コード例 #1
        public static async Task Aggregator(
            // UART signals
            FPGA.InputSignal <bool> RXD,
            FPGA.OutputSignal <bool> TXD,

            // ADC signals
            FPGA.OutputSignal <bool> ADC1NCS,
            FPGA.OutputSignal <bool> ADC1SLCK,
            FPGA.OutputSignal <bool> ADC1DIN,
            FPGA.InputSignal <bool> ADC1DOUT
            Sequential handler = () =>
                ushort adcChannel1Value = 0, adcChannel2Value = 0;
                    out adcChannel1Value,
                    out adcChannel2Value,

                Controllers.SRDTO response = new Controllers.SRDTO();
                response.C1 = adcChannel1Value;
                response.C2 = adcChannel2Value;

                Drivers.JSON.SerializeToUART <Controllers.SRDTO>(ref response, TXD);

            FPGA.Config.OnTimer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), handler);
コード例 #2
        public static void Controls(
            // ADC
            FPGA.OutputSignal <bool> ADC1NCS,
            FPGA.OutputSignal <bool> ADC1SLCK,
            FPGA.OutputSignal <bool> ADC1DIN,
            FPGA.InputSignal <bool> ADC1DOUT,

            // keypad
            FPGA.OutputSignal <bool> K7,
            FPGA.OutputSignal <bool> K6,
            FPGA.OutputSignal <bool> K5,
            FPGA.OutputSignal <bool> K4,
            FPGA.InputSignal <bool> K3,
            FPGA.InputSignal <bool> K2,
            FPGA.InputSignal <bool> K1,
            FPGA.InputSignal <bool> K0,
            ref KeysDTO controlsState)
            KeypadKeyCode internalCode = 0;

            FPGA.Config.Link(internalCode, out controlsState.KeyCode);

            ushort adcChannel1Value = 32767, adcChannel2Value = 32767;

            FPGA.Config.Link(adcChannel1Value, controlsState.X);
            FPGA.Config.Link(adcChannel2Value, controlsState.Y);

            Sequential keypadHandler = () =>
                Keypad4x4.ReadASCIICode(K7, K6, K5, K4, K3, K2, K1, K0, out internalCode);

            FPGA.Config.OnTimer(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(20), keypadHandler);

            Sequential joystickHandler = () =>
                while (true)
                    ADC102S021.Read(out adcChannel1Value, out adcChannel2Value, ADC1NCS, ADC1SLCK, ADC1DIN, ADC1DOUT);

コード例 #3
        public static async Task Aggregator(
            FPGA.OutputSignal <bool> TXD,
            FPGA.InputSignal <bool> RXD
            const uint baud       = 115200;
            const uint tasksCount = 10;

            ushort[]           buff         = new ushort[tasksCount];
            FPGA.Signal <bool> tasksTrigger = false;
            object             buffLock     = new object();
            uint        completedTasks      = 0;
            Func <bool> tasksCompleted      = () => completedTasks == tasksCount;
            bool        internalTXD         = true;

            FPGA.Config.Link(internalTXD, TXD);

            Sequential onStartup = () =>
                while (true)
                    byte cmd = UART.Read(baud, RXD);
                    lock (buffLock)
                        completedTasks = 0;
                        tasksTrigger   = true;


                    for (uint idx = 0; idx < buff.Length; idx++)
                        ushort data = 0;
                        data = buff[idx];
                        UART.RegisteredWrite(baud, (byte)data, out internalTXD);
                        UART.RegisteredWrite(baud, (byte)(data >> 8), out internalTXD);


            Sequential taskHandler = () =>
                uint taskIndex = FPGA.Config.InstanceId();

                FPGA.OutputSignal <bool> ADC1NCS  = new FPGA.OutputSignal <bool>();
                FPGA.OutputSignal <bool> ADC1SLCK = new FPGA.OutputSignal <bool>();
                FPGA.OutputSignal <bool> ADC1DIN  = new FPGA.OutputSignal <bool>();
                FPGA.InputSignal <bool>  ADC1DOUT = new FPGA.InputSignal <bool>();

                ushort adcChannel1Value = 0, adcChannel2Value = 0;
                ADC102S021.Read(out adcChannel1Value, out adcChannel2Value, ADC1NCS, ADC1SLCK, ADC1DIN, ADC1DOUT);

                lock (buffLock)
                    // TODO: inline expression in memory accessor
                    uint offset1 = taskIndex * 2, offset2 = offset1 + 1;
                    buff[offset1] = adcChannel1Value;
                    buff[offset2] = adcChannel2Value;

            FPGA.Config.OnSignal(tasksTrigger, taskHandler, tasksCount);
コード例 #4
        public static async Task Aggregator(
            // blinker
            FPGA.OutputSignal <bool> LED1,

            // IO banks for Quokka board, not needed for another boards
            FPGA.OutputSignal <bool> Bank1,
            FPGA.OutputSignal <bool> Bank2,
            FPGA.OutputSignal <bool> Bank5,

            // ADC
            FPGA.OutputSignal <bool> ADC1NCS,
            FPGA.OutputSignal <bool> ADC1SLCK,
            FPGA.OutputSignal <bool> ADC1DIN,
            FPGA.InputSignal <bool> ADC1DOUT,

            // UART
            FPGA.InputSignal <bool> RXD,
            FPGA.OutputSignal <bool> TXD

            bool internalTXD = true;

            FPGA.Config.Link(internalTXD, TXD);

            const int servosCount = 4;

            byte[] servosData = new byte[servosCount]
                90, // main panel starts lookup up
                90, // main panel starts lookup up
                50, // sensor panel starts at beginning of measurement cycle
                50, // sensor panel starts at beginning of measurement cycle
            object servosLock = new object();
            bool   autoScan   = true;

            Sequential servoHandler = () =>
                uint instanceId     = FPGA.Config.InstanceId();
                var  servoOutputPin = new FPGA.OutputSignal <bool>();
                byte value          = 0;
                bool servoOutput    = false;
                byte requestValue   = 0;

                FPGA.Config.Link(servoOutput, servoOutputPin);

                while (true)
                    requestValue = servosData[instanceId];

                    if (FPGA.Config.InstanceId() <= 1)
                        // large panel moves with smoothing
                        if (requestValue != value)
                            if (requestValue < value)
                        value = requestValue;

                    MG996R.Write(value, out servoOutput);

            FPGA.Config.OnStartup(servoHandler, servosCount);

            Sequential autoScanHandler = () =>
                while (true)
                    if (!autoScan)

                    byte   s2Delta = 5;
                    sbyte  s3Delta = 5;
                    ushort maxChannel1Value = 0;
                    byte   s2Max = 0, s3Max = 0;

                    // reset sensor panel to center
                    for (byte i = 2; i < servosCount; i++)
                        servosData[i] = 90;

                    byte s3 = 50;

                    for (byte s2 = 50; s2 <= 130; s2 += s2Delta)
                        servosData[2] = s2;
                        while (s3 >= 50 && s3 <= 130)
                            servosData[3] = s3;

                            // TODO: barrier sync all servo handlers

                            ushort adcChannel1Value = 0, adcChannel2Value = 0;
                            ADC102S021.Read(out adcChannel1Value, out adcChannel2Value, ADC1NCS, ADC1SLCK, ADC1DIN, ADC1DOUT);

                            if (adcChannel1Value > maxChannel1Value)
                                s2Max            = s2;
                                s3Max            = s3;
                                maxChannel1Value = adcChannel1Value;

                                byte[] buff = new byte[3];
                                byte   tmp;
                                buff[0] = 255;
                                buff[1] = s2Max;
                                buff[2] = s3Max;

                                for (byte i = 0; i < buff.Length; i++)
                                    tmp = buff[i];
                                    UART.Write(115200, tmp, internalTXD);

                            s3 = (byte)(s3 + s3Delta);
                        s3Delta = (sbyte)(-s3Delta);
                        s3      = (byte)(s3 + s3Delta); // compensate for overshoot

                    servosData[1] = (byte)(180 - s2Max); // should be mirrored around 90 as servo is backwards
                    servosData[0] = s3Max;               // same value



            SetServos request = new SetServos();

            FPGA.Signal <bool> requestDeserialized = new FPGA.Signal <bool>();
            JSON.DeserializeFromUART <SetServos>(ref request, RXD, requestDeserialized);

            Sequential onRequest = () =>
                autoScan      = request.autoRun == 0 ? false : true;
                servosData[0] = request.s0;
                servosData[1] = request.s1;
                servosData[2] = request.s2;
                servosData[3] = request.s3;

            FPGA.Config.OnSignal(requestDeserialized, onRequest);