to the Element to search with.</param>
        /// <param name="workspaceVariableName">The variable name in Matlab being used.</param>
        /// <param name="AFName">The attribute name in AF being written to.</param>
        public void ImportToAF(string path, string workspaceVariableName, string AFName)
            object val = null;
            double dbVal;

            //LOGIC: A variable name must be entered.
                MatlabAccess.GetWorkspaceData(workspaceVariableName, "base", out val);
                mainForm.Status("Couldn't find the variable in the Matlab Workspace");

            List <string> searchPaths = new List <string>()
            AFKeyedResults <string, AFElement> results = AFElement.FindElementsByPath(searchPaths, null);
            AFElement   Element   = results[path];
            AFAttribute Attribute = Element.Attributes[AFName];

            double.TryParse(val.ToString(), out dbVal);
                AFAccess.writeToAF(Element, Attribute, dbVal);
                mainForm.Status("Cannot Write to this Attribute");
コード例 #2
 public GraphQlAfElement GetAfElementByPath(ResolveFieldContext context, string aAfElementPath)
     aAfElementPath = cleanupPath(aAfElementPath);
     if (attemptLogin(context, getPiSystemName(aAfElementPath)))
         var aAfElementSearch = AFElement.FindElementsByPath(new string[] { aAfElementPath }, null);
         if (aAfElementSearch.Count == 0)
             context.Errors.Add(new ExecutionError($"AFElement path '{aAfElementPath}' not correct."));
             var aAfElement        = aAfElementSearch.First() as AFElement;
             var afElementsField   = GraphQlHelpers.GetFieldFromContext(context, "afElements");
             var afAttributesField = GraphQlHelpers.GetFieldFromContext(context, "afAttributes");
             var graphQlAfElement  = new GraphQlAfElement(aAfElement, afElementsField, afAttributesField);
        internal static void GetWebApiClient(ref WebClient client, ref AFElement configElement, ref bool disableWrites, ref bool anonymousAuthentication)
            PISystem pisys = AFFixture.GetPISystemFromConfig();

            if (client == null)
                client = new WebClient {
                    UseDefaultCredentials = true

            client.Headers.Add("X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest");

            ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = null;
            if (Settings.SkipCertificateValidation)
#pragma warning disable CA5359 // Do Not Disable Certificate Validation
                ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = (a, b, c, d) => true;
#pragma warning restore CA5359 // Do Not Disable Certificate Validation

            var configurationElement = Settings.PIWebAPI.Split('.')[0];
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Settings.PIWebAPIConfigurationInstance))
                configurationElement = Settings.PIWebAPIConfigurationInstance;

            var path    = $"\\\\{Settings.AFServer}\\Configuration\\OSIsoft\\PI Web API\\{configurationElement}\\System Configuration";
            var results = AFElement.FindElementsByPath(new string[] { path }, pisys);
            configElement = results.FirstOrDefault();
            if (!Equals(configElement, null))
                disableWrites = (bool)configElement.Attributes["DisableWrites"].GetValue().Value;
                var methods = (string[])configElement.Attributes["AuthenticationMethods"].GetValue().Value;
                if (methods.Length > 0)
                    if (string.Equals(methods[0], "Basic", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        client.UseDefaultCredentials = false;
                        var credentials = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Settings.PIWebAPIUser + ":" + Settings.PIWebAPIPassword));
                        client.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.Authorization] = "Basic " + credentials;
                    else if (string.Equals(methods[0], "Anonymous", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        anonymousAuthentication = true;
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("PI Web API Authentication Methods are not specified in the Configuration database.");
コード例 #4
        // Attributes
        /// <summary>
        ///  Uses the Element Path to access the Attributes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks> The AFTreeView is implemented with ToolTipText is the path to the selected Element. </remarks>
        /// <param name="path"> The pathway to the Element</param>
        /// <returns> AFAttributes containing the Attributes of the selected Element. </returns>
        public AFAttributes getAttributes(string path)
            mainForm.Status("Getting Attributes...");
            List <string> searchPaths = new List <string> {
            AFKeyedResults <string, AFElement> result = AFElement.FindElementsByPath(searchPaths, null);
            AFElement    elem = result[path];
            AFAttributes atts = elem.Attributes;

コード例 #5
        // Getting Data from AFServer

        /// <summary>
        ///  Using AFSDK adds both PI Tags and Constant attribute values to Matlab.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks> Attribute.GetValues is an Important call <= Int32 determines level of specficity of returned values.</remarks>
        /// <param name="server_database"> String representing server and database</param>
        /// <param name="AttributeName"> The name of the attribute</param>
        /// <param name="MatlabName"> The variable name in the Matlab Workspace.</param>
        /// <param name="path"> The path to the AFElement.</param>
        /// <param name="start"> Start of Data Collection.</param>
        /// <param name="end"> End of Data Collection.</param>
        /// <param name="addToListView"> true: adds the log input to the Log. (generally true).</param>
        public static void getAFData(string server_database, string AttributeName, string MatlabName, string path, string start, string end, bool addToListView)
            //Find Element & the Attribute
            List <string> searchPaths = new List <string>()
            AFKeyedResults <string, AFElement> results = AFElement.FindElementsByPath(searchPaths, null);
            AFElement   Element   = results[path];
            AFAttribute attribute = Element.Attributes[AttributeName];

            getData(server_database, AttributeName, MatlabName, start, end, attribute, true);
コード例 #6
        public void AFReadWriteTest()
            var elementName     = "OSIsoftTestElement";
            var elementNameEdit = $"{elementName}2";

            Fixture.Client.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.CacheControl, "no-cache");

            // Get Database object from PI Web API to extract its WebId
            var databaseWebIdRequestUrl = $"{Fixture.HomePageUrl}/assetdatabases?path=\\\\{Settings.AFServer}\\{Settings.AFDatabase}";

            Output.WriteLine($"Get database object for [{Settings.AFDatabase}] from Web API at Url [{databaseWebIdRequestUrl}].");
            var databaseData  = JObject.Parse(Fixture.Client.DownloadString(databaseWebIdRequestUrl));
            var databaseWebId = (string)databaseData["WebId"];

            // Skip Write/Update portion of test if writes are disabled
            if (Fixture.DisableWrites)
                Output.WriteLine($"Writes are disabled, skipping that portion of the test.");

            // Create test Element object under test Database
            var createUrl   = $"{Fixture.HomePageUrl}/assetdatabases/{databaseWebId}/elements";
            var elementJson = $"{{\"Name\": \"{elementName}\"}}";

            Output.WriteLine($"Create element [{elementName}] under [{Settings.AFDatabase}] through Web API using [{elementJson}] at Url [{createUrl}].");
            Fixture.Client.UploadString(createUrl, "POST", elementJson);

            // Check Element exists in AF
            Output.WriteLine($"Verify element object [{elementName}] exists through Web API.");
            var path          = $"\\\\{Settings.AFServer}\\{Settings.AFDatabase}\\{elementName}";
            var foundElements = AFElement.FindElementsByPath(new string[] { path }, Fixture.AFFixture.PISystem);
            var element       = foundElements.FirstOrDefault();

            Assert.True(element != null, $"Test Element [{elementName}] was not found in AF.");
            var elementEditJson = $"{{\"Name\": \"{elementNameEdit}\"}}";
            var location        = string.Empty;

                // Extract new Element URL off create response headers
                location = Fixture.Client.ResponseHeaders["Location"];

                // Change Element name
                Output.WriteLine($"Rename element object [{elementName}] to [{elementNameEdit}] through Web API.");
                Fixture.Client.UploadString(location, "PATCH", elementEditJson);

                // Check Element was renamed in AF
                Assert.True(element.Name == elementNameEdit, $"Test Element [{elementName}] was not renamed to [{elementNameEdit}] in AF.");

                // Request full Element object from PI Web API to test read, check name value
                Output.WriteLine($"Read full element object [{elementName}] from Web API.");
                var readData = JObject.Parse(Fixture.Client.DownloadString(location));
                Assert.True(string.Equals((string)readData["Name"], elementNameEdit, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase),
                            $"Test Element [{elementName}] was not renamed to [{elementNameEdit}] in read data.");

                // Create Attribute
                var createAttributeUrl = $"{location}/attributes";
                var attributeJson      = $"{{\"Name\":\"Attribute\"}}";
                Output.WriteLine($"Create attribute object 'Attribute' through Web API using [{attributeJson}] at Url [{createAttributeUrl}].");
                Fixture.Client.UploadString(createAttributeUrl, "POST", attributeJson);

                // Check Attribute was added in AF
                Assert.True(element.Attributes.Count == 1, $"Test Attribute 'Attribute' was not created in AF.");
                // Delete test Element
                Fixture.Client.UploadString(location, "DELETE", string.Empty);

            // Create test Event Frame object under test Database
            createUrl = $"{Fixture.HomePageUrl}/assetdatabases/{databaseWebId}/eventframes";
            Output.WriteLine($"Create event frame object [{element}] through Web API using [{elementJson}] at Url [{createUrl}].");
            Fixture.Client.UploadString(createUrl, "POST", elementJson);

            // Check Event Frame exists in AF
            path = $"\\\\{Settings.AFServer}\\{Settings.AFDatabase}\\EventFrames[{elementName}]";
            var foundEvents = AFEventFrame.FindEventFramesByPath(new string[] { path }, Fixture.AFFixture.PISystem);
            var eventFrame  = foundEvents.FirstOrDefault();

            Assert.True(eventFrame != null, $"Test Event Frame [{elementName}] was not found in AF.");

                // Extract new Event Frame URL off create response headers
                location = Fixture.Client.ResponseHeaders["Location"];

                // Change Event Frame name
                Output.WriteLine($"Rename event frame object [{elementName}] to [{elementEditJson}] through Web API.");
                Fixture.Client.UploadString(location, "PATCH", elementEditJson);

                // Check Event Frame was renamed in AF
                Assert.True(eventFrame.Name == elementNameEdit, $"Test Event Frame [{elementName}] was not renamed to [{elementNameEdit}] in AF.");

                // Request full Event Frame object from PI Web API to test read, check name value
                Output.WriteLine($"Read full event frame object [{elementName}] from Web API.");
                var readData = JObject.Parse(Fixture.Client.DownloadString(location));
                Assert.True(string.Equals((string)readData["Name"], elementNameEdit, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase),
                            $"Test Event Frame [{elementName}] was not renamed to [{elementNameEdit}] in read data.");
                // Delete test Event Frame
                Fixture.Client.UploadString(location, "DELETE", string.Empty);

コード例 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an instance of the PIWebAPIFixture class.
        /// </summary>
        public PIWebAPIFixture()
            Client.Headers.Add("X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest");
            if (Settings.SkipCertificateValidation)
                ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = (a, b, c, d) => true;

            var configurationElement = Settings.PIWebAPI.Split('.')[0];

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Settings.PIWebAPIConfigurationInstance))
                configurationElement = Settings.PIWebAPIConfigurationInstance;

            var path    = $"\\\\{Settings.AFServer}\\Configuration\\OSIsoft\\PI Web API\\{configurationElement}\\System Configuration";
            var results = AFElement.FindElementsByPath(new string[] { path }, AFFixture.PISystem);

            ConfigElement = results.FirstOrDefault();
            if (!Equals(ConfigElement, null))
                DisableWrites = (bool)ConfigElement.Attributes["DisableWrites"].GetValue().Value;
                var methods = (string[])ConfigElement.Attributes["AuthenticationMethods"].GetValue().Value;
                if (methods.Length > 0)
                    if (string.Equals(methods[0], "Basic", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        Client.UseDefaultCredentials = false;
                        var credentials = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Settings.PIWebAPIUser + ":" + Settings.PIWebAPIPassword));
                        Client.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.Authorization] = "Basic " + credentials;
                    else if (string.Equals(methods[0], "Anonymous", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        AnonymousAuthentication = true;
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("PI Web API Authentication Methods are not specified in the Configuration database.");

            if (SkipReason == null)
                // Only need to set up skip reasons once, save results in static property
                SkipReason = new Dictionary <PIWebAPITestCondition, string>();

                // Authenticate Skip Reason
                string skipReason = null;
                if (AnonymousAuthentication)
                    skipReason = "Test skipped because Anonymous Authentication is allowed.";

                SkipReason.Add(PIWebAPITestCondition.Authenticate, skipReason);

                // Indexed Search Skip Reason
                skipReason = null;
                    var checkForSearch = JObject.Parse(Client.DownloadString(HomePageUrl));
                    if (checkForSearch["Links"]["Search"] == null)
                        skipReason = $"Test skipped because the Search endpoint was not found at [{HomePageUrl}].";
                catch (Exception ex)
                    skipReason = $"Test skipped because PI Web API could not be loaded: [{ex.Message}].";

                SkipReason.Add(PIWebAPITestCondition.IndexedSearch, skipReason);

                // OMF Skip Reason
                skipReason = null;
                    var checkForOMF = JObject.Parse(Client.DownloadString(HomePageUrl));
                    if (checkForOMF["Links"]["Omf"] == null)
                        skipReason = $"Test skipped because the OMF endpoint was not found at [{HomePageUrl}].";
                catch (Exception ex)
                    skipReason = $"Test skipped because PI Web API could not be loaded: [{ex.Message}].";

                SkipReason.Add(PIWebAPITestCondition.Omf, skipReason);