コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// get daily exchange rate for the given currencies and date;
        /// TODO: might even collect the latest exchange rate from the web
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ACurrencyFrom"></param>
        /// <param name="ACurrencyTo"></param>
        /// <param name="ADateEffective"></param>
        /// <returns>Zero if no exchange rate found</returns>
        public static decimal GetDailyExchangeRate(string ACurrencyFrom, string ACurrencyTo, DateTime ADateEffective)
            if (ACurrencyFrom == ACurrencyTo)

            bool           NewTransaction;
            TDBTransaction Transaction = DBAccess.GDBAccessObj.GetNewOrExistingTransaction
                                             (IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted, TEnforceIsolationLevel.eilMinimum, out NewTransaction);

            ADailyExchangeRateRow fittingRate = null;

            // TODO: get the most recent exchange rate for the given date and currencies
            bool oppositeRate             = false;
            ADailyExchangeRateTable rates = ADailyExchangeRateAccess.LoadByPrimaryKey(ACurrencyFrom, ACurrencyTo, ADateEffective, 0, Transaction);

            if (rates.Count == 0)
                // try other way round
                rates        = ADailyExchangeRateAccess.LoadByPrimaryKey(ACurrencyTo, ACurrencyFrom, ADateEffective, 0, Transaction);
                oppositeRate = true;

            if (rates.Count == 1)
                fittingRate = rates[0];
            else if (rates.Count == 0)
                // TODO: collect exchange rate from the web; save to db
                // see tracker http://sourceforge.net/apps/mantisbt/openpetraorg/view.php?id=87

                // Or look for most recent exchange rate???
                ADailyExchangeRateTable tempTable   = new ADailyExchangeRateTable();
                ADailyExchangeRateRow   templateRow = tempTable.NewRowTyped(false);
                templateRow.FromCurrencyCode = ACurrencyFrom;
                templateRow.ToCurrencyCode   = ACurrencyTo;
                oppositeRate = false;
                rates        = ADailyExchangeRateAccess.LoadUsingTemplate(templateRow, Transaction);

                if (rates.Count == 0)
                    templateRow.FromCurrencyCode = ACurrencyTo;
                    templateRow.ToCurrencyCode   = ACurrencyFrom;
                    oppositeRate = true;
                    rates        = ADailyExchangeRateAccess.LoadUsingTemplate(templateRow, Transaction);

                if (rates.Count > 0)
                    // sort rates by date, look for rate just before the date we are looking for
                    rates.DefaultView.Sort      = ADailyExchangeRateTable.GetDateEffectiveFromDBName();
                    rates.DefaultView.RowFilter = ADailyExchangeRateTable.GetDateEffectiveFromDBName() + "<= #" +
                                                  ADateEffective.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "#";

                    if (rates.DefaultView.Count > 0)
                        fittingRate = (ADailyExchangeRateRow)rates.DefaultView[rates.DefaultView.Count - 1].Row;

            if (NewTransaction)

            if (fittingRate != null)
                if (oppositeRate)
                    return(1.0M / fittingRate.RateOfExchange);


            TLogging.Log("Cannot find daily exchange rate for " + ACurrencyFrom + " " + ACurrencyTo);

            //return 1.0M;
            //Instead, cause a validation error to force the user to select an exchange rate