コード例 #1
        void PlayPinStrikeSounds(AActor _other)
            int   _settledPins = gamemode.lastSettledCount;
            float _center      = 50f;
            float _otherYLoc   = _other.GetActorLocation().Y;
            float _offset      = _otherYLoc >= 0 ?
                                 FMath.Abs(_otherYLoc - _center) : FMath.Abs(_otherYLoc + _center);
            float _highoffset = 350f;
            float _offsetAsPercentageDecimal = (_offset / _highoffset);
            float _highVelX = 2500f;
            float _lowVelX  = 1000f;
            float _velX     = FMath.Clamp(_other.GetVelocity().X, _lowVelX, _highVelX);
            float _velXAsPercentageDecimal = ((_velX - _lowVelX) / (_highVelX - _lowVelX));
            //The Less Pins, The Higher The Percentage
            float _pinSettledPenaltyAsPercentage = 1 - (_settledPins / 10);
            float _VelXMinusOffsetYDecimal       = _velXAsPercentageDecimal - (_offsetAsPercentageDecimal * offsetAsPercentageMultplier) - _pinSettledPenaltyAsPercentage;

            if (_offsetAsPercentageDecimal > 0.80f)
                _VelXMinusOffsetYDecimal = FMath.Min(-0.5f, _VelXMinusOffsetYDecimal - 0.5f);

            //MyOwner.PrintString($"Pin Strike. Vel: {_velX} VelAsPerc: {_velXAsPercentageDecimal} Off: {_offset} OffAsPerc: {_offsetAsPercentageDecimal} VelMinusOffset: {_VelXMinusOffsetYDecimal}", FLinearColor.Green, printToLog: true);
            Random _ran = new Random();

            if (_VelXMinusOffsetYDecimal <= -0.5)
                MyAudioSourceComponent.Sound = _ran.Next(0, 2) == 0 ?
                                               PinStrikeSoundVolume1 : PinStrikeSoundVolume2;
            else if (_VelXMinusOffsetYDecimal <= 0.2)
                MyAudioSourceComponent.Sound = _ran.Next(0, 2) == 0 ?
                                               PinStrikeSoundVolume3 : PinStrikeSoundVolume4;
                MyAudioSourceComponent.Sound = PinStrikeSoundVolume5;
