Esempio n. 1
        protected override DdnsResponse DecodeUpdateIpResponse(string updateIpResp)
            // parse Http response
            DdnsHttpResponse httpResponse = DdnsHttpResponse.Parse(updateIpResp);

            string responseCode = null;

            // extract response code
            if (httpResponse.Body.LastIndexOf(' ') > 0)
                responseCode = httpResponse.Body.Substring(0, httpResponse.Body.LastIndexOf(' '));
                responseCode = httpResponse.Body;

            DdnsResponse ddnsResponse = new DdnsResponse(responseCode);

            // if response is "good" or "nochg", No-Ip service provider returns also IP address
            if ((ddnsResponse.Code == DdnsResponseCode.Good) ||
                (ddnsResponse.Code == DdnsResponseCode.NoChg))
                // ex. good aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd
                //     nochg aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd
                this.ipAddress = IPAddress.Parse(httpResponse.Body.Substring(httpResponse.Body.LastIndexOf(' ') + 1));

Esempio n. 2
        protected override DdnsResponse DecodeUpdateIpResponse(string updateIpResp)
            // parse Http response
            DdnsHttpResponse httpResponse = DdnsHttpResponse.Parse(updateIpResp);

            string responseCode = null;

            // extract response code
            if (httpResponse.Body.LastIndexOf(' ') > 0)
                responseCode = httpResponse.Body.Substring(0, httpResponse.Body.LastIndexOf(' '));
                responseCode = httpResponse.Body;

            DdnsResponse ddnsResponse = new DdnsResponse(responseCode);

            // if response is "good" or "nochg", No-Ip service provider returns also IP address
            if ((ddnsResponse.Code == DdnsResponseCode.Good) ||
                (ddnsResponse.Code == DdnsResponseCode.NoChg))
                // ex. good aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd
                //     nochg aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd
                this.ipAddress = IPAddress.Parse(httpResponse.Body.Substring(httpResponse.Body.LastIndexOf(' ') + 1));

            return ddnsResponse;
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Update client Ip address
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void UpdateIpAddress()
            // create socket for updating IP address
            using (this.updateIpSocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp))

                // prepare buffers for send and receive
                this.sendBuffer    = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(this.updateIpCmd.ToString());
                this.receiveBuffer = new byte[RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE];

                int byteRead = 0;

                // SSL configured
                if (this.ddnsConfig.SSL)
                    // create SSL stream
                    using (Microsoft.SPOT.Net.Security.SslStream sslStream = new Microsoft.SPOT.Net.Security.SslStream(this.updateIpSocket))
                        // SSL handshake authentication
                        sslStream.AuthenticateAsClient(this.updateIpHost, Microsoft.SPOT.Net.Security.SslProtocols.TLSv1);
                        // send message
                        sslStream.Write(this.sendBuffer, 0, this.sendBuffer.Length);

                        // cycle for reading from socket
                        int offset = 0;
                        int read   = 0;
                            read    = sslStream.Read(this.receiveBuffer, offset, RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE - offset);
                            offset += read;
                        } while (read != 0);

                        byteRead = offset;
                    // send message and read response
                    byteRead = this.updateIpSocket.Receive(this.receiveBuffer);

                if (byteRead > 0)
                    this.response = this.DecodeUpdateIpResponse(new String(Encoding.UTF8.GetChars(this.receiveBuffer)));
                    // raise IP address updated event
                    this.OnIpAddressUpdated(new IpAddressUpdatedEventArgs {
                        IpAddress = this.ipAddress, Response = this.response
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Update client Ip address
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void UpdateIpAddress()
            // create socket for updating IP address
            using (this.updateIpSocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp))

                // prepare buffers for send and receive
                this.sendBuffer = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(this.updateIpCmd.ToString());
                this.receiveBuffer = new byte[RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE];

                int byteRead = 0;

                // SSL configured
                if (this.ddnsConfig.SSL)
                    // create SSL stream
                    using (Microsoft.SPOT.Net.Security.SslStream sslStream = new Microsoft.SPOT.Net.Security.SslStream(this.updateIpSocket))
                        // SSL handshake authentication
                        sslStream.AuthenticateAsClient(this.updateIpHost, Microsoft.SPOT.Net.Security.SslProtocols.TLSv1);
                        // send message
                        sslStream.Write(this.sendBuffer, 0, this.sendBuffer.Length);

                        // cycle for reading from socket
                        int offset = 0;
                        int read = 0;
                            read = sslStream.Read(this.receiveBuffer, offset, RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE - offset);
                            offset += read;
                        } while (read != 0);

                        byteRead = offset;
                    // send message and read response
                    byteRead = this.updateIpSocket.Receive(this.receiveBuffer);

                if (byteRead > 0)
                    this.response = this.DecodeUpdateIpResponse(new String(Encoding.UTF8.GetChars(this.receiveBuffer)));
                    // raise IP address updated event
                    this.OnIpAddressUpdated(new IpAddressUpdatedEventArgs { IpAddress = this.ipAddress, Response = this.response });