コード例 #1
        public void GregorianToJulianTest(long year, long month, long day, long expectedYear, long expectedMonth, long expectedDay)
            AASCalendarDate gregorianDate = AASDate.GregorianToJulian(year, month, day);

            Assert.Equal(expectedYear, gregorianDate.Year);
            Assert.Equal(expectedMonth, gregorianDate.Month);
            Assert.Equal(expectedDay, gregorianDate.Day);
コード例 #2
        public void MoslemToJulianTest(long year, long month, long day, long expectedYear, long expectedMonth, long expectedDay)
            AASCalendarDate julianDate = AASMoslemCalendar.MoslemToJulian(year, month, day);

            Assert.Equal(expectedYear, julianDate.Year);
            Assert.Equal(expectedMonth, julianDate.Month);
            Assert.Equal(expectedDay, julianDate.Day);
コード例 #3
        public void JulianToMoslemTest(long year, long month, long day, long expectedYear, long expectedMonth, long expectedDay)
            AASCalendarDate moslemDate = AASMoslemCalendar.JulianToMoslem(year, month, day);

            Assert.Equal(expectedYear, moslemDate.Year);
            Assert.Equal(expectedMonth, moslemDate.Month);
            Assert.Equal(expectedDay, moslemDate.Day);
コード例 #4
        public void DateOfPesachTest(long year, double expectedYear, double expectedMonth, double expectedDay)
            AASCalendarDate jewishDate = AASJewishCalendar.DateOfPesach(year);

            Assert.Equal(expectedYear, jewishDate.Year);
            Assert.Equal(expectedMonth, jewishDate.Month);
            Assert.Equal(expectedDay, jewishDate.Day);
コード例 #5
        public static AASCalendarDate DateOfPesach(long Year, bool bGregorianCalendar = true)
            //What will be the return value
            AASCalendarDate Pesach = new AASCalendarDate();

            long C = AASDate.INT(Year / 100.0);
            long S = AASDate.INT((3 * C - 5) / 4.0);

            if (bGregorianCalendar == false)
                S = 0;
            long   A    = Year + 3760;
            long   a    = (12 * Year + 12) % 19;
            long   b    = Year % 4;
            double Q    = -1.904412361576 + 1.554241796621 * a + 0.25 * b - 0.003177794022 * Year + S;
            long   INTQ = AASDate.INT(Q);
            long   j    = (INTQ + 3 * Year + 5 * b + 2 - S) % 7;
            double r    = Q - INTQ;

            if ((j == 2) || (j == 4) || (j == 6))
                Pesach.Day = INTQ + 23;
            else if ((j == 1) && (a > 6) && (r >= 0.632870370))
                Pesach.Day = INTQ + 24;
            else if ((j == 0) && (a > 11) && (r >= 0.897723765))
                Pesach.Day = INTQ + 23;
                Pesach.Day = INTQ + 22;

            if (Pesach.Day > 31)
                Pesach.Month = 4;
                Pesach.Day  -= 31;
                Pesach.Month = 3;

            Pesach.Year = A;

コード例 #6
        public static long DaysInYear(long Year)
            //Find the previous civil year corresponding to the specified jewish year
            long CivilYear = Year - 3761;

            //Find the date of the next Jewish Year in that civil year
            AASCalendarDate CurrentPesach = DateOfPesach(CivilYear);
            bool            bGregorian    = AASDate.AfterPapalReform(CivilYear, CurrentPesach.Month, CurrentPesach.Day);
            AASDate         CurrentYear   = new AASDate(CivilYear, CurrentPesach.Month, CurrentPesach.Day, bGregorian);

            AASCalendarDate NextPesach = DateOfPesach(CivilYear + 1);
            AASDate         NextYear   = new AASDate(CivilYear + 1, NextPesach.Month, NextPesach.Day, bGregorian);

            return((long)(NextYear.Julian - CurrentYear.Julian));
コード例 #7
        public static AASCalendarDate MoslemToJulian(long Year, long Month, long Day)
            //What will be the return value
            AASCalendarDate julianDate = new AASCalendarDate();

            long N  = Day + AASDate.INT(29.5001 * (Month - 1) + 0.99);
            long Q  = AASDate.INT(Year / 30.0);
            long R  = Year % 30;
            long A  = AASDate.INT((11 * R + 3) / 30.0);
            long W  = 404 * Q + 354 * R + 208 + A;
            long Q1 = AASDate.INT(W / 1461.0);
            long Q2 = W % 1461;
            long G  = 621 + 4 * AASDate.INT(7 * Q + Q1);
            long K  = AASDate.INT(Q2 / 365.2422);
            long E  = AASDate.INT(365.2422 * K);
            long J  = Q2 - E + N - 1;
            long X  = G + K;

            long XMod4 = X % 4;

            if ((J > 366) && (XMod4 == 0))
                J -= 366;

            if ((J > 365) && (XMod4 > 0))
                J -= 365;

            julianDate.Year = X;
            var julienDateDay   = julianDate.Day;
            var julienDateMonth = julianDate.Month;

            AASDate.DayOfYearToDayAndMonth(J, AASDate.IsLeap(X, false), ref julienDateDay, ref julienDateMonth);
            julianDate.Day   = julienDateDay;
            julianDate.Month = julienDateMonth;

コード例 #8
        public static AASCalendarDate JulianToMoslem(long Year, long Month, long Day)
            //What will be the return value
            AASCalendarDate MoslemDate = new AASCalendarDate();

            long   W  = Year % 4 != 0 ? 2 : 1;
            long   N  = AASDate.INT((275 * Month) / 9.0) - (W * AASDate.INT((Month + 9) / 12.0)) + Day - 30;
            long   A  = Year - 623;
            long   B  = AASDate.INT(A / 4.0);
            long   C  = A % 4;
            double C1 = 365.2501 * C;
            long   C2 = AASDate.INT(C1);

            if ((C1 - C2) > 0.5)

            long Ddash = 1461 * B + 170 + C2;
            long Q     = AASDate.INT(Ddash / 10631.0);
            long R     = Ddash % 10631;
            long J     = AASDate.INT(R / 354.0);
            long K     = R % 354;
            long O     = AASDate.INT((11 * J + 14) / 30.0);
            long H     = 30 * Q + J + 1;
            long JJ    = K - O + N - 1;

            if (JJ > 354)
                long CL = H % 30;
                long DL = (11 * CL + 3) % 30;
                if (DL < 19)
                    JJ -= 354;
                    JJ -= 355;

                if (JJ == 0)
                    JJ = 355;

            long S = AASDate.INT((JJ - 1) / 29.5);

            MoslemDate.Month = 1 + S;
            MoslemDate.Day   = AASDate.INT(JJ - 29.5 * S);
            MoslemDate.Year  = H;

            if (JJ == 355)
                MoslemDate.Month = 12;
                MoslemDate.Day   = 30;
