void AddFeeInput(WalletAddr address, ChainTx ctx, uint nIn, string sender, BigInteger fee, bool updateInputsAndOutputs) { // add fee input var i = db.TxInputGet(ctx.TxId, nIn); if (i == null) { i = new TxInput(ctx.TxId, sender, nIn, fee); i.ChainTx = ctx; if (sender == address.Address) { i.WalletAddr = address; } db.TxInputs.Add(i); } else if (i.WalletAddr == null && i.Addr == address.Address) { logger.LogInformation($"Updating input (fee) with no address: {ctx.TxId}, {i.N}, {address.Address}"); i.WalletAddr = address; db.TxInputs.Update(i); } else if (updateInputsAndOutputs && i.Amount != fee) { logger.LogInformation($"Updating input (fee) amount: {ctx.TxId}, {i.N}, {address.Address} (from {i.Amount} to {fee}"); i.Amount = fee; db.TxInputs.Update(i); } }
void AddFeeInput(ChainTx ctx, uint nIn, string sender, BigInteger fee) { // add fee input var i = db.TxInputGet(ctx.TxId, nIn); if (i == null) { i = new TxInput(ctx.TxId, sender, nIn, fee); i.ChainTx = ctx; db.TxInputs.Add(i); } }
WalletTx AddOutgoingTx(string from, TransferTransaction signedTx, WalletTag tagFor) { var date = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.ToUnixTimeSeconds(); var address = db.AddrGet(from); var amount = asset.AmountToLong(signedTx.Amount); var fee = asset.AmountToLong(signedTx.Fee); logger.LogDebug("outgoing tx: amount: {0}, fee: {1}", amount, fee); // create chain tx var ctx = new ChainTx(signedTx.GenerateId(), date, fee, -1, 0); ctx.NetworkStatus = new ChainTxNetworkStatus(ctx, ChainTxStatus.Unconfirmed, date, signedTx.GetBytes()); db.ChainTxs.Add(ctx); db.ChainTxNetworkStatus.Add(ctx.NetworkStatus); // create tx inputs var i = new TxInput(signedTx.GenerateId(), from /*signedTx.Sender is null*/, 0, amount); i.ChainTx = ctx; i.WalletAddr = address; db.TxInputs.Add(i); i = new TxInput(signedTx.GenerateId(), from /*signedTx.Sender is null*/, 1, fee); i.ChainTx = ctx; i.WalletAddr = address; db.TxInputs.Add(i); // create tx output var o = new TxOutput(signedTx.GenerateId(), signedTx.Recipient, 0, amount); o.ChainTx = ctx; db.TxOutputs.Add(o); if (tagFor != null) { db.TxOutputsForTag.Add(new TxOutputForTag { TxOutput = o, Tag = tagFor }); } // create wallet tx var wtx = new WalletTx { ChainTx = ctx, Address = address, Direction = WalletDirection.Outgoing }; db.WalletTxs.Add(wtx); return(wtx); }
void AddOutputInputAndWalletTx(WalletAddr address, ChainTx ctx, uint nOut, string sender, string recipient, BigInteger amount) { // add output var o = db.TxOutputGet(ctx.TxId, nOut); if (o == null) { o = new TxOutput(ctx.TxId, recipient, nOut, amount); o.ChainTx = ctx; if (recipient == address.Address) { o.WalletAddr = address; } db.TxOutputs.Add(o); } else if (o.WalletAddr == null && o.Addr == address.Address) { logger.LogInformation($"Updating output with no address: {ctx.TxId}, {o.N}, {address.Address}"); o.WalletAddr = address; db.TxOutputs.Update(o); } // add input (so we can see who its from) var i = db.TxInputGet(ctx.TxId, nOut); if (i == null) { i = new TxInput(ctx.TxId, sender, nOut, amount); i.ChainTx = ctx; db.TxInputs.Add(i); } // add / update wallet tx var dir = recipient == address.Address ? WalletDirection.Incomming : WalletDirection.Outgoing; var wtx = db.TxGet(address, ctx, dir); if (wtx == null) { wtx = new WalletTx { ChainTx = ctx, Address = address, Direction = dir, State = WalletTxState.None }; db.WalletTxs.Add(wtx); } }
WalletTx AddOutgoingTx(string from, string signedTx, WalletTag tagFor) { var address = db.AddrGet(from); var tx = new Transaction(signedTx.HexToByteArray()); var date = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.ToUnixTimeSeconds(); var fee = HexBigIntegerConvertorExtensions.HexToBigInteger(tx.GasLimit.ToHex(), false) * HexBigIntegerConvertorExtensions.HexToBigInteger(tx.GasPrice.ToHex(), false); var amount = HexBigIntegerConvertorExtensions.HexToBigInteger(tx.Value.ToHex(), false); logger.LogDebug("outgoing tx: amount: {0}, fee: {1}", amount, fee); // create chain tx var ctx = new ChainTx(tx.Hash.ToHex(true), date, fee, -1, 0); db.ChainTxs.Add(ctx); var networkStatus = new ChainTxNetworkStatus(ctx, ChainTxStatus.Unconfirmed, date, signedTx.HexToByteArray()); db.ChainTxNetworkStatus.Add(networkStatus); // create tx input var i = new TxInput(tx.Hash.ToHex(true), from, 0, amount + fee); i.ChainTx = ctx; i.WalletAddr = address; db.TxInputs.Add(i); // create tx output var o = new TxOutput(tx.Hash.ToHex(true), tx.ReceiveAddress.ToHex(true), 0, amount); o.ChainTx = ctx; db.TxOutputs.Add(o); if (tagFor != null) { db.TxOutputsForTag.Add(new TxOutputForTag { TxOutput = o, Tag = tagFor }); } // create wallet tx var wtx = new WalletTx { ChainTx = ctx, Address = address, Direction = WalletDirection.Outgoing }; db.WalletTxs.Add(wtx); return(wtx); }
IEnumerable <WalletTx> AddOutgoingTx(Transaction tx, List <CoinSpend> spents, List <CoinOutput> outputs, BigInteger fee, WalletTag tagFor) { var txid = tx.GetHash().ToString(); logger.LogDebug("outgoing tx: outputs: {0}, fee: {1}", outputs.Select(o => o.Amount), fee); var date = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.ToUnixTimeSeconds(); // create chain tx var ctx = db.ChainTxGet(txid); if (ctx == null) { ctx = new ChainTx(txid, date, fee, -1, 0); db.ChainTxs.Add(ctx); } if (ctx.NetworkStatus == null) { var networkStatus = new ChainTxNetworkStatus(ctx, ChainTxStatus.Unconfirmed, date, tx.ToBytes()); db.ChainTxNetworkStatus.Add(networkStatus); } // create tx inputs uint n = 0; foreach (var spent in spents) { if (db.TxInputGet(txid, n) == null) { var i = new TxInput(txid, spent.From, n, spent.Coin.Amount.Satoshi); i.ChainTx = ctx; i.WalletAddr = spent.Addr; db.TxInputs.Add(i); } n++; } // create tx outputs n = 0; foreach (var output in outputs) { if (db.TxOutputGet(txid, n) == null) { var o = new TxOutput(txid, output.To, n, output.Amount); o.ChainTx = ctx; db.TxOutputs.Add(o); if (tagFor != null) { db.TxOutputsForTag.Add(new TxOutputForTag { TxOutput = o, Tag = tagFor }); } } n++; } // create wallet txs var wtxs = new List <WalletTx>(); foreach (var spent in spents) { if (spent.Addr == null) { continue; } var wtx = db.TxGet(spent.Addr, ctx, WalletDirection.Outgoing); if (wtx == null) { wtx = new WalletTx { ChainTx = ctx, Address = spent.Addr, Direction = WalletDirection.Outgoing, State = WalletTxState.None }; db.WalletTxs.Add(wtx); } wtxs.Add(wtx); } return(wtxs); }
void UpdateTxs(WalletAddr address) { //TODO - add attachment // - read the 'data' field (https://ethereum.stackexchange.com/questions/2466/how-do-i-send-an-arbitary-message-to-an-ethereum-address) var blockNumTask = web3.Eth.Blocks.GetBlockNumber.SendRequestAsync(); blockNumTask.Wait(); var blockNum = (long)blockNumTask.Result.Value; var json = scanClient.DownloadString(gethTxScanAddress + "/list_transactions/" + address.Address); var scantxs = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <scantx> >(json); foreach (var scantx in scantxs) { long confirmations = 0; if (scantx.block_num > 0) { confirmations = blockNum - scantx.block_num; } // add/update chain tx var ctx = db.ChainTxGet(scantx.txid); if (ctx == null) { ctx = new ChainTx(scantx.txid, scantx.date, -1, scantx.block_num, confirmations); db.ChainTxs.Add(ctx); } else { ctx.Height = scantx.block_num; ctx.Confirmations = confirmations; db.ChainTxs.Update(ctx); } var status = confirmations > 0 ? ChainTxStatus.Confirmed : ChainTxStatus.Unconfirmed; if (ctx.NetworkStatus == null) { //TODO: we need txdata from scantx, to be able to rebroadcast if necessary //var networkStatus = new ChainTxNetworkStatus(ctx, status, 0, scantx.txdata/*TODO*/); //db.ChainTxNetworkStatus.Add(networkStatus); } else { // transaction update comes from our trusted node so we will override any status we have set manually ctx.NetworkStatus.Status = status; db.ChainTxNetworkStatus.Update(ctx.NetworkStatus); } // add output var o = db.TxOutputGet(scantx.txid, 0); if (o == null) { o = new TxOutput(scantx.txid, scantx.to, 0, BigInteger.Parse(scantx.value)); o.ChainTx = ctx; if (scantx.to == address.Address) { o.WalletAddr = address; } db.TxOutputs.Add(o); } else if (o.WalletAddr == null && o.Addr == address.Address) { logger.LogInformation($"Updating output with no address: {scantx.txid}, {o.N}, {address.Address}"); o.WalletAddr = address; db.TxOutputs.Update(o); } // add input (so we can see who its from) var i = db.TxInputGet(scantx.txid, 0); if (i == null) { i = new TxInput(scantx.txid, scantx.from_, 0, BigInteger.Parse(scantx.value) /*+ fee*/); //TODO: add fee i.ChainTx = ctx; db.TxInputs.Add(i); } // add / update wallet tx var dir = scantx.to == address.Address ? WalletDirection.Incomming : WalletDirection.Outgoing; var wtx = db.TxGet(address, ctx, dir); if (wtx == null) { wtx = new WalletTx { ChainTx = ctx, Address = address, Direction = dir, State = WalletTxState.None }; db.WalletTxs.Add(wtx); } } }