public int getImageBlockSize(DlmsClient dlms, PhyLayer phy)
            LnDescriptor att = createDesc(attBlockSize);

            dlms.get(phy, att);
        public void initiateImageTransfer(DlmsClient dlms, PhyLayer phy, ImageInformation imageInfo)
                System.IO.MemoryStream stream = new System.IO.MemoryStream();
                stream.WriteByte(2); // size

                byte[] aux = imageInfo.getIdentifier();
                stream.Write(aux, 0, aux.Length);

                stream.Write(new byte[] { (byte)(imageInfo.getImage().Length >> 24), (byte)(imageInfo.getImage().Length >> 16), (byte)(imageInfo.getImage().Length >> 8), (byte)(imageInfo.getImage().Length) }, 0, imageInfo.getImage().Length);
                dlms.action(phy, createDesc(mtdTransferInitiate, stream.ToArray()));
            catch (IOException)
                throw new ImageTransferException(ImageTransferExceptionReason.INTERNAL_ERROR);
        public void execute(DlmsClient dlms, PhyLayer phy, ImageInformation imageInfo)
            /// Precondition: image transfer must be enabled
            if (!isTransferEnabled(dlms, phy))
                throw new ImageTransferException(ImageTransferExceptionReason.TRANSFER_DISABLED);

            /// Step 1: if image block size is unknown, get block size
            if (imageInfo.getBlockSize() == 0)
                imageInfo.setBlockSize(getImageBlockSize(dlms, phy));

            /// Step 2: Initiate image transfer
            initiateImageTransfer(dlms, phy, imageInfo);

            /// Step 3: Transfer image blocks
            transferBlocks(dlms, phy, imageInfo);

            /// Step 4: Check completeness of the image
            checkCompleteness(dlms, phy, imageInfo);

            /// Step 5: Verifies the image
            verifyImage(dlms, phy);

            /// Step 6: Check information of image to activate
            if (!checkImageInformation(dlms, phy, imageInfo))
                throw new ImageTransferException(ImageTransferExceptionReason.INVALID_IMAGE_TO_ACTIVATE);

            /// Step 7: Activates image
            activateImage(dlms, phy);
        public bool isTransferEnabled(DlmsClient dlms, PhyLayer phy)
            LnDescriptor att = createDesc(attTransferEnabled);

            dlms.get(phy, att);
        public void transferBlocks(DlmsClient dlms, PhyLayer phy, ImageInformation imageInfo)
            int          offset = 0;
            int          nblock = 1;
            LnDescriptor att    = createDesc(mtdImageBlockTransfer);

            while (offset < imageInfo.getImage().Length)
                att.setRequestData(getTransferBlockData(nblock, imageInfo));
                dlms.action(phy, att);
                offset += imageInfo.getBlockSize();
 public void activateImage(DlmsClient dlms, PhyLayer phy)
     dlms.action(phy, createDesc(mtdImageActivate, new byte[] { 0x0F, 0x00 }));
 public bool checkImageInformation(DlmsClient dlms, PhyLayer phy, ImageInformation info)
 public void verifyImage(DlmsClient dlms, PhyLayer phy)
     dlms.action(phy, createDesc(mtdImageVerify, new byte[] { 0x0F, 0x00 }));
 public void checkCompleteness(DlmsClient dlms, PhyLayer phy, ImageInformation info)