public oResult job_remove(Dictionary <string, object> paramenter = null, Dictionary <string, object> request = null) { if (paramenter == null) { paramenter = new Dictionary <string, object>(); } if (request == null) { request = new Dictionary <string, object>(); } oResult r = new oResult() { ok = false, request = request, input = paramenter }; try { if (paramenter.Count == 0 || !paramenter.ContainsKey("job_name")) { r.error = "Paramenter missing job_name"; return(r); } var job_name = paramenter.getValue("job_name"); r.ok = clsGlobal.remove_job(job_name); } catch (Exception e) { r.error = "ERROR_THROW: API[job_remove] " + e.Message; } return(r); }
public oResult job_list(Dictionary <string, object> paramenter = null, Dictionary <string, object> request = null) { if (paramenter == null) { paramenter = new Dictionary <string, object>(); } if (request == null) { request = new Dictionary <string, object>(); } oResult r = new oResult() { ok = false, request = request, input = paramenter }; try { r.ok = true; = clsGlobal.list_jobs(); } catch (Exception e) { r.error = "ERROR_THROW: API[job_list] " + e.Message; } return(r); }
public oResult db_execute(Dictionary <string, object> paramenter = null, Dictionary <string, object> request = null) { if (paramenter == null) { paramenter = new Dictionary <string, object>(); } if (request == null) { request = new Dictionary <string, object>(); } oResult r = new oResult() { ok = false, request = request, input = paramenter }; try { if (paramenter.Count == 0 || !paramenter.ContainsKey("connect_string") || !paramenter.ContainsKey("script_command")) { r.error = "Paramenter missing connect_string or script_command"; return(r); } var connect_string = paramenter.getValue("connect_string"); var script_command = paramenter.getValue("script_command"); using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connect_string)) { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(script_command, connection); foreach (var kv in paramenter) { cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@" + kv.Key, kv.Value); } foreach (var kv in request) { cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@" + kv.Key, kv.Value); } SqlDataAdapter dataAdapt = new SqlDataAdapter(); dataAdapt.SelectCommand = cmd; DataTable dataTable = new DataTable(); dataAdapt.Fill(dataTable); r.ok = true; = dataTable; } } catch (Exception e) { r.error = "ERROR_THROW: API[db_execute] " + e.Message; } return(r); }
public static oResult test_http(Dictionary <string, object> request = null) { oResult rs = new oResult() { ok = false, request = request }; string url = request.getValue <string>("url"); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(url)) { url = "http://localhost/"; } try { Curl.GlobalInit((int)CURLinitFlag.CURL_GLOBAL_ALL); Easy easy = new Easy(); StringBuilder bi = new StringBuilder(); Easy.WriteFunction wf = new Easy.WriteFunction((buf, size, nmemb, extraData) => { string si = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buf); bi.Append(si); return(size * nmemb); }); easy.SetOpt(CURLoption.CURLOPT_URL, url); easy.SetOpt(CURLoption.CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, wf); easy.Perform(); //easy.Cleanup(); easy.Dispose(); Curl.GlobalCleanup(); = bi.ToString(); rs.ok = true; rs.type = DATA_TYPE.HTML_TEXT; } catch (Exception ex) { rs.error = ex.Message; } return(rs); }
public oResult job_create(Dictionary <string, object> paramenter = null, Dictionary <string, object> request = null) { if (paramenter == null) { paramenter = new Dictionary <string, object>(); } if (request == null) { request = new Dictionary <string, object>(); } oResult r = new oResult() { ok = false, request = request, input = paramenter }; try { if (paramenter.Count == 0 || !paramenter.ContainsKey("type") || !paramenter.ContainsKey("group_name") || !paramenter.ContainsKey("schedule")) { r.error = "Paramenter missing type or group_name or schedule"; return(r); } var type = (JOB_TYPE)paramenter.getValue <int>("type"); var group_name = paramenter.getValue("group_name"); var schedule = paramenter.getValue("schedule"); = clsGlobal.create_job(type, group_name, paramenter, schedule); r.ok = string.IsNullOrEmpty( == false; } catch (Exception e) { r.error = "ERROR_THROW: API[job_create] " + e.Message; } return(r); }
public oResult cache_get_items_by_ids(Dictionary <string, object> paramenter = null, Dictionary <string, object> request = null) { if (paramenter == null) { paramenter = new Dictionary <string, object>(); } if (request == null) { request = new Dictionary <string, object>(); } oResult r = new oResult() { ok = false, request = request, input = paramenter }; try { } catch (Exception e) { r.error = "ERROR_THROW: API[] " + e.Message; } return(r); }
public oResult html_remove_tag_keep_content(Dictionary <string, object> paramenter = null, Dictionary <string, object> request = null) { if (paramenter == null) { paramenter = new Dictionary <string, object>(); } if (request == null) { request = new Dictionary <string, object>(); } oResult r = new oResult() { ok = false, request = request, input = paramenter }; try { } catch (Exception e) { r.error = "ERROR_THROW: API[] " + e.Message; } return(r); }
oResult get_api_parameters() { oResult r = oResult.Error(); string path = Request.Url.AbsolutePath.Substring(1).ToLower(); Dictionary <string, object> para = new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "___domain", Request.Url.Host }, { "___port", Request.Url.Port }, { "___url", path }, { "___method", Request.HttpMethod }, { "___token", string.Empty }, }; try { var a = Request.QueryString.Keys.Cast <string>().ToArray(); foreach (var key in a) { if (!para.ContainsKey(key)) { para.Add(key, Uri.UnescapeDataString(Request.QueryString[key])); } } if (Request.HttpMethod == "POST") { string s = new StreamReader(Request.InputStream).ReadToEnd(); if (s == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s)) { return(oResult.Error("Body of POST is not null or emtpy")); } else { s = s.Trim(); if (s.Length > 1 && s[0] == '{' && s[s.Length - 1] == '}') { try { var d = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, object> >(s); foreach (var kv in d) { para.Add(kv.Key, kv.Value); } } catch (Exception e) { return(oResult.Error("Convert to json of body error: " + e.Message)); } } else { para.Add("___BODY", s); } } } r.ok = true; = para; } catch (Exception e) { r.error = "ERROR[clsRouter.get_api_parameters()] " + e.Message; } return(r); }
protected void Application_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e) { Uri uri = Request.Url; string path = uri.AbsolutePath.Substring(1); if (path == "favicon.ico") { Response.End(); return; } string[] a = path.Split('/'); string domain = uri.Host; if (domain == "localhost" || domain == "") { domain = _CONFIG.DOMAIN_LOCALHOST; } //[1] api/{cache_name}/{api_name}/{id} if (a[0] == "api" && a.Length > 2) { Response.ContentType = "application/json"; if (m_cache.existCache_ApiJS(a[1], a[2])) { Response.Write(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(oResult.Error("Cannot found cache name: " + a[1]))); Response.End(); return; } oResult rv = null; oResult rp = get_api_parameters(); if (rp.ok) { rv = clsEngineJS.Execute(a[1] + "___" + a[2], (Dictionary <string, object>), null); } else { rv = rp; } Response.Write(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(rv)); Response.End(); return; } //[2] Files string file = string.Empty; bool isHome = false; if (path.Length == 0) { isHome = true; path = "index.html"; } if (path.EndsWith(".html")) { path = "_site\\" + domain + "\\" + path; } if (path == "admin") { path = "admin.html"; } string contentType = MimeMapping.GetMimeMapping(path); if (path[0] != '_' && // break dirs: _lib, _view,.. contentType != "text/html" && // break files *.html Request.UrlReferrer != null) // Ref from other request as request on page html { path = "_site\\" + domain + "\\" + path; } file = Path.Combine(_CONFIG.PATH_ROOT, path).Replace("/", "\\"); if (File.Exists(file)) { Response.ContentType = contentType; Response.TransmitFile(file); } else { if (isHome) { Response.ContentType = contentType; Response.Write("<h1>Cannot found page " + domain + "</h1>"); } else { Response.StatusCode = 404; } } Response.End(); }
public static oResult test_https(Dictionary <string, object> request = null) { oResult rs = new oResult() { ok = false, request = request }; string url = request.getValue <string>("url"); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(url)) { url = ""; } try { Curl.GlobalInit((int)CURLinitFlag.CURL_GLOBAL_ALL); Easy easy = new Easy(); StringBuilder bi = new StringBuilder(); Easy.WriteFunction wf = new Easy.WriteFunction((buf, size, nmemb, extraData) => { string si = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buf); bi.Append(si); return(size * nmemb); }); easy.SetOpt(CURLoption.CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, wf); Easy.SSLContextFunction sf = new Easy.SSLContextFunction((ctx, extraData) => CURLcode.CURLE_OK); easy.SetOpt(CURLoption.CURLOPT_SSL_CTX_FUNCTION, sf); easy.SetOpt(CURLoption.CURLOPT_URL, url); //easy.SetOpt(CURLoption.CURLOPT_CAINFO, "ca-bundle.crt"); string file_crt = Path.Combine(_CONFIG.PATH_ROOT, @"bin\ca-bundle.crt"); if (File.Exists(file_crt) == false) { rs.error = "Cannot found file: " + file_crt; return(rs); } easy.SetOpt(CURLoption.CURLOPT_CAINFO, file_crt); easy.Perform(); easy.Dispose(); Curl.GlobalCleanup(); string s = bi.ToString(); //string title = Regex.Match(s, @"\<title\b[^>]*\>\s*(?<Title>[\s\S]*?)\</title\>", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Groups["Title"].Value; s = new Regex(@"<script[^>]*>[\s\S]*?</script>").Replace(s, string.Empty); s = new Regex(@"<style[^>]*>[\s\S]*?</style>").Replace(s, string.Empty); s = new Regex(@"<noscript[^>]*>[\s\S]*?</noscript>").Replace(s, string.Empty); s = Regex.Replace(s, @"<meta(.|\n)*?>", string.Empty, RegexOptions.Singleline); s = Regex.Replace(s, @"<link(.|\n)*?>", string.Empty, RegexOptions.Singleline); s = Regex.Replace(s, @"<use(.|\n)*?>", string.Empty, RegexOptions.Singleline); s = Regex.Replace(s, @"<figure(.|\n)*?>", string.Empty, RegexOptions.Singleline); s = Regex.Replace(s, @"<!DOCTYPE(.|\n)*?>", string.Empty, RegexOptions.Singleline); s = Regex.Replace(s, @"<!--(.|\n)*?-->", string.Empty, RegexOptions.Singleline); s = Regex.Replace(s, @"(?:\r\n|\r(?!\n)|(?<!\r)\n){2,}", "\r\n"); = s; rs.ok = true; rs.type = DATA_TYPE.HTML_TEXT; } catch (Exception ex) { rs.error = "ERR: " + ex.Message; } return(rs); }
public static oResult Execute(string file___api, Dictionary <string, object> parameters = null, Dictionary <string, object> request = null) { if (request == null) { request = new Dictionary <string, object>(); } if (parameters == null) { parameters = new Dictionary <string, object>(); } oResult r = new oResult() { ok = false, name = file___api, input = parameters, request = request }; string file = Path.Combine(_CONFIG.PATH_ROOT, "_api\\" + file___api + ".js"); if (File.Exists(file) == false) { r.error = "ERROR[clsEngineJS.Execute] Cannot found file: " + file; return(r); } if (!file.Contains("___")) { r.error = "ERROR[clsEngineJS.Execute] file___api: " + file___api + " must be format cache_name___api_name "; return(r); } string[] a = file___api.Split(new string[] { "___" }, StringSplitOptions.None); string cache_name = a[0], api_name = a[1]; try { string js = string.Empty; js = @" (function() { 'use strict'; try { var ___log_text = function(text){ log___.write('" + file___api + @"', '_', text); }; var ___log_key = function(key, text){ log___.write('" + file___api + @"', key, text); }; var ___api_call = function(api_name, paramenter, request, result_type){ var v = ___api.js_call(api_name, JSON.stringify(paramenter), JSON.stringify(request)); if(result_type == 'text') return v; else return JSON.parse(v); }; var ___request = " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(request) + @"; var ___parameters = " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(parameters) + @"; ___log_text('This is from JavaScript...'); " + File.ReadAllText(file) + @" } catch(e) { return { ok: false, name: '" + file___api + @"', error: e.message }; } })(); "; var toReturn = m_engine.Evaluate(js); if (toReturn is Microsoft.ClearScript.Undefined) { r.ok = true; } else if (toReturn is string) { string json = toReturn.ToString(); try { r = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <oResult>(json); } catch (Exception ejs) { r.error = ejs.Message; = json; } } //////else //////{ ////// try ////// { ////// dynamic dynamicResult = toReturn; ////// foreach (string name in dynamicResult.GetDynamicMemberNames()) ////// { ////// switch (name) ////// { ////// case "ok": ////// r.ok = Convert.ToBoolean(dynamicResult[name]); ////// break; ////// case "request": ////// break; ////// case "input": ////// break; ////// case "name": ////// = Convert.ToString(dynamicResult[name]); ////// break; ////// case "error": ////// r.error = Convert.ToString(dynamicResult[name]); ////// break; ////// } ////// } ////// } ////// catch (Exception ejs) ////// { ////// r.error = ejs.Message; ////// } //////} } catch (Exception e) { r.error = "ERROR_THROW: " + e.Message; } return(r); }
public static oResult Execute(string file___api, object parameters = null, Dictionary <string, object> request = null) { if (request == null) { request = new Dictionary <string, object>(); } if (parameters == null) { parameters = new Dictionary <string, object>(); } oResult r = new oResult() { ok = false, name = file___api, request = request }; string file = Path.Combine(_CONFIG.PATH_ROOT, "_api\\" + file___api + ".js"); if (File.Exists(file) == false) { r.error = "ERROR[clsEngineJS.Execute] Cannot found file: " + file; return(r); } if (!file.Contains("___")) { r.error = "ERROR[clsEngineJS.Execute] file___api: " + file___api + " must be format cache_name___api_name "; return(r); } string[] a = file___api.Split(new string[] { "___" }, StringSplitOptions.None); string cache_name = a[0], api_name = a[1]; try { string js = string.Empty; js = @" (function() { 'use strict'; try { var ___log_text = function(text){ log___.write('" + file___api + @"', '_', text); }; var ___log_key = function(key, text){ log___.write('" + file___api + @"', key, text); }; var ___request = " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(request) + @"; var ___parameters = " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(parameters) + @"; ___log_text('This is from JavaScript...'); " + File.ReadAllText(file) + @" } catch(e) { return { ok: false, name: '" + file___api + @"', error: e.message }; } })(); "; var toReturn = m_engine.Evaluate(js); if (toReturn is Microsoft.ClearScript.Undefined) { r.ok = true; } else if (toReturn is oResult) { r = (oResult)toReturn; r.request = request; = file___api; } else { r.error = "ERROR: Expected TYPE of result but got " + toReturn.GetType().FullName; } } catch (Exception e) { r.error = "ERROR_THROW: " + e.Message; } return(r); }