コード例 #1
ファイル: GUI.Designer.cs プロジェクト: koj564/OpenGrade
 private void btnSnap_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
コード例 #2
        //called by the openglDraw routine 10 times per second.
        private void UpdateFixPosition()

            //if its a valid fix data for RMC or GGA
            //this is the current position taken from the latest sentence
            //textBoxRcv.Text = pn.theSent;

            if (!isGPSPositionInitialized)

            //calc low speed distance travelled if speed < 2 kph and app not starting
            if (pn.speed < 2.0) distanceLowSpeed = pn.Distance(pn.northing, pn.easting, prevLowSpeedNorthing, prevLowSpeedEasting);
            else distanceLowSpeed = -1;
            //calculate lookahead at full speed, no sentence misses
            CalculateSectionLookAhead(toolNorthing, toolEasting, cosHeading, sinHeading);

            //do the distance from line calculations for contour and AB
            if (ct.isContourBtnOn) ct.DistanceFromContourLine();
            else ct.distanceFromCurrentLine = 9999;

            if (ABLine.isABLineSet && !ct.isContourBtnOn) ABLine.getCurrentABLine();
            else ABLine.distanceFromCurrentLine = 9999;

            //module communications current heading variable
            //modcom.autosteerActualHeading = fixHeading;

            //time to record next fix
            if (distanceLowSpeed > 0.5 | pn.speed > 2.0 | startCounter < 20)
                //positions and headings 

                //To prevent drawing high numbers of triangles, determine and test before drawing vertex
                sectionTriggerDistance = pn.Distance(toolNorthing, toolEasting, prevSectionNorthing, prevSectionEasting);

                //section on off and points, contour points
                if (sectionTriggerDistance > sectionTriggerStepDistance)

                //calc distance travelled since last GPS fix
                distance = pn.Distance(pn.northing, pn.easting, prevNorthing[0], prevEasting[0]);
                totalDistance += distance; //distance tally                   
                userDistance += distance;//userDistance can be reset

                //save a copy of previous positions for cam heading of desired filtering or delay
                for (int x = numPrevs - 1; x > 0; x--) { prevNorthing[x] = prevNorthing[x - 1]; prevEasting[x] = prevEasting[x - 1]; }

                //most recent fixes
                prevEasting[0] = pn.easting; prevNorthing[0] = pn.northing;

                prevToolNorthing = toolNorthing;
                prevToolEasting = toolEasting;
                prevFixHeadingSection = fixHeadingSection;

            //openGLControl_Draw routine triggered manually

        //end of UppdateFixPosition
コード例 #3
        //call for position update after valid NMEA sentence
        private void UpdateFixPosition()
            totalFixSteps = fixUpdateHz * 4;
            if (!isGPSPositionInitialized) { InitializeFirstFewGPSPositions(); return; }

            #region Roll

            rollUsed = 0;

            if ((ahrs.isRollBrick | ahrs.isRollDogs | ahrs.isRollPAOGI) && mc.rollRaw != 9999)
                //for charting in GPS Data window
                eastingBeforeRoll = pn.fix.easting;
                rollUsed = (double)mc.rollRaw/16;

                //calculate how far the antenna moves based on sidehill roll
                double roll = Math.Sin(glm.toRadians((mc.rollRaw - ahrs.rollZero) * 0.0625));
                rollCorrectionDistance = Math.Abs(roll * vehicle.antennaHeight);

                // roll to left is positive  **** important!!
                if (roll > 0)
                    pn.fix.easting = (Math.Cos(fixHeading) * rollCorrectionDistance) + pn.fix.easting;
                    pn.fix.northing = (Math.Sin(fixHeading) * -rollCorrectionDistance) + pn.fix.northing;
                    pn.fix.easting = (Math.Cos(fixHeading) * -rollCorrectionDistance) + pn.fix.easting;
                    pn.fix.northing = (Math.Sin(fixHeading) * rollCorrectionDistance) + pn.fix.northing;

                //for charting the position after roll adjustment
                eastingAfterRoll = pn.fix.easting;
                eastingAfterRoll = pn.fix.easting;
                eastingBeforeRoll = pn.fix.easting;

            //pitchDistance = (pitch * vehicle.antennaHeight);
            ////pn.fix.easting = (Math.Sin(fixHeading) * pitchDistance) + pn.fix.easting;
            //pn.fix.northing = (Math.Cos(fixHeading) * pitchDistance) + pn.fix.northing;

            #endregion Roll

            #region Step Fix

            //grab the most current fix and save the distance from the last fix
            distanceCurrentStepFix = pn.Distance(pn.fix, stepFixPts[0]);
            fixStepDist = distanceCurrentStepFix;

            //if  min distance isn't exceeded, keep adding old fixes till it does
            if (distanceCurrentStepFix <= minFixStepDist)
                for (currentStepFix = 0; currentStepFix < totalFixSteps; currentStepFix++)
                    fixStepDist += stepFixPts[currentStepFix].heading;
                    if (fixStepDist > minFixStepDist)
                        //if we reached end, keep the oldest and stay till distance is exceeded
                        if (currentStepFix < (totalFixSteps - 1)) currentStepFix++;
                        isFixHolding = false;
                    else isFixHolding = true;

            // only takes a single fix to exceeed min distance
            else currentStepFix = 0;

            //if total distance is less then the addition of all the fixes, keep last one as reference
            if (isFixHolding)
                if (isFixHoldLoaded == false)
                    vHold = stepFixPts[(totalFixSteps - 1)];
                    isFixHoldLoaded = true;

                //cycle thru like normal
                for (int i = totalFixSteps - 1; i > 0; i--) stepFixPts[i] = stepFixPts[i - 1];

                //fill in the latest distance and fix
                stepFixPts[0].heading = pn.Distance(pn.fix, stepFixPts[0]);
                stepFixPts[0].easting = pn.fix.easting;
                stepFixPts[0].northing = pn.fix.northing;

                //reload the last position that was triggered.
                stepFixPts[(totalFixSteps - 1)].heading = pn.Distance(vHold, stepFixPts[(totalFixSteps - 1)]);
                stepFixPts[(totalFixSteps - 1)].easting = vHold.easting;
                stepFixPts[(totalFixSteps - 1)].northing = vHold.northing;

            else //distance is exceeded, time to do all calcs and next frame
                //positions and headings 

                //get rid of hold position
                isFixHoldLoaded = false;

                //don't add the total distance again
                stepFixPts[(totalFixSteps - 1)].heading = 0;

                //grab sentences for logging
                if (isLogNMEA)
                    if (ct.isContourOn)

                //To prevent drawing high numbers of triangles, determine and test before drawing vertex
                sectionTriggerDistance = pn.Distance(pn.fix, prevSectionPos);

                //section on off and points, contour points
                if (sectionTriggerDistance > sectionTriggerStepDistance)
                    //CRecPathPt pt = new CRecPathPt(pn.fix, fixHeading, pn.speed);

                //test if travelled far enough for new boundary point
                double boundaryDistance = pn.Distance(pn.fix, prevBoundaryPos);
                if (boundaryDistance > boundaryTriggerDistance) AddBoundaryAndPerimiterPoint();

                //calc distance travelled since last GPS fix
                distance = pn.Distance(pn.fix, prevFix);
                if ((userDistance += distance) > 3000) userDistance = 0; ;//userDistance can be reset

                //most recent fixes are now the prev ones
                prevFix.easting = pn.fix.easting; prevFix.northing = pn.fix.northing;

                //load up history with valid data
                for (int i = totalFixSteps - 1; i > 0; i--) stepFixPts[i] = stepFixPts[i - 1];
                stepFixPts[0].heading = pn.Distance(pn.fix, stepFixPts[0]);
                stepFixPts[0].easting = pn.fix.easting;
                stepFixPts[0].northing = pn.fix.northing;
            #endregion fix

            #region AutoSteer

            guidanceLineDistanceOff = 32000;    //preset the values

            //do the distance from line calculations for contour and AB
            if (ct.isContourBtnOn) ct.DistanceFromContourLine();
            if (ABLine.isABLineSet && !ct.isContourBtnOn)
                if (yt.isRecordingCustomYouTurn)
                    //save reference of first point
                    if (yt.youFileList.Count == 0)
                        vec2 start = new vec2(pn.fix.easting, pn.fix.northing);
                        //keep adding points
                        vec2 point = new vec2(pn.fix.easting - yt.youFileList[0].easting, pn.fix.northing - yt.youFileList[0].northing);

            // autosteer at full speed of updates
            if (!isAutoSteerBtnOn) //32020 means auto steer is off
                guidanceLineDistanceOff = 32020;

            // If Drive button enabled be normal, or just fool the autosteer and fill values
            if (!ast.isInFreeDriveMode)

                //fill up0 the auto steer array with new values
                mc.autoSteerData[mc.sdSpeed] = (byte)(pn.speed * 4.0);

                mc.autoSteerData[mc.sdDistanceHi] = (byte)(guidanceLineDistanceOff >> 8);
                mc.autoSteerData[mc.sdDistanceLo] = (byte)guidanceLineDistanceOff;

                mc.autoSteerData[mc.sdSteerAngleHi] = (byte)(guidanceLineSteerAngle >> 8);
                mc.autoSteerData[mc.sdSteerAngleLo] = (byte)guidanceLineSteerAngle;

                //out serial to autosteer module  //indivdual classes load the distance and heading deltas 
                SendUDPMessage(guidanceLineSteerAngle + "," + guidanceLineDistanceOff);

                //fill up the auto steer array with free drive values
                mc.autoSteerData[mc.sdSpeed] = (byte)(pn.speed * 4.0 + 8);

                //make steer module think everything is normal
                mc.autoSteerData[mc.sdDistanceHi] = (byte)(0);
                mc.autoSteerData[mc.sdDistanceLo] = (byte)0;

                //out serial to autosteer module  //indivdual classes load the distance and heading deltas 

            #region relayRatecontrol
            //do the relayRateControl
            if (rc.isRateControlOn)
                mc.relayRateData[mc.rdRateSetPointHi] = (byte)((Int16)(rc.rateSetPoint * 100.0) >> 8);
                mc.relayRateData[mc.rdRateSetPointLo] = (byte)(rc.rateSetPoint * 100.0);

                mc.relayRateData[mc.rdSpeedXFour] = (byte)(pn.speed * 4.0);
                //relay byte is built in SerialComm function BuildRelayByte()
                //youturn control byte is built in SerialComm BuildYouTurnByte()
                mc.relayRateData[mc.rdRateSetPointHi] = (byte)0;
                mc.relayRateData[mc.rdRateSetPointHi] = (byte)0;
                mc.relayRateData[mc.rdSpeedXFour] = (byte)(pn.speed * 4.0);
                //relay byte is built in SerialComm.cs - function BuildRelayByte()
                //youturn control byte is built in SerialComm BuildYouTurnByte()

            //send out the port
            RateRelayOutToPort(mc.relayRateData, AgOpenGPS.CModuleComm.numRelayRateDataItems);


            #region Youturn

            //do the auto youturn logic every half second
            if (hl.isSet && yt.isYouTurnBtnOn && isAutoSteerBtnOn)// && (youTurnCounter++ > (fixUpdateHz>>3)))
                //figure out where we are
                yt.isInBoundz = boundz.IsPointInsideBoundary(toolPos);
                yt.isInWorkArea = hl.IsPointInsideHeadland(toolPos);

                //Are we in the headland?
                if (!yt.isInWorkArea && yt.isInBoundz) yt.isInHeadland = true;
                else yt.isInHeadland = false;

                //are we in boundary? Then calc a distance
                if (yt.isInBoundz)
                    if ((int)hl.closestHeadlandPt.easting != -1)
                        distPivot = pn.Distance(pivotAxlePos, hl.closestHeadlandPt);
                    else distPivot = -2;
                else distPivot = -2;

                //trigger the "its ready to generate a youturn when 25m away" but don't make it just yet
                if (distPivot < 25.0 && distPivot > 22 && !yt.isYouTurnTriggered && yt.isInWorkArea)
                    //begin the whole process, all conditions are met

                //Do the sequencing of functions around the turn.
                if (yt.isSequenceTriggered)

                distanceToStartAutoTurn = -1;

                //start counting down - this is not run if shape is drawn
                if (yt.isYouTurnTriggerPointSet && yt.isYouTurnBtnOn)
                    //if we are too much off track, pointing wrong way, kill the turn
                    if ((Math.Abs(guidanceLineSteerAngle) > 50) && (Math.Abs(ABLine.distanceFromCurrentLine) > 500))

                        //how far have we gone since youturn request was triggered
                        distanceToStartAutoTurn = pn.Distance(pivotAxlePos, yt.youTurnTriggerPoint);
                        //youTurnProgressBar = (int)(distanceToStartAutoTurn / (45 + yt.youTurnStartOffset) * 100);                 

                        if (distanceToStartAutoTurn > (25 + yt.youTurnStartOffset))
                            //keep from running this again since youturn is plotted now
                            yt.isYouTurnTriggerPointSet = false;
                            youTurnProgressBar = 0;
                            yt.isLastYouTurnRight = yt.isYouTurnRight;

            else //make sure youturn and sequence is off - we are not in normal turn here
                if(yt.isYouTurnTriggered | yt.isSequenceTriggered)


            //calculate lookahead at full speed, no sentence misses
            CalculateSectionLookAhead(toolPos.northing, toolPos.easting, cosSectionHeading, sinSectionHeading);

            //openGLControl_Draw routine triggered manually

        //end of UppdateFixPosition
コード例 #4
        /// Handles the OpenGLDraw event of the openGLControl control.
        private void openGLControl_OpenGLDraw(object sender, RenderEventArgs e)
            if (isGPSPositionInitialized)
                //  Get the OpenGL object.
                OpenGL gl = openGLControl.OpenGL;

                //  Clear the color and depth buffer.
                gl.Clear(OpenGL.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | OpenGL.GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT);

                //camera does translations and rotations
                camera.SetWorldCam(gl, pivotAxleEasting, fixPosY, pivotAxleNorthing, fixHeadingCam);

                //calculate the frustum planes for culling

                //draw the field ground images

                //Draw the world grid based on camera position

                //if grid is on draw it
                if (isGridOn)

                //turn on blend for paths

                //section patch color
                gl.Color(redSections, grnSections, bluSections, (byte)160);
                if (isDrawPolygons)
                    gl.PolygonMode(OpenGL.GL_FRONT, OpenGL.GL_LINE);

                //draw patches of sections
                for (int j = 0; j < vehicle.numSuperSection; j++)
                    //every time the section turns off and on is a new patch
                    int patchCount = section[j].patchList.Count;

                    //check if in frustum or not
                    bool isDraw;

                    if (patchCount > 0)
                        //initialize the steps for mipmap of triangles (skipping detail while zooming out)
                        int mipmap = 0;
                        if (camera.camSetDistance < -800)
                            mipmap = 2;
                        if (camera.camSetDistance < -1500)
                            mipmap = 4;
                        if (camera.camSetDistance < -2400)
                            mipmap = 8;
                        if (camera.camSetDistance < -4800)
                            mipmap = 16;

                        //for every new chunk of patch
                        foreach (var triList in section[j].patchList)
                            isDraw = false;
                            int count2 = triList.Count;
                            for (int i = 0; i < count2; i += 3)
                                //determine if point is in frustum or not, if < 0, its outside so abort
                                if (frustum[0] * triList[i].x + frustum[2] * triList[i].z + frustum[3] <= 0)
                                if (frustum[4] * triList[i].x + frustum[6] * triList[i].z + frustum[7] <= 0)
                                if (frustum[16] * triList[i].x + frustum[18] * triList[i].z + frustum[19] <= 0)
                                if (frustum[20] * triList[i].x + frustum[22] * triList[i].z + frustum[23] <= 0)
                                if (frustum[8] * triList[i].x + frustum[10] * triList[i].z + frustum[11] <= 0)
                                if (frustum[12] * triList[i].x + frustum[14] * triList[i].z + frustum[15] <= 0)
                                //point is in frustum so draw the entire patch. The downside of triangle strips.
                                isDraw = true;

                            if (isDraw)
                                //draw the triangle in each triangle strip
                                count2 = triList.Count;

                                //if large enough patch and camera zoomed out, fake mipmap the patches, skip triangles
                                if (count2 >= (mipmap + 2))
                                    int step = mipmap;
                                    for (int i = 0; i < count2; i += step)
                                        gl.Vertex(triList[i].x, 0, triList[i].z); i++;
                                        gl.Vertex(triList[i].x, 0, triList[i].z); i++;

                                        //too small to mipmap it
                                        if (count2 - i <= (mipmap + 2))
                                            step = 0;

                                    for (int i = 0; i < count2; i++)
                                        gl.Vertex(triList[i].x, 0, triList[i].z);

                gl.PolygonMode(OpenGL.GL_FRONT, OpenGL.GL_FILL);
                gl.Color(1, 1, 1);

                //draw contour line if button on
                if (ct.isContourBtnOn)

                // draw the current and reference AB Lines
                    if (ABLine.isABLineSet | ABLine.isABLineBeingSet)

                //draw the flags if there are some
                int flagCnt = flagPts.Count;
                if (flagCnt > 0)
                    for (int f = 0; f < flagCnt; f++)
                        if (flagPts[f].color == 0)
                            gl.Color((byte)255, (byte)0, (byte)flagPts[f].ID);
                        if (flagPts[f].color == 1)
                            gl.Color((byte)0, (byte)255, (byte)flagPts[f].ID);
                        if (flagPts[f].color == 2)
                            gl.Color((byte)255, (byte)255, (byte)flagPts[f].ID);
                        gl.Vertex(flagPts[f].easting, 0, flagPts[f].northing);

                    if (flagNumberPicked != 0)
                        ////draw the box around flag
                        gl.Color(0.980f, 0.0f, 0.980f);

                        double offSet = (zoomValue * zoomValue * 0.01);
                        gl.Vertex(flagPts[flagNumberPicked - 1].easting, 0, flagPts[flagNumberPicked - 1].northing + offSet);
                        gl.Vertex(flagPts[flagNumberPicked - 1].easting - offSet, 0, flagPts[flagNumberPicked - 1].northing);
                        gl.Vertex(flagPts[flagNumberPicked - 1].easting, 0, flagPts[flagNumberPicked - 1].northing - offSet);
                        gl.Vertex(flagPts[flagNumberPicked - 1].easting + offSet, 0, flagPts[flagNumberPicked - 1].northing);
                        gl.Vertex(flagPts[flagNumberPicked - 1].easting, 0, flagPts[flagNumberPicked - 1].northing + offSet);


                        //draw the flag with a black dot inside
                        gl.Color(0, 0, 0);
                        gl.Vertex(flagPts[flagNumberPicked - 1].easting, 0, flagPts[flagNumberPicked - 1].northing);

                //draw the perimter line, returns if no line to draw

                //screen text for debug
                //gl.DrawText(10, 15, 1, 1, 1, "Courier", 14, " lookA " + Convert.ToString(section[0].sectionLookAhead));
                //gl.DrawText(10, 30, 1, 1, 1, "Courier", 14, "  step " + Convert.ToString(currentStepFix));
                //gl.DrawText(10, 45, 1, 1, 1, "Courier", 14, "  Curr " + Convert.ToString(distanceCurrentStepFix));
                //gl.DrawText(10, 60, 1, 1, 1, "Courier", 14, "  dist " + Convert.ToString(fixStepDist));
                //gl.DrawText(10, 75, 1, 1, 1, "Courier", 16, "  DD " + Convert.ToString(dist));
                //gl.DrawText(10, 90, 1, 1, 1, "Courier", 12, "   t " + Convert.ToString(t));
                //gl.DrawText(10, 105, 1, 0.5f, 1, "Courier", 12, " TrigSetDist(m) " + Convert.ToString(Math.Round(sectionTriggerStepDistance, 2)));
                // gl.DrawText(10, 120, 1, 0.5, 1, "Courier", 12, " frame msec " + Convert.ToString((int)(frameTime)));

                //draw the vehicle/implement

                //Back to normal
                gl.Color(0.98f, 0.98f, 0.98f);

                //// 2D Ortho --------------------------

                //negative and positive on width, 0 at top to bottom ortho view
                gl.Ortho2D(-(double)Width / 2, (double)Width / 2, (double)Height, 0);

                //  Create the appropriate modelview matrix.

                //draw the background when in 3D
                if (camera.camPitch > -31)
                    //-10 to -32 (top) is camera pitch range. Set skybox to line up with horizon
                    double hite = (camera.camPitch + 32) / 22 * 0.38;

                    //the background
                    double winLeftPos  = -(double)Width / 2;
                    double winRightPos = -winLeftPos;

                    gl.BindTexture(OpenGL.GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture[0]);                 // Select Our Texture
                    gl.Begin(OpenGL.GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP);                               // Build Quad From A Triangle Strip
                    gl.TexCoord(0, 0); gl.Vertex(winRightPos, 0.0);                   // Top Right
                    gl.TexCoord(1, 0); gl.Vertex(winLeftPos, 0.0);                    // Top Left
                    gl.TexCoord(0, 1); gl.Vertex(winRightPos, hite * (double)Height); // Bottom Right
                    gl.TexCoord(1, 1); gl.Vertex(winLeftPos, hite * (double)Height);  // Bottom Left
                    gl.End();                                                         // Done Building Triangle Strip

                    //disable, straight color

                //LightBar if AB Line is set and turned on
                if (isLightbarOn)
                    if (ct.isContourBtnOn)
                        txtDistanceOffABLine.Visible = true;
                        DrawLightBar(openGLControl.Width, openGLControl.Height, ct.distanceFromCurrentLine * 0.1);
                        txtDistanceOffABLine.Text = " " + Convert.ToString((int)Math.Abs(ct.distanceFromCurrentLine * 0.03937)) + " ";
                        if (Math.Abs(ABLine.distanceFromCurrentLine) > 15.0)
                            txtDistanceOffABLine.ForeColor = Color.Yellow;
                            txtDistanceOffABLine.ForeColor = Color.LightGreen;

                        if (ABLine.isABLineSet | ABLine.isABLineBeingSet)
                            txtDistanceOffABLine.Visible = true;
                            DrawLightBar(openGLControl.Width, openGLControl.Height, ABLine.distanceFromCurrentLine * 0.1);
                            txtDistanceOffABLine.Text = " " + Convert.ToString((int)Math.Abs(ABLine.distanceFromCurrentLine * 0.1)) + " ";
                            if (Math.Abs(ABLine.distanceFromCurrentLine) > 15.0)
                                txtDistanceOffABLine.ForeColor = Color.Yellow;
                                txtDistanceOffABLine.ForeColor = Color.LightGreen;

                    //AB line is not set so turn off numbers
                    if (!ABLine.isABLineSet & !ABLine.isABLineBeingSet & !ct.isContourBtnOn)
                        txtDistanceOffABLine.Visible = false;

                    txtDistanceOffABLine.Visible = false;
                gl.Flush();     //finish openGL commands

                gl.PopMatrix(); //  Pop the modelview.

                //  back to the projection and pop it, then back to the model view.

                //reset point size

                if (leftMouseDownOnOpenGL)
                    leftMouseDownOnOpenGL = false;
                    byte[] data1 = new byte[192];

                    //scan the center of click and a set of square points around
                    gl.ReadPixels(mouseX - 4, mouseY - 4, 8, 8, OpenGL.GL_RGB, OpenGL.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, data1);

                    //made it here so no flag found
                    flagNumberPicked = 0;

                    for (int ctr = 0; ctr < 192; ctr += 3)
                        if (data1[ctr] == 255 | data1[ctr + 1] == 255)
                            flagNumberPicked = data1[ctr + 2];

                //draw the section control window off screen buffer
コード例 #5
ファイル: Position.designer.cs プロジェクト: koj564/OpenGrade
        //call for position update after valid NMEA sentence
        private void UpdateFixPosition()
            totalFixSteps = fixUpdateHz * 4;
            if (!isGPSPositionInitialized) { InitializeFirstFewGPSPositions(); return; }

            #region Roll

            if (mc.rollRaw != 9999)
                //calculate how far the antenna moves based on sidehill roll
                double roll = Math.Sin(glm.toRadians(mc.rollRaw/16.0));
                rollCorrectionDistance = Math.Abs(roll * vehicle.antennaHeight);

                // tilt to left is positive  **** important!!
                if (roll > 0)
                    pn.easting = (Math.Cos(fixHeading) * rollCorrectionDistance) + pn.easting;
                    pn.northing = (Math.Sin(fixHeading) * -rollCorrectionDistance) + pn.northing;
                    pn.easting = (Math.Cos(fixHeading) * -rollCorrectionDistance) + pn.easting;
                    pn.northing = (Math.Sin(fixHeading) * rollCorrectionDistance) + pn.northing;

            //tiltDistance = (pitch * vehicle.antennaHeight);
            ////pn.easting = (Math.Sin(fixHeading) * tiltDistance) + pn.easting;
            //pn.northing = (Math.Cos(fixHeading) * tiltDistance) + pn.northing;

            #endregion Roll

            #region Step Fix

            //grab the most current fix and save the distance from the last fix
            distanceCurrentStepFix = pn.Distance(pn.northing, pn.easting, stepFixPts[0].northing, stepFixPts[0].easting);
            fixStepDist = distanceCurrentStepFix;

            //if  min distance isn't exceeded, keep adding old fixes till it does
            if (distanceCurrentStepFix <= minFixStepDist)
                for (currentStepFix = 0; currentStepFix < totalFixSteps; currentStepFix++)
                    fixStepDist += stepFixPts[currentStepFix].heading;
                    if (fixStepDist > minFixStepDist)
                        //if we reached end, keep the oldest and stay till distance is exceeded
                        if (currentStepFix < (totalFixSteps - 1)) currentStepFix++;
                        isFixHolding = false;
                    else isFixHolding = true;

            // only takes a single fix to exceeed min distance
            else currentStepFix = 0;

            //if total distance is less then the addition of all the fixes, keep last one as reference
            if (isFixHolding)
                if (isFixHoldLoaded == false)
                    vHold = stepFixPts[(totalFixSteps - 1)];
                    isFixHoldLoaded = true;

                //cycle thru like normal
                for (int i = totalFixSteps - 1; i > 0; i--) stepFixPts[i] = stepFixPts[i - 1];

                //fill in the latest distance and fix
                stepFixPts[0].heading = pn.Distance(pn.northing, pn.easting, stepFixPts[0].northing, stepFixPts[0].easting);
                stepFixPts[0].easting = pn.easting;
                stepFixPts[0].northing = pn.northing;

                //reload the last position that was triggered.
                stepFixPts[(totalFixSteps - 1)].heading = pn.Distance(vHold.northing, vHold.easting, stepFixPts[(totalFixSteps - 1)].northing, stepFixPts[(totalFixSteps - 1)].easting);
                stepFixPts[(totalFixSteps - 1)].easting = vHold.easting;
                stepFixPts[(totalFixSteps - 1)].northing = vHold.northing;

            else //distance is exceeded, time to do all calcs and next frame
                //positions and headings 

                //get rid of hold position
                isFixHoldLoaded = false;

                //don't add the total distance again
                stepFixPts[(totalFixSteps - 1)].heading = 0;

                //grab sentences for logging
                if (isLogNMEA)
                    if (ct.isContourOn)

                //add another point if on

                //To prevent drawing high numbers of triangles, determine and test before drawing vertex
                sectionTriggerDistance = pn.Distance(pn.northing, pn.easting, prevContourPos.northing, prevContourPos.easting);

                //section on off and points, contour points
                if (sectionTriggerDistance > 0.2)
                    prevContourPos.easting = pn.easting;
                    prevContourPos.northing = pn.northing;

                //calc distance travelled since last GPS fix
                distance = pn.Distance(pn.northing, pn.easting, prevFix.northing, prevFix.easting);
                if ((userDistance += distance) > 9000) userDistance = 0; ;//userDistance can be reset

                //most recent fixes are now the prev ones
                prevFix.easting = pn.easting; prevFix.northing = pn.northing;

                //load up history with valid data
                for (int i = totalFixSteps - 1; i > 0; i--) stepFixPts[i] = stepFixPts[i - 1];
                stepFixPts[0].heading = pn.Distance(pn.northing, pn.easting, stepFixPts[0].northing, stepFixPts[0].easting);
                stepFixPts[0].easting = pn.easting;
                stepFixPts[0].northing = pn.northing;
            #endregion fix

            #region AutoSteer

            guidanceLineDistanceOff = 32000;    //preset the values

            //do the distance from line calculations for contour and AB
            if (ct.isContourBtnOn) ct.DistanceFromContourLine();
            if (ABLine.isABLineSet && !ct.isContourBtnOn)

            // autosteer at full speed of updates
            if (!isAutoSteerBtnOn) //32020 means auto steer is off
                guidanceLineDistanceOff = 32020;

            // If Drive button enabled be normal, or just fool the autosteer and fill values
            if (!isInFreeDriveMode)

                //fill up0 the auto steer array with new values
                mc.autoSteerData[mc.sdSpeed] = (byte)(pn.speed * 4.0);

                mc.autoSteerData[mc.sdDistanceHi] = (byte)(guidanceLineDistanceOff >> 8);
                mc.autoSteerData[mc.sdDistanceLo] = (byte)guidanceLineDistanceOff;

                mc.autoSteerData[mc.sdSteerAngleHi] = (byte)(guidanceLineSteerAngle >> 8);
                mc.autoSteerData[mc.sdSteerAngleLo] = (byte)guidanceLineSteerAngle;

                //out serial to autosteer module  //indivdual classes load the distance and heading deltas 
                SendUDPMessage(guidanceLineSteerAngle + "," + guidanceLineDistanceOff);

                //fill up the auto steer array with free drive values
                mc.autoSteerData[mc.sdSpeed] = (byte)(pn.speed * 4.0 + 8);

                //make steer module think everything is normal
                mc.autoSteerData[mc.sdDistanceHi] = (byte)(0);
                mc.autoSteerData[mc.sdDistanceLo] = (byte)0;

                //out serial to autosteer module  //indivdual classes load the distance and heading deltas 

            //openGLControl_Draw routine triggered manually

        //end of UppdateFixPosition
コード例 #6
        /// Handles the OpenGLDraw event of the openGLControl control.
        private void openGLControl_OpenGLDraw(object sender, RenderEventArgs e)
            if (isGPSPositionInitialized)
                //  Get the OpenGL object.
                OpenGL gl = openGLControl.OpenGL;

                //  Clear the color and depth buffer.
                gl.Clear(OpenGL.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | OpenGL.GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT);

                //camera does translations and rotations
                camera.SetWorldCam(gl, pn.easting, pn.northing, camHeading);

                //draw the field ground images

                ////Draw the world grid based on camera position


                gl.Hint(OpenGL.GL_LINE_SMOOTH_HINT, OpenGL.GL_FASTEST);
                gl.Hint(OpenGL.GL_POINT_SMOOTH_HINT, OpenGL.GL_FASTEST);
                gl.Hint(OpenGL.GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH_HINT, OpenGL.GL_FASTEST);

                ////if grid is on draw it
                if (isGridOn)

                //turn on blend for paths

                //section patch color
                gl.Color(redSections, grnSections, bluSections, (byte)160);
                if (isDrawPolygons)
                    gl.PolygonMode(OpenGL.GL_FRONT, OpenGL.GL_LINE);

                gl.PolygonMode(OpenGL.GL_FRONT, OpenGL.GL_FILL);
                gl.Color(1, 1, 1);

                //draw contour line if button on
                //if (ct.isContourBtnOn)

                // draw the current and reference AB Lines
                if (ABLine.isABLineSet | ABLine.isABLineBeingSet)

                //draw the flags if there are some
                int flagCnt = flagPts.Count;
                if (flagCnt > 0)
                    for (int f = 0; f < flagCnt; f++)
                        if (flagPts[f].color == 0)
                            gl.Color((byte)255, (byte)0, (byte)flagPts[f].ID);
                        if (flagPts[f].color == 1)
                            gl.Color((byte)0, (byte)255, (byte)flagPts[f].ID);
                        if (flagPts[f].color == 2)
                            gl.Color((byte)255, (byte)255, (byte)flagPts[f].ID);
                        gl.Vertex(flagPts[f].easting, flagPts[f].northing, 0);

                    if (flagNumberPicked != 0)
                        ////draw the box around flag
                        gl.Color(0.980f, 0.0f, 0.980f);

                        double offSet = (zoomValue * zoomValue * 0.01);
                        gl.Vertex(flagPts[flagNumberPicked - 1].easting, flagPts[flagNumberPicked - 1].northing + offSet, 0);
                        gl.Vertex(flagPts[flagNumberPicked - 1].easting - offSet, flagPts[flagNumberPicked - 1].northing, 0);
                        gl.Vertex(flagPts[flagNumberPicked - 1].easting, flagPts[flagNumberPicked - 1].northing - offSet, 0);
                        gl.Vertex(flagPts[flagNumberPicked - 1].easting + offSet, flagPts[flagNumberPicked - 1].northing, 0);
                        gl.Vertex(flagPts[flagNumberPicked - 1].easting, flagPts[flagNumberPicked - 1].northing + offSet, 0);


                        //draw the flag with a black dot inside
                        gl.Color(0, 0, 0);
                        gl.Vertex(flagPts[flagNumberPicked - 1].easting, flagPts[flagNumberPicked - 1].northing, 0);

                //screen text for debug
                //gl.DrawText(120, 10, 1, 1, 1, "Courier Bold", 18, "Head: " + saveCounter.ToString("N1"));
                //gl.DrawText(120, 40, 1, 1, 1, "Courier Bold", 18, "Tool: " + distTool.ToString("N1"));
                //gl.DrawText(120, 70, 1, 1, 1, "Courier Bold", 18, "Where: " + yt.whereAmI.ToString());
                //gl.DrawText(120, 100, 1, 1, 1, "Courier Bold", 18, "Seq: " + yt.isSequenceTriggered.ToString());
                //gl.DrawText(120, 40, 1, 1, 1, "Courier Bold", 18, "  GPS: " + Convert.ToString(Math.Round(glm.toDegrees(gpsHeading), 2)));
                //gl.DrawText(120, 70, 1, 1, 1, "Courier Bold", 18, "Fixed: " + Convert.ToString(Math.Round(glm.toDegrees(gyroCorrected), 2)));
                //gl.DrawText(120, 100, 1, 1, 1, "Courier Bold", 18, "L/Min: " + Convert.ToString(rc.CalculateRateLitersPerMinute()));
                //gl.DrawText(120, 130, 1, 1, 1, "Courier", 18, "       Roll: " + Convert.ToString(glm.toDegrees(rollDistance)));
                //gl.DrawText(120, 160, 1, 1, 1, "Courier", 18, "       Turn: " + Convert.ToString(Math.Round(turnDelta, 4)));
                //gl.DrawText(40, 120, 1, 0.5, 1, "Courier", 12, " frame msec " + Convert.ToString((int)(frameTime)));

                //draw the vehicle/implement

                //Back to normal
                gl.Color(0.98f, 0.98f, 0.98f);

                //// 2D Ortho --------------------------

                //negative and positive on width, 0 at top to bottom ortho view
                gl.Ortho2D(-(double)Width / 2, (double)Width / 2, (double)Height, 0);

                //  Create the appropriate modelview matrix.

                if (isSkyOn)
                    ////draw the background when in 3D
                    if (camera.camPitch < -60)
                        //-10 to -32 (top) is camera pitch range. Set skybox to line up with horizon
                        double hite = (camera.camPitch + 60) / -20 * 0.34;
                        //hite = 0.001;

                        //the background
                        double winLeftPos  = -(double)Width / 2;
                        double winRightPos = -winLeftPos;
                        gl.BindTexture(OpenGL.GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture[0]);                 // Select Our Texture

                        gl.Begin(OpenGL.GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP);                               // Build Quad From A Triangle Strip
                        gl.TexCoord(0, 0); gl.Vertex(winRightPos, 0.0);                   // Top Right
                        gl.TexCoord(1, 0); gl.Vertex(winLeftPos, 0.0);                    // Top Left
                        gl.TexCoord(0, 1); gl.Vertex(winRightPos, hite * (double)Height); // Bottom Right
                        gl.TexCoord(1, 1); gl.Vertex(winLeftPos, hite * (double)Height);  // Bottom Left
                        gl.End();                                                         // Done Building Triangle Strip

                        //disable, straight color

                //LightBar if AB Line is set and turned on or contour
                if (isLightbarOn)
                    if (ct.isContourBtnOn)
                        string dist;
                        txtDistanceOffABLine.Visible = true;
                        //lblDelta.Visible = true;
                        if (ct.distanceFromCurrentLine == 32000)
                            ct.distanceFromCurrentLine = 0;

                        DrawLightBar(openGLControl.Width, openGLControl.Height, ct.distanceFromCurrentLine * 0.1);
                        if ((ct.distanceFromCurrentLine) < 0.0)
                            txtDistanceOffABLine.ForeColor = Color.Green;
                            if (isMetric)
                                dist = ((int)Math.Abs(ct.distanceFromCurrentLine * 0.1)) + " ->";
                                dist = ((int)Math.Abs(ct.distanceFromCurrentLine / 2.54 * 0.1)) + " ->";
                            txtDistanceOffABLine.Text = dist;

                            txtDistanceOffABLine.ForeColor = Color.Red;
                            if (isMetric)
                                dist = "<- " + ((int)Math.Abs(ct.distanceFromCurrentLine * 0.1));
                                dist = "<- " + ((int)Math.Abs(ct.distanceFromCurrentLine / 2.54 * 0.1));
                            txtDistanceOffABLine.Text = dist;

                        //if (guidanceLineHeadingDelta < 0) lblDelta.ForeColor = Color.Red;
                        //else lblDelta.ForeColor = Color.Green;

                        if (guidanceLineDistanceOff == 32020 | guidanceLineDistanceOff == 32000)
                            btnAutoSteer.Text = "-";
                            btnAutoSteer.Text = "Y";

                        if (ABLine.isABLineSet | ABLine.isABLineBeingSet)
                            string dist;

                            txtDistanceOffABLine.Visible = true;
                            //lblDelta.Visible = true;
                            DrawLightBar(openGLControl.Width, openGLControl.Height, ABLine.distanceFromCurrentLine * 0.1);
                            if ((ABLine.distanceFromCurrentLine) < 0.0)
                                // --->
                                txtDistanceOffABLine.ForeColor = Color.Green;
                                if (isMetric)
                                    dist = ((int)Math.Abs(ABLine.distanceFromCurrentLine * 0.1)) + " ->";
                                    dist = ((int)Math.Abs(ABLine.distanceFromCurrentLine / 2.54 * 0.1)) + " ->";
                                txtDistanceOffABLine.Text = dist;

                                // <----
                                txtDistanceOffABLine.ForeColor = Color.Red;
                                if (isMetric)
                                    dist = "<- " + ((int)Math.Abs(ABLine.distanceFromCurrentLine * 0.1));
                                    dist = "<- " + ((int)Math.Abs(ABLine.distanceFromCurrentLine / 2.54 * 0.1));
                                txtDistanceOffABLine.Text = dist;

                            //if (guidanceLineHeadingDelta < 0) lblDelta.ForeColor = Color.Red;
                            //else lblDelta.ForeColor = Color.Green;
                            if (guidanceLineDistanceOff == 32020 | guidanceLineDistanceOff == 32000)
                                btnAutoSteer.Text = "-";
                                btnAutoSteer.Text = "Y";

                    //AB line is not set so turn off numbers
                    if (!ABLine.isABLineSet & !ABLine.isABLineBeingSet & !ct.isContourBtnOn)
                        txtDistanceOffABLine.Visible = false;
                        btnAutoSteer.Text            = "-";
                    txtDistanceOffABLine.Visible = false;
                    btnAutoSteer.Text            = "-";

                gl.Flush();     //finish openGL commands
                gl.PopMatrix(); //  Pop the modelview.

                //  back to the projection and pop it, then back to the model view.

                //reset point size

                if (leftMouseDownOnOpenGL)
                    leftMouseDownOnOpenGL = false;
                    byte[] data1 = new byte[192];

                    //scan the center of click and a set of square points around
                    gl.ReadPixels(mouseX - 4, mouseY - 4, 8, 8, OpenGL.GL_RGB, OpenGL.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, data1);

                    //made it here so no flag found
                    flagNumberPicked = 0;

                    for (int ctr = 0; ctr < 192; ctr += 3)
                        if (data1[ctr] == 255 | data1[ctr + 1] == 255)
                            flagNumberPicked = data1[ctr + 2];

                //digital input Master control (WorkSwitch)
                if (isJobStarted && mc.isWorkSwitchEnabled)
                    //check condition of work switch
                    if (mc.isWorkSwitchActiveLow)
                        //if (mc.workSwitchValue == 0)
                        //if (mc.workSwitchValue == 1)

                //stop the timer and calc how long it took to do calcs and draw
                frameTime = (double)swFrame.ElapsedTicks / (double)System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.Frequency * 1000;

                //if a couple minute has elapsed save the field in case of crash and to be able to resume
                if (saveCounter > 60)       //2 counts per second X 60 seconds = 120 counts per minute.
                    if (isJobStarted && stripOnlineGPS.Value != 1)
                        //auto save the field patches, contours accumulated so far

                        //NMEA log file
                        if (isLogNMEA)
                    saveCounter = 0;

コード例 #7
        //call for position update after valid NMEA sentence
        private void UpdateFixPosition()
            totalFixSteps = fixUpdateHz * 4;
            if (!isGPSPositionInitialized) { InitializeFirstFewGPSPositions(); return; }

            #region Roll

            if (mc.rollRaw != 9999)
                //calculate how far the antenna moves based on sidehill roll
                double roll = Math.Sin(glm.toRadians(mc.rollRaw/16.0));
                rollCorrectionDistance = Math.Abs(roll * vehicle.antennaHeight);

                // tilt to left is positive  **** important!!
                if (roll > 0)
                    pn.easting = (Math.Cos(fixHeading) * rollCorrectionDistance) + pn.easting;
                    pn.northing = (Math.Sin(fixHeading) * -rollCorrectionDistance) + pn.northing;
                    pn.easting = (Math.Cos(fixHeading) * -rollCorrectionDistance) + pn.easting;
                    pn.northing = (Math.Sin(fixHeading) * rollCorrectionDistance) + pn.northing;

            //tiltDistance = (pitch * vehicle.antennaHeight);
            ////pn.easting = (Math.Sin(fixHeading) * tiltDistance) + pn.easting;
            //pn.northing = (Math.Cos(fixHeading) * tiltDistance) + pn.northing;

            #endregion Roll

            #region Step Fix

            //grab the most current fix and save the distance from the last fix
            distanceCurrentStepFix = pn.Distance(pn.northing, pn.easting, stepFixPts[0].northing, stepFixPts[0].easting);
            fixStepDist = distanceCurrentStepFix;

            //if  min distance isn't exceeded, keep adding old fixes till it does
            if (distanceCurrentStepFix <= minFixStepDist)
                for (currentStepFix = 0; currentStepFix < totalFixSteps; currentStepFix++)
                    fixStepDist += stepFixPts[currentStepFix].heading;
                    if (fixStepDist > minFixStepDist)
                        //if we reached end, keep the oldest and stay till distance is exceeded
                        if (currentStepFix < (totalFixSteps - 1)) currentStepFix++;
                        isFixHolding = false;
                    else isFixHolding = true;

            // only takes a single fix to exceeed min distance
            else currentStepFix = 0;

            //if total distance is less then the addition of all the fixes, keep last one as reference
            if (isFixHolding)
                if (isFixHoldLoaded == false)
                    vHold = stepFixPts[(totalFixSteps - 1)];
                    isFixHoldLoaded = true;

                //cycle thru like normal
                for (int i = totalFixSteps - 1; i > 0; i--) stepFixPts[i] = stepFixPts[i - 1];

                //fill in the latest distance and fix
                stepFixPts[0].heading = pn.Distance(pn.northing, pn.easting, stepFixPts[0].northing, stepFixPts[0].easting);
                stepFixPts[0].easting = pn.easting;
                stepFixPts[0].northing = pn.northing;

                //reload the last position that was triggered.
                stepFixPts[(totalFixSteps - 1)].heading = pn.Distance(vHold.northing, vHold.easting, stepFixPts[(totalFixSteps - 1)].northing, stepFixPts[(totalFixSteps - 1)].easting);
                stepFixPts[(totalFixSteps - 1)].easting = vHold.easting;
                stepFixPts[(totalFixSteps - 1)].northing = vHold.northing;

            else //distance is exceeded, time to do all calcs and next frame
                //positions and headings 

                //get rid of hold position
                isFixHoldLoaded = false;

                //don't add the total distance again
                stepFixPts[(totalFixSteps - 1)].heading = 0;

                //grab sentences for logging
                if (isLogNMEA)
                    if (ct.isContourOn)

                //To prevent drawing high numbers of triangles, determine and test before drawing vertex
                sectionTriggerDistance = pn.Distance(pn.northing, pn.easting, prevSectionPos.northing, prevSectionPos.easting);

                //section on off and points, contour points
                if (sectionTriggerDistance > sectionTriggerStepDistance)    

                //test if travelled far enough for new boundary point
                double boundaryDistance = pn.Distance(pn.northing, pn.easting, prevBoundaryPos.northing, prevBoundaryPos.easting);
                if (boundaryDistance > boundaryTriggerDistance) AddBoundaryAndPerimiterPoint();

                //calc distance travelled since last GPS fix
                distance = pn.Distance(pn.northing, pn.easting, prevFix.northing, prevFix.easting);
                if ((userDistance += distance) > 3000) userDistance = 0; ;//userDistance can be reset

                //most recent fixes are now the prev ones
                prevFix.easting = pn.easting; prevFix.northing = pn.northing;

                //load up history with valid data
                for (int i = totalFixSteps - 1; i > 0; i--) stepFixPts[i] = stepFixPts[i - 1];
                stepFixPts[0].heading = pn.Distance(pn.northing, pn.easting, stepFixPts[0].northing, stepFixPts[0].easting);
                stepFixPts[0].easting = pn.easting;
                stepFixPts[0].northing = pn.northing;
            #endregion fix

            #region AutoSteer

            guidanceLineDistanceOff = 32000;    //preset the values

            //do the distance from line calculations for contour and AB
            if (ct.isContourBtnOn) ct.DistanceFromContourLine();
            if (ABLine.isABLineSet && !ct.isContourBtnOn)
                if (yt.isRecordingYouTurn)
                    //save reference of first point
                    if (yt.youFileList.Count == 0)
                        vec2 start = new vec2(pn.easting, pn.northing);
                        //keep adding points
                        vec2 point = new vec2(pn.easting - yt.youFileList[0].easting, pn.northing - yt.youFileList[0].northing);

            // autosteer at full speed of updates
            if (!isAutoSteerBtnOn) //32020 means auto steer is off
                guidanceLineDistanceOff = 32020;

            // If Drive button enabled be normal, or just fool the autosteer and fill values
            if (!isInFreeDriveMode)

                //fill up0 the auto steer array with new values
                mc.autoSteerData[mc.sdSpeed] = (byte)(pn.speed * 4.0);

                mc.autoSteerData[mc.sdDistanceHi] = (byte)(guidanceLineDistanceOff >> 8);
                mc.autoSteerData[mc.sdDistanceLo] = (byte)guidanceLineDistanceOff;

                mc.autoSteerData[mc.sdSteerAngleHi] = (byte)(guidanceLineSteerAngle >> 8);
                mc.autoSteerData[mc.sdSteerAngleLo] = (byte)guidanceLineSteerAngle;

                //out serial to autosteer module  //indivdual classes load the distance and heading deltas 
                SendUDPMessage(guidanceLineSteerAngle + "," + guidanceLineDistanceOff);

                //fill up the auto steer array with free drive values
                mc.autoSteerData[mc.sdSpeed] = (byte)(pn.speed * 4.0 + 8);

                //make steer module think everything is normal
                mc.autoSteerData[mc.sdDistanceHi] = (byte)(0);
                mc.autoSteerData[mc.sdDistanceLo] = (byte)0;

                //out serial to autosteer module  //indivdual classes load the distance and heading deltas 

            //do the relayRateControl
            if (rc.isRateControlOn)
                mc.relayRateData[mc.rdRateSetPointHi] = (byte)((Int16)(rc.rateSetPoint * 100.0) >> 8);
                mc.relayRateData[mc.rdRateSetPointLo] = (byte)(rc.rateSetPoint * 100.0);

                mc.relayRateData[mc.rdSpeedXFour] = (byte)(pn.speed * 4.0);
                //relay byte is built in SerialComm function BuildRelayByte()
                mc.relayRateData[mc.rdRateSetPointHi] = (byte)0;
                mc.relayRateData[mc.rdRateSetPointHi] = (byte)0;
                mc.relayRateData[mc.rdSpeedXFour] = (byte)(pn.speed * 4.0);
                //relay byte is built in SerialComm fx BuildRelayByte()


            //send out the port
            RateRelayOutToPort(mc.relayRateData, AgOpenGPS.CModuleComm.numRelayRateDataItems);

            //calculate lookahead at full speed, no sentence misses
            CalculateSectionLookAhead(toolPos.northing, toolPos.easting, cosSectionHeading, sinSectionHeading);

            //do the youturn logic every half second
            if (boundary.isSet && (youTurnCounter++ > (fixUpdateHz>>2)))
                //reset the counter
                youTurnCounter = 0;

                //are we in boundary? Then calc a distance
                if (boundary.IsPrePointInPolygon(pivotAxlePos))
                    bool isVehicleInsideBoundary = boundary.IsPrePointInPolygon(pivotAxlePos);
                    if (isVehicleInsideBoundary)
                        if ((int)boundary.closestBoundaryPt.easting != -1)
                            distPt = pn.Distance(pivotAxlePos.northing, pivotAxlePos.easting, boundary.closestBoundaryPt.northing, boundary.closestBoundaryPt.easting);
                        else distPt = -2;
                    else distPt = -2;
                else distPt = -2;

                //trigger the "its ready to generate a youturn when 50m away" but don't make it just yet
                if (distPt < 50.0 && distPt > 40 && !yt.isAutoTriggered && yt.isAutoYouTurnEnabled)
                    yt.isAutoTriggered = true;

                    //data buffer for pixels read from off screen buffer
                    byte[] grnPix = new byte[401];

                    //read a pixel line across full buffer width
                    OpenGL gl = openGLControlBack.OpenGL;
                    gl.ReadPixels(0, 205, 399, 1, OpenGL.GL_GREEN, OpenGL.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, grnPix);

                    //set up the positions to scan in the array for applied
                    int leftPos = vehicle.rpXPosition - 15;
                    if (leftPos < 0) leftPos = 0;
                    int rightPos = vehicle.rpXPosition + vehicle.rpWidth + 15;
                    if (rightPos > 399) rightPos = 399;

                    //do we need a left or right turn
                    bool isGrnOnLeft = false, isGrnOnRight = false;

                    //green on left means turn right
                    for (int j = leftPos; j < vehicle.rpXPosition; j++)
                    { if (grnPix[j] > 50) isGrnOnLeft = true; else isGrnOnLeft = false; }

                    //green on right means turn left
                    for (int j = (rightPos - 10); j < rightPos; j++)
                    { if (grnPix[j] > 50) isGrnOnRight = true; else isGrnOnRight = false; }

                    //one side or the other - but not both
                    if (!isGrnOnLeft && isGrnOnRight || isGrnOnLeft && !isGrnOnRight)
                        //set point and save to start measuring from
                        yt.isAutoPointSet = true;
                        yt.autoYouTurnTriggerPoint = pivotAxlePos;

                        if (isGrnOnRight) yt.isAutoTurnRight = false;
                        else yt.isAutoTurnRight = true;

                    //can't determine which way to turn, so pick opposite of last turn
                        yt.isAutoPointSet = true;
                        yt.autoYouTurnTriggerPoint = pivotAxlePos;

                        //just do the opposite of last turn
                        yt.isAutoTurnRight = !yt.isLastAutoTurnRight;
                        yt.isLastAutoTurnRight = !yt.isLastAutoTurnRight;

                    //modify the buttons to show the correct turn direction
                    if (yt.isAutoTurnRight)
                        AutoYouTurnButtonsRightTurn();                    }

                distanceToStartAutoTurn = -1;

                //start counting down
                if (yt.isAutoPointSet && yt.isAutoYouTurnEnabled)
                    //if we are too much off track, pointing wrong way, kill the turn
                    if ((Math.Abs(guidanceLineSteerAngle) > 50) && (Math.Abs(ABLine.distanceFromCurrentLine) > 500))
                        distanceToStartAutoTurn = -1;
                        autoTurnInProgressBar = 0;
                        //how far have we gone since youturn request was triggered
                        distanceToStartAutoTurn = pn.Distance(pivotAxlePos.northing, pivotAxlePos.easting, yt.autoYouTurnTriggerPoint.northing, yt.autoYouTurnTriggerPoint.easting);
                        autoTurnInProgressBar = (int)(distanceToStartAutoTurn / (50 + yt.startYouTurnAt) * 100);                 

                        if (distanceToStartAutoTurn > (50 + yt.startYouTurnAt))
                            //keep from running this again since youturn is plotted now
                            yt.isAutoPointSet = false;
                            autoTurnInProgressBar = 0;
                            yt.isLastAutoTurnRight = yt.isAutoTurnRight;

            //openGLControl_Draw routine triggered manually

        //end of UppdateFixPosition
コード例 #8
        private void UpdateFixPosition()
            totalFixSteps = fixUpdateHz * 6;
            if (!isGPSPositionInitialized) { InitializeFirstFewGPSPositions(); return; }

            #region Antenna Offset

            if (vehicle.antennaOffset != 0)
                if (vehicle.antennaOffset < 0)
                    offset -= 0.01;
                    if (offset < vehicle.antennaOffset) offset = vehicle.antennaOffset;
                    pn.fix.easting = (Math.Cos(-fixHeading) * offset) + pn.fix.easting;
                    pn.fix.northing = (Math.Sin(-fixHeading) * offset) + pn.fix.northing;

                    offset += 0.01;
                    if (offset > vehicle.antennaOffset) offset = vehicle.antennaOffset;
                    pn.fix.easting = (Math.Cos(-fixHeading) * offset) + pn.fix.easting;
                    pn.fix.northing = (Math.Sin(-fixHeading) * offset) + pn.fix.northing;


            #region Roll

            rollUsed = 0;

            if ((ahrs.isRollBrick | ahrs.isRollDogs | ahrs.isRollPAOGI) && mc.rollRaw != 9999)
                //for charting in GPS Data window
                eastingBeforeRoll = pn.fix.easting;
                rollUsed = (double)mc.rollRaw/16;

                //calculate how far the antenna moves based on sidehill roll
                double roll = Math.Sin(glm.toRadians((mc.rollRaw - ahrs.rollZero) * 0.0625));

                //change for roll to the right is positive times -1
                rollCorrectionDistance = roll * vehicle.antennaHeight * -1.0;

                // roll to left is positive  **** important!!
                // not any more - April 30, 2019 - roll to right is positive
                pn.fix.easting = (Math.Cos(-fixHeading) * rollCorrectionDistance) + pn.fix.easting;
                pn.fix.northing = (Math.Sin(-fixHeading) * rollCorrectionDistance) + pn.fix.northing;

                //for charting the position after roll adjustment
                eastingAfterRoll = pn.fix.easting;
                eastingAfterRoll = pn.fix.easting;
                eastingBeforeRoll = pn.fix.easting;

            //pitchDistance = (pitch * vehicle.antennaHeight);
            //pn.fix.easting = (Math.Sin(fixHeading) * pitchDistance) + pn.fix.easting;
            //pn.fix.northing = (Math.Cos(fixHeading) * pitchDistance) + pn.fix.northing;

            #endregion Roll

            #region Step Fix

            //**** heading of the vec3 structure is used for distance in Step fix!!!!!

            //grab the most current fix and save the distance from the last fix
            distanceCurrentStepFix = glm.Distance(pn.fix, stepFixPts[0]);
            if (vehicle.treeSpacing != 0 && section[0].isSectionOn) treeSpacingCounter += (distanceCurrentStepFix*100);
            //keep the distance below spacing
            while (treeSpacingCounter > vehicle.treeSpacing && vehicle.treeSpacing != 0) treeSpacingCounter -= vehicle.treeSpacing;            

            fixStepDist = distanceCurrentStepFix;

            //if  min distance isn't exceeded, keep adding old fixes till it does
            if (distanceCurrentStepFix <= minFixStepDist)
                for (currentStepFix = 0; currentStepFix < totalFixSteps; currentStepFix++)
                    fixStepDist += stepFixPts[currentStepFix].heading;
                    if (fixStepDist > minFixStepDist)
                        //if we reached end, keep the oldest and stay till distance is exceeded
                        if (currentStepFix < (totalFixSteps - 1)) currentStepFix++;
                        isFixHolding = false;
                    else isFixHolding = true;

            // only takes a single fix to exceeed min distance
            else currentStepFix = 0;

            //if total distance is less then the addition of all the fixes, keep last one as reference
            if (isFixHolding)
                if (isFixHoldLoaded == false)
                    vHold = stepFixPts[(totalFixSteps - 1)];
                    isFixHoldLoaded = true;

                //cycle thru like normal
                for (int i = totalFixSteps - 1; i > 0; i--) stepFixPts[i] = stepFixPts[i - 1];

                //fill in the latest distance and fix
                stepFixPts[0].heading = glm.Distance(pn.fix, stepFixPts[0]);
                stepFixPts[0].easting = pn.fix.easting;
                stepFixPts[0].northing = pn.fix.northing;

                //reload the last position that was triggered.
                stepFixPts[(totalFixSteps - 1)].heading = glm.Distance(vHold, stepFixPts[(totalFixSteps - 1)]);
                stepFixPts[(totalFixSteps - 1)].easting = vHold.easting;
                stepFixPts[(totalFixSteps - 1)].northing = vHold.northing;

            else //distance is exceeded, time to do all calcs and next frame
                //positions and headings 

                //get rid of hold position
                isFixHoldLoaded = false;

                //don't add the total distance again
                stepFixPts[(totalFixSteps - 1)].heading = 0;

                //grab sentences for logging
                if (isLogNMEA)  { if (ct.isContourOn)  { pn.logNMEASentence.Append(recvSentenceSettings); } }

                //To prevent drawing high numbers of triangles, determine and test before drawing vertex
                sectionTriggerDistance = glm.Distance(pn.fix, prevSectionPos);

                //section on off and points, contour points
                if (sectionTriggerDistance > sectionTriggerStepDistance && isJobStarted)

                //calc distance travelled since last GPS fix
                distance = glm.Distance(pn.fix, prevFix);
                if ((fd.distanceUser += distance) > 3000) fd.distanceUser = 0; ;//userDistance can be reset

                //most recent fixes are now the prev ones
                prevFix.easting = pn.fix.easting; prevFix.northing = pn.fix.northing;

                //load up history with valid data
                for (int i = totalFixSteps - 1; i > 0; i--) stepFixPts[i] = stepFixPts[i - 1];
                stepFixPts[0].heading = glm.Distance(pn.fix, stepFixPts[0]);
                stepFixPts[0].easting = pn.fix.easting;
                stepFixPts[0].northing = pn.fix.northing;
            #endregion fix

            #region AutoSteer

            //preset the values
            guidanceLineDistanceOff = 32000;    

            if (ct.isContourBtnOn)
                ct.DistanceFromContourLine(pivotAxlePos, steerAxlePos);
                if (curve.isCurveSet)
                    //do the calcs for AB Curve
                    curve.GetCurrentCurveLine(pivotAxlePos, steerAxlePos);

                if (ABLine.isABLineSet)
                    ABLine.GetCurrentABLine(pivotAxlePos, steerAxlePos);

            // autosteer at full speed of updates
            if (!isAutoSteerBtnOn) //32020 means auto steer is off
                guidanceLineDistanceOff = 32020;

            // If Drive button enabled be normal, or just fool the autosteer and fill values
            if (!ast.isInFreeDriveMode)
                if (ahrs.isHeadingPAOGI)
                    guidanceLineSteerAngle = (Int16)(guidanceLineSteerAngle + (pn.nRoll * ((double)mc.autoSteerSettings[mc.ssKd]) * 4.166666));

                //fill up0 the appropriate arrays with new values
                mc.autoSteerData[mc.sdSpeed] = (byte)(pn.speed * 4.0);
                mc.machineControlData[mc.cnSpeed] = mc.autoSteerData[mc.sdSpeed];

                mc.autoSteerData[mc.sdDistanceHi] = (byte)(guidanceLineDistanceOff >> 8);
                mc.autoSteerData[mc.sdDistanceLo] = (byte)guidanceLineDistanceOff;

                mc.autoSteerData[mc.sdSteerAngleHi] = (byte)(guidanceLineSteerAngle >> 8);
                mc.autoSteerData[mc.sdSteerAngleLo] = (byte)guidanceLineSteerAngle;

                //out serial to autosteer module  //indivdual classes load the distance and heading deltas 

                //fill up the auto steer array with free drive values
                mc.autoSteerData[mc.sdSpeed] = (byte)(pn.speed * 4.0 + 8);
                mc.machineControlData[mc.cnSpeed] = mc.autoSteerData[mc.sdSpeed];

                //make steer module think everything is normal
                mc.autoSteerData[mc.sdDistanceHi] = (byte)(0);
                mc.autoSteerData[mc.sdDistanceLo] = (byte)0;

                //out serial to autosteer module  //indivdual classes load the distance and heading deltas 

            //for average cross track error
            if (guidanceLineDistanceOff < 29000)
                avgXTE[avgXTECntr] = Math.Abs(guidanceLineDistanceOff);
                if (avgXTECntr++ > 10) avgXTECntr = 0;
                crossTrackError = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++)
                     crossTrackError += (int)avgXTE[i];
                crossTrackError /= 10;
                avgXTE[avgXTECntr] = 0;
                if (avgXTECntr++ > 10) avgXTECntr = 0;
                crossTrackError = 0;


            //calculate lookahead at full speed, no sentence misses
            CalculateSectionLookAhead(toolPos.northing, toolPos.easting, cosSectionHeading, sinSectionHeading);

            //update main window

            //end of UppdateFixPosition
コード例 #9
        //call for position update after valid NMEA sentence
        private void UpdateFixPosition()
            totalFixSteps = fixUpdateHz * 4;

            if (!isGPSPositionInitialized) {  InitializeFirstFewGPSPositions();   return;  }
    #region tilt
            //average out angular velocity
            int times = 30;
            avgAngularVelocity[ringCounterTiltRoll] = modcom.angularVelocity;
            if (ringCounterAngularVelocity++ == times) ringCounterAngularVelocity = 0;
            angVel = 0;
            for (int c = 0; c <= times - 1; c++) angVel += avgAngularVelocity[c];
            angVel /= times;
            avgAngVel = Math.Round(angVel, 1);

            //average out the roll angle
            times = 5;
            avgTiltRoll[ringCounterTiltRoll] = modcom.rollAngle+rollZero;
            if (ringCounterTiltRoll++ == times) ringCounterTiltRoll = 0;
            roll = 0;
            for (int c = 0; c <= times - 1; c++) roll += avgTiltRoll[c];
            roll /= times;
            avgRoll = Math.Round(roll, 1);

            //Convert 16 bit int to degrees, take the sin of it
            roll = Math.Sin(glm.toRadians(roll));
            tiltDistance = Math.Abs(roll * vehicle.antennaHeight);

            ////tilt to left is positive 
            //if (roll > 0)
            //    pn.easting = (Math.Cos(fixHeading) * tiltDistance) + pn.easting;
            //    pn.northing = (Math.Sin(fixHeading) * -tiltDistance) + pn.northing;

            //    pn.easting = (Math.Cos(fixHeading) * -tiltDistance) + pn.easting;
            //    pn.northing = (Math.Sin(fixHeading) * tiltDistance) + pn.northing;

            //average out the pitch angle
            times = 5;
            avgTiltPitch[ringCounterTiltPitch] = modcom.pitchAngle+pitchZero;
            if (ringCounterTiltPitch++ == times - 1) ringCounterTiltPitch = 0;
            pitch = 0;
            for (int c = 0; c < times; c++) pitch += avgTiltPitch[c];
            pitch /= times;
            avgPitch = Math.Round(pitch, 1);
            //Convert 16 bit int to degrees, take the sin of it
            pitch = Math.Sin(glm.toRadians(pitch));

            tiltDistance = (pitch * vehicle.antennaHeight);
            //pn.easting = (Math.Sin(fixHeading) * tiltDistance) + pn.easting;
            //pn.northing = (Math.Cos(fixHeading) * tiltDistance) + pn.northing;


    #region Step Fix

            distanceCurrentStepFix = pn.Distance(pn.northing, pn.easting, stepFixPts[0].z, stepFixPts[0].x);
            fixStepDist = distanceCurrentStepFix;

            if (distanceCurrentStepFix <= minFixStepDist)
                for (currentStepFix = 0; currentStepFix < totalFixSteps; currentStepFix++)
                    fixStepDist += stepFixPts[currentStepFix].h;
                    if (fixStepDist > minFixStepDist)
                        if (currentStepFix < (totalFixSteps-1) ) currentStepFix++; 
                        isFixHolding = false;
                    else isFixHolding = true;
            else currentStepFix = 0;

            //if total distance is less then the addition of all the fixes, keep last one as reference
            if (isFixHolding)
                if (isFixHoldLoaded == false)
                    vHold = stepFixPts[(totalFixSteps - 1)];
                    isFixHoldLoaded = true;

                //cycle thru like normal
                for (int i = totalFixSteps - 1; i > 0; i--) stepFixPts[i] = stepFixPts[i - 1];

                //fill in the latest distance and fix
                stepFixPts[0].h = pn.Distance(pn.northing, pn.easting, stepFixPts[0].z, stepFixPts[0].x);
                stepFixPts[0].x = pn.easting;
                stepFixPts[0].z = pn.northing;

                //reload the last position that was triggered.
                stepFixPts[(totalFixSteps - 1)].h = pn.Distance(vHold.z, vHold.x, stepFixPts[(totalFixSteps - 1)].z, stepFixPts[(totalFixSteps - 1)].x);
                stepFixPts[(totalFixSteps - 1)].x = vHold.x;
                stepFixPts[(totalFixSteps - 1)].z = vHold.z;
                //positions and headings 

                isFixHoldLoaded = false;

                stepFixPts[(totalFixSteps - 1)].h = 0;

                //To prevent drawing high numbers of triangles, determine and test before drawing vertex
                sectionTriggerDistance = pn.Distance(toolNorthing, toolEasting, prevSectionNorthing, prevSectionEasting);

                //section on off and points, contour points
                if (sectionTriggerDistance > sectionTriggerStepDistance)

                //calc distance travelled since last GPS fix
                distance = pn.Distance(pn.northing, pn.easting, prevNorthing, prevEasting);
                totalDistance += distance; //distance tally                   
                userDistance += distance;//userDistance can be reset

               //most recent fixes
                prevEasting = pn.easting; prevNorthing = pn.northing;

                //load up history with valid data
                for (int i = totalFixSteps - 1; i > 0; i--) stepFixPts[i] = stepFixPts[i - 1];

                stepFixPts[0].h = pn.Distance(pn.northing, pn.easting, stepFixPts[0].z, stepFixPts[0].x);

                stepFixPts[0].x = pn.easting;
                stepFixPts[0].z = pn.northing;


    #region AutoSteer
            //preset the values
            guidanceLineDistanceOff = 32000;
            guidanceLineHeadingDelta = 0;

            //do the distance from line calculations for contour and AB
            if (ct.isContourBtnOn) ct.DistanceFromContourLine();
            if (ABLine.isABLineSet && !ct.isContourBtnOn) ABLine.getCurrentABLine();

            // autosteer at full speed of updates
            if (!isAutoSteerBtnOn)
                guidanceLineDistanceOff = 32020;
                guidanceLineHeadingDelta = 32020;

            modcom.autoSteerControl[0] = (byte)(guidanceLineDistanceOff >> 8);
            modcom.autoSteerControl[1] = (byte)guidanceLineDistanceOff;

            modcom.autoSteerControl[2] = (byte)(guidanceLineHeadingDelta >> 8);
            modcom.autoSteerControl[3] = (byte)guidanceLineHeadingDelta;

            //out serial to autosteer module  //indivdual classes load the distance and heading deltas 

            //calculate lookahead at full speed, no sentence misses
            CalculateSectionLookAhead(toolNorthing, toolEasting, cosSectionHeading, sinSectionHeading);

            //openGLControl_Draw routine triggered manually

        //end of UppdateFixPosition
コード例 #10
        /// Handles the OpenGLDraw event of the openGLControl control.
        private void openGLControl_OpenGLDraw(object sender, RenderEventArgs e)
            if (isGPSPositionInitialized)
                //  Get the OpenGL object.
                OpenGL gl = openGLControl.OpenGL;

                //  Clear the color and depth buffer.
                gl.Clear(OpenGL.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | OpenGL.GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT);

                //camera does translations and rotations
                camera.SetWorldCam(gl, pivotAxleEasting, fixPosY, pivotAxleNorthing, fixHeadingCam);

                //calculate the frustum planes for culling


                //Draw the world grid based on camera position

                //if grid is on draw it
                if (isGridOn)

                //turn on blend for paths

                //section patch color
                gl.Color(0.99f, 1.0f, 0.50f, 0.4f);
                if (isDrawPolygons)
                    gl.PolygonMode(OpenGL.GL_FRONT, OpenGL.GL_LINE);

                triDrawn     = 0;
                patchesDrawn = 0;
                totalTri     = 0;

                //draw patches of sections
                for (int j = 0; j < vehicle.numberOfSections; j++)
                    //every time the section turns off and on is a new patch
                    int patchCount = section[j].patchList.Count;

                    //check if in frustum or not
                    bool isDraw;

                    if (patchCount > 0)
                        //initialize the steps for mipmap of triangles (skipping detail while zooming out)
                        int mipmap = 0;
                        if (camera.camSetDistance < -800)
                            mipmap = 2;
                        if (camera.camSetDistance < -1500)
                            mipmap = 4;
                        if (camera.camSetDistance < -2400)
                            mipmap = 8;
                        if (camera.camSetDistance < -4800)
                            mipmap = 16;

                        //for every new chunk of patch
                        foreach (var triList in section[j].patchList)
                            isDraw = false;
                            int count2 = triList.Count;
                            totalTri += count2;
                            for (int i = 0; i < count2; i += 3)
                                //determine if point is in frustum or not, if < 0, its outside so abort
                                if (frustum[0] * triList[i].x + frustum[2] * triList[i].z + frustum[3] <= 0)
                                if (frustum[4] * triList[i].x + frustum[6] * triList[i].z + frustum[7] <= 0)
                                if (frustum[16] * triList[i].x + frustum[18] * triList[i].z + frustum[19] <= 0)
                                if (frustum[20] * triList[i].x + frustum[22] * triList[i].z + frustum[23] <= 0)
                                if (frustum[8] * triList[i].x + frustum[10] * triList[i].z + frustum[11] <= 0)
                                if (frustum[12] * triList[i].x + frustum[14] * triList[i].z + frustum[15] <= 0)
                                //point is in frustum so draw the entire patch. The downside of triangle strips.
                                isDraw = true;

                            if (isDraw)

                                //draw the triangle strip in each triangle strip
                                count2 = triList.Count;

                                //if large enough patch and camera zoomed out, fake mipmap the patches, skip triangles
                                if (count2 >= (mipmap + 2))
                                    int step = mipmap;
                                    for (int i = 0; i < count2; i += step)
                                        gl.Vertex(triList[i].x, 0, triList[i].z);
                                        triDrawn++; i++;
                                        gl.Vertex(triList[i].x, 0, triList[i].z);
                                        triDrawn++; i++;

                                        //too small to mipmap it
                                        if (count2 - i <= (mipmap + 2))
                                            step = 0;
                                    for (int i = 0; i < count2; i++)
                                        gl.Vertex(triList[i].x, 0, triList[i].z);

                gl.PolygonMode(OpenGL.GL_FRONT, OpenGL.GL_FILL);
                gl.Color(1, 1, 1);

                //draw contour line if button on
                if (ct.isContourBtnOn)

                // draw the current and reference AB Lines
                    if (ABLine.isABLineSet | ABLine.isABLineBeingSet)

                //draw the perimter line, returns if no line to draw

                //screen text for debug
                //gl.DrawText(10, 15, 1, 1, 1, "Courier", 14, " frame msec " + Convert.ToString((int)(frameTime)));
                // gl.DrawText(10, 30, 1, 1, 1, "Courier", 14, "recvC " + Convert.ToString(recvCounter));
                //  gl.DrawText(10, 45, 1, 1, 1, "Courier", 14, "   Set Head " + Convert.ToString(modcom.autosteerSetpointHeading));
                //  gl.DrawText(10, 60, 1, 1, 1, "Courier", 14, "     Actual " + Convert.ToString(modcom.autosteerActualHeading));
                ////gl.DrawText(10, 75, 1, 0.5f, 1, "Courier", 12, "refHeading  " + Convert.ToString(Math.Round(ct.refHeading, 2)));
                //gl.DrawText(10, 90, 1, 0.5f, 1, "Courier", 12, "Lookahead[0] (m) " + Convert.ToString(Math.Round(section[0].sectionLookAhead*0.1)));
                //gl.DrawText(10, 105, 1, 0.5f, 1, "Courier", 12, " TrigDistance(m) " + Convert.ToString(Math.Round(sectionTriggerStepDistance, 2)));
                //gl.DrawText(10, 120, 1, 0.5, 1, "Courier", 12, " frame msec " + Convert.ToString((int)(frameTime)));

                //draw the tractor/implement

                //Back to normal
                gl.Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);

                //// 2D Ortho --------------------------

                //negative and positive on width, 0 at top to bottom ortho view
                gl.Ortho2D(-(double)Width / 2, (double)Width / 2, (double)Height, 0);

                //  Create the appropriate modelview matrix.

                //draw the background when in 3D
                if (isIn3D && camera.camPitch > -16)
                    //the background
                    double winLeftPos  = -(double)Width / 2;
                    double winRightPos = -winLeftPos;

                    gl.BindTexture(OpenGL.GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture[1]);                 // Select Our Texture
                    gl.Begin(OpenGL.GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP);                               // Build Quad From A Triangle Strip
                    gl.TexCoord(0, 0); gl.Vertex(winRightPos, 0.0);                   // Top Right
                    gl.TexCoord(1, 0); gl.Vertex(winLeftPos, 0.0);                    // Top Left
                    gl.TexCoord(0, 1); gl.Vertex(winRightPos, 0.15 * (double)Height); // Bottom Right
                    gl.TexCoord(1, 1); gl.Vertex(winLeftPos, 0.15 * (double)Height);  // Bottom Left
                    gl.End();                                                         // Done Building Triangle Strip

                    //disable, straight color

                //LightBar if AB Line is set and turned on
                if (isLightbarOn)
                    if (ct.isContourBtnOn)
                        txtDistanceOffABLine.Visible = true;
                        DrawLightBar(openGLControl.Width, openGLControl.Height, ct.distanceFromCurrentLine);
                        txtDistanceOffABLine.Text = " " + Convert.ToString((int)Math.Abs(ct.distanceFromCurrentLine * 0.3937)) + " ";
                        if (Math.Abs(ABLine.distanceFromCurrentLine) > 15.0)
                            txtDistanceOffABLine.ForeColor = Color.Yellow;
                            txtDistanceOffABLine.ForeColor = Color.LightGreen;

                        if (ABLine.isABLineSet | ABLine.isABLineBeingSet)
                            txtDistanceOffABLine.Visible = true;
                            DrawLightBar(openGLControl.Width, openGLControl.Height, ABLine.distanceFromCurrentLine);
                            txtDistanceOffABLine.Text = " " + Convert.ToString((int)Math.Abs(ABLine.distanceFromCurrentLine * 0.3937)) + " ";
                            if (Math.Abs(ABLine.distanceFromCurrentLine) > 15.0)
                                txtDistanceOffABLine.ForeColor = Color.Yellow;
                                txtDistanceOffABLine.ForeColor = Color.LightGreen;

                    //AB line is not set so turn off numbers
                    if (!ABLine.isABLineSet & !ABLine.isABLineBeingSet & !ct.isContourBtnOn)
                        txtDistanceOffABLine.Visible = false;

                    txtDistanceOffABLine.Visible = false;
                gl.Flush();     //finish openGL commands
                gl.PopMatrix(); //  Pop the modelview.

                //  back to the projection and pop it, then back to the model view.

                //reset point size

                //draw the section control window off screen buffer