public UserAuth CreateUserAuth(UserAuth newUser, string password) { ABUserAuth ab_newuser = newUser.TranslateTo <ABUserAuth>(); ValidateNewUser(ab_newuser, password); string salt; string hash; passwordHasher.GetHashAndSaltString(password, out hash, out salt); return(dbFactory.Run(db => { AssertNoExistingUser(db, ab_newuser); var digestHelper = new DigestAuthFunctions(); ab_newuser.DigestHa1Hash = digestHelper.CreateHa1(ab_newuser.UserName, DigestAuthProvider.Realm, password); ab_newuser.PasswordHash = hash; ab_newuser.Salt = salt; ab_newuser.CreatedDate = DateTime.UtcNow; ab_newuser.ModifiedDate = newUser.CreatedDate; db.Insert(ab_newuser); ab_newuser = db.GetById <ABUserAuth>(db.GetLastInsertId()); return ab_newuser.TranslateTo <UserAuth>(); })); }
public bool CurrentUser_HasRole(RoleEnum role, RoleEnum role2, ABUserAuth current_user = null) { if (current_user == null) { current_user = CurrentUser; } return(current_user.HasRole(role) || current_user.HasRole(role2)); }
/// <summary> /// Return True if current User has input role /// </summary> public bool CurrentUser_HasRole(string role, ABUserAuth current_user = null) { if (current_user == null) { current_user = User_GetByID(AuthenticatedUserID); } return(current_user.HasRole(role)); }
public ActionResult ForgotPasswordSubmit(ABUserAuth model) { try { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Email)) { ViewBag.Error = "Please enter email."; return(View("ForgotPassword", model)); } if (!IsValidEmailAddress(model.Email)) { ViewBag.Error("Email format is not valid."); return(View("ForgotPassword", model)); } var user = User_GetByEmail(model.Email); if (user == null) { ViewBag.Error = "Email you entered is not exist."; return(View("ForgotPassword", model)); } var template = Get_MaillingListTemplate("forgot_password_user"); var template_helper = new EmailHelper(template.Title, template.Body); template_helper.Parameters.Add("Host", CurrentWebsite.Domain.First()); template_helper.Parameters.Add("Code", encrypt.GetMD5HashData(user.Email + user.PasswordHash)); template_helper.Parameters.Add("Email", user.Email); template_helper.Sender_Email = CurrentWebsite.Email_Support; template_helper.Sender_Name = CurrentWebsite.Name; template_helper.Receiver.Add(user.Email); SendMail(template_helper); ViewBag.RedirectTo = Url.Action("Index", "Home", new { });; ViewBag.Message = "Please check your email for instruction to get new password."; } catch (Exception ex) { ViewBag.RedirectTo = Url.Action("Index", "Home", new { }); ViewBag.Message = string.Format("{0}: {1}.", "There was an error getting new password", ex.Message); } return(View("Message")); }
public ActionResult Register(string redirectTo) { var model = new ABUserAuth() { RedirectTo = redirectTo }; return(View("Register", model)); }
public ActionResult ChangePass(ABUserAuth model) { if (CurrentUser.Id != model.Id || CurrentUser.Email != model.Email || CurrentUser.UserName != model.UserName) { ViewBag.Error = "Please don't try to hack us."; return(View("ChangePass", model)); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.PassNews) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.ConfirmPassword)) { ViewBag.Error = "Please enter all required fields."; return(View("ChangePass", model)); } if (model.PassNews != model.ConfirmPassword) { ViewBag.Error = "Please enter same New password and Confirm password fields."; return(View("ChangePass", model)); } if (!new Regex(@"(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z]).{8,}$", RegexOptions.Compiled).IsMatch(model.PassNews)) { ViewBag.Error = "Password must contain at least 8 characters, including uppercase/lowercase and numbers"; return(View("ChangePass", model)); } var newPassword = PasswordGenerate(model.PassNews); model.PasswordHash = newPassword.Id; model.Salt = newPassword.Name; model.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now; Db.UpdateOnly <ABUserAuth>(model, ev => ev.Update(p => new { p.PasswordHash, p.Salt, p.ModifiedDate }).Where(m => (m.Id == model.Id))); ViewBag.RedirectTo = Url.Action("Index", "User", new { }); ViewBag.Message = "Change password success."; return(View("Message")); }
public void SaveUserAuth(UserAuth user) { ABUserAuth userAuth = user.TranslateTo <ABUserAuth>(); userAuth.ModifiedDate = DateTime.UtcNow; if (userAuth.CreatedDate == default(DateTime)) { userAuth.CreatedDate = userAuth.ModifiedDate; } dbFactory.Run(db => db.Save(userAuth)); }
public ActionResult GetNewPasswordSubmit(ABUserAuth model) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.PassNews) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.ConfirmPassword)) { ViewBag.Error = "Please enter all required fields."; return(View("GetNewPassword", model)); } if (model.PassNews != model.ConfirmPassword) { ViewBag.Error = "Please enter same New password and Confirm password fields."; return(View("GetNewPassword", model)); } var user = User_GetByID(model.Id); if (user == null || user.Email != model.Email) { ViewBag.Error = "Please don't try to hack us."; return(View("GetNewPassword", model)); } var pass = PasswordGenerate(model.PassNews); user.PasswordHash = pass.Id; user.Salt = pass.Name; user.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now; Db.UpdateOnly <ABUserAuth>(user, ev => ev.Update(p => new { p.PasswordHash, p.Salt, p.ModifiedDate }).Where(m => (m.Id == user.Id))); ViewBag.RedirectTo = Url.Action("SignIn", "Home", new { redirectTo = Url.Action("Index", "User", new { }) }); ViewBag.Message = "Congratulations! Your account password has been changed successful."; return(View("Message")); }
string RenderEmailBody(string content, MaillingListSendModel model, ABUserAuth user) { Hashtable tokens = new Hashtable(); var domain = Request.Url.Host; // prepare for the tokens // get current website information var site = Cache_GetWebSite(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(site.Email_Admin)) { site.Email_Admin = ""; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(site.Email_Support)) { site.Email_Support = ""; } if (site.UseSSL) { domain = "https://" + domain + "/"; } else { domain = "http://" + domain + "/"; } tokens.Add("#website_domain", domain); tokens.Add("#website_name", site.Name); tokens.Add("#website_admin_email", site.Email_Admin); tokens.Add("#website_info_email", site.Email_Support); if (user != null) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.FullName)) { tokens.Add("#user_name", user.UserName); } else { tokens.Add("#user_name", user.FullName); } tokens.Add("#user_username", user.UserName); } return(content); }
private void ValidateNewUser(ABUserAuth newUser, string password) { newUser.ThrowIfNull("newUser"); password.ThrowIfNullOrEmpty("password"); if (newUser.UserName.IsNullOrEmpty() && newUser.Email.IsNullOrEmpty()) { throw new ArgumentNullException("UserName or Email is required"); } if (!newUser.UserName.IsNullOrEmpty()) { if (!ValidUserNameRegEx.IsMatch(newUser.UserName)) { throw new ArgumentException("UserName contains invalid characters", "UserName"); } } }
public ActionResult Edit(int id) { UserModel model = new UserModel(); List<ListModel> roles_lower = this.GetLowerRoles((RoleEnum)Enum.Parse(typeof(RoleEnum), CurrentUser.Roles[0])); ABUserAuth user = User_GetByID(id); if (user == null || !roles_lower.Select(x => x.Id).Contains(user.Roles[0]) || !(RoleEnum.Admin == (RoleEnum)Enum.Parse(typeof(RoleEnum), CurrentUser.Roles[0]) || user.MaHC.StartsWith(CurrentUser.MaHC != null ? CurrentUser.MaHC : ""))) { return RedirectToAction("Index"); } else { user.PasswordHash = ""; UserModel.ToModel(user, ref model); } ViewData["RolesLower"] = roles_lower; return View("Add", model); }
private static void AssertNoExistingUser(IDbConnection db, ABUserAuth newUser, ABUserAuth exceptForExistingUser = null) { if (newUser.UserName != null) { var existingUser = GetUserAuthByUserName(db, newUser.UserName); if (existingUser != null && (exceptForExistingUser == null || existingUser.Id != exceptForExistingUser.Id)) { throw new ArgumentException("User {0} already exists".Fmt(newUser.UserName)); } } if (newUser.Email != null) { var existingUser = GetUserAuthByUserName(db, newUser.Email); if (existingUser != null && (exceptForExistingUser == null || existingUser.Id != exceptForExistingUser.Id)) { throw new ArgumentException("Email {0} already exists".Fmt(newUser.Email)); } } }
public static void ToEntity(UserModel model, ref ABUserAuth entity) { entity.Id = model.Id; entity.FullName = model.FullName; entity.DisplayName = model.FullName; entity.UserName = model.UserName; entity.Email = model.Email; entity.PrimaryEmail = model.Email; entity.PasswordHash = model.Password; entity.ActiveStatus = model.Status; entity.CreatedDate = model.DataCreate; entity.ModifiedDate = model.DateUpdate; entity.MailAddress = model.Address; entity.PostalCode = model.Zipcode; entity.Country = model.Country; entity.BirthDate = model.BirthDate; entity.Phone = model.Phone; entity.Permissions = model.Permission; entity.Gender = model.Gender; entity.MaHC = model.MaHC; }
public ActionResult Disable(int id) { try { string ma_hc = CurrentUser.MaHC != null ? CurrentUser.MaHC : ""; List<string> roles_lower = this.GetLowerRoles((RoleEnum)Enum.Parse(typeof(RoleEnum), CurrentUser.Roles[0])).Select(x => string.Format("[{0}]", x.Id)).ToList(); ABUserAuth user = Db.Select<ABUserAuth>(x => x.Where(y => Sql.In(y.Roles, roles_lower) && (RoleEnum.Admin == (RoleEnum)Enum.Parse(typeof(RoleEnum), CurrentUser.Roles[0]) || y.MaHC.StartsWith(ma_hc)) && y.Id == id).Limit(0, 1)).FirstOrDefault(); if (user == null) { return JsonError("Vui lòng không hack ứng dụng."); } if (user.ActiveStatus) { user.ActiveStatus = false; Db.Update(user); } } catch (Exception ex) { return JsonError(ex.Message); } return Json(null, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); }
public UserAuth UpdateUserAuth(UserAuth eUser, UserAuth nUser, string password) { // cast to our table ABUserAuth existingUser = eUser.TranslateTo <ABUserAuth>(); ABUserAuth newUser = nUser.TranslateTo <ABUserAuth>(); ValidateNewUser(newUser, password); return(dbFactory.Run(db => { AssertNoExistingUser(db, newUser, existingUser); var hash = existingUser.PasswordHash; var salt = existingUser.Salt; if (password != null) { passwordHasher.GetHashAndSaltString(password, out hash, out salt); } // If either one changes the digest hash has to be recalculated var digestHash = existingUser.DigestHa1Hash; if (password != null || existingUser.UserName != newUser.UserName) { var digestHelper = new DigestAuthFunctions(); digestHash = digestHelper.CreateHa1(newUser.UserName, DigestAuthProvider.Realm, password); } newUser.Id = existingUser.Id; newUser.PasswordHash = hash; newUser.Salt = salt; newUser.DigestHa1Hash = digestHash; newUser.CreatedDate = existingUser.CreatedDate; newUser.ModifiedDate = DateTime.UtcNow; db.Save(newUser); return newUser.TranslateTo <UserAuth>(); })); }
public static void ToModel(ABUserAuth entity, ref UserModel model) { model.Id = entity.Id; model.FullName = entity.FullName; model.FirstName = entity.FirstName; model.LastName = entity.LastName; model.UserName = entity.UserName; model.Email = entity.Email; model.Password = entity.PasswordHash; model.Status = entity.ActiveStatus; model.DataCreate = entity.CreatedDate; model.DateUpdate = entity.ModifiedDate; model.Address = entity.MailAddress; model.Zipcode = entity.PostalCode; model.Country = entity.Country; model.RoleName = entity.Roles; model.rolesId = entity.Roles.ToArray(); model.BirthDate = entity.BirthDate; model.Phone = entity.Phone; model.Permission = entity.Permissions; model.Gender = entity.Gender; model.Avatar = entity.Nickname; model.MaHC = entity.MaHC; }
public ActionResult Profile(ABUserAuth model, IEnumerable <HttpPostedFileBase> FileUps) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.FirstName) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.LastName) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.FullName) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Country) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.MaHC) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.PostalCode) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Phone) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Gender) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Email)) { ViewBag.Error = "Please enter all required fields."; return(View("Profile", model)); } // get the country var c = Db.Select <Country>(x => x.Where(m => m.Code == model.Country).Limit(1)).FirstOrDefault(); if (c == null) { ViewBag.Error = "Your selected country is not found"; return(View("Profile", model)); } // validate the phone number if (!IsValidPhoneByCountry(model.Phone, c.Code, true)) { ViewBag.Error = "We can not validate your phone number with your selected country."; return(View("Profile", model)); } if (!IsValidEmailAddress(model.Email)) { ViewBag.Error = "We can not validate your email address format."; return(View("Profile", model)); } model.Nickname = (FileUps != null && FileUps.Count() != 0 && FileUps.First() != null) ? UploadFile(model.Id, model.UserName, "", FileUps) : CurrentUser.Nickname; model.UserName = model.Email; model.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now; Db.UpdateOnly <ABUserAuth>(model, ev => ev.Update(p => new { p.FirstName, p.LastName, p.FullName, p.Country, p.MaHC, p.PostalCode, p.Phone, p.Gender, p.BirthDate, p.Nickname, p.ModifiedDate, p.Email, p.UserName }).Where(m => (m.Id == CurrentUser.Id)).Limit(1)); ViewBag.RedirectTo = Url.Action("Index", "User", new { }); ViewBag.Message = "Update profile success."; return(View("Message")); }
/// <summary> /// this function will do a inital for all tables /// </summary> public static void InitDbTable(string user, bool GainPermission = false, bool support_schema = false) { var dbConn = BasicModelBase.ServiceAppHost.TryResolve <IDbConnection>(); #region DanhMuc if (support_schema) { CreateSchemaIfNotExists(dbConn, "DanhMuc", GainPermission, user); } dbConn.CreateTableIfNotExists <DanhMuc_HanhChinh>(); #endregion #region CMS if (support_schema) { CreateSchemaIfNotExists(dbConn, "System", GainPermission, user); CreateSchemaIfNotExists(dbConn, "CMS", GainPermission, user); } // User Management dbConn.CreateTableIfNotExists <ABUserAuth>(); dbConn.CreateTableIfNotExists <ABUserOAuthProvider>(); dbConn.CreateTableIfNotExists <UsersActivation>(); // language dbConn.CreateTableIfNotExists <Language>(); // for sites dbConn.CreateTableIfNotExists <Website>(); dbConn.CreateTableIfNotExists <Site_ContactusConfig>(); //dbConn.CreateTable<Site_ContactusConfig>(overwrite: true); //dbConn.CreateTableIfNotExists<Site_Lang_Dis>(); dbConn.CreateTableIfNotExists <Site_MemberGroup>(); dbConn.CreateTableIfNotExists <Site_MemberGroupDetail>(); dbConn.CreateTableIfNotExists <SiteTopic>(); dbConn.CreateTableIfNotExists <SiteTopicLanguage>(); dbConn.CreateTableIfNotExists <SiteSetting>(); dbConn.CreateTableIfNotExists <Settings>(); dbConn.CreateTableIfNotExists <SiteNewsletter>(); dbConn.CreateTableIfNotExists <Site_MaillingListTemplate>(); dbConn.CreateTableIfNotExists <Site_ContactUs>(); dbConn.CreateTableIfNotExists <Testimonial>(); dbConn.CreateTableIfNotExists <SocialAccount>(); dbConn.CreateTableIfNotExists <Site_Banner>(); dbConn.CreateTableIfNotExists <Site_FlashHeader>(); // navigation dbConn.CreateTableIfNotExists <Navigation>(); // news dbConn.CreateTableIfNotExists <Site_News_Category>(); dbConn.CreateTableIfNotExists <Site_News>(); // blog dbConn.CreateTableIfNotExists <Site_Blog_Category>(); dbConn.CreateTableIfNotExists <Site_Blog>(); // system dbConn.CreateTableIfNotExists <Country>(); dbConn.CreateTableIfNotExists <Theme>(); dbConn.CreateTableIfNotExists <Language_Translation>(); dbConn.CreateTableIfNotExists <MailQueue>(); dbConn.CreateTableIfNotExists <Exceptions>(); #endregion #region SMS if (support_schema) { CreateSchemaIfNotExists(dbConn, "SMS", GainPermission, user); } dbConn.CreateTableIfNotExists <SMSTemplateModel>(); #endregion #region Products & Category if (support_schema) { CreateSchemaIfNotExists(dbConn, "Products", GainPermission, user); } dbConn.CreateTableIfNotExists <Product_Category>(); /* dbConn.CreateTable<Product_Category>(overwrite:true); */ dbConn.CreateTableIfNotExists <Product>(); dbConn.CreateTableIfNotExists <Product_Images>(); dbConn.CreateTableIfNotExists <ProductCategoryImage>(); dbConn.CreateTableIfNotExists <ProductCategoryMaterial>(); dbConn.CreateTableIfNotExists <ProductCategoryMaterialDetail>(); // product price dbConn.CreateTableIfNotExists <Price>(); // option dbConn.CreateTableIfNotExists <Product_Option>(); dbConn.CreateTableIfNotExists <OptionInProduct>(); // Payment dbConn.CreateTableIfNotExists <PayPalStandardPaymentSettings>(); // Coupon dbConn.CreateTableIfNotExists <CouponPromo>(); // order dbConn.CreateTableIfNotExists <AddressModel>(); dbConn.CreateTableIfNotExists <Order>(); dbConn.CreateTableIfNotExists <Order_History>(); dbConn.CreateTableIfNotExists <Order_ProductOptionUsing>(); dbConn.CreateTableIfNotExists <Order_ProductionJobSheet>(); dbConn.CreateTableIfNotExists <Order_UploadFilesTicket>(); // extra shipping dbConn.CreateTableIfNotExists <Country_State_ExtraShipping>(); #endregion #region Report if (support_schema) { CreateSchemaIfNotExists(dbConn, "Reports", GainPermission, user); } dbConn.CreateTableIfNotExists <StaffActivity>(); #endregion #region Extra Shipping #endregion #region Init System if (dbConn.Count <ABUserAuth>(m => m.ActiveStatus) == 0) { // add default user ABUserAuth u = new ABUserAuth() { UserName = "******", ActiveStatus = true, CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, DisplayName = "Trung Click4Corp", Email = "*****@*****.**", FirstName = "Imm", LastName = "Dang", FullName = "Imm Dang", Gender = "Male", Language = "EN", Roles = new global::System.Collections.Generic.List <string>() }; var PasswordHasher = new SaltedHash(); string salt; string hash; PasswordHasher.GetHashAndSaltString("", out hash, out salt); u.PasswordHash = hash; u.Salt = salt; u.Roles.Add(RoleEnum.Administrator.ToString()); dbConn.Insert <ABUserAuth>(u); u.Id = (int)dbConn.GetLastInsertId(); if (dbConn.Count <Website>() == 0) { Website w = new Website() { CreatedBy = u.Id, CreatedOn = DateTime.Now, Domain = new global::System.Collections.Generic.List <string>(), Name = "ABSoft CMS Site" }; w.Domain.Add("localhost"); dbConn.Insert <Website>(w); } } #endregion }
public bool CurrentUser_HasRole(RoleEnum role, ABUserAuth current_user = null) { return(CurrentUser_HasRole(role.ToString(), current_user)); }
public ActionResult UpdateUser(UserModel model, IEnumerable<HttpPostedFileBase> FileUp) { ViewData["RolesLower"] = this.GetLowerRoles((RoleEnum)Enum.Parse(typeof(RoleEnum), CurrentUser.Roles[0])); ; #region VALIDATION: #1 ABUserAuth user = new ABUserAuth(); if (model.Id > 0) { user = User_GetByID(model.Id); } if (user == null) { ViewBag.Error = "Vui lòng không hack ứng dụng."; return View("Add", model); } string ma_hc = CurrentUser.MaHC != null ? CurrentUser.MaHC : ""; List<string> roles_lower = this.GetLowerRoles((RoleEnum)Enum.Parse(typeof(RoleEnum), CurrentUser.Roles[0])).Select(x => string.Format("[{0}]", x.Id)).ToList(); if (user.Id > 0 && (!roles_lower.Contains(string.Format("[{0}]", user.Roles[0])) || !(RoleEnum.Admin == (RoleEnum)Enum.Parse(typeof(RoleEnum), CurrentUser.Roles[0]) || user.MaHC.StartsWith(ma_hc)))) { ViewBag.Error = "Vui lòng không hack ứng dụng."; return View("Add", model); } if (!(roles_lower.Contains(string.Format("[{0}]", model.rolesId[0])) && (RoleEnum.Admin == (RoleEnum)Enum.Parse(typeof(RoleEnum), CurrentUser.Roles[0]) || model.MaHC.StartsWith(ma_hc)) && Db.Count<DanhMuc_HanhChinh>(x => x.MaHC == model.MaHC) > 0)) { ViewBag.Error = "Vui lòng không hack ứng dụng."; return View("Add", model); } #endregion #region VALIDATION: #2 if (user.Id > 0 && string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.NameAddUser)) { model.UserName = user.UserName; } if (user.Id > 0 && string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.EmailChange)) { model.Email = user.Email; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.UserName) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.UserName.Trim())) { ViewBag.Error = "Vui lòng nhập tài khoản."; return View("Add", model); } if (user.Id <= 0) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Password)) { ViewBag.Error = "Vui lòng nhập mật khẩu."; return View("Add", model); } else if (!new Regex(@"(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z]).{8,}$", RegexOptions.Compiled).IsMatch(model.Password)) { ViewBag.Error = "Mật khẩu chứa ít nhất 8 ký tự, bao gồm ký tự hoa/ký tự thường/ký tự số."; return View("Add", model); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.PassNews)) { if (!new Regex(@"(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z]).{8,}$", RegexOptions.Compiled).IsMatch(model.PassNews)) { ViewBag.Error = "Mật khẩu (mới) chứa ít nhất 8 ký tự, bao gồm ký tự hoa/ký tự thường/ký tự số."; return View("Add", model); } model.Password = model.PassNews; } if (user.Id == 0) { model.PassNews = model.Password; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Email) || !IsValidEmailAddress(model.Email)) { ViewBag.Error = "Email không đúng định dạng."; return View("Add", model); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.FullName)) { ViewBag.Error = "Vui lòng nhập họ & tên."; return View("Add", model); } #endregion #region VALIDATION: #3 if (user.Id <= 0 && User_GetByUsername(model.UserName) != null) { ViewBag.Error = "Tài khoản đã được sử dụng."; return View("Add", model); } if (user.Id > 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.NameAddUser)) { if (!model.UserName.Equals(model.NameAddUser) && User_GetByUsername(model.NameAddUser) != null) { ViewBag.Error = "Tài khoản (mới) đã được sử dụng."; return View("Add", model); } else { model.UserName = model.NameAddUser; } } if (user.Id <= 0 && User_GetByEmail(model.Email) != null) { ViewBag.Error = "Email đã được sử dụng."; return View("Add", model); } if (user.Id > 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.EmailChange)) { if (!IsValidEmailAddress(model.EmailChange)) { ViewBag.Error = "Email (mới) không đúng định dạng."; return View("Add", model); } if (!model.Email.Equals(model.EmailChange) && User_GetByEmail(model.EmailChange) != null) { ViewBag.Error = "Email (mới) đã được sử dụng."; return View("Add", model); } else { model.Email = model.EmailChange; } } #endregion if (user.Id <= 0) { model.DataCreate = DateTime.Now; model.DateUpdate = DateTime.Now; } else { model.DataCreate = user.CreatedDate; model.DateUpdate = DateTime.Now; model.Avatar = user.Avatar; } model.RoleName = model.rolesId.ToList(); model.Password = user.PasswordHash; UserModel.ToEntity(model, ref user); user.Roles = model.RoleName; user.Permissions = model.Permission; user.FirstName = model.FirstName; user.LastName = model.LastName; user.FullName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.FullName) ? string.Format("{0} {1}", model.FirstName, model.LastName) : model.FullName; user.DisplayName = user.FullName; user.Email = model.Email; user.UserName = model.UserName; user.Gender = model.Gender; user.BirthDate = model.BirthDate; user.BirthDateRaw = ""; if (user.BirthDate.HasValue) { user.BirthDateRaw = user.BirthDate.Value.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); } user.MailAddress = model.Address; user.Phone = model.Phone; user.PostalCode = model.Zipcode; user.Country = model.Country; user.ActiveStatus = model.Status; user.CreatedDate = model.DataCreate; user.ModifiedDate = model.DateUpdate; if (FileUp != null && FileUp.Count() > 0 && FileUp.First() != null) user.Avatar = UploadFile(user.Id, user.UserName, "", FileUp); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.PassNews)) { var p = PasswordGenerate(model.PassNews); user.PasswordHash = p.Id; user.Salt = p.Name; } if (model.Id > 0) { Db.Update<ABUserAuth>(user); } else { Db.Insert<ABUserAuth>(user); } return RedirectToAction("Index"); }
public ActionResult History_LoadNext(long id, int page) { var order = Db.Select <Order>(m => m.Where(x => x.Id == id).Limit(1)).FirstOrDefault(); if (order == null) { return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } int page_size = 9; // update the new message flag when page 1 only, because we list the new message first if (page == 1 && order.FlagHistoryMessage == (int)Enum_FlagOrderMessage.NewMessageFromPhotobookmart) { order.AddHistory("Customer read messages from Photobookmart", "System", 0, true); // update order to let them know we have new message from customer Db.UpdateOnly <Order>(new Order() { FlagHistoryMessage = (int)Enum_FlagOrderMessage.No_NewMessage }, ev => ev.Update(p => new { p.FlagHistoryMessage }).Where(m => m.Id == order.Id)); } // count fist var count = (int)Db.Count <Order_History>(x => x.Order_Id == id && x.isPrivate == false); var pages = count / page_size; if (count % page_size > 0) { pages++; } var ret = Db.Select <Order_History>(x => x.Where(m => m.Order_Id == id && m.isPrivate == false).OrderByDescending(k => k.OnDate).Limit((page - 1) * page_size, page_size)); var users = Db.Select <ABUserAuth>(); // get user who submit order var order_user = users.Where(x => x.Id == order.Customer_Id).FirstOrDefault(); if (order_user == null) { order_user = new ABUserAuth(); } foreach (var item in ret) { // check usertype and avatar item.UserAvatar = ""; if (item.UserId == order_user.Id) { item.Direction = "left"; item.UserAvatar = order_user.Avatar; item.UserName = "******"; } else { // system or staff item.Direction = "right"; item.UserAvatar = "Content/default_system_orderhistory_logo.png"; // var u = users.Where(x => x.Id == item.UserId).FirstOrDefault(); if (u != null) { item.UserName = string.Format("{0} {1}", u.FirstName, u.LastName); item.UserAvatar = u.Avatar; // incase this user does not have avatar if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.UserAvatar)) { item.UserAvatar = "content/default_chat_avatar.png"; } } } // date format var dif = (int)DateTime.Now.Subtract(item.OnDate).TotalMinutes; if (dif < 2) { item.OnDateFormat = "Now"; } else if (dif < 60) { item.OnDateFormat = string.Format("{0} minutes ago", dif); } else if (dif <= 60 * 8) // 8 hours { dif = dif / 60; item.OnDateFormat = string.Format("About {0} hours ago", dif); } else { item.OnDateFormat = string.Format("{0:dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy HH:mm:ss}", item.OnDate); } } Db.Close(); if (ret.Count == 0) { return(Content("")); } else { return(PartialView(ret)); } }
public ActionResult RegisterSubmit(ABUserAuth model) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Email) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Password) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(model.ConfirmPassword) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(model.FirstName) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(model.LastName) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Country) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(model.MaHC) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(model.PostalCode) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Phone)) { ViewBag.Error = "Please enter all required fields."; return(View("Register", model)); } // get the country var c = Db.Select <Country>(x => x.Where(m => m.Code == model.Country).Limit(1)).FirstOrDefault(); if (c == null) { ViewBag.Error = "Your selected country is not found"; return(View("Register", model)); } // validate the phone number if (!IsValidPhoneByCountry(model.Phone, c.Code, true)) { ViewBag.Error = "We can not validate your phone number with your selected country."; return(View("Register", model)); } if (!IsValidEmailAddress(model.Email)) { ViewBag.Error = "We can not validate your email address format."; return(View("Register", model)); } if (model.Password != model.ConfirmPassword) { ViewBag.Error = "Please enter same Password and Re password fields."; return(View("Register", model)); } if (!new Regex(@"(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z]).{8,}$", RegexOptions.Compiled).IsMatch(model.Password)) { ViewBag.Error = "Password must contain at least 8 characters, including uppercase/lowercase and numbers"; return(View("Register", model)); } //if (!captchaValid) //{ // ViewBag.Error = "Your captcha is not match."; // return View("Register", model); //} if (User_GetByEmail(model.Email) != null) { ViewBag.Error = "There is an user with same Email as you entered. Please use difference Email."; return(View("Register", model)); } if (User_GetByUsername(model.UserName) != null) { ViewBag.Error = "There is an user with same Username as you entered. Please use difference Username."; return(View("Register", model)); } var p = PasswordGenerate(model.Password); ABUserAuth user = new ABUserAuth() { Email = model.Email, UserName = model.Email, Roles = new List <string>() { RoleEnum.Customer.ToString() }, PasswordHash = p.Id, Salt = p.Name, FirstName = model.FirstName, LastName = model.LastName, Country = model.Country, MaHC = model.MaHC, PostalCode = model.PostalCode, Phone = model.Phone, DigestHa1Hash = encrypt.GetMD5HashData(model.Email), CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, ActiveStatus = true, }; user.FullName = user.FirstName + " " + user.LastName; user.DisplayName = user.FullName; try { Db.Insert <ABUserAuth>(user); user.Id = (int)Db.GetLastInsertId(); var template = Get_MaillingListTemplate("register_notify_user"); var template_helper = new EmailHelper(template.Title, template.Body); template_helper.Parameters.Add("Host", CurrentWebsite.Domain.First()); template_helper.Parameters.Add("User", user.UserName); template_helper.Parameters.Add("Code", user.DigestHa1Hash); template_helper.Sender_Email = CurrentWebsite.Email_Support; template_helper.Sender_Name = CurrentWebsite.Name; template_helper.Receiver.Add(user.Email); SendMail(template_helper); template = Get_MaillingListTemplate("register_notify_admin"); template_helper = new EmailHelper(template.Title, template.Body); template_helper.Parameters.Add("Host", InternalService.CurrentWebsiteDomainURL); template_helper.Parameters.Add("Id", user.Id.ToString()); template_helper.Parameters.Add("User", user.UserName); template_helper.Parameters.Add("Email", user.Email); template_helper.Parameters.Add("Date", DateTime.Now.ToString()); template_helper.Sender_Email = CurrentWebsite.Email_Support; template_helper.Sender_Name = CurrentWebsite.Name; template_helper.Receiver.Add(CurrentWebsite.Email_Admin); SendMail(template_helper); ViewBag.Message = "Your Account has been created! We just sent to you one email to confirm your account information. Please make sure to check your spam folder in your mail box. <br>Photobookmart also login for you automatically. Enjoy..."; // do the auto login //return SignInSubmit(new LoginModel() { CheckRemember = true, Pass = model.Password, RedirectTo = model.RedirectTo, UserName = model.UserName }); var authResponse = AuthService.Post(new Auth { UserName = model.Email, Password = model.Password, Continue = "" }); } catch (Exception ex) { ViewBag.RedirectTo = Url.Action("Register", "User", new { }); ViewBag.Message = string.Format("{0}: {1}.", "There was an error when registering", ex.Message); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.RedirectTo)) { //ViewBag.RedirectTo = Url.Action("SignIn", new { redirectTo = model.RedirectTo }); ViewBag.RedirectTo = model.RedirectTo; } else { //ViewBag.RedirectTo = Url.Action("SignIn"); ViewBag.RedirectTo = "/"; } return(View("Message")); }
public ActionResult ForgotPassword() { var model = new ABUserAuth(); return(View("ForgotPassword", model)); }