static public string RepairHtml(yaf.pages.ForumPage basePage, string html, bool bAllowHtml) { if (!bAllowHtml) { html = BBCode.EncodeHTML(html); } else { // get allowable html tags string tStr = basePage.BoardSettings.AcceptedHTML; string[] AllowedTags = tStr.Split(','); RegexOptions options = RegexOptions.IgnoreCase; MatchCollection m = Regex.Matches(html, "<.*?>", options); for (int i = m.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { string tag = html.Substring(m[i].Index + 1, m[i].Length - 1).Trim().ToLower(); if (!IsValidTag(tag, AllowedTags)) { html = html.Remove(m[i].Index, m[i].Length); // just don't show this tag for now //string tmp = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.HtmlEncode(html.Substring(m[i].Index,m[i].Length)); //html = html.Insert(m[i].Index,tmp); } } } return(html); }
static public string FormatMessage(yaf.pages.ForumPage basePage, string Message, MessageFlags mFlags) { // do html damage control Message = RepairHtml(basePage, Message, mFlags.IsHTML); // convert spaces if bbcode (causes too many problems) /*if (mFlags.IsBBCode) * { * Message = Message.Replace(" "," "); * }*/ // do BBCode and Smilies... Message = BBCode.MakeHtml(basePage, Message, mFlags.IsBBCode); RegexOptions options = RegexOptions.IgnoreCase /*| RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.Multiline*/; //Email -- RegEx VS.NET Message = Regex.Replace(Message, @"(?<before>^|[ ]|<br/>)(?<email>\w+([-+.]\w+)*@\w+([-.]\w+)*\.\w+([-.]\w+)*)", "${before}<a href=\"mailto:${email}\">${email}</a>", options); //URL (http://) -- RegEx Message = Regex.Replace(Message, "(?<before>^|[ ]|<br/>)(?<!href=\")(?<!src=\")(?<url>(http://|https://|ftp://)(?:[\\w-]+\\.)+[\\w-]+(?:/[\\w-./?%&=;,]*)?)", "${before}<a href=\"${url}\">${url}</a>", options); //URL (www) -- RegEx Message = Regex.Replace(Message, @"(?<before>^|[ ]|<br/>)(?<!http://)(?<url>www\.(?:[\w-]+\.)+[\w-]+(?:/[\w-./?%&=;,]*)?)", "${before}<a href=\"http://${url}\">${url}</a>", options); // jaben : moved word replace to reusable function in class utils Message = Utils.BadWordReplace(Message); return(Message); }