コード例 #1
        public override void Start()

            ADCSamplingPointMissException pointsMissedEx = null;

            double deltaPos = double.MaxValue;


            double distMovedLinear = 0, distMovedRotating = 0;
            double halfRangeLinear = Args.LinearRange / 2;

            // get the unit of axes
            var unitLinearAxis   = Args.AxisLinear.PhysicalAxisInst.UnitHelper;
            var unitRotatingAxis = Args.AxisRotating.PhysicalAxisInst.UnitHelper;

            AddLog($"Start to align ...");

            #region Linear Alignment

            // clear the previous scan curve

            // clear the variables to restart now process of linear align
            distMovedLinear = 0;

            /// <summary>
            /// move to alignment start position.
            /// the move methods of the physical axis MUST BE called because the move methods of logical
            /// axis will trigger the changing of system status in SystemService.
            /// <see cref="SystemService.MoveLogicalAxis(LogicalAxis, MoveByDistanceArgs)"/>
            /// </summary>
            if (Args.AxisLinear.PhysicalAxisInst.Move(MoveMode.REL, Args.MoveSpeed, -halfRangeLinear) == false)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"unable to move the linear axis, {Args.AxisLinear.PhysicalAxisInst.LastError}");

            var axis = Args.AxisLinear.PhysicalAxisInst as IrixiM12Axis;
            var m12  = axis.Parent as IrixiM12;

            var range    = Args.LinearRange;
            var interval = Args.LinearInterval;

            List <Point2D> points  = null;
            List <Point2D> points2 = null;

                m12.StartFast1D(axis, range, interval, Args.MoveSpeed, ADCChannels.CH3, out points, ADCChannels.CH4, out points2);
            catch (ADCSamplingPointMissException ex)
                pointsMissedEx = ex;

            // convert position from step to distance.
            for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
                points[i].X  = axis.UnitHelper.ConvertStepsToDistance((int)points[i].X);
                points2[i].X = axis.UnitHelper.ConvertStepsToDistance((int)points2[i].X);


            // find the position of max power and draw the constant lines
            /// <seealso cref="ScanCurve.MaxPowerConstantLine"/>
            var maxPos  = Args.ScanCurve.FindPositionWithMaxIntensity();
            var maxPos2 = Args.ScanCurve2.FindPositionWithMaxIntensity();

            // calculate the position differential
            deltaPos = maxPos.X - maxPos2.X;

            // move to the middle position of the max power
            var returnToPos = maxPos.X - deltaPos / 2;

            // output messages
            AddLog($"Position with Max Intensity: ({maxPos.X.ToString("F2")}{unitLinearAxis}, {maxPos.Y.ToString("F3")}), ({maxPos2.X.ToString("F2")}{unitLinearAxis}, {maxPos2.Y.ToString("F3")}");

            AddLog($"ΔPosition: {deltaPos.ToString("F2")}{unitLinearAxis}");
            AddLog($"Middle of ΔPosition: {returnToPos.ToString("F2")}{unitLinearAxis}");

            // move to the middle position
            if (Args.AxisLinear.PhysicalAxisInst.Move(MoveMode.REL, Args.MoveSpeed, -(distMovedLinear - returnToPos)) == false)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(Args.AxisLinear.PhysicalAxisInst.LastError);


            // if the first cycle, rotate to the position calculate according to the delta position and the length of the two DUTs
            double angle = -1 * Math.Asin(deltaPos / Args.Pitch) * (180 / Math.PI);
            AddLog($"The predicted rolling angle is: {angle.ToString("F2")}{unitRotatingAxis}");

            // record the angle rotated
            distMovedRotating += angle;

            if (Args.AxisRotating.PhysicalAxisInst.Move(MoveMode.REL, Args.MoveSpeed, angle) == false)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(Args.AxisRotating.PhysicalAxisInst.LastError);

            AddLog($"{this} has done!");
コード例 #2
        public override void Start()

            int state = 0;

            ADCSamplingPointMissException pointsMissedEx = null;

            LogicalAxis activeAxis = Args.Axis;

            var    range    = Args.HorizonalRange;
            var    interval = Args.HorizonalInterval;
            double moved    = 0;

            AddLog($"Start to align ...");


            // reset arguments
            moved = 0;

            // move to the start point
            if (activeAxis.PhysicalAxisInst.Move(MoveMode.REL, Args.MoveSpeed, -(range / 2)) == false)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(activeAxis.PhysicalAxisInst.LastError);

            var axis = activeAxis.PhysicalAxisInst as IrixiM12Axis;
            var m12  = axis.Parent as IrixiM12;

            List <Point2D> points  = null;
            List <Point2D> points2 = null;

                m12.StartFast1D(axis, range, interval, Args.MoveSpeed, ADCChannels.CH3, out points, ADCChannels.CH4, out points2);
            catch (ADCSamplingPointMissException ex)
                pointsMissedEx = ex;

            // convert position from step to distance.
            for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
                points[i].X  = axis.UnitHelper.ConvertStepsToDistance((int)points[i].X);
                points2[i].X = axis.UnitHelper.ConvertStepsToDistance((int)points2[i].X);


            var maxPos  = Args.ScanCurve.FindPositionWithMaxIntensity();
            var maxPos2 = Args.ScanCurve2.FindPositionWithMaxIntensity();
            var diffPos = maxPos.X - maxPos2.X;

            // return to the position with maximum indensity
            var returnToPos = maxPos.X - diffPos / 2;

            // output messages
            var unitHelper = activeAxis.PhysicalAxisInst.UnitHelper;

            AddLog($"Max Intensity Position: ({maxPos.X.ToString("F1")}{unitHelper}, {maxPos.Y.ToString("F3")}), ({maxPos2.X.ToString("F1")}{unitHelper}, {maxPos2.Y.ToString("F3")})");

            AddLog($"ΔPosition: {diffPos.ToString("F1")}{activeAxis}");
            AddLog($"Middle of ΔPosition: {returnToPos.ToString("F1")}{unitHelper}");

            if (activeAxis.PhysicalAxisInst.Move(MoveMode.REL, Args.MoveSpeed, -(moved - returnToPos)) == false)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(activeAxis.PhysicalAxisInst.LastError);

            // switch to the next axis to scan
            if (state < 1)
                activeAxis = Args.Axis2;
                range      = Args.VerticalRange;


                goto _align;

            AddLog($"Done! {(DateTime.Now - alignStarts).TotalSeconds.ToString("F1")}s costs.");
コード例 #3
        public override void Start()

            ADCSamplingPointMissException pointMissEx = null;
            double maxIndensity = 0;

            //int moved_points = 0;
            //var curr_pos = new Point(0, 0);
            //var curr_point3d = new Point3D();

            AddLog("Start to align ...");


            var            haxis  = Args.Axis.PhysicalAxisInst as IrixiM12Axis;
            var            vaxis  = Args.Axis2.PhysicalAxisInst as IrixiM12Axis;
            var            m12    = haxis.Parent as IrixiM12;
            List <Point3D> points = null;

                m12.StartBlindSearch(haxis, vaxis, Args.Range, Args.Interval, Args.Interval, Args.MoveSpeed, M12.Definitions.ADCChannels.CH3, out points);
            catch (ADCSamplingPointMissException ex)
                // ran too fast, some ADC sampling points missed.
                pointMissEx = ex;

                AddLog("Some of the sampling points are lost, reduce the speed and try again.");
                AddLog($"{ex.Desired} points desired but only {ex.Reality} points got.");

            // convert position from step to distance.
            for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
                points[i].X = haxis.UnitHelper.ConvertStepsToDistance((int)points[i].X);
                points[i].Y = vaxis.UnitHelper.ConvertStepsToDistance((int)points[i].Y);

            // draw curve.

            // move the position with maximum intensity.
            var maxPoint  = Args.ScanCurve.FindMaximalPosition3D();
            var lastPoint = Args.ScanCurve.Last();
            var last_x    = lastPoint.X;
            var last_y    = lastPoint.Y;
            var max_x     = maxPoint.X;
            var max_y     = maxPoint.Y;

            maxIndensity = maxPoint.Z;

            // Axis0 acts logical X
            Args.Axis.PhysicalAxisInst.Move(MoveMode.REL, Args.MoveSpeed, -(last_x - max_x));

            // Axis1 acts logical Y
            Args.Axis2.PhysicalAxisInst.Move(MoveMode.REL, Args.MoveSpeed, -(last_y - max_y));

            AddLog($"Done! {(DateTime.Now - alignStarts).TotalSeconds.ToString("F1")}s costs.");

            if (pointMissEx != null)
                throw pointMissEx;
コード例 #4
ファイル: FastND.cs プロジェクト: 15831944/Code_OpenSource
        public override void Start()
            int    cycles      = 0;
            double max_measval = 0;
            ADCSamplingPointMissException pointsMissedEx = null;



            // select enabled axes
            var arg_enabled = Args.AxisParamCollection.Where(a => a.IsEnabled == true);

            // sort by AlignOrder
            var args = arg_enabled.OrderBy(a => a.Order);

            // align by each axis.
            foreach (var arg in args)
                AddLog($"Start to align {arg.Axis} ...");

                //double dist_moved = 0;
                double halfrange = arg.Range / 2;

                /// <summary>
                /// move to alignment start position.
                /// the move methods of the physical axis MUST BE called because the move methods of logical
                /// axis will trigger the changing of system status in SystemService.
                /// <see cref="SystemService.MoveLogicalAxis(MotionControllers.Base.LogicalAxis, MoveByDistanceArgs)"/>
                /// </summary>
                if (arg.Axis.PhysicalAxisInst.Move(MoveMode.REL, arg.MoveSpeed, -halfrange) == false)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(arg.Axis.PhysicalAxisInst.LastError);

                var axis = arg.Axis.PhysicalAxisInst as IrixiM12Axis;
                var m12  = axis.Parent as IrixiM12;

                List <Point2D> points = null;

                    m12.StartFast1D(axis, arg.Range, arg.Interval, arg.MoveSpeed, M12.Definitions.ADCChannels.CH3, out points);
                catch (ADCSamplingPointMissException ex)
                    pointsMissedEx = ex;

                    AddLog("Some of the sampling points are lost, reduce the speed and try again.");
                    AddLog($"{ex.Desired} points desired but only {ex.Reality} points got.");

                // convert position from step to distance.
                for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
                    points[i].X = axis.UnitHelper.ConvertStepsToDistance((int)points[i].X);


                // cancel the alignment process
                if (cts_token.IsCancellationRequested)

                // return to the position with the maximnm measurement data
                var max_pos = arg.ScanCurve.FindPositionWithMaxIntensity();
                max_measval = max_pos.Y;

                // move to the position of max power
                // Note: The distance to move is minus
                if (arg.Axis.PhysicalAxisInst.Move(MoveMode.REL, arg.Axis.MoveArgs.Speed, -(arg.Range - max_pos.X)) == false)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(arg.Axis.PhysicalAxisInst.LastError);

                AddLog($"Done! {(DateTime.Now - alignStarts).TotalSeconds.ToString("F1")}s costs.");