public static void FindFiles(string path, string patterns, StyleSheet ss, Dictionary <string, string> color) { try { // search every pattern in this directory's files foreach (string pattern in patterns.Split(';')) { if (Program.using_ansi) { Beaprint.AnsiPrint(String.Join("\n", Directory.GetFiles(path, pattern, SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly).Where(filepath => !filepath.Contains(".dll"))), color); } else { Colorful.Console.WriteLineStyled(String.Join("\n", Directory.GetFiles(path, pattern, SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly).Where(filepath => !filepath.Contains(".dll"))), ss); // .exe can be contained because of appcmd.exe } } if (!Program.search_fast) { Thread.Sleep(Program.search_time); } // go recurse in all sub-directories foreach (var directory in Directory.GetDirectories(path)) { FindFiles(directory, patterns, ss, color); } } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) { } catch (PathTooLongException) { } }
// From Seatbelt public static bool IsVirtualMachine() { // returns true if the system is likely a virtual machine // Adapted from RobSiklos' code from try { using (var searcher = new System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher("Select * from Win32_ComputerSystem")) { using (var items = searcher.Get()) { foreach (var item in items) { string manufacturer = item["Manufacturer"].ToString().ToLower(); if ((manufacturer == "microsoft corporation" && item["Model"].ToString().ToUpperInvariant().Contains("VIRTUAL")) || manufacturer.Contains("vmware") || item["Model"].ToString() == "VirtualBox") { return(true); } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Beaprint.GrayPrint(String.Format(" [X] Exception: {0}", ex.Message)); } return(false); }
public static void FindFiles(string path, string patterns, Dictionary <string, string> color) { try { // search every pattern in this directory's files foreach (string pattern in patterns.Split(';')) { Beaprint.AnsiPrint(" " + String.Join("\n ", Directory.GetFiles(path, pattern, SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly).Where(filepath => !filepath.Contains(".dll"))), color); } if (!Program.search_fast) { Thread.Sleep(Program.search_time); } // go recurse in all sub-directories foreach (string directory in Directory.GetDirectories(path)) { if (!directory.Contains("AppData")) { FindFiles(directory, patterns, color); } } } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) { } catch (PathTooLongException) { } }
public static List <string> GetSAMBackups() { //From SharpUP List <string> results = new List <string>(); try { string systemRoot = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SystemRoot"); string[] SearchLocations = { String.Format(@"{0}\repair\SAM", systemRoot), String.Format(@"{0}\System32\config\RegBack\SAM", systemRoot), //String.Format(@"{0}\System32\config\SAM", systemRoot), String.Format(@"{0}\repair\SYSTEM", systemRoot), //String.Format(@"{0}\System32\config\SYSTEM", systemRoot), String.Format(@"{0}\System32\config\RegBack\SYSTEM", systemRoot), }; foreach (string SearchLocation in SearchLocations) { if (System.IO.File.Exists(SearchLocation)) { results.Add(SearchLocation); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Beaprint.GrayPrint(String.Format(" [X] Exception: {0}", ex.Message)); } return(results); }
public void ShowResults() { foreach (Vulnerability vuln in _vulnerabilities.Where(i => i.Vulnerable)) { Beaprint.BadPrint(String.Format(" [!] {0} : VULNERABLE", vuln.Identification)); foreach (string exploit in vuln.KnownExploits) { Beaprint.BadPrint(String.Format(" [>] {0}", exploit)); } System.Console.WriteLine(); } if (_vulnerabilities.Any(e => e.Vulnerable)) { if (Program.using_ansi) { System.Console.WriteLine(Beaprint.GRAY + " Finished. Found " + Beaprint.ansi_color_bad + _vulnerabilities.Count(i => i.Vulnerable) + Beaprint.GRAY + " potential vulnerabilities." + Beaprint.NOCOLOR); } else { string iniPrint = " Finished. Found {0} potential vulnerabilities."; Formatter[] colors = new Formatter[] { new Formatter(_vulnerabilities.Count(i => i.Vulnerable), Beaprint.color_bad), }; Colorful.Console.WriteLineFormatted(iniPrint, Color.Gray, colors); } } else { Beaprint.GrayPrint(" Finished. Found 0 vulnerabilities.\r\n"); } }
public static string IsDomainJoined() { // returns Compuer Domain if the system is inside an AD (an nothing if it is not) try { Win32.NetJoinStatus status = Win32.NetJoinStatus.NetSetupUnknownStatus; IntPtr pDomain = IntPtr.Zero; int result = Win32.NetGetJoinInformation(null, out pDomain, out status); if (pDomain != IntPtr.Zero) { Win32.NetApiBufferFree(pDomain); } if (result == Win32.ErrorSuccess) { // If in domain, return domain name, if not, return empty if (status == Win32.NetJoinStatus.NetSetupDomainName) { return(Environment.UserDomainName); } return(""); } } catch (Exception ex) { Beaprint.GrayPrint(String.Format(" [X] Exception: {0}\n Trying to check if domain is joined using WMI", ex.Message)); IsDomainJoinedWmi(); } return(""); }
//From Seatbelt public static Dictionary <string, string> GetPowerShellSettings() { Dictionary <string, string> results = new Dictionary <string, string>(); try { results["PowerShell v2 Version"] = MyUtils.GetRegValue("HKLM", "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\PowerShell\\1\\PowerShellEngine", "PowerShellVersion"); results["PowerShell v5 Version"] = MyUtils.GetRegValue("HKLM", "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\PowerShell\\3\\PowerShellEngine", "PowerShellVersion"); results["Transcription Settings"] = ""; results["Module Logging Settings"] = ""; results["Scriptblock Logging Settings"] = ""; Dictionary <string, object> transcriptionSettings = MyUtils.GetRegValues("HKLM", "SOFTWARE\\Policies\\Microsoft\\Windows\\PowerShell\\Transcription"); if ((transcriptionSettings == null) || (transcriptionSettings.Count == 0)) { transcriptionSettings = MyUtils.GetRegValues("HKLM", @"HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\PowerShell\Transcription"); } if ((transcriptionSettings != null) && (transcriptionSettings.Count != 0)) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> kvp in transcriptionSettings) { results["Transcription Settings"] += String.Format(" {0,30} : {1}\r\n", kvp.Key, kvp.Value); } } Dictionary <string, object> moduleLoggingSettings = MyUtils.GetRegValues("HKLM", "SOFTWARE\\Policies\\Microsoft\\Windows\\PowerShell\\ModuleLogging"); if ((moduleLoggingSettings == null) || (moduleLoggingSettings.Count == 0)) { moduleLoggingSettings = MyUtils.GetRegValues("HKLM", @"SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\PowerShell\ModuleLogging"); } if ((moduleLoggingSettings != null) && (moduleLoggingSettings.Count != 0)) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> kvp in moduleLoggingSettings) { results["Module Logging Settings"] += String.Format(" {0,30} : {1}\r\n", kvp.Key, kvp.Value); } } Dictionary <string, object> scriptBlockSettings = MyUtils.GetRegValues("HKLM", "SOFTWARE\\Policies\\Microsoft\\Windows\\PowerShell\\ScriptBlockLogging"); if ((scriptBlockSettings == null) || (scriptBlockSettings.Count == 0)) { scriptBlockSettings = MyUtils.GetRegValues("HKLM", @"SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\PowerShell\ScriptBlockLogging"); } if ((scriptBlockSettings != null) && (scriptBlockSettings.Count != 0)) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> kvp in scriptBlockSettings) { results["Scriptblock Logging Settings"] = String.Format(" {0,30} : {1}\r\n", kvp.Key, kvp.Value); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Beaprint.GrayPrint(String.Format(" [X] Exception: {0}", ex.Message)); } return(results); }
//From Seatbelt public static Dictionary <string, string> GetWEFSettings() { Dictionary <string, string> results = new Dictionary <string, string>(); try { Dictionary <string, object> settings = MyUtils.GetRegValues("HKLM", "Software\\Policies\\Microsoft\\Windows\\EventLog\\EventForwarding\\SubscriptionManager"); if ((settings != null) && (settings.Count != 0)) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> kvp in settings) { if (kvp.Value.GetType().IsArray&& (kvp.Value.GetType().GetElementType().ToString() == "System.String")) { string result = string.Join(",", (string[])kvp.Value); results.Add(kvp.Key, result); } else { results.Add(kvp.Key, (string)kvp.Value); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Beaprint.GrayPrint(String.Format(" [X] Exception: {0}", ex.Message)); } return(results); }
//From Seatbelt public static List <Dictionary <string, string> > GetDNSCache() { List <Dictionary <string, string> > results = new List <Dictionary <string, string> >(); try { ManagementObjectSearcher wmiData = new ManagementObjectSearcher(@"root\standardcimv2", "SELECT * FROM MSFT_DNSClientCache"); ManagementObjectCollection data = wmiData.Get(); foreach (ManagementObject result in data) { Dictionary <string, string> dnsEntry = new Dictionary <string, string>(); string entry = String.Format("{0}", result["Entry"]); string name = String.Format("{0}", result["Name"]); string dataDns = String.Format("{0}", result["Data"]); dnsEntry["Entry"] = (entry.Length > 33) ? "..." + result["Entry"].ToString().Substring(entry.Length - 32) : entry; dnsEntry["Name"] = (name.Length > 33) ? "..." + name.Substring(name.Length - 32) : name; dnsEntry["Data"] = (dataDns.Length > 33) ? "..." + dataDns.Substring(dataDns.Length - 32) : dataDns; results.Add(dnsEntry); } } catch (ManagementException ex) when(ex.ErrorCode == ManagementStatus.InvalidNamespace) { Console.WriteLine(" [X] 'MSFT_DNSClientCache' WMI class unavailable (minimum supported versions of Windows: 8/2012)", ex.Message); } catch (Exception ex) { Beaprint.GrayPrint(String.Format(" [X] Exception: {0}", ex.Message)); } return(results); }
//From Seatbelt public static Dictionary <string, string> GetLapsSettings() { Dictionary <string, string> results = new Dictionary <string, string>(); try { string AdmPwdEnabled = MyUtils.GetRegValue("HKLM", "Software\\Policies\\Microsoft Services\\AdmPwd", "AdmPwdEnabled"); if (AdmPwdEnabled != "") { results["LAPS Enabled"] = AdmPwdEnabled; results["LAPS Admin Account Name"] = MyUtils.GetRegValue("HKLM", "Software\\Policies\\Microsoft Services\\AdmPwd", "AdminAccountName"); results["LAPS Password Complexity"] = MyUtils.GetRegValue("HKLM", "Software\\Policies\\Microsoft Services\\AdmPwd", "PasswordComplexity"); results["LAPS Password Length"] = MyUtils.GetRegValue("HKLM", "Software\\Policies\\Microsoft Services\\AdmPwd", "PasswordLength"); results["LAPS Expiration Protection Enabled"] = MyUtils.GetRegValue("HKLM", "Software\\Policies\\Microsoft Services\\AdmPwd", "PwdExpirationProtectionEnabled"); } else { results["LAPS Enabled"] = "LAPS not installed"; } } catch (Exception ex) { Beaprint.GrayPrint(String.Format(" [X] Exception: {0}", ex.Message)); } return(results); }
////////////////////////////////////// //////// PATH DLL Hijacking ///////// ////////////////////////////////////// /// Look for write or equivalent permissions on ay folder in PATH public static Dictionary <string, string> GetPathDLLHijacking() { Dictionary <string, string> results = new Dictionary <string, string>(); try { // grabbed from the registry instead of System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable to prevent false positives string path = MyUtils.GetRegValue("HKLM", "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Session Manager\\Environment", "Path"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { path = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH"); } List <string> folders = path.Split(';').ToList(); foreach (string folder in folders) { results[folder] = String.Join(", ", MyUtils.GetPermissionsFolder(folder, Program.currentUserSIDs)); } } catch (Exception ex) { Beaprint.GrayPrint(String.Format(" [X] Exception: {0}", ex.Message)); } return(results); }
////////////////////////////////////////// /////// Find Write reg. Services //////// ////////////////////////////////////////// /// Find Services which Reg you have write or equivalent access public static List <Dictionary <string, string> > GetWriteServiceRegs(Dictionary <string, string> NtAccountNames) { List <Dictionary <string, string> > results = new List <Dictionary <string, string> >(); try { RegistryKey regKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"system\currentcontrolset\services"); foreach (string serviceRegName in regKey.GetSubKeyNames()) { RegistryKey key = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"system\currentcontrolset\services\" + serviceRegName); List <string> perms = MyUtils.GetMyPermissionsR(key, NtAccountNames); if (perms.Count > 0) { results.Add(new Dictionary <string, string> { { "Path", @"HKLM\system\currentcontrolset\services\" + serviceRegName }, { "Permissions", string.Join(", ", perms) } }); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Beaprint.GrayPrint(String.Format(" [X] Exception: {0}", ex.Message)); } return(results); }
public static string permInt2Str(int current_perm) { Dictionary <string, int> interesting_perms = new Dictionary <string, int>() { { "GenericAll", 268435456 }, { "FullControl", (int)FileSystemRights.FullControl }, { "TakeOwnership", (int)FileSystemRights.TakeOwnership }, { "GenericWrite", 1073741824 }, { "WriteData/CreateFiles", (int)FileSystemRights.WriteData }, { "Modify", (int)FileSystemRights.Modify }, { "Write", (int)FileSystemRights.Write }, { "ChangePermissions", (int)FileSystemRights.ChangePermissions }, { "Delete", (int)FileSystemRights.Delete }, { "DeleteSubdirectoriesAndFiles", (int)FileSystemRights.DeleteSubdirectoriesAndFiles }, { "AppendData/CreateDirectories", (int)FileSystemRights.AppendData }, { "WriteAttributes", (int)FileSystemRights.WriteAttributes }, { "WriteExtendedAttributes", (int)FileSystemRights.WriteExtendedAttributes }, }; try { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> entry in interesting_perms) { if ((entry.Value & current_perm) == entry.Value) { return(entry.Key); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Beaprint.GrayPrint("Error in permInt2Str: " + ex); } return(""); }
// public static List <Dictionary <string, string> > GetPasswordPolicy() { List <Dictionary <string, string> > results = new List <Dictionary <string, string> >(); try { using (SamServer server = new SamServer(null, SamServer.SERVER_ACCESS_MASK.SAM_SERVER_ENUMERATE_DOMAINS | SamServer.SERVER_ACCESS_MASK.SAM_SERVER_LOOKUP_DOMAIN)) { foreach (string domain in server.EnumerateDomains()) { var sid = server.GetDomainSid(domain); var pi = server.GetDomainPasswordInformation(sid); results.Add(new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "Domain", domain }, { "SID", String.Format("{0}", sid) }, { "MaxPasswordAge", String.Format("{0}", pi.MaxPasswordAge) }, { "MinPasswordAge", String.Format("{0}", pi.MinPasswordAge) }, { "MinPasswordLength", String.Format("{0}", pi.MinPasswordLength) }, { "PasswordHistoryLength", String.Format("{0}", pi.PasswordHistoryLength) }, { "PasswordProperties", String.Format("{0}", pi.PasswordProperties) }, }); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Beaprint.GrayPrint(String.Format(" [X] Exception: {0}", ex)); } return(results); }
// public static List <string> GetUserGroups(string sUserName, string domain) { List <string> myItems = new List <string>(); try { if (Program.currentUserIsLocal && domain != Program.currentUserDomainName) { return(myItems); //If local user and other domain, do not look } UserPrincipal oUserPrincipal = GetUser(sUserName, domain); if (oUserPrincipal != null) { PrincipalSearchResult <Principal> oPrincipalSearchResult = oUserPrincipal.GetGroups(); foreach (Principal oResult in oPrincipalSearchResult) { myItems.Add(oResult.Name); } } else { Beaprint.GrayPrint(" [-] Controlled exception, info about " + domain + "\\" + sUserName + " not found"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Beaprint.GrayPrint(String.Format(" [X] Exception: {0}", ex.Message)); } return(myItems); }
//From public static Dictionary <string, string> GetAVInfo() { Dictionary <string, string> results = new Dictionary <string, string>(); string whitelistpaths = ""; try { whitelistpaths = String.Join("\n ", MyUtils.GetRegValues("HKLM", @"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Exclusions\Paths").Keys); ManagementObjectSearcher wmiData = new ManagementObjectSearcher(@"root\SecurityCenter2", "SELECT * FROM AntiVirusProduct"); ManagementObjectCollection data = wmiData.Get(); foreach (ManagementObject virusChecker in data) { results["Name"] = (string)virusChecker["displayName"]; results["ProductEXE"] = (string)virusChecker["pathToSignedProductExe"]; results["pathToSignedReportingExe"] = (string)virusChecker["pathToSignedReportingExe"]; } } catch (Exception ex) { Beaprint.GrayPrint(String.Format(" [X] Exception: {0}", ex.Message)); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(whitelistpaths)) { results["whitelistpaths"] = " " + whitelistpaths; //Add this info the last } return(results); }
public static string PermInt2Str(int current_perm, bool only_write_or_equivalent = false, bool is_service = false) { Dictionary <string, int> interesting_perms = new Dictionary <string, int>() { // This isn't an exhaustive list of possible permissions. Just the interesting ones. { "AllAccess", 0xf01ff }, { "GenericAll", 0x10000000 }, { "FullControl", (int)FileSystemRights.FullControl }, { "TakeOwnership", (int)FileSystemRights.TakeOwnership }, { "GenericWrite", 0x40000000 }, { "WriteData/CreateFiles", (int)FileSystemRights.WriteData }, { "Modify", (int)FileSystemRights.Modify }, { "Write", (int)FileSystemRights.Write }, { "ChangePermissions", (int)FileSystemRights.ChangePermissions }, { "Delete", (int)FileSystemRights.Delete }, { "DeleteSubdirectoriesAndFiles", (int)FileSystemRights.DeleteSubdirectoriesAndFiles }, { "AppendData/CreateDirectories", (int)FileSystemRights.AppendData }, { "WriteAttributes", (int)FileSystemRights.WriteAttributes }, { "WriteExtendedAttributes", (int)FileSystemRights.WriteExtendedAttributes }, }; if (only_write_or_equivalent) { interesting_perms = new Dictionary <string, int>() { { "AllAccess", 0xf01ff }, { "GenericAll", 0x10000000 }, { "FullControl", (int)FileSystemRights.FullControl }, //0x1f01ff { "TakeOwnership", (int)FileSystemRights.TakeOwnership }, //0x80000 { "GenericWrite", 0x40000000 }, { "WriteData/CreateFiles", (int)FileSystemRights.WriteData }, //0x2 { "Modify", (int)FileSystemRights.Modify }, //0x301bf { "Write", (int)FileSystemRights.Write }, //0x116 { "ChangePermissions", (int)FileSystemRights.ChangePermissions }, //0x40000 }; } if (is_service) { interesting_perms["Start"] = 0x00000010; interesting_perms["Stop"] = 0x00000020; } try { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> entry in interesting_perms) { if ((entry.Value & current_perm) == entry.Value) { return(entry.Key); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Beaprint.GrayPrint("Error in PermInt2Str: " + ex); } return(""); }
// TODO: check out public static List <Dictionary <string, string> > GetProcessInfo() { List <Dictionary <string, string> > final_results = new List <Dictionary <string, string> >(); try { var wmiQueryString = "SELECT ProcessId, ExecutablePath, CommandLine FROM Win32_Process"; using (var searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(wmiQueryString)) using (var results = searcher.Get()) { var query = from p in Process.GetProcesses() join mo in results.Cast <ManagementObject>() on p.Id equals(int)(uint) mo["ProcessId"] select new { Process = p, Path = (string)mo["ExecutablePath"], CommandLine = (string)mo["CommandLine"], Owner = GetProcessUser(p), //Needed inside the next foreach }; foreach (var item in query) { if (item.Path != null) { string companyName = ""; string isDotNet = ""; try { FileVersionInfo myFileVersionInfo = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(item.Path); companyName = myFileVersionInfo.CompanyName; isDotNet = MyUtils.CheckIfDotNet(item.Path) ? "isDotNet" : ""; } catch (Exception ex) { // Not enough privileges } if ((String.IsNullOrEmpty(companyName)) || (!Regex.IsMatch(companyName, @"^Microsoft.*", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))) { Dictionary <string, string> toadd = new Dictionary <string, string>(); toadd["Name"] = item.Process.ProcessName; toadd["ProcessID"] = item.Process.Id.ToString(); toadd["ExecutablePath"] = item.Path; toadd["Product"] = companyName; toadd["Owner"] = item.Owner == null ? "" : item.Owner; toadd["isDotNet"] = isDotNet; toadd["CommandLine"] = item.CommandLine; final_results.Add(toadd); } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Beaprint.GrayPrint(String.Format(" [X] Exception: {0}", ex.Message)); } return(final_results); }
public static List <string> GetMyPermissionsR(RegistryKey key, Dictionary <string, string> SIDs) { // Get interesting permissions in rSecurity (Only Registry) List <string> results = new List <string>(); Dictionary <string, string> container = new Dictionary <string, string>(); try { var rSecurity = key.GetAccessControl(); //Go through the rules returned from the DirectorySecurity foreach (RegistryAccessRule rule in rSecurity.GetAccessRules(true, true, typeof(SecurityIdentifier))) { int current_perm = (int)rule.RegistryRights; string current_perm_str = PermInt2Str(current_perm, true); if (current_perm_str == "") { continue; } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> mySID in SIDs) { // If the rule is interesting, check if any of my SIDs is in the rule if (rule.IdentityReference.Value.ToLower() == mySID.Key.ToLower()) { string SID_name = String.IsNullOrEmpty(mySID.Value) ? mySID.Key : mySID.Value; if (container.ContainsKey(SID_name)) { if (!container[SID_name].Contains(current_perm_str)) { container[SID_name] += " " + current_perm_str; } } else { container[SID_name] = current_perm_str; } string to_add = String.Format("{0} [{1}]", SID_name, current_perm_str); } } } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> SID_input in container) { string to_add = String.Format("{0} [{1}]", SID_input.Key, SID_input.Value); results.Add(to_add); } } catch (Exception ex) { Beaprint.GrayPrint(String.Format(" [X] Exception: {0}", ex.Message)); } return(results); }
//From Seatbelt public static Dictionary <string, string> GetUACSystemPolicies() { Dictionary <string, string> results = new Dictionary <string, string>(); try { string ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin = MyUtils.GetRegValue("HKLM", "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\System", "ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin"); switch (ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin) { case "0": results["ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin"] = String.Format("{0} - No prompting", ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin); break; case "1": results["ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin"] = String.Format("{0} - PromptOnSecureDesktop", ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin); break; case "2": results["ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin"] = String.Format("{0} - PromptPermitDenyOnSecureDesktop", ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin); break; case "3": results["ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin"] = String.Format("{0} - PromptForCredsNotOnSecureDesktop", ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin); break; case "4": results["ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin"] = String.Format("{0} - PromptForPermitDenyNotOnSecureDesktop", ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin); break; case "5": results["ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin"] = String.Format("{0} - PromptForNonWindowsBinaries", ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin); break; default: results["ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin"] = String.Format("{0} - PromptForNonWindowsBinaries", ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin); break; } string EnableLUA = MyUtils.GetRegValue("HKLM", "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\System", "EnableLUA"); results["EnableLUA"] = EnableLUA; string LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy = MyUtils.GetRegValue("HKLM", "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\System", "LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy"); results["LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy"] = LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy; string FilterAdministratorToken = MyUtils.GetRegValue("HKLM", "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\System", "FilterAdministratorToken"); results["FilterAdministratorToken"] = FilterAdministratorToken; } catch (Exception ex) { Beaprint.GrayPrint(String.Format(" [X] Exception: {0}", ex.Message)); } return(results); }
public static string PermInt2Str(int current_perm, bool only_write_or_equivalent = false) { Dictionary <string, int> interesting_perms = new Dictionary <string, int>() { { "AllAccess", 0xf01ff }, { "GenericAll", 0x10000000 }, { "FullControl", (int)FileSystemRights.FullControl }, { "TakeOwnership", (int)FileSystemRights.TakeOwnership }, { "GenericWrite", 0x40000000 }, { "WriteData/CreateFiles", (int)FileSystemRights.WriteData }, { "Modify", (int)FileSystemRights.Modify }, { "Write", (int)FileSystemRights.Write }, { "ChangePermissions", (int)FileSystemRights.ChangePermissions }, { "Delete", (int)FileSystemRights.Delete }, { "DeleteSubdirectoriesAndFiles", (int)FileSystemRights.DeleteSubdirectoriesAndFiles }, { "AppendData/CreateDirectories", (int)FileSystemRights.AppendData }, { "WriteAttributes", (int)FileSystemRights.WriteAttributes }, { "WriteExtendedAttributes", (int)FileSystemRights.WriteExtendedAttributes }, }; if (only_write_or_equivalent) { interesting_perms = new Dictionary <string, int>() { { "AllAccess", 0xf01ff }, { "GenericAll", 0x10000000 }, { "FullControl", (int)FileSystemRights.FullControl }, { "TakeOwnership", (int)FileSystemRights.TakeOwnership }, { "GenericWrite", 0x40000000 }, { "WriteData/CreateFiles", (int)FileSystemRights.WriteData }, { "Modify", (int)FileSystemRights.Modify }, { "Write", (int)FileSystemRights.Write }, { "ChangePermissions", (int)FileSystemRights.ChangePermissions }, }; } try { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> entry in interesting_perms) { if ((entry.Value & current_perm) == entry.Value) { return(entry.Key); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Beaprint.GrayPrint("Error in PermInt2Str: " + ex); } return(""); }
public static List <Dictionary <string, string> > GetScheduledAppsNoMicrosoft() { List <Dictionary <string, string> > results = new List <Dictionary <string, string> >(); try { void EnumFolderTasks(TaskFolder fld) { foreach (Microsoft.Win32.TaskScheduler.Task task in fld.Tasks) { ActOnTask(task); } //task.Name //task.Enabled //task.Definition.Actions //task.Definition foreach (TaskFolder sfld in fld.SubFolders) { EnumFolderTasks(sfld); } } void ActOnTask(Microsoft.Win32.TaskScheduler.Task t) { if (t.Enabled && (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(t.Definition.RegistrationInfo.Author) && !t.Definition.RegistrationInfo.Author.Contains("Microsoft"))) { List <string> f_trigger = new List <string>(); foreach (Trigger trigger in t.Definition.Triggers) { f_trigger.Add(String.Format("{0}", trigger)); } results.Add(new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "Name", t.Name }, { "Action", Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(String.Format("{0}", t.Definition.Actions)) }, { "Trigger", String.Join("\n ", f_trigger) }, { "Author", String.Join(", ", t.Definition.RegistrationInfo.Author) }, { "Description", String.Join(", ", t.Definition.RegistrationInfo.Description) }, }); } } EnumFolderTasks(TaskService.Instance.RootFolder); } catch (Exception ex) { Beaprint.GrayPrint("Error: " + ex); } return(results); }
/////////////////////////////////////////////// //// Non Standard Services (Non Microsoft) //// /////////////////////////////////////////////// public static List <Dictionary <string, string> > GetNonstandardServices() { List <Dictionary <string, string> > results = new List <Dictionary <string, string> >(); try { ManagementObjectSearcher wmiData = new ManagementObjectSearcher(@"root\cimv2", "SELECT * FROM win32_service"); ManagementObjectCollection data = wmiData.Get(); foreach (ManagementObject result in data) { if (result["PathName"] != null) { string binaryPath = MyUtils.GetExecutableFromPath(result["PathName"].ToString()); string companyName = ""; string isDotNet = ""; try { FileVersionInfo myFileVersionInfo = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(binaryPath); companyName = myFileVersionInfo.CompanyName; isDotNet = MyUtils.CheckIfDotNet(binaryPath) ? "isDotNet" : ""; } catch (Exception ex) { // Not enough privileges } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(companyName) || (!Regex.IsMatch(companyName, @"^Microsoft.*", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))) { Dictionary <string, string> toadd = new Dictionary <string, string>(); toadd["Name"] = String.Format("{0}", result["Name"]); toadd["DisplayName"] = String.Format("{0}", result["DisplayName"]); toadd["CompanyName"] = companyName; toadd["State"] = String.Format("{0}", result["State"]); toadd["StartMode"] = String.Format("{0}", result["StartMode"]); toadd["PathName"] = String.Format("{0}", result["PathName"]); toadd["FilteredPath"] = binaryPath; toadd["isDotNet"] = isDotNet; toadd["Description"] = String.Format("{0}", result["Description"]); results.Add(toadd); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Beaprint.GrayPrint(String.Format(" [X] Exception: {0}", ex.Message)); } return(results); }
// public static List <string> GetMachineUsers(Boolean onlyActive, Boolean onlyDisabled, Boolean onlyLockout, Boolean onlyAdmins, Boolean fullInfo) { List <string> retList = new List <string>(); try { foreach (ManagementObject user in Program.win32_users) { if (onlyActive && !(bool)user["Disabled"] && !(bool)user["Lockout"]) { retList.Add((string)user["Name"]); } else if (onlyDisabled && (bool)user["Disabled"] && !(bool)user["Lockout"]) { retList.Add((string)user["Name"]); } else if (onlyLockout && (bool)user["Lockout"]) { retList.Add((string)user["Name"]); } else if (onlyAdmins) { string domain = (string)user["Domain"]; if (string.Join(",", GetUserGroups((string)user["Name"], domain)).Contains("Admin")) { retList.Add((string)user["Name"]); } } else if (fullInfo) { string domain = (string)user["Domain"]; string userLine = user["Caption"] + ((bool)user["Disabled"] ? "(Disabled)" : "") + ((bool)user["Lockout"] ? "(Lockout)" : "") + ((string)user["Fullname"] != "false" ? "" : "(" + user["Fullname"] + ")") + (((string)user["Description"]).Length > 1 ? ": " + user["Description"] : ""); List <string> user_groups = GetUserGroups((string)user["Name"], domain); string groupsLine = ""; if (user_groups.Count > 0) { groupsLine = "\n |->Groups: " + string.Join(",", user_groups); } string passLine = "\n |->Password: "******"PasswordChangeable"] ? "CanChange" : "NotChange") + "-" + ((bool)user["PasswordExpires"] ? "Expi" : "NotExpi") + "-" + ((bool)user["PasswordRequired"] ? "Req" : "NotReq") + "\n"; retList.Add(userLine + groupsLine + passLine); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Beaprint.GrayPrint(String.Format(" [X] Exception: {0}", ex)); } return(retList); }
////////////////////////////////////// /////// Get Autorun Registry //////// ////////////////////////////////////// /// Find Autoru registry where you have write or equivalent access public static List <Dictionary <string, string> > GetRegistryAutoRuns(Dictionary <string, string> NtAccountNames) { List <Dictionary <string, string> > results = new List <Dictionary <string, string> >(); try { string[] autorunLocations = new string[] { "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run", "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\RunOnce", "SOFTWARE\\Wow6432Node\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run", "SOFTWARE\\Wow6432Node\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\RunOnce", "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\RunService", "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\RunOnceService", "SOFTWARE\\Wow6432Node\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\RunService", "SOFTWARE\\Wow6432Node\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\RunOnceService" }; foreach (string autorunLocation in autorunLocations) { Dictionary <string, object> settings = MyUtils.GetRegValues("HKLM", autorunLocation); if ((settings != null) && (settings.Count != 0)) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> kvp in settings) { RegistryKey key = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(autorunLocation); string filepath = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(String.Format("{0}", kvp.Value)); string folder = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(filepath.Replace("'", "").Replace("\"", "")); results.Add(new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "Reg", "HKLM\\" + autorunLocation }, { "Folder", folder }, { "File", filepath }, { "RegPermissions", string.Join(", ", MyUtils.GetMyPermissionsR(key, NtAccountNames)) }, { "interestingFolderRights", String.Join(", ", MyUtils.GetPermissionsFolder(folder, Program.currentUserSIDs)) }, { "interestingFileRights", String.Join(", ", MyUtils.GetPermissionsFile(filepath, Program.currentUserSIDs)) }, { "isUnquotedSpaced", MyUtils.CheckQuoteAndSpace(filepath).ToString() } }); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Beaprint.GrayPrint(String.Format(" [X] Exception: {0}", ex.Message)); } return(results); }
//From Seatbelt public static Dictionary <string, string> GetUserEnvVariables() { Dictionary <string, string> result = new Dictionary <string, string>(); try { foreach (System.Collections.DictionaryEntry env in Environment.GetEnvironmentVariables()) { result[(string)env.Key] = (string)env.Value; } } catch (Exception ex) { Beaprint.GrayPrint(String.Format(" [X] Exception: {0}", ex.Message)); } return(result); }
public static string GetFirewallProfiles() { string result = ""; try { Type firewall = Type.GetTypeFromCLSID(new Guid("E2B3C97F-6AE1-41AC-817A-F6F92166D7DD")); Object firewallObj = Activator.CreateInstance(firewall); Object types = firewallObj.GetType().InvokeMember("CurrentProfileTypes", BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, firewallObj, null); result = String.Format("{0}", (FirewallProfiles)Int32.Parse(types.ToString())); } catch (Exception ex) { Beaprint.GrayPrint(String.Format(" [X] Exception: {0}", ex.Message)); } return(result); }
public static List <string> GetAppsRegistry() { List <string> retList = new List <string>(); try { RegistryKey softwareKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE"); foreach (string subKeyName in softwareKey.GetSubKeyNames()) { retList.Add(subKeyName); } } catch (Exception ex) { Beaprint.GrayPrint("Error: " + ex); } return(retList); }
public static string GetConsoleHostHistory() { string result = ""; try { string searchLocation = String.Format("{0}\\AppData\\Roaming\\Microsoft\\Windows\\PowerShell\\PSReadline\\ConsoleHost_history.txt", Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("USERPROFILE")); if (System.IO.File.Exists(searchLocation)) { result = searchLocation; } } catch (Exception ex) { Beaprint.GrayPrint("Error: " + ex); } return(result); }
public static List <string> ListUsersDocs() { List <string> results = new List <string>(); try { // returns files (w/ modification dates) that match the given pattern below string patterns = "*diagram*;*.pdf;*.vsd;*.doc;*docx;*.xls;*.xlsx"; if (MyUtils.IsHighIntegrity()) { string searchPath = String.Format("{0}\\Users\\", Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SystemDrive")); List <string> files = MyUtils.FindFiles(searchPath, patterns); foreach (string file in files) { DateTime lastAccessed = System.IO.File.GetLastAccessTime(file); DateTime lastModified = System.IO.File.GetLastWriteTime(file); results.Add(file); } } else { string searchPath = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("USERPROFILE"); List <string> files = MyUtils.FindFiles(searchPath, patterns); foreach (string file in files) { DateTime lastAccessed = System.IO.File.GetLastAccessTime(file); DateTime lastModified = System.IO.File.GetLastWriteTime(file); results.Add(file); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Beaprint.GrayPrint("Error: " + ex); } return(results); }