/** * Launch client. * @param args args[0] Private key * @param args args[1] [training|arena] * @param args args[2] number of turns * @param args args[3] HTTP URL of Vindinium server (optional) */ static void Main(string[] args) { string serverURL = args.Length == 4 ? args[3] : "http://vindinium.org"; //create the server stuff, when not in training mode, it doesnt matter //what you use as the number of turns ServerStuff serverStuff = new ServerStuff(args[0], args[1] != "arena", uint.Parse(args[2]), serverURL, null); //create the random bot, replace this with your own bot RandomBot bot = new RandomBot(serverStuff); //now kick it all off by running the bot. bot.run(); Console.Out.WriteLine("done"); Console.Read(); }