Esempio n. 1
        //After a ValidCombination has been formed, it is necessary to assess its suitability/rating; this is what this method takes care of.
        private ValidCombination assessComb(ValidCombination curValidComb, Config curConfig)
            curValidComb.assessment = new Assessment();

            //The assessment of the given fit results from different factors, which account for different aspects of the input data, the predicted results, etc.

            //In-sample accuracy
            int curCount = 0;
            curValidComb.assessment = addFactor(curCount, curValidComb.assessment, curValidComb, curConfig);
            if (curValidComb.assessment.globalRating == 10.0)
                //Perfect situation
                curValidComb.assessment.factors[0].weight = 100.0;
                curValidComb.averError = 0.0;
                return curValidComb;

            //Quality of dependent variable(s)
            curCount = curCount + 1;
            curValidComb.assessment = addFactor(curCount, curValidComb.assessment, curValidComb, curConfig);

            //Quality of independent variable
            curCount = curCount + 1;
            curValidComb.assessment = addFactor(curCount, curValidComb.assessment, curValidComb, curConfig);

            curCount = curCount + 1;
            curValidComb.assessment = addFactor(curCount, curValidComb.assessment, curValidComb, curConfig);

            //Complexity of polynomial fit
            curCount = curCount + 1;
            curValidComb.assessment = addFactor(curCount, curValidComb.assessment, curValidComb, curConfig);

            foreach (AssessmentFactor factor in curValidComb.assessment.factors)
                factor.weight = factor.weight * 100 / curValidComb.assessment.totWeight; //Converting the partial weights into a 0-100 scale
                curValidComb.assessment.globalRating = curValidComb.assessment.globalRating + (factor.rating * factor.weight / 100);

            return curValidComb;
Esempio n. 2
        //Method called every time the user selects a solution in the ListBox to update the equation displayed in the corresponding RTB (rtbCombinations)
        public void writeEquationInRTB(ValidCombination curValidComb)
            rtbCombinations.Text = "";
            rtbCombinations.AppendText(" = ");

            bool additionPending = false;
            if (curValidComb.coeffs.A != 0.0 || (curValidComb.coeffs.B == 0.0 && curValidComb.coeffs.C == 0.0))
                additionPending = writeCoeffInRTB(curValidComb, curValidComb.coeffs.A, additionPending);
            if (curValidComb.coeffs.B != 0.0)
                additionPending = writeCoeffInRTB(curValidComb, curValidComb.coeffs.B, additionPending);
            if (curValidComb.coeffs.C != 0.0)
                additionPending = writeCoeffInRTB(curValidComb, curValidComb.coeffs.C, additionPending);
                rtbSuperIndices(2, true, "VAR");
Esempio n. 3
        //Looking at the weights variable to determine whether there are single variables (e.g., var1 + var2) which should better be removed
        private ValidCombination removeSingleRedundant(ValidCombination curValidComb, List<Input> inputs, CombValues yVals, Config curConfig)
            //Addition of the weights of all the variables in each row. This is a simplistic way to determine whether one of the variables
            //forming the given combination is much more relevant than all the other ones
            List<double> allWeights = new List<double>();
            for (int i = 0; i < curValidComb.dependentVars.items.Count; i++)
                //i2 avoids the warning "Using the iteration variable in a lambda expression is..."
                //which, curiously, is only shown in VB.NET (even with Option Strict Off!), but not in C# (even though this "problem" is common to both)
                int i2 = i;
                allWeights.Add(curValidComb.calcVals.Average(x => x.weights[i2]));

            double curMaxWeight = curConfig.limitVals.tooRelevantWeight;
            bool goAhead = allWeights.FirstOrDefault(x => x >= curConfig.limitVals.tooRelevantWeight) >= curConfig.limitVals.tooRelevantWeight;
            goAhead = goAhead ? goAhead : allWeights.FirstOrDefault(x => x <= curConfig.limitVals.maxErrorToIgnoreVar) <= curConfig.limitVals.maxErrorToIgnoreVar;
            if (!goAhead && curValidComb.dependentVars.items.Count > 2)
                curMaxWeight = curConfig.limitVals.tooRelevantWeight2;
                goAhead = allWeights.FirstOrDefault(x => x >= curConfig.limitVals.tooRelevantWeight2) >= curConfig.limitVals.tooRelevantWeight2;

            if (goAhead)
                //One of the variables contributes in a much more relevant way (to the final calculated value) than all the other ones in the combination
                List<int> itemsToIgnore = new List<int>();
                for (int i = curValidComb.dependentVars.items.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    if (allWeights[i] < curMaxWeight)
                        bool canBeRemoved = (i == curValidComb.dependentVars.items.Count - 1 || curValidComb.dependentVars.items[i].operation != Operation.Multiplication);
                        canBeRemoved = canBeRemoved ? (i == 0 || curValidComb.dependentVars.items[i - 1].operation != Operation.Multiplication) :  false;
                        if (canBeRemoved)
                            //The current variable might be irrelevant. The analysis performed in the following lines consists basically in removing this variable and comparing the resulting errors (with vs. without)
                            Combination tempDependent = new Combination();
                            tempDependent.items = new List<CombinationItem>(curValidComb.dependentVars.items);

                            if (ignoreItem(tempDependent, curValidComb, inputs, yVals, curConfig))

                if (itemsToIgnore.Count > 0)
                    curValidComb = validCombWithIgnoredItems(curValidComb, itemsToIgnore, inputs, yVals, curConfig, false);

            return curValidComb;
Esempio n. 4
        //This function forms also part of the redundant-variable-removal process: the removal of the given variable (or group of variables) has been confirmed to be fine and thus
        //this function will update the corresponding ValidCombination variable
        private ValidCombination validCombWithIgnoredItems(ValidCombination curValidComb, List<int> itemsToIgnore, List<Input> inputs, CombValues yVals, Config curConfig, bool isMulti)
            //At least one of the variables in the original combination is redundant and thus the corresponding ValidCombination variable has to be re-calculated
            for (int i = curValidComb.dependentVars.items.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                if (itemsToIgnore.Contains(i)) curValidComb.dependentVars.items.RemoveAt(i);

            if (curValidComb.dependentVars.items.Count < 1)
                curValidComb = null;
                CombValues xVals = Common.getCombinationListVals(curValidComb.dependentVars, inputs);
                curValidComb = createValidComb(curValidComb.dependentVars, inputs, xVals, yVals, curConfig, !isMulti); //Rechecking for redundant variables only after single removals to avoid potential infinite loops

            return curValidComb;
Esempio n. 5
        //Looking at the weights2 variable to determine whether there are group of factors (e.g., var1*var2) which should better be removed
        private ValidCombination removeMultiRedundant(ValidCombination curValidComb, List<Input> inputs, CombValues yVals, Config curConfig)
            List<Weight2> allWeights2 = new List<Weight2>();
            for (int i = 0; i < curValidComb.calcVals[0].weights2.Count; i++)
                //i2 avoids the warning "Using the iteration variable in a lambda expression is..."
                //which, curiously, is only shown in VB.NET (even with Option Strict Off!), but not in C# (even though this "problem" is common to both)
                int i2 = i;
                Weight2 curWeight2 = new Weight2();
                curWeight2.combWeight = curValidComb.calcVals.Average(x => x.weights2[i2].combWeight);
                curWeight2.combItems = new List<CombinationItem>(curValidComb.calcVals[0].weights2[i].combItems);

            bool goAhead = allWeights2.FirstOrDefault(x => x.combWeight >= curConfig.limitVals.tooRelevantWeight) != null;
            goAhead = goAhead ? goAhead : allWeights2.FirstOrDefault(x => x.combWeight <= 0.5 * curConfig.limitVals.maxErrorToIgnoreVar) != null;
            if (goAhead)
                //One of the variables contributes in a much more relevant way (to the final calculated value) than all the other ones in the combination
                List<int> itemsToIgnore = new List<int>();
                for (int i = 0; i < allWeights2.Count; i++)
                    if (allWeights2[i].combWeight < curConfig.limitVals.tooRelevantWeight)
                        //The current variable might be irrelevant. The analysis performed in the following lines consists basically in removing this variable and comparing the resulting errors (with vs. without it)
                        Combination tempDependent = new Combination();
                        tempDependent.items = curValidComb.dependentVars.items.Except(allWeights2[i].combItems).ToList();

                        if (ignoreItem(tempDependent, curValidComb, inputs, yVals, curConfig))
                            itemsToIgnore.AddRange(allWeights2[i].combItems.Select(x => x.variable.index));

                if (itemsToIgnore.Count > 0)
                    curValidComb = validCombWithIgnoredItems(curValidComb, itemsToIgnore, inputs, yVals, curConfig, true);

            return curValidComb;
Esempio n. 6
        //Method determining whether all the variables forming the corresponding combinations are actually required
        private ValidCombination removeRedundantVars(ValidCombination curValidComb, List<Input> inputs, CombValues yVals, Config curConfig)
            if (curValidComb.dependentVars.items.Count > 1)
                if (curValidComb.calcVals.FirstOrDefault(x => x.weights2.Count > 0) != null)
                    //Removal of redundant groups of variables (i.e., products of 2 or more variables)
                    curValidComb = removeMultiRedundant(curValidComb, inputs, yVals, curConfig);
                if(curValidComb != null) curValidComb = removeSingleRedundant(curValidComb, inputs, yVals, curConfig);

            return curValidComb;
Esempio n. 7
        //Function taking care of the determination of the "Solution tunability" factor
        private double ratingTunability(ValidCombination curValidComb)
            double outRating = 10.0;

            double valsAllVars = 0.0;
            bool allFine = true;

            foreach (var comb in curValidComb.dependentVars.items)
                if (comb.variable.input.totDiffVals < curValidComb.independentVar.input.totDiffVals) allFine = false;
                valsAllVars = valsAllVars * (double)comb.variable.input.totDiffVals;

            if (allFine)
                if (curValidComb.dependentVars.items.Count == 1)
                    outRating = 9.0;
                if (valsAllVars >= 3.0 * (double)curValidComb.independentVar.input.totDiffVals)
                    outRating = 9.0;
                else if (valsAllVars >= 1.5 * (double)curValidComb.independentVar.input.totDiffVals)
                    outRating = 8.0;
                else if (valsAllVars >= 0.75 * (double)curValidComb.independentVar.input.totDiffVals)
                    outRating = 7.0;
                    outRating = 6.0;
                    if (curValidComb.dependentVars.items.Count == 1)
                        outRating = 5.0;
                        if (valsAllVars >= 0.3 * (double)curValidComb.independentVar.input.totDiffVals)
                            outRating = 4.0;

            return outRating;
Esempio n. 8
        //Function performing a detailed analysis of previously-stored valid combinations to make sure that no repeated solution will be output (not even similar enough fits)
        private bool alreadyStored(ValidCombination curValidCombination, List<ValidCombination> allValidCombinations)
            bool alreadyStored = false;

            if (allValidCombinations.Count > 0)
                if (curValidCombination.dependentVars.items.Count < 1)
                    //Constant fit
                    if (allValidCombinations.FirstOrDefault(x => x.coeffs.A == curValidCombination.coeffs.A && x.coeffs.B == 0 && x.coeffs.C == 0) != null)
                        alreadyStored = true;
                    foreach (var comb in allValidCombinations.Where(x => x.independentVar.index == curValidCombination.independentVar.index && x.dependentVars.items.Count == curValidCombination.dependentVars.items.Count))
                        alreadyStored = dependentAreEquivalent(comb.dependentVars, curValidCombination.dependentVars);
                        if (alreadyStored) break;

            return alreadyStored;
Esempio n. 9
        //After a new ValidCombination has been created (and thus the preliminary thresholds have been met), further analysis are required to determine whether it is actually right
        private ValidCombination modifyFit(ValidCombination curValidComb, List<Input> inputs, CombValues yVals, Config curConfig)
            if (fitIsConstant(curValidComb, curConfig))
                //y = A represents accurately the current fit; no further information needs to be accounted for
                if (curValidComb.averError >= curConfig.limitVals.maxErrorConstant)
                    //Having a too big error for a constant fit might indicate an "understanding error". Example: 10001, 9999, 10000... modelled with  y = 10000
                    curValidComb = null;
                    curValidComb.dependentVars = new Combination();
                    curValidComb.coeffs.B = 0;
                    curValidComb.coeffs.C = 0;
                //The current fit is certainly not constant, but some of the variables might not be required. Example: y = x1 + 0.00000000000001 * x2
                curValidComb = removeRedundantVars(curValidComb, inputs, yVals, curConfig);

            return curValidComb;
Esempio n. 10
        //Function taking care of the determination of the "Complexity of polynomial fit" factor
        private double ratingFitComplexity(ValidCombination curValidComb)
            //Accounting for situations when the C coeff is different than zero but its "effect is compensated" (e.g., (var^0.5)^2 = var)
            bool noRealC = true;
            if ((curValidComb.dependentVars.items.Count > 1 && curValidComb.dependentVars.items.FirstOrDefault(x => x.operation != Operation.Multiplication) != null) || curValidComb.dependentVars.items.FirstOrDefault(x => x.exponent != 0.5) != null)
                noRealC = false;

            int noVars = curValidComb.dependentVars.items.Count;
            int noExps = 0;
            foreach (var item in curValidComb.dependentVars.items)
                if (Math.Abs(item.exponent) != 1) noExps = noExps + 1;

            double outRating = 7.0;
            if (curValidComb.coeffs.C == 0 || noRealC)
                if (curValidComb.coeffs.B == 0)
                    //Any straight line reaching this point (i.e., delivering a quite accurate performance) has to be favoured as far as it represents most likely the right solution
                    outRating = 10.0;
                    //Avoding the x^2 part is usually a good thing
                    outRating = 9.0;

            if (noVars > 1 || noExps > 0)
                outRating = outRating - 1.0;
                if (noVars > 3) outRating = outRating - 2.0;
                else if (noVars > 2) outRating = outRating - 1.0;

                if (noExps > 1) outRating = outRating - 1.0;

            return outRating;
Esempio n. 11
        //This function is part of the redundant-variable-removal process: after the given variable (or group of variables) has been (temporarily) removed, this
        //function checks whether the resulting combination is still valid or not (and thus the removal process can go further)
        private bool ignoreItem(Combination tempDependent, ValidCombination curValidComb, List<Input> inputs, CombValues yVals, Config curConfig)
            bool ignoreIt = false;

            CombValues xVals = Common.getCombinationListVals(tempDependent, inputs);
            ValidCombination tempValid = createValidComb(tempDependent, inputs, xVals, yVals, curConfig, false);
            if (tempValid != null)
                ignoreIt = tempValid.averError < curValidComb.averError || (tempValid.averError <= curConfig.limitVals.maxErrorToIgnoreVar && curValidComb.averError <= curConfig.limitVals.maxErrorToIgnoreVar);
                ignoreIt = ignoreIt ? ignoreIt : Common.valsAreEquivalent(tempValid.averError, curValidComb.averError, curConfig.limitVals.similarity.medium);

            return ignoreIt;
Esempio n. 12
        //Method determining whether the current fit (as stored in a ValidCombination variable) can be considered as constant (i.e., y = A)
        private bool fitIsConstant(ValidCombination curValidComb, Config curConfig)
            bool fitIsConstant = false;
            if (Math.Abs(curValidComb.coeffs.B) <= curConfig.limitVals.valueIsZero && Math.Abs(curValidComb.coeffs.C) <= curConfig.limitVals.valueIsZero)
                fitIsConstant = true;
                double averError = 0;
                foreach (var val in curValidComb.realVals)
                    averError = averError + 100 * Math.Abs((val - curValidComb.coeffs.A) / curValidComb.coeffs.A);

                if (averError <= 0.01)
                    fitIsConstant = true;

            return fitIsConstant;
Esempio n. 13
        //Method in charge of performing the initial actions to convert a "Combination" variable into a ValidCombination one, that is: regression and first crosscheck of the
        //calculated values against the applicable error thresholds
        private ValidCombination createValidComb2(Combination curCombination, List<Input> inputs, CombValues xVals, CombValues yVals, Config curConfig)
            ValidCombination curValidComb = new ValidCombination();

            //Performing the corresponding regression to determine the polynomial fit matching the input conditions
            CurveFitting curFitting = new CurveFitting();
            PolCurve curCurve = curFitting.performPolRegress(xVals, yVals);

            List<double> errors = new List<double>();
            curValidComb.dependentVars.items = new List<CombinationItem>(curCombination.items);
            curValidComb.independentVar = curCurve.yValues.combination.items[0].variable;
            curValidComb.coeffs = curCurve.coeffs;

            //Loop applying the newly-created fit to all the input values and calculating the associated variables
            for (int i = 0; i < xVals.values.Count; i++)
                double realVal = yVals.values[i].value;
                RowVal curCalcVal = new RowVal();
                curCalcVal.value = Common.valueFromPol(curCurve.coeffs, xVals.values[i].value);
                curCalcVal.weights = xVals.values[i].weights;
                curCalcVal.weights2 = xVals.values[i].weights2;
                double curError = Common.errorCalcs(realVal, curCalcVal.value);
                if (curError <= curConfig.fitConfig.averLimit) curValidComb.lowErrorCount = curValidComb.lowErrorCount + 1;
            curValidComb.averError = curValidComb.errors.Average(x => x);

            bool isOK = false;
            if (curValidComb.averError <= curConfig.fitConfig.globalAver)
                if ((double)curValidComb.lowErrorCount / (double)curValidComb.errors.Count >= curConfig.fitConfig.minPercBelowLimit)
                    isOK = true;

            if (!isOK) curValidComb = null;

            return curValidComb;
Esempio n. 14
        //Function called from the method writeEquationInRTB to write the corresponding equation coefficient (A, B, C) in rtbCombinations
        private bool writeCoeffInRTB(ValidCombination curValidComb, double curCoeff, bool additionPending)
            double curVal = curCoeff;
            if (additionPending)
                Operation curOperation = Operation.Addition;
                if (curCoeff < 0)
                    curOperation = Operation.Subtraction;
                    curVal = Math.Abs(curVal);
                additionPending = false;
            additionPending = true;

            return additionPending;
Esempio n. 15
        //Method called to add the assessing factors to the corresponding Assessment variable
        private Assessment addFactor(int curCount, Assessment curAssessment, ValidCombination curValidComb, Config curConfig)
            AssessmentFactor curFactor = new AssessmentFactor();

            if (curCount == 0)
       = "In-sample accuracy";
                curFactor.weight = 10.0;
                if (curValidComb.averError <= curConfig.limitVals.valueIsZero) //Zero cannot be considered because the (floating-point) double type might provoke errors
                    //Too perfect to continue
                    curFactor.rating = 10.0;
                    curAssessment.totWeight = 10.0;
                    curAssessment.globalRating = 10.0;
                    return curAssessment;

                if (curValidComb.averError <= curConfig.fitConfig.globalAver * 0.05)
                    double curMinPercBelow = (double)curValidComb.lowErrorCount / (double)curValidComb.errors.Count;
                    if (curMinPercBelow >= 0.99) curFactor.rating = 9.0;
                    else if (curMinPercBelow >= 0.95) curFactor.rating = 8.0;
                    curFactor.rating = 8.0 * (curConfig.fitConfig.globalAver - curValidComb.averError) / (0.95 * curConfig.fitConfig.globalAver);
            else if (curCount == 1 || curCount == 2)
       = "Quality of independent variable";
                double averRatingVars = curValidComb.independentVar.input.preAnalysis.rating;
                if (curCount == 1)
           = "Quality of dependent variable(s)";
                    averRatingVars = curValidComb.dependentVars.items.Count == 0 ? 10 : curValidComb.dependentVars.items.Average(x => x.variable.input.preAnalysis.rating);
                curFactor.weight = 8.0;
                if (curValidComb.errors.Count >= curConfig.fitConfig.minNoCases)
                    curFactor.rating = 8.0;
                    if (curValidComb.errors.Count >= 1.25 * curConfig.fitConfig.minNoCases) curFactor.rating = 10.0;
                    else if (curValidComb.errors.Count >= 1.1 * curConfig.fitConfig.minNoCases) curFactor.rating = 9.0;
                curFactor.rating = Math.Round(0.5 * (double)curFactor.rating + 0.5 * averRatingVars, 0);
            else if (curCount == 3)
       = "Solution tunability";
                curFactor.weight = 6.0;
                curFactor.rating = ratingTunability(curValidComb);
            else if (curCount == 4)
       = "Complexity of polynomial fit";
                curFactor.weight = 5.0;
                curFactor.rating = ratingFitComplexity(curValidComb);

            if (curFactor.rating < 0.0) curFactor.rating = 0.0;
            curAssessment.totWeight = curAssessment.totWeight + curFactor.weight;

            return curAssessment;
Esempio n. 16
        //Function called by the one above to create the string including all the information from the given combination, for example: [var1] + [var2]^2
        private string createCombinationString(ValidCombination curCombination)
            string outString = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < curCombination.dependentVars.items.Count; i++)
                Variable curVar = curCombination.dependentVars.items[i].variable;
                double curExp = curCombination.dependentVars.items[i].exponent;
                Operation curOperation = curCombination.dependentVars.items[i].operation;
                string curString = "[" + + "]";

                if (curExp != 1)
                    double logVal = Common.isLogarithm(curExp);
                    bool isLog = false;
                    if (logVal != 0.0)
                        if (logVal == 10)
                            isLog = true;
                            curString = "Log10" + curString;

                    if (!isLog) curString = curString + "^" + curExp.ToString("N2", Common.curCulture);

                if (i < curCombination.dependentVars.items.Count - 1) curString = curString + Common.getSignFromoperation(curOperation, true);

                outString = outString + curString;

                outString.Replace("+-", "-");
                outString.Replace("-+", "-");
                outString.Replace("--", "+");
                outString.Replace("++", "+");

            return outString;
Esempio n. 17
        //Method called to create and populate the ListView to be included in the popup displaying further information about the current reliability (lblReliability)
        private ListView createReliabilityLstVw(int curHeight, ValidCombination curValidComb)
            ListView curLstVw = new ListView();
            curLstVw.Width = 299;
            curLstVw.Height = curHeight;
            curLstVw.View = View.Details;

            curLstVw.Columns.Add("Name").Width = 175;

            curLstVw.Columns.Add("Weight").TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
            curLstVw.Columns.Add("Rating").TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
            foreach (var factor in curValidComb.assessment.factors)
                ListViewItem curItem = new ListViewItem();
                curItem.Text =;

            if (curValidComb.assessment.factors.Count == 1) curLstVw.Items.Add("PERFECT MATCH");

            return curLstVw;