BytesToString() public static method

public static BytesToString ( byte ba ) : string
ba byte
return string
Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fi"></param>
        /// <param name="map"></param>
        public static Map ReadMap2(FileInfo fi)
            FileStream   fs = fi.OpenRead();
            BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fs);

            byte[] Buffer = br.ReadBytes((int)fi.Length);


            Map map = new Map();

            map.FileOnDisk = fi;

            MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(Buffer);

            br = new BinaryReader(ms);

            if (Buffer[0] != 77 || Buffer[1] != 65 || Buffer[2] != 80 || Buffer[3] != 249 || Buffer[4] != 53 || Buffer[5] != 0)
                Errors.Error("InputOutput", "File is not a VERGE2 Map");

            // 6 bytes signature
            // 4 bytes unknown??
            // ---
            // advance 10 bytes

            // 60 bytes VSP FileName
            FileInfo vspfile = new FileInfo(Helper.BytesToString(br.ReadBytes(60)));

            if (!vspfile.Exists)
                // TODO:  give the option to create a vsp in this case
                Errors.Error("InputOutput", "VSP was not found. New VSP created.");
                map.vsp = new Vsp24();
                map.vsp = ReadVsp(vspfile.FullName);

            // 60 bytes music filename
            map.MusicFileName = Helper.BytesToString(br.ReadBytes(60));

            // 20 bytes render string
            string dontcare = Helper.BytesToString(br.ReadBytes(20));

            // 4 bytes, start position
            map.PlayerStartX = (int)br.ReadInt16();
            map.PlayerStartY = (int)br.ReadInt16();

            // 51 bytes, unknown

            // 1 byte, number of layers
            int layerCount = (int)br.ReadByte();

            for (int i = 0; i < layerCount; i++)
                // 12 bytes per layer discriptor
                MapLayer ml = new MapLayer(map);
                ml.type = LayerType.Tile;
       = "Layer " + i.ToString();

                int mx, dx, my, dy;
                mx = (int)br.ReadByte();
                dx = (int)br.ReadByte();
                my = (int)br.ReadByte();
                dy = (int)br.ReadByte();

                double dmx, dmy;

                dmx = 1.0 * mx / dx;
                dmy = 1.0 * my / dy;
                ml.parallaxInfo.MultipleX = dmx;
                ml.parallaxInfo.MultipleY = dmy;

                 *                              ml.parallaxInfo.MultiplyX = (int)br.ReadByte();
                 *                              ml.parallaxInfo.DivideX = (int)br.ReadByte();
                 *                              ml.parallaxInfo.MultiplyY = (int)br.ReadByte();
                 *                              ml.parallaxInfo.DivideY = (int)br.ReadByte(); */

                int w = (int)br.ReadInt16();
                int h = (int)br.ReadInt16();
                ml.size(w, h);

                ml.Translucency = (int)br.ReadByte();
                ml.HLine        = (int)br.ReadByte();

                // padding


            for (int i = 0; i < layerCount; i++)
                int rleLength = br.ReadInt32();

                ushort[] layerdata = InputOutput.DecompressData16(Helper.BytesToWords(br.ReadBytes(rleLength)));
                MapLayer ml        = (MapLayer)map.Layers[i];
                ml.Data = new short[ml.Width * ml.Height];
                for (int j = 0; j < ml.Width * ml.Height; j++)
                    ml.Data[j] = (short)layerdata[j];

            int obsDataLength = br.ReadInt32();

            byte[] obsdata = InputOutput.DecompressData8(br.ReadBytes(obsDataLength));
            map.ObsLayer      = new MapLayer(map);
            map.ObsLayer.type = LayerType.Obs;
            map.ObsLayer.size(((MapLayer)map.Layers[0]).Width, ((MapLayer)map.Layers[0]).Height);
   = "Obstructions";
            map.ObsLayer.Data = new short[map.ObsLayer.Width * map.ObsLayer.Height];
            for (int i = 0; i < map.ObsLayer.Width * map.ObsLayer.Height; i++)
                map.ObsLayer.Data[i] = obsdata[i];

            int zoneDataLength = br.ReadInt32();

            byte[] zonedata = InputOutput.DecompressData8(br.ReadBytes(zoneDataLength));
            map.ZoneLayer      = new MapLayer(map);
            map.ZoneLayer.type = LayerType.Zone;
            map.ZoneLayer.size(((MapLayer)map.Layers[0]).Width, ((MapLayer)map.Layers[0]).Height);
   = "Zones";
            map.ZoneLayer.Data = new short[map.ZoneLayer.Width * map.ZoneLayer.Height];
            for (int i = 0; i < map.ZoneLayer.Width * map.ZoneLayer.Height; i++)
                map.ZoneLayer.Data[i] = zonedata[i]; }
Esempio n. 2
        public unsafe static Map ReadMap3(FileInfo fi)
            byte[] m3s = new byte[] { (byte)'V', (byte)'3', (byte)'M', (byte)'A', (byte)'P', (byte)0 };

            FileStream   fs = fi.OpenRead();
            BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fs);

            Map map = new Map();

            map.FileOnDisk = fi;

            //			Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(map.FileOnDisk.Directory.FullName);

            byte[] sig = br.ReadBytes(m3s.Length);
            for (int i = 0; i < m3s.Length; i++)
                if (sig[i] != m3s[i])

            int version = br.ReadInt32();
            int vcofs   = br.ReadInt32();

            byte[] formal       = br.ReadBytes(256);
            byte[] vspname      = br.ReadBytes(256);
            byte[] musicname    = br.ReadBytes(256);
            byte[] renderstring = br.ReadBytes(256);
            byte[] aexec        = br.ReadBytes(256);

            string   vspf = Helper.BytesToString(vspname);
            FileInfo vspfile;

            try {
                vspfile = new FileInfo(vspf);
            } catch (ArgumentException) {
                throw new Exception("VSP file is inaccessible. Requested file was '" + vspf + "'");
            if (!vspfile.Exists)
                System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult dr = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Unable to load requested VSP file.  Create a blank vsp?", "Load Error", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                if (dr == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
                    map.vsp = new Vsp24();
                else if (dr == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel)
                map.vsp = ReadVsp(vspfile.FullName);

            map.FormalName    = Helper.BytesToString(formal);
            map.MusicFileName = Helper.BytesToString(musicname);
            //map.RenderString = Helper.BytesToString(renderstring);
            string rs = Helper.BytesToString(renderstring);

            map.AutoExecEvent = Helper.BytesToString(aexec);

            map.PlayerStartX = br.ReadInt16();
            map.PlayerStartY = br.ReadInt16();

            int layercount = br.ReadInt32();

            for (int i = 0; i < layercount; i++)
                MapLayer ml = new MapLayer(map);
                         = Helper.BytesToString(br.ReadBytes(256));
                ml.type                   = LayerType.Tile;
                ml.parallaxInfo           = new ParallaxInfo();
                ml.parallaxInfo.MultipleX = br.ReadDouble();
                ml.parallaxInfo.MultipleY = br.ReadDouble();
                int w = br.ReadInt16();
                int h = br.ReadInt16();
                ml.size(w, h);
                ml.Translucency = br.ReadByte();
                int len  = br.ReadInt32();
                int zlen = br.ReadInt32();
                ml.Data = ZLIB.DecodeShorts(br.ReadBytes(zlen), len);


            MapLayer ol = new MapLayer(map);

            ol.type = LayerType.Obs;
   = "Obstructions";
            ol.size(((MapLayer)map.Layers[0]).Width, ((MapLayer)map.Layers[0]).Height);
            int ol_lenn = br.ReadInt32();
            int ol_len  = br.ReadInt32();

            byte[] obsdata = ZLIB.Decode(br.ReadBytes(ol_len), ol_lenn);
            for (int i = 0; i < obsdata.Length; i++)
                ol.Data[i] = obsdata[i];
            map.ObsLayer = ol;

            int      zl_lenn = br.ReadInt32();
            int      zl_len  = br.ReadInt32();
            MapLayer zl      = new MapLayer(map);

            zl.type = LayerType.Zone;
   = "Zones";
            zl.size(((MapLayer)map.Layers[0]).Width, ((MapLayer)map.Layers[0]).Height);
            zl.Data       = ZLIB.DecodeShorts(br.ReadBytes(zl_len), zl_lenn);
            map.ZoneLayer = zl;

            MapLayer el = new MapLayer(map);

            el.type      = LayerType.Entity;
        = "Entities";
            map.EntLayer = el;

            MapLayerSpecial rl = new MapLayerSpecial(map);

            rl.type = LayerType.Special_Retrace;


            int zonecount = br.ReadInt32();

            for (int i = 0; i < zonecount; i++)
                MapZone mz      = new MapZone();
                byte[]  zname   = br.ReadBytes(256);
                byte[]  pscript = br.ReadBytes(256);
                //				byte[] escript = br.ReadBytes(256);
                mz.Name         = Helper.BytesToString(zname);
                mz.PlayerScript = Helper.BytesToString(pscript);
                //				mz.EntityScript = Helper.BytesToString(escript);
                mz.Rate   = br.ReadByte();
                mz.Delay  = br.ReadByte();
                mz.AdjAct = br.ReadByte();
                mz.ID     = i;
            if (zonecount == 0)
                MapZone mz = new MapZone();
                mz.ID   = 0;
                mz.Name = "NULL_ZONE";

            int entcount = br.ReadInt32();

            for (int i = 0; i < entcount; i++)
                MapEntity me = new MapEntity();
                me.TileX  = br.ReadInt16();
                me.TileY  = br.ReadInt16();
                me.Facing = br.ReadByte();

                me.ObeyObstruction = br.ReadByte();
                me.IsObstruction   = br.ReadByte();
                me.AutoFace        = br.ReadByte();
                me.Speed           = br.ReadInt16();
                me.ActivationMode  = br.ReadByte();

                me.MoveType           = br.ReadByte();
                me.WanderRectangle.x0 = br.ReadInt16();
                me.WanderRectangle.y0 = br.ReadInt16();
                me.WanderRectangle.x1 = br.ReadInt16();
                me.WanderRectangle.y1 = br.ReadInt16();
                me.WanderDelay        = br.ReadInt16();

                int expand = br.ReadInt32();

                me.MoveScript  = Helper.BytesToString(br.ReadBytes(256));
                me.ChrName     = Helper.BytesToString(br.ReadBytes(256));
                me.Description = Helper.BytesToString(br.ReadBytes(256));
                me.onActivate  = Helper.BytesToString(br.ReadBytes(256));
                me.ID          = map.Entities.Add(me);
            string rs2 = "";

            if (version == 1)
                foreach (char c in rs)
                    if (rs2.Length != 0)
                        rs2 += ",";
                    rs2 += c;
                map.RenderString = rs2;
                map.RenderString = rs;
Esempio n. 3
        public unsafe static Vsp24 ReadVsp24(FileInfo fi)
            //Errors.Error("loading vsp");
            Vsp24 vsp = new Vsp24();

            vsp.FileOnDisk = fi;

            FileStream   fs = fi.OpenRead();
            BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fs);

            int sig     = br.ReadInt32();
            int version = br.ReadInt32();

            if (sig != VSP_SIGNATURE || version != VSP_VERSION)

            // assume 16
            int tilesize = br.ReadInt32();

            // assume 24-bit
            int format = br.ReadInt32();

            int tilecount = br.ReadInt32();

            // assume zlib
            int compression = br.ReadInt32();

            int datalen  = br.ReadInt32();
            int zdatalen = br.ReadInt32();

            byte[] zdata = br.ReadBytes(zdatalen);

            byte[] data = ZLIB.Decode(zdata, datalen);

            for (int tile = 0; tile < tilecount; tile++)
                int[] px = new int[256];
                for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
                    int idx = tile * 256 + i;
                    int c   = unchecked ((int)0xFF000000);
                    c     = c | (data[idx * 3] << 16);
                    c     = c | (data[idx * 3 + 1] << 8);
                    c     = c | data[idx * 3 + 2];
                    px[i] = c;
                vsp.Tiles.Add(new Vsp24Tile(vsp, new pr2.BufferImage(16, 16, px)));

            int animcount = br.ReadInt32();

            for (int i = 0; i < animcount; i++)
                VspAnimation va = new VspAnimation();
                va.Name  = Helper.BytesToString(br.ReadBytes(256));
                va.Start = br.ReadInt32();
                va.End   = br.ReadInt32();
                va.Delay = br.ReadInt32();
                va.Mode  = br.ReadInt32();
                va.ID    = i;

            int obscount = br.ReadInt32();
            int od_len   = br.ReadInt32();
            int od_zlen  = br.ReadInt32();

            byte[] zd = br.ReadBytes(od_zlen);
            byte[] od = ZLIB.Decode(zd, od_len);

            for (int i = 0; i < obscount; i++)
                int[] tile = new int[256];
                for (int j = 0; j < 256; j++)
                    tile[j] = od[i * 256 + j];
                vsp.ObstructionTiles.Add(new VspObstructionTile(vsp, tile));

