コード例 #1
        public Game(GameWindow gameWindow, float frameRate)
            this.camera = new FPVCamera(new Vector3(0, 0, 0), 1f);

            this.EntityManager = new EntityManager();

            spider = ObjLoader.ObjLoader.LoadObj(@"C:\Users\majda\source\repos\SharpEngine-Core\SharpEngine-Core\TestModels\Spider\", "spider.obj", new Vector3(-100, 0, 0), this.EntityManager);
            spider.PhysicBody.RigidBody = new RigidBody(10f, spider.PhysicBody);

            var spider2 = ObjLoader.ObjLoader.LoadObj(@"C:\Users\majda\source\repos\SharpEngine-Core\SharpEngine-Core\TestModels\Spider\", "spider.obj", new Vector3(200, 0, 0), this.EntityManager);

            spider2.PhysicBody.RigidBody = new RigidBody(10f, spider.PhysicBody);

            spider.OnCollision += (o, e) =>
                e.Solid.Pos += new Vector3(200, 0, 0);


            this.GW        = gameWindow;
            this.FrameRate = frameRate;

            this.KeyboardProcessor = new KeyboardProcessor(this.GW);
            this.MouseProcessor    = new MouseProcessor(this.GW);
コード例 #2
ファイル: RenderPipeline.cs プロジェクト: AThilenius/ToyGame
 protected RenderPipeline(IRenderable renderable, ACamera camera)
     Renderable = renderable;
     Camera     = camera;
     if (_uniformBuffer != null)
     _uniformBuffer = new GLUniformBuffer(Marshal.SizeOf <Matrix4>() * 2, 0);
コード例 #3
        protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)

            // Set our view from the "main" layout resource

            cameraView     = FindViewById <TextureView>(Resource.Id.Texture_View);
            changeContrast = FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.changeContrast);
            changeZoom     = FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.changeZoom);
            handler        = new Handler();

            changeContrast.Click += ChangeContrast_Click;
            changeZoom.Click     += ChangeZoom_Click;

            aCamera = new ACamera(this, Android.Hardware.Camera2.LensFacing.Back, handler, cameraView);
コード例 #4
        protected override void Initialize()

            _cameras[0] = new ACamera(graphics);
            _cameras[1] = new BCamera(graphics);
            _cameras[2] = new CCamera(graphics);

            Mouse.SetPosition(graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth / 2, graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight / 2);
            originalMouseState = Mouse.GetState();

            basicEffect                = new BasicEffect(GraphicsDevice);
            basicEffect.Alpha          = 1f;
            basicEffect.TextureEnabled = true;

            RasterizerState rasterizerState = new RasterizerState();

            rasterizerState.CullMode       = CullMode.None;
            GraphicsDevice.RasterizerState = rasterizerState;

            //basicEffect.VertexColorEnabled = true;
            basicEffect.LightingEnabled = false;

            floorVerts    = new VertexPositionTexture[6];
            floorVerts[0] = new VertexPositionTexture(new Vector3(-50, 0, -50), new Vector2(0, 0));
            floorVerts[1] = new VertexPositionTexture(new Vector3(-50, 0, 50), new Vector2(0, 1));
            floorVerts[2] = new VertexPositionTexture(new Vector3(50, -0, -50), new Vector2(1, 0));
            floorVerts[3] = new VertexPositionTexture(floorVerts[1].Position, floorVerts[1].TextureCoordinate);
            floorVerts[4] = new VertexPositionTexture(new Vector3(50, 0, 50), new Vector2(1, 1));
            floorVerts[5] = new VertexPositionTexture(floorVerts[4].Position, floorVerts[4].TextureCoordinate);

            //Vert buffer
            vertexBuffer = new VertexBuffer(GraphicsDevice, typeof(
                                                VertexPositionTexture), floorVerts.Length, BufferUsage.
            vertexBuffer.SetData <VertexPositionTexture>(floorVerts);
コード例 #5
ファイル: AEntity.cs プロジェクト: Kamigaku/3DGameEngine
 public virtual void Draw(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, BasicEffect effect, ACamera camera)
     effect.Projection = camera.Projection;
     effect.View       = camera.View;
     GetModel().Draw(graphicsDevice, effect);
コード例 #6
 public FPSCameraController(ACamera camera)
     _assignedCamera = camera;
     _moveCamera     = true;
コード例 #7
 public GLForwardPipeline(IRenderable renderable, ACamera camera) : base(renderable, camera)
コード例 #8
 internal Window(string title, int width, int height, World world = null)
     _requestedSize = new Size(width, height);
     // World Init
     World = world ?? new World();
     // Native window and Render Context init
     NativeWindow = new NativeWindow(width, height, title, GameWindowFlags.Default, GraphicsMode.Default,
         Visible = true, Location = new Point(50, 50)
     DpiScale = NativeWindow.Width / (float)width;
     if (_renderContextNeedsInit)
         _renderContextNeedsInit = false;
     // Cameras
     GuiCamera = new ACamera
         IsOrthographic     = true,
         Viewport           = new Rectangle(0, 0, UnscaledSize.Width, UnscaledSize.Height),
         OrthographicBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, UnscaledSize.Width, UnscaledSize.Height),
         NearZPlane         = -100,
         FarZPlane          = 100,
         ClearBufferMast    = ClearBufferMask.DepthBufferBit
     MainCamera = new ACamera
         AspectRatio = (UnscaledSize.Width / (float)UnscaledSize.Height),
         Viewport    = new Rectangle(0, 0, UnscaledSize.Width, UnscaledSize.Height),
         ClearColor  = Color.CornflowerBlue
     // Main Gui GuiElement
     MainGuiElement = new MainGuiElement(this)
         Children = new List <GuiElement>
             new GuiElement
                 BackgroundColor = Color.DarkRed,
                 Width           = (SFixed)300,
                 MouseEnter      = elem => elem.BackgroundColor = Color.White,
                 MouseLeave      = elem => elem.BackgroundColor = Color.DarkRed,
                 ChildAlignment  = ChildAlignments.Column,
                 Children        = new List <GuiElement>
                     new GuiElement
                         BackgroundColor = Color.DarkMagenta,
                         Height          = (SFixed)200,
                         MouseEnter      = elem => elem.BackgroundColor = Color.White,
                         MouseLeave      = elem => elem.BackgroundColor = Color.DarkMagenta,
             new GuiElement {
                 Width = new SFill()
             new GuiElement {
                 BackgroundColor = Color.DarkGreen, Width = (SFixed)400
     MainGuiElement.LayoutChildren(new Rectangle(0, 0, NativeWindow.Width, NativeWindow.Height));
     // Event Handler Registration
     // Viewport
     _viewport = new RenderViewport(NativeWindow.WindowInfo, new GLForwardPipeline(World, MainCamera),
                                    new GLForwardPipeline(MainGuiElement, GuiCamera));