Esempio n. 1
		/// <summary> Appends all elements of the supplied vector to this vector.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="toAppend">the FastVector containing elements to append.
		/// </param>
		public void  appendXmlElements(FastVector toAppend)
			Capacity = size() + toAppend.size();
			Array.Copy(toAppend.m_Objects, 0, m_Objects, size(), toAppend.size());
			m_Size = m_Objects.Length;
Esempio n. 2
		/// <summary> Split up a string containing options into an array of strings,
		/// one for each option.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="optionString">the string containing the options
		/// </param>
		/// <returns> the array of options
		/// </returns>
		public static System.String[] splitOptions(System.String quotedOptionString)
			FastVector optionsVec = new FastVector();
			System.String str = new System.Text.StringBuilder(quotedOptionString).ToString();
			int i;
			while (true)
				i = 0;
				while ((i < str.Length) && (System.Char.IsWhiteSpace(str[i])))
				str = str.Substring(i);
				//stop when str is empty
				if (str.Length == 0)
				//if str start with a double quote
				if (str[0] == '"')
					//find the first not anti-slached double quote
					i = 1;
					while (i < str.Length)
						if (str[i] == str[0])
						if (str[i] == '\\')
							i += 1;
							if (i >= str.Length)
								throw new System.Exception("String should not finish with \\");
							if (str[i] != '\\' && str[i] != '"')
								throw new System.Exception("Unknow character \\" + str[i]);
						i += 1;
					if (i >= str.Length)
						throw new System.Exception("Quote parse error.");
					//add the founded string to the option vector (without quotes)
					System.String optStr = str.Substring(1, (i) - (1));
					optStr = unbackQuoteChars(optStr);
					str = str.Substring(i + 1);
					//find first whiteSpace
					i = 0;
					while ((i < str.Length) && (!System.Char.IsWhiteSpace(str[i])))
					//add the founded string to the option vector
					System.String optStr = str.Substring(0, (i) - (0));
					str = str.Substring(i);
			//convert optionsVec to an array of String
			System.String[] options = new System.String[optionsVec.size()];
			for (i = 0; i < optionsVec.size(); i++)
				options[i] = ((System.String) optionsVec.elementAt(i));
			return options;
Esempio n. 3
		/// <summary> Reads and stores header of an ARFF file.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="tokenizer">the stream tokenizer
		/// </param>
		/// <exception cref="IOException">if the information is not read 
		/// successfully
		/// </exception>
		protected internal virtual void  readHeader(StreamTokenizer tokenizer)
			System.String attributeName;
			FastVector attributeValues;
			//int i;
            Token token=null;
			// Get name of relation.
			getFirstToken(tokenizer, out token);
			//if (tokenizer.ttype == SupportClass.StreamTokenizerSupport.TT_EOF)
            if ((token != null)   && (token is EofToken))
				errms(tokenizer, "premature end of file");
			if (ARFF_RELATION.ToUpper().Equals(token.StringValue.ToUpper()))
				getNextToken(tokenizer,out token);
				m_RelationName = token.StringValue;
				getLastToken(tokenizer,out token, false);
				errms(tokenizer, "keyword " + ARFF_RELATION + " expected");
			// Create vectors to hold information temporarily.
			m_Attributes = new FastVector();
			// Get attribute declarations.
			getFirstToken(tokenizer, out token);
			//if (tokenizer.ttype == SupportClass.StreamTokenizerSupport.TT_EOF)
            if ((token != null) && (token is EofToken))
				errms(tokenizer, "premature end of file");
			while (Attribute.ARFF_ATTRIBUTE.ToUpper().Equals(token.StringValue.ToUpper()))
				// Get attribute name.
				getNextToken(tokenizer,out token);
				attributeName = token.StringValue;
				getNextToken(tokenizer,out token);
				// Check if attribute is nominal.
				//if (tokenizer.ttype == SupportClass.StreamTokenizerSupport.TT_WORD)
                if ((token != null) && (token is WordToken))
					// Attribute is real, integer, or string.
                    if (token.StringValue.ToUpper().Equals(Attribute.ARFF_ATTRIBUTE_REAL.ToUpper()) || token.StringValue.ToUpper().Equals(Attribute.ARFF_ATTRIBUTE_INTEGER.ToUpper()) || token.StringValue.ToUpper().Equals(Attribute.ARFF_ATTRIBUTE_NUMERIC.ToUpper()))
						m_Attributes.addElement(new Attribute(attributeName, numAttributes()));
                    else if (token.StringValue.ToUpper().Equals(Attribute.ARFF_ATTRIBUTE_STRING.ToUpper()))
						m_Attributes.addElement(new Attribute(attributeName, (FastVector) null, numAttributes()));
                    else if (token.StringValue.ToUpper().Equals(Attribute.ARFF_ATTRIBUTE_DATE.ToUpper()))
						System.String format = null;
                        tokenizer.NextToken(out token);
						//if (tokenizer.NextToken() != SupportClass.StreamTokenizerSupport.TT_EOL)
                        if ((token != null) && (!(token is EofToken)))
							//if ((tokenizer.ttype != SupportClass.StreamTokenizerSupport.TT_WORD) && (tokenizer.ttype != '\'') && (tokenizer.ttype != '\"'))
                            if ((token != null) && (!(token is WordToken)) && (token.StringValue!="'") && (token.StringValue!="\"") )
								errms(tokenizer, "not a valid date format");
							format = token.StringValue;
						m_Attributes.addElement(new Attribute(attributeName, format, numAttributes()));
						errms(tokenizer, "no valid attribute type or invalid " + "enumeration");
					// Attribute is nominal.
					attributeValues = new FastVector();
					// Get values for nominal attribute.
                    tokenizer.NextToken(out token);
					if ( token.StringValue != "{")
						errms(tokenizer, "{ expected at beginning of enumeration");
                    tokenizer.NextToken(out token);
					while ( token.StringValue != "}")
						//if (tokenizer.ttype == SupportClass.StreamTokenizerSupport.TT_EOL)
                        if (token is EolToken)
							errms(tokenizer, "} expected at end of enumeration");

                        tokenizer.NextToken(out token);
					if (attributeValues.size() == 0)
						errms(tokenizer, "no nominal values found");
					m_Attributes.addElement(new Attribute(attributeName, attributeValues, numAttributes()));
				getLastToken(tokenizer,out token, false);
				getFirstToken(tokenizer,out token);
				//if (tokenizer.ttype == SupportClass.StreamTokenizerSupport.TT_EOF)
                if (token is EofToken)
					errms(tokenizer, "premature end of file");
			// Check if data part follows. We can't easily check for EOL.
			if (!ARFF_DATA.ToUpper().Equals(token.StringValue.ToUpper()))
				errms(tokenizer, "keyword " + ARFF_DATA + " expected");
			// Check if any attributes have been declared.
			if (m_Attributes.size() == 0)
				errms(tokenizer, "no attributes declared");
			// Allocate buffers in case sparse instances have to be read
			m_ValueBuffer = new double[numAttributes()];
			m_IndicesBuffer = new int[numAttributes()];
Esempio n. 4
		/// <summary> Help function needed for stratification of set.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="numFolds">the number of folds for the stratification
		/// </param>
		protected internal virtual void  stratStep(int numFolds)
			FastVector newVec = new FastVector(m_Instances.capacity());
			int start = 0, j;
			// create stratified batch
			while (newVec.size() < numInstances())
				j = start;
				while (j < numInstances())
					j = j + numFolds;
			m_Instances = newVec;
Esempio n. 5
		/// <summary> Constructor for nominal attributes and string attributes, where
		/// metadata is supplied. If a null vector of attribute values is passed
		/// to the method, the attribute is assumed to be a string.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="attributeName">the name for the attribute
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="attributeValues">a vector of strings denoting the 
		/// attribute values. Null if the attribute is a string attribute.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="metadata">the attribute's properties
		/// </param>
		//@ requires attributeName != null;
		//@ requires metadata != null;
		/*@ ensures  m_Name == attributeName;
		ensures  m_Index == -1;
		ensures  attributeValues == null && m_Type == STRING
		|| attributeValues != null && m_Type == NOMINAL 
		&& m_Values.size() == attributeValues.size();
		signals (IllegalArgumentException ex) 
		(* if duplicate strings in attributeValues *);
		public Attribute(System.String attributeName, FastVector attributeValues, ProtectedProperties metadata)
			m_Name = attributeName;
			m_Index = - 1;
			if (attributeValues == null)
				m_Values = new FastVector();
				m_Hashtable = System.Collections.Hashtable.Synchronized(new System.Collections.Hashtable());
				m_Type = STRING;
				m_Values = new FastVector(attributeValues.size());
				//m_Hashtable = System.Collections.Hashtable.Synchronized(new System.Collections.Hashtable(attributeValues.size()));
                m_Hashtable = new System.Collections.Hashtable(attributeValues.size());
				for (int i = 0; i < attributeValues.size(); i++)
                    // No serialization
					System.Object store = attributeValues.elementAt(i);
                    //if (((System.String) store).Length > STRING_COMPRESS_THRESHOLD)
					//	try
					//	{
					//		store = new SerializedObject(attributeValues.elementAt(i), true);
					//	}
					//	catch (System.Exception ex)
					//	{
					//		System.Console.Error.WriteLine("Couldn't compress nominal attribute value -" + " storing uncompressed.");
					//	}

					if (m_Hashtable.ContainsKey(store))
						//UPGRADE_TODO: The equivalent in .NET for method 'java.lang.Object.toString' may return a different value. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1043'"
						throw new System.ArgumentException("A nominal attribute (" + attributeName + ") cannot" + " have duplicate labels (" + store + ").");
                    m_Hashtable.Add(store, (System.Int32) i);

				m_Type = NOMINAL;