Esempio n. 1
        string ProcessCommand(string command)
            string[] words            = CommandManager.SplitCommandIntoArguments(command);
            int      numWords         = words.Length;
            string   restOfTheCommand = CommandManager.GetRestOfTheCommand(command, 0);

            string response = "";

            if (2 == numWords && words [0] == "camera_disable")
                int cameraDisable = int.Parse(words [1]);

                if (Camera.main != null)
                    if (0 == cameraDisable)
                        Camera.main.enabled = true;
                    else if (1 == cameraDisable)
                        Camera.main.enabled = false;
                        response += "Invalid value.";
            else if (words [0] == "uptime")
                response += Utilities.Utilities.FormatElapsedTime(Time.realtimeSinceStartup);
//			else if (words [0] == "server_cmd") {
//				if (NetworkStatus.IsClientConnected ()) {
//					if (numWords < 2)
//						response += invalidSyntaxString;
//					else
//						Player.local.ExecuteCommandOnServer (restOfTheCommand);
//				}
//			}
            else if (words [0] == "client_cmd")
                if (NetworkStatus.IsServerStarted())
                    if (numWords < 2)
                        response += CommandManager.invalidSyntaxText;
                        CommandManager.SendCommandToAllPlayers(restOfTheCommand, true);
            else if (words [0] == "players")
                // list all players

                response += "name | net id";
                if (NetworkStatus.IsServerStarted())
                    response += " | ip";
                response += "\n";

                foreach (var player in PlayerManager.players)
                    response += player.playerName + " | " + player.netId.Value;
                    if (NetworkStatus.IsServerStarted())
                        response += " | " + player.connectionToClient.address;
                    response += "\n";
            else if (words [0] == "kick")
                if (NetworkStatus.IsServerStarted())
                    var p = PlayerManager.GetPlayerByName(restOfTheCommand);
                    if (null == p)
                        response += "There is no such player connected.";
                        p.DisconnectPlayer(3, "You are kicked from server.");
                    response += "Only server can use this command.";
            else if (words [0] == "kick_instantly")
                if (NetworkStatus.IsServerStarted())
                    var p = PlayerManager.GetPlayerByName(restOfTheCommand);
                    if (null == p)
                        response += "There is no such player connected.";
                        p.DisconnectPlayer(0, "");
                    response += "Only server can use this command.";
            else if (words [0] == "bot_add")
                if (NetworkStatus.IsServerStarted())
                    //					Player player = this.networkManager.AddBot ();
                    //					if (player != null)
                    //						response += "Added bot: " + player.playerName;
                    //					else
                    //						response += "Failed to add bot.";

                    /*	GameObject go = GameObject.Instantiate( this.playerObjectPrefab );
                     * if( go != null ) {
                     *      go.GetComponent<NavMeshAgent>().enabled = true ;
                     *      FPS_Character script = go.GetComponent<FPS_Character>();
                     *      script.isBot = true ;
                     *              //	script.playerName = this.networkManager.CheckPlayerNameAndChangeItIfItExists( "bot" );
                     *      // find random waypoints
                     *      GameObject[] waypoints = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag( "Waypoint" );
                     *      if( waypoints.Length > 0 ) {
                     *              int index1 = Random.Range( 0, waypoints.Length );
                     *              int index2 = Random.Range( 0, waypoints.Length );
                     *              if( index1 == index2 ) {
                     *                      index2 ++ ;
                     *                      if( index2 >= waypoints.Length )
                     *                              index2 = 0 ;
                     *              }
                     *              script.botWaypoints.Add( waypoints[index1].transform );
                     *              script.botWaypoints.Add( waypoints[index2].transform );
                     *              script.botCurrentWaypointIndex = 0;
                     *      }
                     * //	Player player = this.networkManager.AddLocalPlayer( go );
                     *      // the above function assigns name
                     * //	script.playerName = player.playerName ;
                     *      NetworkServer.Spawn( go );
                     *      script.respawnOnStart = true;
                     * //	script.Respawn();
                     *      response += "Added bot." ;
                     * } else {
                     *      response += "Can't create object for bot." ;
                     * }
                    response += "Only server can use this command.";
            else if (words [0] == "bot_add_multiple")
                //				if (this.networkManager.IsServer () && NetworkStatus.IsServerStarted ()) {
                //					int numBotsToAdd = 0;
                //					if (2 == numWords && int.TryParse (words [1], out numBotsToAdd)) {
                //						int numBotsAdded = 0;
                //						for (int i = 0; i < numBotsToAdd; i++) {
                //							Player player = this.networkManager.AddBot ();
                //							if (player != null)
                //								numBotsAdded++;
                //						}
                //						response += "Added " + numBotsAdded + " bots.";
                //					} else {
                //						response += invalidSyntaxString;
                //					}
                //				}
            else if (words [0] == "remove_all_bots")
                if (NetworkStatus.IsServerStarted())
                    int count = 0;
                    foreach (var p in PlayerManager.players)
                        if (p.IsBot())
                            p.DisconnectPlayer(0, "");
                    response += "Removed " + count + " bots.";
            else if (words [0] == "startserver" || words[0] == "starthost")
                int portNumber = NetManager.defaultListenPortNumber;

                if (numWords > 1)
                    portNumber = int.Parse(words [1]);

                if (words [0] == "startserver")
            else if (words [0] == "connect")
                if (numWords != 3)
                    response += CommandManager.invalidSyntaxText;
                    string ip   = words [1];
                    int    port = int.Parse(words [2]);

                    NetManager.StartClient(ip, port);
            else if (words [0] == "stopnet")
            else if (words [0] == "exit")

Esempio n. 2
        string ProcessCommand(string command)
            string[] words    = CommandManager.SplitCommandIntoArguments(command);
            int      numWords = words.Length;

            string response = "";

            if (words [0] == "msgbox")
                var msgBox = Menu.Windows.WindowManager.OpenMessageBox("some example text", false);
                msgBox.Title = "Example message box";
            else if (words [0] == "modal_msgbox")
                var msgBox = Menu.Windows.WindowManager.OpenMessageBox("this is modal message box", true);
                msgBox.Title = "Modal msg box";
            else if (words [0] == "msgboxtest")
                // test message box
                // create multiple message boxes with different sizes, text, title

                Vector2[] sizes = new Vector2[] { new Vector2(300, 100), new Vector2(320, 200), new Vector2(500, 300),
                                                  new Vector2(200, 300), new Vector2(800, 500) };

                int[] textLengths = new int[] { 20, 300 };

                foreach (Vector2 size in sizes)
                    foreach (int textLength in textLengths)
                        string text   = GenerateRandomString(textLength);
                        var    msgBox = Menu.Windows.WindowManager.OpenMessageBox((int)size.x, (int)size.y, text, false);
                        // use random title length
                        msgBox.Title = GenerateRandomString(Random.Range(0, 30));
                        // set random position on screen
                        msgBox.SetRectangle(new Rect(new Vector2(Random.value * Screen.width, Random.value * Screen.height), size));
            else if (words [0] == "msgboxallclients")

                if (numWords < 3)
                    response += CommandManager.invalidSyntaxText;
                    string title = words [1];
                    string text  = CommandManager.GetRestOfTheCommand(command, 1);

                    foreach (var script in Player.GetComponentOnAllPlayers <Menu.Windows.Player2Windows> ())
                        script.DisplayMsgBoxOnClient(title, text);
