public override void Load() { string path = PathHelp.GetFullPaltformPath(mStrPath, false); if (System.IO.File.Exists(path)) { System.IO.FileStream stream = new System.IO.FileStream(path, System.IO.FileMode.Open); if (stream != null) { byte[] content = new byte[stream.Length]; stream.Read(content, 0, (int)stream.Length); IsLoaded = true; string strData = CommonTool.BytesToUtf8(content); ParseData(strData); stream.Close(); } } }
public static void SetActorScale(Actor actor, float modelScale, Vector2 modelOffset, bool isPlayer, UIPreviewTexture previewTexture) { if (actor != null && actor.MoveImplement != null) { actor.transform.rotation = new Quaternion(0f, 180f, 0f, 1f); actor.Play("idle"); var actorRq = actor.gameObject.AddComponent <ActorRenderqueueComponent>(); actorRq.ExplicitRenderQueue = 4000; int layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("UI"); actor.gameObject.layer = layer; CommonTool.SetChildLayer(actor.transform, layer); // 设置模型缩放和位置 Vector3 scale = actor.transform.localScale * modelScale; if (isPlayer) { if (actor.MoveImplement.CharacterRadius > 0f) { scale = scale * 0.375f / actor.MoveImplement.CharacterRadius; } previewTexture.CameraPosOffset = new Vector3(0f, 1.5f, -4.5f); } else { if (actor.MoveImplement.CharacterRadius > 0f) { scale = scale * 1f / actor.MoveImplement.CharacterRadius; } previewTexture.CameraPosOffset = new Vector3(0f, 1.09f, -4.37f); Vector3 oldOffset = previewTexture.CameraPosOffset; previewTexture.CameraPosOffset = new Vector3(oldOffset.x + modelOffset.x, oldOffset.y + modelOffset.y, oldOffset.z); } actor.transform.localScale = scale; //actor.transform.position = new Vector3(mActorParentTransform.position.x + mDialogContentInfo.x, mActorParentTransform.position.y + mDialogContentInfo.y, mActorParentTransform.position.z); } }
public IEnumerator LoadSceneEffect(Vector3 position, string fileName, float delayTime) { ObjectWrapper ow = new ObjectWrapper(); yield return(ResourceLoader.Instance.StartCoroutine(ObjCachePoolMgr.Instance.LoadPrefab(fileName, ObjCachePoolType.SFX, fileName, ow))); GameObject effect_object = ow.obj as GameObject; if (effect_object == null) { yield break; } GameObject.DontDestroyOnLoad(effect_object); if (mIsDestroy) { BeforeRecycleEffect(effect_object); ObjCachePoolMgr.Instance.RecyclePrefab(effect_object, ObjCachePoolType.SFX, fileName); yield break; } effect_object.transform.position = position; CommonTool.SetActive(effect_object, false); CommonTool.SetActive(effect_object, true); var delay_timer = effect_object.GetComponent <DelayTimeComponent>(); if (delay_timer == null) { delay_timer = effect_object.AddComponent <DelayTimeComponent>(); } delay_timer.DelayTime = delayTime; delay_timer.Start(); SceneEffectInfo info = new SceneEffectInfo(fileName, delayTime, effect_object); mEffectObjects[effect_object.GetHashCode()] = info; delay_timer.SetEndCallBack(new DelayTimeComponent.EndCallBackInfo(OnEffectPlayFinish, effect_object)); }
public override void LateUpdate() { if (mOwner.Trans == null) { return; } Vector3 actPos = mOwner.Trans.position; // 更新阴影 if (mShadowType == ShadowType.FAKE_SHADOW) { if (mFakeShadow != null) { //mFakeShadow.SetActive(true); CommonTool.SetActive(mFakeShadow, true); } else { EnableFakeShadow(); } } else if (mShadowType == ShadowType.REAL_SHADOW) { if (mFakeShadow != null) { //mFakeShadow.SetActive(!mRealShadow); CommonTool.SetActive(mFakeShadow, !mRealShadow); } } else if (mShadowType == ShadowType.NONE) { if (mFakeShadow != null) { //mFakeShadow.SetActive(false); CommonTool.SetActive(mFakeShadow, false); } } }
/// <summary> /// 初始化子弹和对应特效的位置和方向 /// </summary> /// <param name="effectObject">特效跟节点物体</param> /// <param name="effectObject">特效物体</param> /// <param name="kPos">特效位置</param> /// <param name="kRotation">特效初始方向</param> /// <param name="sDir">子弹飞行的方向</param> void InitEffectObject(GameObject bullet_object, GameObject effect_object) { if (bullet_object == null) { if (effect_object != null) { CommonTool.DestroyObjectImmediate(effect_object); } return; } if (effect_object == null) { return; } Transform bullet_trans = bullet_object.transform; // 设置特效位置和方向 effect_object.SetActive(false); Transform effect_trans = effect_object.transform; effect_trans.parent = bullet_trans; effect_trans.localPosition =; effect_trans.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; effect_trans.localScale =; DelayEnableComponent delayEnable = bullet_object.GetComponent <DelayEnableComponent>(); if (delayEnable == null) { delayEnable = bullet_object.AddComponent <DelayEnableComponent>(); } delayEnable.DelayTime = m_DelayTime; delayEnable.SetEnable = true; delayEnable.SetEnableTarget(effect_object); }
public static string FillTemplateByContentList(string template, string[] param_list) { if (param_list.Length <= 0) { return(template); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(template)) { return(string.Empty); } int index = 0; return(mNoticeRegex.Replace(template, new MatchEvaluator( delegate(Match match) { string ret = string.Empty; if (index >= param_list.Length) { return ret; } string content = param_list [index]; string target = match.ToString(); if (target.Length >= 3) { target = target.Substring(1, target.Length - 2); EFillType contentType = (EFillType)(int.Parse(target)); uint contentNum = 0xffffffff; try { contentNum = Convert.ToUInt32(content); } catch { // Do nothing. } switch (contentType) { // 怪物名字是后端未经过翻译就发过来的,要翻译一下 case EFillType.MONSTER_NAME: ret = xc.TextHelper.GetTranslateText(content); break; // 玩法场景名字是后端未经过翻译就发过来的,要翻译一下 case EFillType.ACTIVITY_SCENE_NAME: ret = xc.TextHelper.GetTranslateText(content); break; case EFillType.COLOR_TYPE: ret = GoodsHelper.GetGoodsColor(contentNum); break; case EFillType.CHAT_GOODS_TYPELINK: // 物品超链接 { if (param_list.Length >= 3) { uint playerId = Convert.ToUInt32(param_list[index - 2]); uint goods_gid = Convert.ToUInt32(param_list[index - 1]); ulong goods_oid = Convert.ToUInt64(content); uint color_type = GoodsHelper.GetGoodsColorTypeByTypeId(goods_gid); string color_str = GoodsHelper.GetGoodsColor(color_type); string goods_name = GoodsHelper.GetGoodsOriginalNameByTypeId(goods_gid); uint goodsType = GoodsHelper.GetGoodsType(goods_gid); if (goodsType == GameConst.GIVE_TYPE_EQUIP || // 装备 goodsType == GameConst.GIVE_TYPE_RIDE_EQUIP || // 坐骑装备 goodsType == GameConst.GIVE_TYPE_MAGIC_EQUIP || // 法宝装备 goodsType == GameConst.GIVE_TYPE_DECORATE || // 饰品 goodsType == GameConst.GIVE_TYPE_ELEMENT_EP || // 元素装备 goodsType == GameConst.GIVE_TYPE_GOD_EQUIP || // 神兵 goodsType == GameConst.GIVE_TYPE_ARTIFACT_EP || // 神器装备 goodsType == GameConst.GIVE_TYPE_FIVE_ELEM) // 五行战印 { ret = string.Format(xc.TextHelper.GetConstText("CODE_TEXT_LOCALIZATION_20"), color_str, goods_name); ret = ret + "{" + playerId + "," + goods_oid + "," + goods_gid + "})"; } else { ret = string.Format(xc.TextHelper.GetConstText("CODE_TEXT_LOCALIZATION_21"), color_str, goods_name); ret = ret + "{" + playerId + "," + goods_gid + "})"; } } else { ret = content; } } break; case EFillType.CLIENT_GOODS_TYPELINK: // 客户端物品超链接 { uint goods_gid = Convert.ToUInt32(param_list[index - 1]); uint goods_oid = contentNum; uint color_type = GoodsHelper.GetGoodsColorTypeByTypeId(goods_gid); string color_str = GoodsHelper.GetGoodsColor(color_type); string goods_name = GoodsHelper.GetGoodsOriginalNameByTypeId(goods_gid); ret = string.Format(xc.TextHelper.GetConstText("CODE_TEXT_LOCALIZATION_22"), color_str, goods_name); ret = ret + "{" + content + "})"; } break; case EFillType.GOODS_GID: ret = string.Empty; break; case EFillType.HIDE_PLAYER_ID: ret = string.Empty; break; case EFillType.GOODS_GID_NEW: { if (param_list.Length >= 2) { uint playerId = Convert.ToUInt32(param_list[index - 1]); uint goods_gid = Convert.ToUInt32(param_list[index]); uint color_type = GoodsHelper.GetGoodsColorTypeByTypeId(goods_gid); string color_str = GoodsHelper.GetGoodsColor(color_type); string goods_name = GoodsHelper.GetGoodsOriginalNameByTypeId(goods_gid); ret = string.Format(xc.TextHelper.GetConstText("CODE_TEXT_LOCALIZATION_21"), color_str, goods_name); ret = ret + "{" + playerId + "," + goods_gid + "})"; } else { ret = content; } break; } case EFillType.PET_ID: // 守护ID(显示带守护品质颜色的守护名字) { uint pet_id = Convert.ToUInt32(content); var pet_info = DBManager.Instance.GetDB <DBPet>().GetOnePetInfo(pet_id); if (pet_info != null) { string color_str = GoodsHelper.GetGoodsColor(pet_info.Quality + 1); //守护品质颜色和物品相差1 string actor_name = ActorHelper.GetActorName(pet_info.Actor_id); ret = string.Format("{0}{1}</color>", color_str, actor_name); } else { ret = content; } } break; case EFillType.TITLE_ID: { uint title_id = Convert.ToUInt32(content); var title_info = DBManager.Instance.GetDB <DBHonor>().GetData(title_id); if (title_info != null) { string color_str = GoodsHelper.GetGoodsColor(title_info.Quality); string title_name = title_info.Name; ret = string.Format("{0}{1}</color>", color_str, title_name); } else { ret = content; } } break; case EFillType.QUAL_WORD: { uint qual = Convert.ToUInt32(content); string color_str_name = GoodsHelper.GetGoodsColorName(qual); string color_str = GoodsHelper.GetGoodsColor(qual); ret = string.Format("{0}{1}</color>", color_str, color_str_name); } break; case EFillType.TRANSFER_LV: { if (param_list.Length >= 2) { uint init_vocation = Convert.ToUInt32(param_list[index]); uint transfer_lv = Convert.ToUInt32(param_list[index - 1]); object[] param = { transfer_lv, init_vocation }; System.Type[] returnType = { typeof(string) }; object[] objs = LuaScriptMgr.Instance.CallLuaFunction_return(LuaScriptMgr.Instance.Lua.Global, "TransferMgr_GetVocationName", param, returnType); if (objs != null && objs.Length > 0 && objs[0] != null) { ret = (string)objs[0]; } else { ret = content; } } else { ret = content; } } break; case EFillType.InitVocation: ret = string.Empty; break; case EFillType.SHOW_TYPE_TO_NAME: //外显系统ID =>外显系统名字 { uint show_type = Convert.ToUInt32(param_list[index]); object[] param = { show_type }; System.Type[] returnType = { typeof(string) }; object[] objs = LuaScriptMgr.Instance.CallLuaFunction_return(LuaScriptMgr.Instance.Lua.Global, "ShowManager_GetShowName", param, returnType); if (objs != null && objs.Length > 0 && objs[0] != null) { ret = (string)objs[0]; } else { ret = content; } } break; case EFillType.SHOW_TYPE_TO_PARAM: //外显系统ID => 与25一起使用,组成外显系统的外观名字 { ret = string.Empty; } break; case EFillType.SHOW_TYPE_TO_FACADE_ID: { if (param_list.Length >= 2) { uint facade_id = Convert.ToUInt32(param_list[index]); uint show_type = Convert.ToUInt32(param_list[index - 1]); object[] param = { show_type, facade_id }; System.Type[] returnType = { typeof(string) }; object[] objs = LuaScriptMgr.Instance.CallLuaFunction_return(LuaScriptMgr.Instance.Lua.Global, "ShowManager_GetFacadeName", param, returnType); if (objs != null && objs.Length > 0 && objs[0] != null) { ret = (string)objs[0]; } else { ret = content; } } else { ret = content; } } break; case EFillType.SHOW_TYPE_TO_SYS_ID: //外显系统ID =>外显系统ID { uint show_type = Convert.ToUInt32(param_list[index]); object[] param = { show_type }; System.Type[] returnType = { typeof(string) }; object[] objs = LuaScriptMgr.Instance.CallLuaFunction_return(LuaScriptMgr.Instance.Lua.Global, "ShowManager_GetSysIdStr", param, returnType); if (objs != null && objs.Length > 0 && objs[0] != null) { ret = (string)objs[0]; } else { ret = content; } } break; case EFillType.FASHION_NAME: //时装 { uint fashionId = Convert.ToUInt32(param_list[index]); object[] param = { fashionId }; System.Type[] returnType = { typeof(string) }; object[] objs = LuaScriptMgr.Instance.CallLuaFunction_return(LuaScriptMgr.Instance.Lua.Global, "FashionManager_GetFashionNameWithColor", param, returnType); if (objs != null && objs.Length > 0 && objs[0] != null) { ret = (string)objs[0]; } else { ret = content; } } break; case EFillType.MALL_NAME: //商城名字 { uint mall_id = Convert.ToUInt32(param_list[index]); var mall_tmpl = xc.DBManager.Instance.GetDB <DBMallType>().GetOneItem(mall_id); if (mall_tmpl != null) { //string color_str = GoodsHelper.GetGoodsColor(mall_tmpl); string tmall_name = mall_tmpl.Name; //ret = string.Format("{0}{1}</color>", color_str, tmall_name); ret = tmall_name; } else { ret = content; } } break; case EFillType.ESCORT_TASK_ID: //护送任务的id { uint taskId = Convert.ToUInt32(param_list[index]); TaskDefine taskDefine = TaskDefine.MakeDefine(taskId); if (taskDefine != null) { ret = taskDefine.GetFollowNpcName(0); } else { ret = content; } } break; case EFillType.INSTANCE_ID: //副本id { uint instanceId = Convert.ToUInt32(param_list[index]); DBInstance.InstanceInfo instanceInfo = DBInstance.Instance.GetInstanceInfo(instanceId); if (instanceInfo != null) { ret = instanceInfo.mName; } else { ret = content; } } break; case EFillType.GODWARE_ID: //神器id { uint god_ware_id = Convert.ToUInt32(param_list[index]); object[] param = { god_ware_id }; System.Type[] returnType = { typeof(string) }; object[] objs = LuaScriptMgr.Instance.CallLuaFunction_return(LuaScriptMgr.Instance.Lua.Global, "GodWareManager_GetGodWareName", param, returnType); if (objs != null && objs.Length > 0 && objs[0] != null) { ret = (string)objs[0]; } else { ret = content; } } break; case EFillType.TIMEFORMAT: int time = Convert.ToInt32(param_list[index]); string strShowTime = CommonTool.SecondsToStr_2(time); ret = strShowTime; break; case EFillType.BIG_PACKET: uint bigNum = Convert.ToUInt32(param_list[index]); if (bigNum != 0) { //ret = string.Format("{0}个大红包,", bigNum); ret = string.Format(xc.DBConstText.GetText("RAIN_RED_PACKET_BIG"), bigNum); } else { ret = ""; } break; case EFillType.SMALL_PACKET: uint smallNum = Convert.ToUInt32(param_list[index]); if (smallNum != 0) { //ret = string.Format("{0}个小红包,", smallNum); ret = string.Format(xc.DBConstText.GetText("RAIN_RED_PACKET_SMALL"), smallNum); } else { ret = ""; } break; case EFillType.MARKET_ID: { uint goods_gid = Convert.ToUInt32(param_list[index - 1]); uint goods_oid = contentNum; uint color_type = GoodsHelper.GetGoodsColorTypeByTypeId(goods_gid); string color_str = GoodsHelper.GetGoodsColor(color_type); string goods_name = GoodsHelper.GetGoodsOriginalNameByTypeId(goods_gid); // 【click={0}[{1}]</color>】(marketGoodsTips= ret = string.Format(xc.TextHelper.GetConstText("GAME_CHAT_CLICK_MARKET_GOODS"), color_str, goods_name); ret = ret + "{" + content + "})"; } break; case EFillType.CONTROL_ID: var id = Convert.ToInt32(param_list[index]); ret = SpanServerManager.Instance.GetServerNameByControlServerId((uint)id); break; case EFillType.CHANNEL_ID: ret = ChannelHelper.GetChannelName(param_list[index]); break; default: ret = xc.TextHelper.GetTranslateText(content); break; } } index++; return ret; } ))); }
private static IEnumerator ChangePart(GameObject model, uint partId, bool isLocalPlayer = true) { if (model == null) { yield break; } DBAvatarPart.Data data = DBManager.Instance.GetDB <DBAvatarPart>().mData[partId]; string part_name = data.part == DBAvatarPart.BODY_PART.BODY ? xc.AvatarCtrl.BODY_NAME : xc.AvatarCtrl.WEAPON_NAME; // 查找旧资源中的换装节点 Transform old_part = CommonTool.FindChildInHierarchy(model.transform, part_name); if (old_part == null) { Debug.LogError(string.Format("the model {0} does not have a part named {1}",, part_name)); yield break; } string path = data.SuitablePath(isLocalPlayer); // 加载换装部件的模型 AssetResource ar = new AssetResource(); yield return(ResourceLoader.Instance.StartCoroutine(ResourceLoader.Instance.load_asset(string.Format("{0}/{1}.prefab", xc.AvatarCtrl.AVATAR_PATH_PREFIX, path), typeof(GameObject), ar))); GameObject gameObjectAsset = ar.asset_ as GameObject; if (gameObjectAsset == null) { Debug.LogError(string.Format("the res {0} does not exist", path)); yield break; } if (model == null) { ar.destroy(); yield break; } old_part = CommonTool.FindChildInHierarchy(model.transform, part_name); if (old_part == null) { Debug.LogError(string.Format("the model {0} does not have a part named {1}",, part_name)); ar.destroy(); yield break; } // 将asset资源的生命周期与角色GameObject关联起来 ResourceUtilEx.Instance.host_res_to_gameobj(model, ar); // 查找新资源的换装节点 Transform new_part = CommonTool.FindChildInHierarchy(gameObjectAsset.transform, part_name); if (new_part == null) { Debug.LogError(string.Format("the model {0} does not have a part named {1}",, part_name)); yield break; } SkinnedMeshRenderer new_mesh_renderer = new_part.GetComponent <SkinnedMeshRenderer>(); SkinnedMeshRenderer old_mesh_renderer = old_part.GetComponent <SkinnedMeshRenderer>(); Transform[] old_bones = (Transform[])old_part.GetComponent <SkinnedMeshRenderer>().bones.Clone(); ReplaceSkinnedMesh(old_bones, model, old_mesh_renderer, new_mesh_renderer); }
/// <summary> /// 设置套装特效 /// </summary> /// <param name="effect_id_list"></param> /// <returns></returns> private static IEnumerator SetSuitEffect(GameObject model, AvatarProperty ap, bool isLocalPlayer = true) { List <uint> effect_id_list = ap.SuitEffectIds; if (effect_id_list == null || effect_id_list.Count == 0 || model == null) { yield break; } // 屏蔽特效显示 /*if (!EnableEffect) * { * if (mOwner == null || !mOwner.UID.Equals(Game.GetInstance().LocalPlayerID)) * yield return null; * }*/ //var avartaPartData = DBManager.GetInstance().GetDB<DBAvatarPart>().mData; foreach (var id in effect_id_list) { var effect_id = id; if (id == 1 || id == 2) { effect_id = id == 1 ? ap.BodyId : ap.WeaponId; } var effect_info = DBManager.Instance.GetDB <DBSuitEffect>().GetEffectInfo(effect_id); if (effect_info == null) { GameDebug.Log("Cannot find suit effect info, id: " + effect_id); continue; } // 检查特效id是否与当前的装备或武器匹配 if (effect_info.effect_type == 1) { if (effect_id != ap.BodyId) { continue; } } else if (effect_info.effect_type == 2) { if (effect_id != ap.WeaponId) { continue; } } bool is_local_player_model = isLocalPlayer; foreach (var bind_info in effect_info.bind_infos) { // 本地玩家才使用高配的特效 string res_path = ""; if (is_local_player_model) // 本地玩家 { if (QualitySetting.GraphicLevel == 2) // 低配也使用低配特效 { res_path = ModelHelper.GetModelPrefab(bind_info.low_model_id); } else { res_path = ModelHelper.GetModelPrefab(bind_info.model_id); } } else// 其他玩家 { res_path = ModelHelper.GetModelPrefab(bind_info.low_model_id); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(res_path)) { GameDebug.LogError("Cannot find suit res info, model_id: " + bind_info.model_id); continue; } var mount_point = CommonTool.FindChildInHierarchy(model.transform, bind_info.bind_node); if (mount_point == null) { GameDebug.LogError("Cannot find suit mount point, bind_node: " + bind_info.bind_node); continue; } ObjectWrapper ow = new ObjectWrapper(); yield return(ResourceLoader.Instance.StartCoroutine(ObjCachePoolMgr.Instance.LoadPrefab(res_path, ObjCachePoolType.SFX, res_path, ow))); GameObject effect_object = ow.obj as GameObject; if (effect_object == null) { GameDebug.LogError("Cannot load suit effect point, res_path: " + res_path); continue; } GameObject.DontDestroyOnLoad(effect_object); if (model == null) { ObjCachePoolMgr.Instance.RecyclePrefab(effect_object, ObjCachePoolType.SFX, res_path); break; } //int layer = 0; //if (mModelParent != null) // layer = mModelParent.layer; //SetRenderLayer(effect_object, layer, false, false); //m_EffectObjs[res_path] = effect_object; var trans = effect_object.transform; trans.parent = mount_point; trans.localPosition =; trans.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; trans.localScale =; ListTrailRenderer trail_render_list = effect_object.GetComponent <ListTrailRenderer>(); if (trail_render_list == null) { trail_render_list = effect_object.AddComponent <ListTrailRenderer>(); } if (trail_render_list != null) { trail_render_list.ResetPos(); } // 设置层级 xc.ui.ugui.UIHelper.SetLayer(effect_object.transform, model.layer); } } }
public override void Load() { #if UNITY_EDITOR string resName = DBManager.AssetsResPath + "/" + mStrPath; TextAsset textObj = EditorResourceLoader.LoadAssetAtPath(resName, typeof(TextAsset)) as TextAsset; if (textObj != null) { string strData = CommonTool.BytesToUtf8(textObj.bytes); if (strData != "") { ParseData(strData); } IsLoaded = true; } else { GameDebug.LogError("DB file load failed: " + mStrPath); } #else AssetBundle db_bundle = DBManager.GetInstance().DBBundle; if (db_bundle != null) { string fileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(mStrPath); Object resObj = db_bundle.LoadAsset(fileName); TextAsset text = resObj as TextAsset; if (text != null) { string strData = CommonTool.BytesToUtf8(text.bytes); if (strData != "") { ParseData(strData); } IsLoaded = true; Resources.UnloadAsset(text); } else { GameDebug.LogError("DB file load failed: " + mStrPath); } } else { GameDebug.LogError("DB asset is null!!!"); } #endif /*AssetManager manager = Game.GetInstance().MainInterface.GetAssetManager(); * if (manager== null) * { * GameDebug.LogError("No AssetManager!"); * return; * }*/ /*if (xc.Game.GetInstance().IsUsePackage() || Application.platform != RuntimePlatform.WindowsPlayer) * { * string path = mStrPath; * //string ext = Path.GetExtension(mStrPath).ToLower(); * manager.LoadAsset(path, LoadData); * } * else * { * string path = ""; * string nameNoExtend = PathHelp.GetPathWithNoExtend(mStrPath); * * path = "Resources/" + mStrPath; * path = PathHelp.GetFullPaltformPath(path, false); * * System.IO.FileStream stream = new System.IO.FileStream(path, System.IO.FileMode.Open); * byte[] content = new byte[stream.Length]; * stream.Read(content, 0, (int)stream.Length); * * IsLoaded = true; * * string strData = AssetManager.BinToUtf8(content); * ParseData(strData); * stream.Close(); * }*/ }
/// <summary> /// 开始播放剧情 /// </summary> /// <param name="timelineInfo"></param> void PlayImpl(TimelineInfo timelineInfo) { //GameDebug.LogError("TimelineManager.PlayImpl: " + timelineInfo.Id); mPlayingTimeline = timelineInfo; PlayableDirector playableDirector = timelineInfo.PlayableDirector; if (playableDirector == null) { if (timelineInfo.FinishCallback != null) { timelineInfo.FinishCallback(); } if (timelineInfo.RelatedGameObject != null) { GameObject.DestroyImmediate(timelineInfo.RelatedGameObject); } return; } if (playableDirector.playableAsset == null) { if (timelineInfo.FinishCallback != null) { timelineInfo.FinishCallback(); } GameDebug.LogError("Play timeline " + + " error, playable asset is null!"); mPlayingTimeline = null; GameObject.DestroyImmediate(playableDirector.gameObject); if (timelineInfo.RelatedGameObject != null) { GameObject.DestroyImmediate(timelineInfo.RelatedGameObject); } return; } if (Game.Instance.MainCamera == null) { if (timelineInfo.FinishCallback != null) { timelineInfo.FinishCallback(); } GameDebug.LogError("Play timeline " + + " error, main camera is null!"); mPlayingTimeline = null; GameObject.DestroyImmediate(playableDirector.gameObject); if (timelineInfo.RelatedGameObject != null) { GameObject.DestroyImmediate(timelineInfo.RelatedGameObject); } return; } Cinemachine.CinemachineBrain cinemachineBrain = Game.Instance.MainCamera.GetComponent <Cinemachine.CinemachineBrain>(); if (cinemachineBrain == null) { cinemachineBrain = Game.Instance.MainCamera.gameObject.AddComponent <Cinemachine.CinemachineBrain>(); } if (cinemachineBrain != null) { cinemachineBrain.enabled = true; } else { GameDebug.LogError("Play timeline " + + " error, can not find CinemachineBrain component in main camera!"); mPlayingTimeline = null; GameObject.DestroyImmediate(playableDirector.gameObject); if (timelineInfo.RelatedGameObject != null) { GameObject.DestroyImmediate(timelineInfo.RelatedGameObject); } if (timelineInfo.FinishCallback != null) { timelineInfo.FinishCallback(); } return; } // 隐藏所有角色 SetAllActorsVisible(false, timelineInfo.ShowLocalPlayer); // 野外场景中记住正在寻路的任务 if (SceneHelp.Instance.IsInWildInstance() == true) { Task navigatingTask = TaskManager.Instance.NavigatingTask; if (navigatingTask != null) { mNavigatingTaskIdBeforePlay = navigatingTask.Define.Id; } } Actor localPlayer = Game.Instance.GetLocalPlayer(); TimelineAsset asset = playableDirector.playableAsset as TimelineAsset; foreach (TrackAsset track in asset.GetOutputTracks()) { GroupTrack group = track.GetGroup(); if (group != null) { // 绑定主摄像机 if ("Camera") == true) { Camera mainCamera = Game.Instance.MainCamera; if (mainCamera != null) { foreach (PlayableBinding output in track.outputs) { if (output.sourceObject != null) { playableDirector.SetGenericBinding(output.sourceObject, mainCamera.gameObject); } } } } if ("Hero") == true) { if (localPlayer != null) { foreach (PlayableBinding output in track.outputs) { GameObject actorModel = null; if (output.sourceObject != null) { Object binding = playableDirector.GetGenericBinding(output.sourceObject); if (binding == null) { GameDebug.LogError("Player timeline " + + " error!!! " + + " 's binding object is null!!!"); continue; } GameObject bindingObj = binding as GameObject; if (bindingObj != null) { bindingObj.SetActive(false); } // 根据职业显示主角的模型 if (bindingObj != null &&"Hero_") == true) { uint vocation = uint.Parse(; if (vocation == LocalPlayerManager.Instance.LocalActorAttribute.Vocation) { //playableDirector.SetGenericBinding(output.sourceObject, localPlayer.gameObject); CommonTool.SetActive(bindingObj, true); actorModel = bindingObj; } else { CommonTool.SetActive(bindingObj, false); } } } if (actorModel != null && changeSkin) { //changeSkin = false; if (timelineInfo.AvatarProperty != null) { ResourceLoader.Instance.StartCoroutine(AvatarUtils.ChangeModel(actorModel, timelineInfo.AvatarProperty)); } else { AvatarProperty avatarProperty; if (localPlayer.mAvatarCtrl != null && localPlayer.mAvatarCtrl.GetLatestAvatartProperty() != null) { avatarProperty = localPlayer.mAvatarCtrl.GetLatestAvatartProperty(); } else { avatarProperty = mPlayerLastSceneAvatarProperty; } ResourceLoader.Instance.StartCoroutine(AvatarUtils.ChangeModel(actorModel, avatarProperty)); } } } } } } // 音效是否静音 AudioTrack audioTrack = track as AudioTrack; if (audioTrack != null) { audioTrack.muted = GlobalSettings.Instance.SFXMute; } } if (Game.Instance.CameraControl != null) { Game.Instance.CameraControl.Target = null; } // 记住当前状态并暂停主角的自动战斗 mIsAutoFightingWhenPlaying = InstanceManager.Instance.IsAutoFighting; InstanceManager.Instance.IsAutoFighting = false; // 停止主角的寻路 if (timelineInfo.NoStopLocalPlayer == false) { TargetPathManager.Instance.StopPlayerAndReset(); } mCameraRotationBeforePlay = Game.Instance.MainCamera.transform.rotation; mCameraFOVBeforePlay = Game.Instance.MainCamera.fieldOfView; bool setUI = true; if (timelineInfo.ShowUI == true) { setUI = false; } GameInput.Instance.EnableInput(false, setUI); // 暂停CullManager的Update CullManager.Instance.IsEnabled = false; // 隐藏UI if (timelineInfo.ShowUI == false) { xc.ui.ugui.UIManager.Instance.CloseAllWindow(); } if (!GlobalSettings.Instance.MusicMute && timelineInfo.PauseMusic) { AudioManager.Instance.PauseMusic(true); } playableDirector.gameObject.SetActive(true); if (timelineInfo.RelatedGameObject != null) { timelineInfo.RelatedGameObject.SetActive(true); } playableDirector.Play(); ClientEventMgr.Instance.FireEvent((int)ClientEvent.CE_TIMELINE_START, new CEventBaseArgs(timelineInfo.Id)); }
private void ProcessMoney(S2CMoney s2cMoney) { string text = string.Empty; bool is_change = false; bool show_cost_or_add_tips = false; int change_money = 0; foreach (PkgMoneyInfo money in { show_cost_or_add_tips = false; text = string.Empty; switch (money.money_type) { case GameConst.MONEY_COIN: { if (Coin != money.num) { show_cost_or_add_tips = true; change_money = (int)(money.num) - (int)(Coin); Coin = money.num; is_change = true; } break; } case GameConst.MONEY_TRIGRAM_SP: { if (TrigramSp != money.num) { if (TrigramSp < money.num) { uint add_sp = money.num - TrigramSp; var localplayer = Game.Instance.GetLocalPlayer(); if (localplayer != null) { localplayer.ShowDamageEffect(FightEffectHelp.FightEffectType.AddSp, 0, (int)(add_sp)); } } TrigramSp = money.num; is_change = true; } break; } case GameConst.MONEY_DIAMOND: { if (Diamond != money.num) { show_cost_or_add_tips = true; change_money = (int)(money.num) - (int)(Diamond); Diamond = money.num; is_change = true; } break; } case GameConst.MONEY_SOUL_CREAM: { if (SoulCream != money.num) { show_cost_or_add_tips = true; change_money = (int)(money.num) - (int)(SoulCream); SoulCream = money.num; is_change = true; } break; } case GameConst.MONEY_SOUL_HOLY_WATER: { if (SoulHolyWater != money.num) { show_cost_or_add_tips = true; change_money = (int)(money.num) - (int)(SoulHolyWater); SoulHolyWater = money.num; is_change = true; } break; } case GameConst.MONEY_COIN_BIND: { if (BindCoin != money.num) { BindCoin = money.num; is_change = true; } break; } case GameConst.MONEY_DIAMOND_BIND: { if (BindDiamond != money.num) { show_cost_or_add_tips = true; change_money = (int)(money.num) - (int)(BindDiamond); BindDiamond = money.num; is_change = true; } break; } case GameConst.MONEY_HANG_TIME: { if (HangTime != money.num) { show_cost_or_add_tips = true; int value = Mathf.Abs((int)HangTime - (int)money.num); string str = CommonTool.SecondsToStr_2(value); if (HangTime > money.num) { text = string.Format(DBConstText.GetText("BAG_LOST_HANG_TIME"), str); } else { text = string.Format(DBConstText.GetText("BAG_GET_HANG_TIME"), str); } HangTime = money.num; is_change = true; ClientEventMgr.GetInstance().FireEvent((int)ClientEvent.CE_OFFLINE_HANGE_TIME_UPDATE, null); } break; } default: { uint old_num = 0; if (MoneyData.ContainsKey((ushort)money.money_type)) { old_num = MoneyData[(ushort)money.money_type]; } MoneyData[(ushort)money.money_type] = money.num; if (old_num != money.num) { if (old_num < money.num) //获得货币 { var info = DBMoney.Instance.GetMoneyInfo(money.money_type); if (info != null) { show_cost_or_add_tips = info.show_get; } change_money = (int)(money.num - old_num); } is_change = true; } break; } } if (Game.Instance.AllSystemInited) { if (s2cMoney.op == GameConst.MONEY_OPERATE_NO_TIP) { show_cost_or_add_tips = false; //一定不飘字 } if (show_cost_or_add_tips && string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) { string goods_name = GoodsHelper.GetGoodsNameByTypeId_blackBkg(money.money_type); if (change_money > 0) { text = string.Format(DBConstText.GetText("COMMON_ADD_ONE_MONEY_NUM"), goods_name, change_money); } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text) == false) { UINotice.Instance.ShowMessage(text); } } } if (is_change == false) { return; } ClientEventMgr.GetInstance().FireEvent((int)ClientEvent.CE_MONEY_UPDATE, null); }
IEnumerator LoadStandEffect(string fileName) { GameObject model = mOwner.mAvatarCtrl.GetModel(); if (model == null) { yield break; } RemoveStandEffect(); Transform pos = CommonTool.FindChildInHierarchy(model.transform, AvatarCtrl.ROOT_NODE); if (pos == null) { Debug.LogError(string.Format("not found footprint point on {0}",; yield break; } ObjectWrapper ow = new ObjectWrapper(); yield return(ResourceLoader.Instance.StartCoroutine(ObjCachePoolMgr.Instance.LoadPrefab(fileName, ObjCachePoolType.SFX, fileName, ow))); GameObject effect_object = ow.obj as GameObject; if (effect_object == null) { yield break; } GameObject.DontDestroyOnLoad(effect_object); if (mIsDestroy || fileName != mStandEffectFile) { ObjCachePoolMgr.Instance.RecyclePrefab(effect_object, ObjCachePoolType.SFX, fileName); yield break; } RemoveStandEffect(); if (mStandEffectContainer == null) { mStandEffectContainer = new GameObject("FootprintContainer"); } mStandEffectContainer.transform.parent = pos; mStandEffectContainer.transform.localPosition =; mStandEffectContainer.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); mStandEffectContainer.transform.localScale =; effect_object.transform.parent = mStandEffectContainer.transform; effect_object.transform.localPosition =; effect_object.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); effect_object.transform.localScale =; int layer = 0; if (mOwner.mAvatarCtrl.GetModelParent() != null) { layer = mOwner.mAvatarCtrl.GetModelParent().layer; } mOwner.mAvatarCtrl.SetRenderLayer(effect_object, layer, false, false); mStandEffectInfo = new SceneEffectInfo(fileName, 0, effect_object); }
public string GenFileNameByFileId(string file_id) { return(CommonTool.GetMD5(file_id)); }