private void PrintReadyMessage() { if (Watchers.Count > 0) { var sources = String.Join(',', pm.ProjectPackage.Sources.ToArray()); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine(((new Random()).Next(100) < 50 ? "Nice!" : "Great!") + " Watching for changes:"); ConsoleColorChanger.UseSecondary(); Console.Write(" " + pm.ProjectPackageName); ConsoleColorChanger.UsePrimary(); Console.WriteLine(" -> refresh packages"); if (sources.Length > 0) { ConsoleColorChanger.UseSecondary(); Console.Write(" " + sources); ConsoleColorChanger.UsePrimary(); Console.WriteLine(" -> rebuild modules"); } ConsoleColorChanger.UseSecondary(); Console.Write(" " + pm.ProjectPackage.Target); ConsoleColorChanger.UsePrimary(); Console.WriteLine(" -> rebuild modules"); } Console.WriteLine(""); ConsoleColorChanger.UseAccent(); Console.WriteLine("Now you are free to work with your map directory. Press any key to stop."); ConsoleColorChanger.UsePrimary(); Console.WriteLine(""); }
private void ExecuteAfterBuild() { if (pm.ProjectPackage.AfterBuild.Length > 0) { Console.WriteLine(""); Console.Write(" Executing "); ConsoleColorChanger.UseSecondary(); Console.WriteLine(pm.ProjectPackage.AfterBuild); ConsoleColorChanger.UsePrimary(); Process cmd = new Process(); cmd.StartInfo.FileName = "cmd.exe"; cmd.StartInfo.Arguments = "/C " + pm.ProjectPackage.AfterBuild; cmd.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true; cmd.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; cmd.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; cmd.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; cmd.Start(); cmd.StandardInput.Flush(); cmd.StandardInput.Close(); cmd.WaitForExit(); ConsoleColorChanger.UseSecondary(); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine(cmd.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd()); } }
private string GetCodeFor(PackageDependency dep) { Console.Write(" Building "); ConsoleColorChanger.UseSecondary(); Console.WriteLine(dep.Resource); ConsoleColorChanger.UsePrimary(); var dirs = new List <string>(); string result = GetClientScriptTagStart(dep.Resource); if (dep.Type == DependencyType.Package) { foreach (var src in dep.Sources) { if (VerboseLog) { Console.WriteLine("-- Generating code for source: " + src); } dirs.Add(pm.GetDependencyDir(dep)); } var filenames = new List <string>(); foreach (var dir in dirs) { filenames.AddRange(Directory.GetFiles(dir, pm.ProjectPackage.SourceExtensions, SearchOption.AllDirectories)); } foreach (var filename in filenames) { if (VerboseLog) { Console.WriteLine("-- Loading code from: " + filename); } result += "\n\n" + File.ReadAllText(filename); } } else { result += File.ReadAllText(pm.GetDependencyFile(dep)); } return(result + GetClientScriptTagEnd(dep.Resource)); }
private string GetCodeFor(string[] dirs) { if (dirs.Length < 1) { return(""); } string result = ""; foreach (string dir in dirs) { string dirPath = Path.Combine(pm.ProjectDirectory, dir); string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(dirPath, pm.ProjectPackage.SourceExtensions, SearchOption.AllDirectories); foreach (string file in files) { Console.Write(" Building source "); ConsoleColorChanger.UseSecondary(); Console.WriteLine(file); ConsoleColorChanger.UsePrimary(); for (int i = 1; i <= 30; ++i) { try { result += "\n\n-- " + file + "\n" + File.ReadAllText(file); break; } catch (IOException) when(i <= 30) { Thread.Sleep(200); } } } result += GetCodeFor(Directory.GetDirectories(dirPath)); } return(result); }
private void PrintWatcherEvent(string prefix, string action, string filename = "", string anotherFilename = "") { if (prefix != "") { Console.Write(" " + prefix + " "); } ConsoleColorChanger.UseAccent(); Console.Write(action + " "); ConsoleColorChanger.UsePrimary(); if (filename != "") { ConsoleColorChanger.UseSecondary(); Console.Write(filename + " "); ConsoleColorChanger.UsePrimary(); } if (anotherFilename != "") { Console.Write(" -> "); ConsoleColorChanger.UseSecondary(); Console.Write(anotherFilename + " "); ConsoleColorChanger.UsePrimary(); } Console.WriteLine(""); }
public Application(string projectDir, string[] args, string version) { Version = version; ConsoleColorChanger.SetPrimary(Console.ForegroundColor); var noExit = hasArg(args, "--noexit"); if (args.Length < 1 || noExit) { Console.WriteLine("Warcraft 3 Lua Package Manager " + Version + " (WLPM) by ScorpioT1000"); Console.WriteLine("Get more info at:"); Console.WriteLine("Arguments:"); Console.WriteLine(" install <package> [<version>] [file]"); Console.WriteLine(" - adds a new package or file to your package file and installs dependencies. Omit version to require head revision. To add a file type 'file' as a third parameter"); Console.WriteLine(" update"); Console.WriteLine(" - removes any package data and re-downloads it from the internet"); Console.WriteLine(" build"); Console.WriteLine(" - builds all downloaded modules and sources into target lua file"); Console.WriteLine(" update build"); Console.WriteLine(" - runs 'update' then 'build'"); Console.WriteLine(" watch"); Console.WriteLine(" - watches for changes of the sources and target and performs update or build"); Console.WriteLine("Options:"); Console.WriteLine(" --detailed"); Console.WriteLine(" - add this option to get more detailed info about the internal processes"); Console.WriteLine(""); if (noExit) { ConsoleColorChanger.UseAccent(); Console.Error.WriteLine("Press any key to exit."); ConsoleColorChanger.UsePrimary(); Console.ReadKey(); } return; } if (hasArg(args, "--detailed")) { VerboseLog = true; } pm = new PackageManager(projectDir, VerboseLog); mm = new ModuleManager(pm, VerboseLog, Version); for (; RetryAttempt < 3; ++RetryAttempt) { try { if (hasArg(args, "build")) { pm.RefreshPackages(); mm.RebuildModules(); return; } else if (hasArg(args, "install")) { if (args.Length < 2) { Console.WriteLine("install format: install url [version]"); } else { pm.InstallDependency(args[1], args.Length > 2 ? args[2].Trim() : "*", args.Length > 3 && args[3] == "file"); } return; } else if (hasArg(args, "watch")) { pm.RefreshPackages(); mm.RebuildModules(); WatchForChanges(); } else if (hasArg(args, "update")) { pm.RefreshPackages(true); return; } else { Console.WriteLine("Wrong command, execute the program without arguments to get help"); return; } } catch (Exception e) { ConsoleColorChanger.UseWarning(); Console.Error.WriteLine("General Error: " + e.Message); Console.Error.WriteLine("Source: " + e.Source); Console.Error.WriteLine(""); Console.Error.WriteLine("Press any key to try again. Press CTRL+C to stop."); ConsoleColorChanger.UsePrimary(); Console.ReadKey(); pm.Clear(); mm.Clear(); } Console.Error.WriteLine("Retry attempt: " + RetryAttempt); } }
private void _RebuildModules() { isBusy = true; ConsoleColorChanger.UseAccent(); Console.WriteLine("Rebuilding modules"); ConsoleColorChanger.UsePrimary(); string targetFilename = Path.Combine(pm.ProjectDirectory, pm.ProjectPackage.Target); string targetOriginal = ""; for (int i = 1; i <= 30; ++i) { try { targetOriginal = File.ReadAllText(targetFilename); break; } catch (IOException) when(i <= 30) { Thread.Sleep(200); } } targetOriginal = RemoveBetween(targetOriginal, ClientScriptStart, ClientScriptEnd); string targetHeader = ""; string targetTop = ""; string targetBottom = "\n\n"; targetHeader += "\n\n-- Warcraft 3 Lua Package Manager " + AppVersion; targetHeader += "\n-- Build time: " + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss zzz"); if (pm.ProjectPackage.InsertModuleLoader) { Console.Write(" Code of "); ConsoleColorChanger.UseSecondary(); Console.Write("WLPM Module Manager"); ConsoleColorChanger.UsePrimary(); Console.WriteLine(@" added to the header. To disable, set ""insertModuleLoader"" to false in your " + pm.ProjectPackageName); targetHeader += "\n" + GetClientScript(); } else { Console.Write("Code of "); ConsoleColorChanger.UseSecondary(); Console.Write("WLPM Module Manager"); ConsoleColorChanger.UsePrimary(); Console.WriteLine(" is skipped according to your " + pm.ProjectPackageName); } targetHeader += "\n\n"; foreach (string index in pm.DependenciesOrderIndex) { if (!pm.Dependencies.ContainsKey(index)) { throw new ModuleException("Dependencies collection has no index '" + index + "' but it's stored in indexes. Try to run 'wlpm update'"); } PackageDependency dep = pm.Dependencies[index]; string code = GetCodeFor(dep); if (dep.TopOrder) { targetTop += "\n\n" + code; } else { targetBottom += "\n\n" + code; } } targetBottom += GetCodeFor(pm.ProjectPackage.Sources.ToArray()); string target = ClientScriptStart + targetHeader + targetTop + targetBottom + "\n" + ClientScriptEnd + targetOriginal; for (int i = 1; i <= 30; ++i) { try { File.WriteAllText(targetFilename, target); break; } catch (IOException) when(i <= 30) { Thread.Sleep(200); } } UnsubscribeASAPEvent("ModuleManager.RebuildModules"); targetLastChange = File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(targetFilename); ExecuteAfterBuild(); isBusy = false; }